What do you do?

What do you do?

Attached: [SakuraCircle] Shoujo Kyouiku RE - 02 (DVD 720x480 h264 AAC) [60966A55].mkv_snapshot_07.41_[2019.09. (720x480, 172K)

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have sex.

Tell her no, and to get away from me.

Do what the kind lady asks

Well, did he?

Sax? I prefer the trumpet.

Attached: noideawhattalkingabout.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

If underage, or related by blood, kindly refuse.

If of age and not related by blood, proudly accept.

Repeat "Eh? Nandatte?" until she leaves me alone.

Sure but only if it'll get her pregnant.

Attached: Kyoudake Kanojo.png (1129x1646, 417K)

I would meet her half way on this.

If underage, or related by blood, proudly accept.

If of age and not related by blood, kindly refuse.

She just sang a really cute song about never giving up having sex with onii-chan. that won't work.
Yes, that's her endgame.

More like what have I done.

Why are imoutos so horny?

Is this the new one from the Shoujo Ramune studio?

Dangerous levels of red pill and based over here.

Yes. Funny story, they actually adapted this same VN a few years back. After the success of shoujo ramune they went back and made new eps of this will changing the appearences to MUCH more loli than the first time.

>She just sang a really cute song about never giving up having sex with onii-chan
Well, can't fight against that. I guess she wins.

I comply with her request.

>Reject imouto's advances
>Few days go by
>She brings home a black guy
>I have to listen to imouto get blacked upstairs
No thank you. You know how it is, if you don't do it yourself, then she will get some black gentleman or a fay bastard to fuck her instead.

Man, modern SoLs are really getting out of hand

Attached: no way.jpg (213x209, 11K)

Ask her what she's doing in DVD quality. Doesn't she know we're living in the era of high definition?!

I like more the first song

Asashio is such a good girl

based & redpilled studio gonna fap now

I mean what other options do I have?

Give her headpats.

I don't see the difference.

One uses her head, one uses your head.

You lost me

yeah I think this panders to me

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1360x768, 106K)

Oh my god, i can't unsee.


Prrrpppffffprrraaaap PLOP

Shishunki Sex 2 is educational.


Turn 360 degrees and walk away


Why is mary jane so based? Was Shoujo Ramune not enough for them? Must they kill my cock?


Wrong place. Yea Forums is for loli.

Also reading doujins or watching hentai makes my heart race. Why?


Depends on wether or not we are blood related.

Am i the only one who starts fucking laughing while watching hentai? it's so bizarre and overreacted always with the same cliche phrases that it cracks me up all the time

Search of Abe

No. Want bizarre? Watch cream lemon.

Attached: ImoutoNTR.webm (480x320, 2.47M)

Hentai name?

Tell her to wait for at least ten years.

I can't get hard to kids.

Tell her no then explain to her that over due time she will find the right guy that will make her happy but until then im not going to prison and getting fucked/killed for her raging hormones.