Vinland Saga

Thorfinn's character should have been aged a little bit at the starting of the story. He is only six years old, and manages to survive in the woods, kill a wolf, hunt rabbits, and even kill adults in battle. It seems a little too far-fetched. He should have been made at least ten at the beginning of the story.

Attached: smol_thorfinn.jpg (1392x828, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:

6-year olds in the past weren't as sheltered as the 6-year olds of today.

He's a nordic warrior(of the past)

Biologically there's always been a big difference.

You're watching a literal shounen. Turn your brains off.

The mangaka is a sheltered faggot himself.

We all are. How is that relevant?

He actually went outside, compared to many others.

It's not shounen, it's seinen.

>false equivalence
It's hard shounen at best.

He went to Iceland. Try getting out of your room user.


Attached: index.jpg (1392x828, 159K)

6 year old were even less developed then than they are now.

Vinland Saga has literally started publication in shounen magazine. It never managed to evolve into anything else, author merely cranked up the preachy Tolstoyan moralfaggotry up to eleven.

Except Thorfinn already had physical traing as a kid.
you're just a feeble little faggot
a tiny asian kid would kick your ass

It's a hard shounen native isekai to be exact

This were the middle ages. You were expected to be an adult by ten.

>native isekai
Get out

Post the running scene

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