Stop using technology

>A: I don’t have an internet connection, or a mobile phone, or a TV signal. I can play [digital] music on the television, or on the computer I suppose, but I don’t. I am pretty much cut off from the 21st century. It’s like culturally I’m trying to establish a kind of sensory deprivation tank for myself, whereby I am receiving no modern signals whatsoever, because I’ve heard that after a while in a sensory deprivation tank you start to hallucinate and have all sorts of strange experiences, so I’m waiting for that to happen.

>A: It seems to work. I am pretty much cut off from the majority of the 21st century, but not much escapes me. You hear about everything, because you’re talking to people, you’re absorbing a lot of this information as if by osmosis, just through the pores of your skin. I have said that by embracing the internet in the way that it has done, which was kind of inevitable, society has embarked on a massive experiment without having any idea of the various ways in which those technologies will impact upon us socially, politically and psychologically. So I so think if there’s this huge experiment going on, it’s best that I remain outside the petri dish, as a kind of control, so that we’ll be able to see how badly the rest of you have mutated, by comparing you with me as a kind of baseline.
>>>interview with Alan Moore

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Other urls found in this thread:

>You hear about everything, because you’re talking to people, you’re absorbing a lot of this information as if by osmosis
This is pretty stupid. He has some points, but that's a really bad way to get "information."
Wonder if he's ever written to Kaczynski.

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I wanna be like the comic book man


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He might not even know kachinsk existed. Or justin bieber

He's Alan Moore, he's read every weirdo worth reading.

Alan Moore is on of the most insufferable pseud attention whores of all time
He’s written like two interesting things and constantly gripes about how it’s made him too famous and well respected and how hard it is to be a totally misunderstood pedophile who pushes new wave occultism

IMO he's written more than just two good things but how's he a pedophile?

Jerusalem sucks

lost girls,
also his ex-wife said something on the way out about him being one

but the fictional characters are adults in lost girls

they're drawings of childrens fairy tales characters fucking themselves. even if there was disclaimer saying they were all actually forty it still smacks of the work of a pedo

is he also a murderer for writing so much death?

they're drawings of adult fictional characters fucking themselves. whats the issue here?

I would totally not be surprised if someone said Alan Moore was into murdering people and drinking their blood or some shit

the issue is they are childrens characters
it's similar (not the same, but similar) to when people put make cartoon mascots for liquor and cigarettes

I like Moore a lot so I'll wait until we get a more solid confirmation than knee-jerk reddit hearsay from some spazzoid who probably thinks the striptease in Promethea was meant to be pornographic

Watchmen, From Hell, Miracle Man, Promethea, Swamp Thing, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting

why do you clowns come here and post your dogshit opinions?

>the issue is they are childrens characters
Not in this story they aren't.
>it's similar (not the same, but similar) to when people put make cartoon mascots for liquor and cigarettes
??? okay

>Not in this story they aren't
I cannot not hear this in the same tone of voice as "not right now you don't" so good job on that one
what a response10/10

they're not chidren's characters in this story. why are you an obnoxious prude?

because they ae still childrens characters
if the argument is the story can exist in it's one vacuous realm without any external connections it is belied by the very fact that moore intentionally uses famous fable characters. it's decidedly NOT some innocuous little tale about a couple of horny thots, it's a jab at ones 'prudish sensibilities' and I'm simply telling you that I don't think it's 'prudish' to take the confusion of child-rearing culture with outlandish sexuality in the artistic sense as trite and frankly a little alarming

have you read it? what is it about? is there a point to the sex?

I believe Alan Moore himself was pornography so whatcha gonna do about it, faggot?

I read it when I was in junior high and thought I was edgy as fuck and literally don't remeber anything except dorothy fingering herself


said it was pornography*

basically it interprets the girls' respective stories as a metaphor to their sexual awakening, in a "this is how they made sense of it since they were too young to really grasp what was happening"

>I’m glad that the modern protest movement, which I greatly admire for the most part, has found something of use in something I did 30 years ago.

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I could have agreed on the pedophile pushing new age occultism thing (one too many of his comics have a relationship between a monster and a young girl) but the "like two interesting things" was too obvious

>fictional characters where once underage and are depicted as adults having sex
>and no penises were involved!

Wiggy artist talk, yeah.

another insipid projection of small mindset, great to see you're as consistent as you are narcissistic

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>Hark, a farting marshmallow appears to bump the thread with literally nothing.

and off you go to make more 'silly pee-pee' remarks to people already finished with a convo i bet :3

>pedophile who pushes new wave occultism

I like Alan Moore but, I will never see an image of him or read another line of his writing without this quote running through my head.

can this butterfly tranny go back?

don't respond to nam/tripfags retard, just filter and ignore them.

I am back. Yea Forums is my home, newfag. When do you and your daddy there go back?

Were working on it