Literally Dr Stone but with a cute lolishotatrapfuta

Literally Dr Stone but with a cute lolishotatrapfuta

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 55K)

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I wouldn't mind 50 chapters of Usum inventing things.

Can't wait for the rape scenes

Looks like miura.

jesus that art looks fucking atrocious

>what is reverse image search

draw an old man
no rape
miura is slipping

Is that Miura's new manga?

And vastly inferior art

sounds like its already a more believable scifi than drstone

Isn't Dr. Stone a comedy?

More or less. His assistants are doing most of the work in this case.

Dr Stone never intended to be realistic in the slightest

I hate it because it introduced Indo-European gods. I'm guessing this is early Bronze Age, so it's already some time after the mythical flood. It's possibly around the time of Akkadian empire.
If this is the case then why the fuck is Hestia, Artemis and Hermes "gods of the West"? Mycenaeans established their civilization only around 1600 BC with the shaft grave horizon. Before that time period the proto-Greeks lived somewhere in Ukraine, close to the Black Sea.
Pan is of course also a Greek god and unlike Hermes or Artemis it's of proto-Indo-European origin.

I know Miura never cared that much about historical accuracy, but since I learned about proto-Indo-Europeans and their violent steppoid culture I absolutely hate everything about them. Indo-European steppoid garbage deities shouldn't be included in a story about the great Mesopotamian people - creators of the civilization.

His assistants always were making most of the work tho

Never read Dr. Stone but Duranki already seems infinitely better just by virtue of having a cute "thing" as its MC

There was interview regarding Duranki that mentions that he still does most of the work on Berserk.
>Duranki is made under Miura's Studio Gaga. >For the series, he is credited as writer and producer.
>For Duranki, assistants are taking care of the inking. As writer & producer, he right now he makes the storyboard, sketch the draft, quality checking and final adjustments. (like "Art Director" in anime production)
>Three assistants on-site, one remote.
>For Berserk, he draws all the characters and background. Assistants are only in charge of tones, buildings, background soldiers or far-off scenery. Recently he started having them draw the ground too.
>He is usually fast with storyboarding, so he doesn't think this new series will affect Berserk production. Main bottleneck is the art, because he tries to draw everything by himself.
>He hopes to use Duranki as an opportunity to improve his assistants' skills so that he will be more comfortable offloading more of Berserk work to his assistants too. Potentially speeding up Berserk releases.
>Eventually, his goal is to only do the storyboard and final adjustments for Duranki and let his assistants do the rest.
>Duranki turned into a series when he shared one of his ideas for a new manga to his editor.
>Originally Duranki was actually a isekai time travel manga, but scrapped the isekai approach because it was too prevalent and went with straight fantasy/mythology.
>His manga production is now fully digital. Made the switch around 2015 when Rakshas revealed his true identity.
>He knows he has an unhealthy obsessed with drawing every little details. Believes it's simply because he loves the old, "Baroque Period" of manga like Akira and Fist of the North Star that had really dense and detailed art.
>Quite happy with using digital to draw. He gets to zoom into stuff and obsess over each little pixel. His editor tries to stop him whenever he goes that far.

>Never felt bored making Berserk. Always tries to do new themes. Making manga is fun.
>Berserk is currently in the later stages of its overall story. Lot of shocking things coming up after the current arc.
A complete translation of the interview hasn't been made yet, but someone did make a summary for it.

Did it and got nothing.

Kirta will end up being NTRd by Tehip, right?

Attached: 1554974265867.png (1114x1600, 1010K)

the artstyle is so ugly

Ugly nu-Miura art

>Lot of shocking things coming up after the current arc

Attached: 1553519014474.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

how does usum pee?

>explaining fiction

Reading this felt weird
I dont know why
and this is coming from a person that exclusively read futa
Maybe him being a shotaloli serves literal no purpose

Having a trap and reverse trap as two main characters would be better than that. Maybe as twins.