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Anime #1931
If you are a virgin and past age 25, you need to chase women the same way Miroku-sama chased women...
Spider-Man Fake Red
Canon HAIRY girls
How do we bring cel animation back?
Siscon ani to brocon imouto ga shoujiki ni nattara 40 omake + chapter 41
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
ITT: Characters that completely ruin their shows
New theory
Fellas whats the best CLAMP show?
Dragon ball super
Kimetsu is superior to Hero Aca and Black Clover in every way
The Great Debate
Danberu nan kiro moteru?
This has to be the worst anime character to ever air on television
This is considered fat in Japan
My favorite anime of all time is Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru
Would you a psychotic JK?
Why did Darling in the Franxx not feel as crazy for the board as Valvrave did...
What character managed to trigger Yea Forums the most in history?
Go Toubun no Hanayome - Quints
Kimetsu no Yaiba
What is the oldest anime you have sat through and enjoyed?
Do you prefer character-driven, plot-driven, or animation-driven anime?
It looks like scarlet devil~~
Negima! Magister Negi Magi Vol 31
See this, what do?
Azur Lane
Does Slayers hold up
Anyone speaks japanese? What does this mean?
Eureka 7 Hi-Evolution
Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Now that the dust has settled, who was best girl?
So... Jakku or Basaka?
One Piece
Pokemon Sun & Moon
What's the deal with the Isekai slave trade?
A shounen series with a female protagonist can never reach Big 3 status because of misogyny in the anime/manga industry...
Is Yulia a feminine person? Or is she a subtle tomboy become she wants to be the Hero?
You think Rin enjoys it?
Holy shit I hate every character in this
Pick your flavor, Yea Forums
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood 2004 Pilot
Shingeki no Kyojin
ITT: Characters who go fucked over by bad adaptations and shitty memes
Name a series that gets better instead of worse after the halfway point
Machikado Mazoku Translation
How do we fix the moe genre?
How many have you watched, Yea Forumsnons?
What was even the point of adding her ?
ITT: Characters who are actually insane
ITT: best girls of their respective series
Youjo Senki
Post cg in anime done RIGHT!
Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV
Isekai Cheat Magician
What is the worst manga page you can think of?
Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto ga Shoujiki ni Nattara ch.42
What was your reaction to his death?
Daily Sketchbook Chapter
Why are manga MCs such faggots?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Kaguya spoilers
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer | Episode 24
Dragon ball super
Can we already call this the new WSJ Big 3?
You are hit by a truck and isekai'd as Shinji 1 week after the events of Fate/Zero
One piece
What was the first manga you read?
Imagine being Studio 4C...
ITT: worst girls of their respective series
Does anyone here use tablets to read manga or watch anime...
New Game!
Symphogear XV
Gosh user you're such a loser
[HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 11 [1080p].mkv
Why didn't end up with the squirrel girl___??
Dragon Ball
What did she mean by this? Was she really in the wrong here?
Sexualizing a middleschooler
Chad character literally called Chad
5 Toubun no Hanayome
What’s the first thing you noticed about this pic?
Gets all-age action game
Is there anything more hideous than anime girls with big thick eyebrows?
Maou-sama, Retry!
What do you feel when you see this?
Boku no Hero Academia
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
What's his tax policy?
Oh hi user! We were just... training
Name ONE (1, 一) anime that would not be improved by turning the MC into a girl
Girls und Panzer
If Aqua tried, could she win the Kazumabowl?
Hillary Clinton is the president of the United States in the Lupin III universe
One Piece
ITT overrated dogshit
Is she or is she not gay?
Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV
Why is Hitler so popular in manga?
This is the best designed character of the 2010s, don't you agree?
What will happen if this four demon dorks got together?
Which was better? Anime Vs Manga
Zombie Land Saga
Tfw the party it's over
Shingeki no Kyojin
Manga Tier List
ITT: Characters with no sex appeal
Mfw miura might die before finishing berserk
Dr. Stone
Nanatsu no Taizai 326
So it's true. There really aren't any good isekai
One Piece
Typesetters on Suicide Watch
Japan Anime IP revenue ranking
5toubun no Hanayome
Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note
Gal Gohan
Post your manga shelf
Cardfight!! Vanguard
Ok, who wins?
