Most popular characters in Anime


Attached: Fate 333111333111333111333111333.jpg (850x733, 194K)

Perfect pic.

Who is Tanjirou ?

>Waver and Shirou in the top picks.
All is right with the world.

Attached: 66318955_p4.png (703x893, 211K)

Second best boy in Kimetsu.
I'll let you guess who the actual best boy is.
Hint: he's in this picture.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 15 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.39_[2019.08.30_18.31.54].jpg (1920x1080, 166K)

the one on the left?

Try again but this time look really really hard.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 15 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.03_[2019.08.30_18.18.26].jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

I remember when this used to be Jesus Yamato & Lacus Cline for years on end.


Attached: Giyuu_anime_design.png (350x500, 115K)

>Mash number 10
>Doesn't have an anime yet

listen fucker you have one more chance then you're going to get roughed up by a pig.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 15 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.37_[2019.08.30_17.59.42].jpg (1920x1080, 191K)


Attached: 76663249_p4.png (912x810, 692K)

Two Saberfaces in the top 10 female characters. Pottery.

Fatechads are unbeatable

Waver I can somehow understand, but Grey?

Takeuchi rigged the fucking poll again.
Word is he has an entire server for proxies.

What the fuck is lord elmo?
Should I have heard of this before?

Detective spinoff that has many ties to Fate/Zero.

>2 Weiva
>2 Seiba

Did Code Gayass get something new or is Ledouche just some sort of anime icon in Japan?

>We're entering a new age where Type-Moon starts to fill the works with Waver clones instead of Saber clones
Waver is my new favorite servant class.

i see lelouch on almost everyone of these, i swear.
either hes an icon or code gayass fans are the most autistic in nippon

they got a new movie recently iirc? and there was some other announcement as well

Isn't the new Seed movie or something coming up soonish? That chart is going to get Jesus Yamato dominating the charts again.

Has Char been on that list for like 50 years?

>It's a saber clone
First thing I thought seeing the op as a tourist, and it turns out I was right.

What? But he's an angry cunt who can't fight for shit. At least sword autist fills all the blanks for shit the masses gobble up, Waver is an angry 30 year old.


Attached: 1494396962843.jpg (685x600, 120K)

but zenitsu isn't in that pic user.

Why do women likes FATE so much, I thought people were just in for the waifus.

did something Code Geass run this year?
literally how and why
beyond that everyone is 'literally who' tier aside from Kimetsu in the states

All lists are invalid as long as /ourlord/ kira is banned.

He isn't banned, he got 10th place back when Iron Blooded Orphan was running. It's just been too long since he had anything new come out for people to bother voting for him.

>Saber+Saberclones hogging the top spots
How can she be stopped?

How the fuck did Mash get on there?

Babylonia anime.


Didn't they ban Jesus Yamato from the charts because of that? Will they let him back in?

>N°1 Lord El-Melloi II
>N°8 Waver Velvet.

Aren't they the same persons ?