Fresh chapter incoming and things might finally be happening.
For those who've been away a month or two, Shigeru woke up from his coma, but is a brain damaged drooler and doesn't remember anything. Even so, Mama has degraded into a trash living hikineet treating everyone like shit, even Sei-chan, presumably since she's been worried about Shigeru remembering the truth about being pushed off the cliff. The last few chapters have been glacial and awkward as Mama and Sei-chan have been spending time at Shigeru's house playing nice with Sei's manic Aunt, while Mama looks inches away from killing everyone and Sei himself has basically been a stepford wife since his mom gaslighted him.
Sei-chan was left to watch his cousin as his mom and aunt made dinner, when Shigeru started hallucinating the Cliffside butterflies again and began to collapse...
Sometimes I feel like I'm reading a horror series.
Josiah Sanchez
Pretty certain this series counts as psychological horror yeah.
Parker Adams
only sometimes?
Lincoln Nguyen
Logan James
Did the artist change? This chapter looked like a completely different style
Joseph Hughes
Someone explain this to me. You say that Shigeru is seeing the butterflies. But hereWe see the butterflies from Sei's perspective.
I do love the recurring "rotate around this person's head until we see that thousand-yard-stare"
Ethan Moore
I could be wrong, but in one of the earlier recent chapters when Shigeru first wakes up we see from his perspective that he sees the butterflies too. Its just symbolism/shorthand for "This Scene is Directly Referencing that Time Mama Pushed Shigeru From the Cliff".
Xavier Hall
Man, these panels are awesome
Hunter Jackson
Thanks for the dump
Adam Evans
Oh shit, niggastream is so slow I almost forgot about this manga.