It’s true though
What is the state of anime censorship in your country?
Plot driven or character driven?
Art style regression
How often do 14yo become famous and rich mangakas/lightnovelakas?
Which fire manga was your favorite?
Yakusoku no Neverland new chapter (Dumping)
Are we entering the age of mobage anime?
Fate/Grand Order Babylonia
Black Clover
ITT: Satania
All this talent wasted drawing Isekai & Cooking manga
Sakura Trick
Sword Art Online
Shingeki no Kyojin
ITT: Only the absolute hottest anime girls
Symphogear XV
Am I the only one who feel bad for DIO?
Who is your favorite 90s anime character?
Why everyone hates the 2011 HxH adaptation?
Shin Sakura Taisen Anime next year
Kaos... or Chino????
Lesbian haet penis
Azur Lane
It's another sports series where opponents suddenly develop brain damage as soon as they face the protagonist
One Piece
Azur Lane
Demon slayer
Viz vs fan translations
Futoku no Guild
Do people actually like this? It's the laziest, worst written, most wrote 'popular' anime of the now
Chainsaw man 38
ITT: 10/10 Episodes
I fucking hate all of you
Who was the first true waifu?
He cute
Secret Santa
More than halfway trough 2019
Lets raise Hina, Yea Forumsnons!
It was Kino
Miageta yozora no hoshitachi no hikari!
What do you do?
How is slave-kun going to escape being raped?
Why is Yuri so gross?
Friendly reminder that we will never get a 2nd season of Kobayashi
What was her name again?
Confess your sins
Yuragi 175
If I was Oreki, I'd kick Chitanda away and tell her to get the fuck away from me
ITT: Forgotten anime
Hey Faggots
Shingeki No Kyojin
Is this an example of good character development?
This is extremely slow and boring
One Piece
Can a "nice" person be a well-written character?
Why are all the JCs Characters in this Anime fucking Sluts ?
Loli loev pizza
Do girls really do this?
5Toubun no Hanayome
Why is Takamine so slutty?
Fall 2019 Anime
Air Gear
Itt: greatest anime betrayals ever
Dakara 1 2 3
Post best girl in any anime
Waifu thread
DanMachi - Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Summer AOTS
ITT: Pages that speak a thousand words
Please describe this child
Vic Mignogna | Full TPCA Hearing Transcript
Which version of this is the best, the anime, manga, or LN?
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
Negima! Magister Negi Magi Vol 30
Friday night
Okaa-san Online
Prichan, Aifure, Mewkledreamy, Cocotama, Shining Star and more
Dragon Ball Super
OPT: One Page Thread
Machikado Mazoku
This is your idol for tonight
Man Arrested for Selling Nude Love Live! Sunshine!! Dakimakura Cover
Bakemonogatari 59
Youjo Senki Movie
Ram o Rem?
Why are some people insecure about their tastes in anime girls?
Ossan Monster Hunter Isekai
Most popular characters in Anime
Why and when did we let these people believe that they are welcome in this community and that their opinions matter
Why the fuck is there so much forced, unnatural exposition in anime? Did the japanese not get the memo about the "show...
Why are japs so against having femdom in their anime/manga?
Boku no Hero Academia
Dumbbell nan kilo moteru
Left or right?
This is your new Madoka
Winners only
I don’t get it, why are these girls so popular on Yea Forums?
Made in Abyss
KImetsu 174
Hunter x Hunter
Sao volume 22 titled kiss and fly releasing this year
ITT: Useless characters
Shingeki No Kyojin
What does this translate to? Wrong answers only
Why are 16 year olds so beloved in anime?
One Piece
What's the best way to approach Shinka without creeping her out?
Why do people like this again?
What's your favourite manga?
Joshikousei no Mudazukai
What's the appeal of tsundere?
