Vinland Saga

I refuse to believe a hard veteran viking would let go of a kid when they let him witness killing villagers including women, children, and probably toddlers.

Attached: [Foxtrot] Vinland Saga - 05 [F3D7EA07].mkv_snapshot_20.35_[2019.09.12_00.04.34].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

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I can't believe how mediocre this is.

>I refuse to believe a hard veteran viking would let go of a kid when they let him witness killing villagers including women, children, and probably toddlers.

What did OP mean by this?

something something my honor as a warrior

Who do mean? Thorfinn or the anglo girl in that village when they were running from Thorkell?
Because for Thorfinn he din't give a shit and no one noticed the girl hiding

I don't get what you even mean here?

They also let him see a raped woman, lying passed out on the ground why they sleep, I don't get what's your problem?

I assume this is an anime-only thread since it's from the filler episode.

my meme pls no bully

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>Vinland Saga
>Zombieland Saga

thanks user

> Kino
Fuck off to your whatever shithole, mouthbreathing retard.

Cope more, triggered bitchboy.

He is not a viking.


he is and he says so himself, he just has a superiority complex

Does anyone know if we're getting both episodes this sunday or just Ragnarok?

he sure is viking a lot though


Vinland Saga will always be superficial moralising westaboo trash centred around boring and repetitive shounen-y action and lame attempts to dwell on some of the worst examples of pseudo-philosophical masturbation done by a mangaka. It comes as no surprise that it's liked by low-brow shounenbabies such as yourself, physically unable to appreciate the scope of GODashi's genius.

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Seems like the genius manga masterpiece can't translate into anime.

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Obsessed and rent free.

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*teleports behind you*
*slits episode*

>Now denmark is a shitty place overflooded with literal trash refugee scum
Vikings would not be pleased with this

After the first arch, this shit went downhill

Those barbarian fucks are just getting what they deserve for raping and kidnapping our girls.

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Spicland Saga:

>‘No one is your enemy. You have no enemies at all.’
>‘A true warrior doesn't need a sword!‘

Let's see what Meruem has to say about forced pacifism:

The reprisals of the weak against the strong do not really come within nature. They do from the moral point of view, but not the physical, since to take these reprisals the weak man must employ forces he has not received from nature. He must adopt a character that he has not been given. He must, in a way, contstrain nature. But what does really come from the laws of this wise mother is the harm unto the weak by the strong, since, to bring this process to pass, the strong man makes use only the gift which he has received from nature. He does not, like the weak, take on a character different from his own. He merely utilizes the sole effects of that which nature has endowed him. Therefore, everything resulting from that is natural; his acts of oppression, violence, cruelty, tyranny, injustice: all these diverse expressions of a character engraved in him by the hand of the power which placed him in the world are therefore quite as simple and as pure as the hand which guided him. And when he uses all of his rights to oppress the weak, to plunder the weak, he is therefore doing the most natural thing in the world. If our common mother had desired this equality that the weak strive so hard to establish, if she had really wanted the equitable division of property, why should she have created two classes, one weak, the other strong? Has she not, with this distinction, given sufficient proof that her intention was that it should apply to possessions as well as bodily faculties? Does she not prove that her plan is for everything to be on one side, and nothing on the other?

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whenever a hunterfag shitposts in a thread, they immediately out themselves as insecure as they can see that their terribly dull series is simply inferior to whatever they are attempting to shitpost.
People should wear the shitposting as a badge of honor.

And that precisely in order to arrive at the equilibrium that is the sole basis of all our laws, for in order that this equilibrium may exist in nature, it is not necessary that it be made to establish it. Their equilibrium upsets that nature. What, in our eyes, seems to us to go against it, is exactly that which, in hers, establishes it. And for this reason, it is from this lack of balance, as we call it, that are produced the crimes by which she establishes her order. The strong seize everything; that is the lack of balance, from man's point of view. The weak defend themselves and rob the strong; there you have the crimes which establish the equilibrium necessary to nature Let us therefore not have any scruples about what we can filch from the weak, for it is not we who are committing a crime. It is the act of defense, or vengeance, performed by he which has that character. By robbing the poor, dispossessing the orphan, usurping the widow's inheritance, man is only making use of the rights he has received from nature. The crime that consists in our profit from them, the penniless wretch that nature offers unto our blows is the prey she offers the vulture. If the strong appear to disturb her order by robbing those beneath them, the weak reestablish it by robbing their superiors, and both are serving nature.

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I doubt anyone can be possibly acting insecure when it comes to discussing Vinland Saga, since the shit I just took is already telling a better story than whatever the author of VS has in store for his readers.

But England is a lot worse than Denmark now.

/pol/ please, overflooded is such a harsh word (and also doesn't begin to describe it). Since the adoption law was passed I've had three somalians and a palestinian move in with me. Had to pawn off my anime figurines to keep them fed and supplied with khat, but it'll be worth it in the end.

Based and nenpilled.

Based Hunterchad owning shounenbabies

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Vacaroo your voice, you little bitch faggot.

>muh appeal to nature fallacy
so mature, so seinen, not.