
Not even the first couple of pages and im already questioning my choice of manga

Attached: nibba wha.png (740x755, 280K)

Wait, I didnt read the series still but does this series has that kind of... "joke"?


that page is from the one shot retard. It's not from the manga.

It's annoying just how much better the one-shot is than the actual serial.

Has there ever been an editor in the history of manga who has actually improved the mangaka's work instead of making it worse?

If only they kept her original personality this manga might have been good.

Please explain how it's become worse other than NO PROGRESS

good thing theres 3489725074238095043289 mangas out there

Tadano and Komi had a more interesting dynamic, and played off eachother a lot better irn the one shot.

Also no progress. Also terrible terrible love triangle drama

>appeals to the female fantasy of having men do literally anything you want without saying a word
This is why I hate Komi.

God one-shot Komi was great.

Then drop it, nobody is gonna pat you on the back just because you dislike something. Drop it and keep it moving to find something you might actually enjoy.

The one shot is different from the actual manga user

Cat huffing is sort of close to what this panel/page was supposed to show but it's still not quite as funny

You really shouldn't read it until its finished. It has a massive amount of really short pointless chapters and you'll just feel unsatisfied if you burn through it in a short timespan just to have wait potentially years for it to finish.


one shot had better art and komi wasn't as autistic
serial was fine up until vol 5.

While I have a similar reaction to you, bear in mind that the poop/curry thing is like the #1 "would you rather" question for little kids in Japan. As for Komi-san in general, what made me write off the series is how all the characters came pre-flanderized. Person with pun name does the thing they're named for with minimal depth or development beyond that. It has some fun moments, but not enough to justify slogging through the rest. Maybe it gets better, or maybe I'm mischaracterizing the series due to my own distaste for it, but a slice-of-life manga lives or dies by its characters, and most of the characters in this one actively annoyed me.

dont trust this user op when I was reading I barely noticed when the manga switched to the serialization and had to go back and check. If you dont like it now drop it

Somehow she went from a believable secretly autistic unapproachable perfect beauty character to this Mary Sue cat eared borderline mute moeblob.

You're just stringing buzzwords together now. It's embarrassing

Even though you're right, that doesn't mean he's wrong.

>adjectives and descriptors are buzzwords