I'm fucking done with isekai. All that's left is recycling cliche tropes in different combinations
Fruits Basket episode 24
These two are the biggest problems of the manga
Mouryou Shoujo & Killing Bites
Post when manga made you cry
Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV
What are your honest opinions on Madoka Magica?
Waifu Charts
Raildex - The Astral One Way Road of Dark Matter
I want to grope, pat, massage and stroke Aobas underdeveloped adult body
Your first anime
Yea Forums just got called out
The World of Moral Reversal
Delinquent Appreciation Thread
She really won the lottery going from a virtual unknown to landing the roles of Megumin and Emilia in the same year
Goblin Slayer Volume 11
ITT: Characters only one person on Yea Forums dislikes
Shokugeki no Soma
Stark height difference
Bedwetter girls are big kawaii
So why should we hire you as head of the animation department?
Yea Forums draws - sugar song to bitter step
Some men just want to watch the world burn
What’s the AOTD? Please explain your choice briefly to make the thread more substantial
Fire Force
What did he see?
Just finished watching Devilman: Crybaby
Parallel Paradise 95
Spider-man: Fake Red Chapter 3
The story centers around Asta, a young boy seemingly born without any magic power...
It's out
I can't believe buyfagging is fucking dead
ITT: Panels women and fujos don't understand
Manga only you have read
Why are 14 year olds so beloved in anime?
Mangarock closing down
Will there be more Boogiepop anime?
5Toubun no Hanayome
One Piece
Shingeki No Kyojin
Carrot is the traitor. Discuss. Also carrot redemption arc and then she joins the straw hats
Dr Stone | New Episode
Why do people call these "the new big 3" none of them are anywhere nearly as good as what came before it
ITT Things in Anime That Are Lost to Time
You are my friend
Fushigi 145
3D anime can't be goo-
Is there genuinely a worse genre of anime/manga than Shoujo??? I really don't believe there is
Is there one manga where the mc date the mom even if its only for a bit
Make me switch from MPC to MPV
Danmachi 2
You will never have a cute, brown Balinese waifu to sweat and enjoy energy drinks with
I miss old Yea Forums
Shingeki no Kyojin
Please Put These On, Takamine-san
Literally Dr Stone but with a cute lolishotatrapfuta
ITT: Classic mangas universally agreed to be great
Most popular Anime character in September , 2019
God, there is no woman in all of fiction that is sexier than D-oS
Legend of the Galactic Heroes dump
Who are some anime characters that remind you of yourself?
Is boku no hero manga worth reading? i'm at chapter 146 and its fucking horrid
Sword Art Online
Do you like badminton?
Wish fulfillment
Weekend Waifu Drawthread
Best Azumanga girl
Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV
Here she is, the miracle!
Too much technology
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Be honest, user
Are old men the greatest isekai protagonists?
Asuka had a hard life
5Toubun no Hanayome
Vinland Saga
GTA Thread
People enjoy this shit?
Granblue Fantasy Season 2
You get Isekai'd to whatever Isekai World you want with the powers you get from this
Fate/Grand Order Babylonia
ITT: whores in anime
Cultural festival episode
Gender bender scene
Shin Sakura Taisen Anime Announced
ARU's aru-aru Time !!
Runway de Waratte
How the fuck does Guts swing this thing like it's a fucking broomstick?
Bokuben 127
Chapter 121
How big is too big?
Boku no Hero Academia
I bet you haven't even read Helck
One Piece
What the fuck is this shit
ITT: Prove you're not a newfag
Darling in the Franxx
Is One Piece considered a good anime? I know there's like 1000 episodes, but that doesn't mean it's not shit
Yonkou alluded that Koyoharu Gotouge's gender is not female
Shingeki no Kyojin
Weathering with You
Machikado Mazoku
Name a bigger slut then her I dare you
How the fuck does the Part 5 anime managed to be above all other parts despite being mostly unrelated...
Give MC the strongest superpower whose sheer scale outclasses absolutely everything else inuniverse...
What is the best Anime of the 2010's decade?
I’m going to marry Kaos!
Is Rikka the perfect girlfriend material?
Kotebaki Doudouseisei - Libation 30
Out of her 4 other friends she worries about a single one
What did Tomoko mean by this?
You can only pick one
Have you forgotten her Yea Forums?
I really love Chinatsu Yoshikawa. She's very cute and also very sexual
Story time: Isekai Ojisan a.k.a the best isekai ever
ITT: Canon used goods only
Dragon ball super
Yea Forums never talks about Mirai even though shes one of the best Kyoani girls
Tell me about Ashido
Vinland Saga
ITT: Characters that absolutely nobody on Yea Forums dislikes
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
Miss Kobayashi
Porco Rosso
Tick tock. The year's almost over and NOTHING else has came close to being as good as this scene
If Deku wasn't raised by a single mom, what changes?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Negima! Magister Negi Magi Vol 29
Who is the strongest DB character he can defeat?
Choose one
The new naruto chapter is out
Nukenai Seikan
We still agree she has the best ass in anime, right?
Name a better waifu, I dare you to try
One Piece
Boku no Hero Academia
Couldn't even get to the FBI arc
Post characters who have no faults
If Momoyo came to fuck your waifu would you be able to stop her? Be honest
Canon shaved girls
Inspired by a thread from a few days ago Can you write the name of your favorite anime in Japanese from memory?
What costumes would you give your idols if you were a Producer?
He finally did it....I can't believe it
You will never improve
Would you read a manga about Satania (vampire edition)?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Dosanko Gyaru is Mega Cute
Kubo appreciation thread
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
I miss this nigga like you won't believe
Why does he paint his nails like a girl?
Kimi no Okasan o Boku Ni Kudasai!
Why's anime nowadays aimed to retards?
You're Reading in the Wrong Direction!!
Is it time to bring this back?
I've read the first four volumes of this and I think it's pretty dope so far...
Bare legs vs zettai ryouiki vs pantyhose
Symphogear XV
ITT: Characters that are LITERALLY you
ITT: books that would make for great anime
Why does everyone likes her so much?
ITT: the best character designs in mangas/anime
AiFure, Prichan, Cocotama, not shining star
Why is jahy so small? it's almost comical how easy it would be to
Madoka or Evangelion, Which is better?
Bubuki Buranki - BBK/BRNK
Is it worth watching?
Remember dont be tempted by dragons especially spanish ones
What was it like to be an Anime fan before the internet?
I only just realized that his name is just Dracula backwards
Wholesome anime couples doing cute things like handholding or cuddling
My neighbor is a vampire
I'm going to post this every day until you like it
Machikado Mazoku
Be Truthful, is there ANYONE who could defeat this man WITHOUT asspulls
Hunter x Hunter
ITT: Asspulls
Black Clover
Shingeki no Kyojin
Tendo sisters
Chi no Wadachi 58
Shield Hero is CANCELLED
Saber ugu ~
This is prince Arslan
How did a show about a loli and her lesbian lolicon maid end up being so great?
Author makes a full manga after his fetish
WSJ Axe Thread
What do you think of edgy revenge fantasy series?
Thigh highs or over knees?
Would you sex a spider in the Bathroom Yea Forums?
Haite Kudasai Takamine-san
Vinland Saga
Yofukashi no Uta by Dagashi Kashi's Kotoyama
One Piece
ITT male characters who would be better as females
MAO Chapters 12-15
What was the point of making King Arthur an anime girl ?
Why is this anime so well regarded even though it is full of plot conveniences...
Can someone give me some reaction pics plz
According to an editor's tweet...
Do Germans get angry when they watch this ed?
One Piece
In terms of design and voice only, is Fujimaru (male) the best male protagonist of Fate ?
Why is it called ‘intellectual’ or ‘pretentious’ when it’s quite simply an episodic comedy with a lot of...
Buyfag Thread
Samurai 8 Chapter 18 is out, and there's a tournament arc
Tsugumomo will have a harem end, right?
Science girls
Chainsaw Man
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @
Yea Forums
Television and Movies
Video Games