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Video Games #4786
Video Games
Any good games about conquistadors?
Marsupial Company Cruising: Nitro Charged
Man fuck these fucking cunts, takes over 15 fucking hits to kill (I've counted them)...
Datamines have revealed
What games are you playing tonight with your friends, Yea Forums ?
Share memories gaming with your gf
Holy crap lois
Batman Thread ? Yes Batman thread !
Why exactly is she bad, bros?
Imagine if Sony hadn't had the balls to get revenge on Nintendo and Sega and not build the PS1?
I want to fuck Link
Why are VN protags so fucking insufferable?
It's Friday everyone
Now that the dust has settled, what went right?
Queen Yea Forums Tournament - Semi Finals
Do you remember Yea Forums
Azur Lane or Girls Frontline?
I know Banjo is a goofy as fuck bear n shit but don't he look like a serial killer in Ultimate or is it just me
3 days to go bros!
Lmao they made Monster Hunter into the real thing
This is a videogame nun
This is your new wife, say something nice to her
Post yfw:
Why aren’t you playing Untitled Goose Game, Yea Forums?
Reading any sort of supplementary material to what is contained in the game itself
"good resolutions are a meme!!"
Why don't you hunt trophies Yea Forums? Do you not complete your games?
Fuck comics, let's post video game memes. That's on topic
When your most wanted rep gets into Smash
You do own EVERY Smash game right?
Heres your controller bro
I'm the creame of the Daemon x Machina thread
Are there any games about suicide?
Are you excited for the upcoming League of Legends fighting game?
A French high court this week delivered a blow to Valve...
Pick 2 rings Yea Forums
Anyone else think the weirdness of this game is vastly overblown? The premise actually seems very simple
TFW to stupid to pirate so legally buy games and software
Ciconia No Naku Koro Ni
Studio TRIGGER not only saving anime but vidya as well
Poor krieg
What went very wrong?
Niggas always be talking bout Mother 3
Jesus, Xbox can't catch a break
Is it literally gonna be just another le dodge roll parry game with meme boss fights and """""exploration""""""...
ITT: games that could've been so much more
How do I get rid of my gamer belly?
Romancing humongs
Is it true that Ryza doesn't have the time limit and is more of a standard JRPG because I may have to check it out if...
Well, Yea Forums?
How is it? any good?
Steam Cover Art Thumbnail Thread
Getting that refund yet?
What are some fighting games that are the perfect mix of fun and skilled play for beginners...
Is the game industry going to implode...
Based volcel
Alien has multiple videogames
60 us $
Who should be the third SE rep added for Smash?
Why was the maincharacter of this game such a disgusting sleazebag and why do people like him?
Turn on AA to highest
What did they eat?
ITT: Games Yea Forums pretends to like
What game do you have the most hours put into? how many hours?
Banjo gets in smash
Fucking wake up mods
What mods will fix it?
AI: The Somnium Files
What are your hopes for a potential Dawn of War 4? Will we even get a DoW4 after the trainwreck that was 3?
ITT: Games with great spritework
Nier Automata is the best game of this generation
What are the best games where you can naruto run into area 51?
Yea Forums is a christian board
An argument against Banjo
Is remake still the best Resident Evil game?
So, have videogames affected your phobias or fetishes as a young impressionable player?
Does there exist vidya-themed coffee mugs that aren't tacky trash...
Why can't they make a normal game?
You think they'd just translate it after all the Undertale hype
60 dollars for a 3 minute game
Great, more politics... it can’t just be a fun game
Play Skyrim!
Wtf i hate France now?
Golden or original
Maya dies for a literal goblina in one of the dumbest ass-pull ways
How it was even physically possible to make such high class game?
What kind of man builds a machine to kill a girl?
I gotta build a house
He's right you know
Walk over to the nearby Target to arrive at opening time
Epic paid 9.49m euros for Control Exclusivity
What is the appeal of Final Fantasy XIV?
How was your classic experience in WoW classic?
What does Yea Forums think of Illusion of Gaia?
Steam: *exists*
Meanwhile, on bizarro Yea Forums
FFXIV will die because the barrier to entry for new players to current content is too high...
Hideo Kojima, visionary director behind 2019’s “Death Stranding”...
What are the chances of us getting a classic Lara game that's not a reboot or remaster?
Who's the Greta of Video Games?
When you play so much video games that you dream about video games
Sakura or Yuri?
Autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing
Is he the Boba Fett of vidya?
Why aren't you gaming on a CRT? Used ones couldn't be any cheaper at this time
Warren Spector (creator of System Shock and Desu Sex) proclaimed that "Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding is Japanese...
If you made a movie and lego wanted to make a game out of it would you let them?
"It's just an interactive movie bro!"
Games only you and that one guy on Yea Forums liked
Fire emblem
Why are my idols so stupid?
Why are the Western and Japan so different in female design?
Happy birthday, Bowsette
Hey Yea Forums, I know you're probably busy, but do you have time for a quick Mass Effect thread?
Allow us to introduce ourselves. We go by the pronouns
What is the biggest or most blatant retcon in gaming history?
Rockstar suddenly out with game launcher
Best girl
If you can't name all these games you're a newfag!
Why does Nintendo have fans that don't know what they want? It's either the Zelda cycle or this shit
There is literally nothing wrong with Epic Games, Tencent, or China
Builds a high end pc
Keep hearing the game is too easy even for newcomers
Borderlands 3
ITT: the absolute state of gaming
Good morning, please take breaks for gaming to exercise, always stay hydrated, and most importantly...
I don't care about politics in games
Post em
Downwell is free on the play store
Why smashfags okay with braindead no skill one shot slot machine character being allowed in tourney play but ban...
Why don't more video games have attractive muscular men?
G-guys, is he right? Are you addicted to videogames because you don't have success in life?
This awe-inducing image is from a Playstation 4 game
New batman game announcement tomorrow
Why aren't you playing Magia Record?
Why were companies so lenient with adult content in adaptations of their games during the 90s?
That thing that makes me butthurt the most isn't Astral Chain being exclusive. It's Nier Automata being so hopelessly...
OST of the year
What's your favorite dead franchise?
Best fighting game girl
Game is set on a planet called "Earth"
Whats the opposite of a pleb filter called? where only plebs like it
Post actually funny vidya comics
Is it accurate?
How can CDPR salvage this game?
Say something about her
Why does Yea Forums love the Japan so much?
Post dead games you want to play with other people
Are you getting your Lite today Yea Forums?
Gen 7 is the worst, or at least one of the worst, gens out there ain't it? so many studios closing for instance
>sudden influx of weeb gamers
What do you guys think of overwatch? Based or cringe?
Daily reminder
Video games with mommy protags?
Join guild
Look here look listen
Why doesn't /v like her?
Entei should have been playable instead of Incineroar
Thoughts on Far Fry 5
The writing is poor and the plot is filled with clichés and stereotypes, but there are people who take it seriously
Battlestation Thread
This fucking game
Just for one second, IMAGINE the kind of loser who pays money for games
Paying for a subscription
Webm Thread
Who the fuck designed this?
What are your hopes for the upcoming Fairy Tail RPG?
A year and a half since announcement, and not a peep from Croteam
How mad would you be?
I thought classic wow was supposed to be the most hardest hardcore game in gaming history...
PCchads... even Redd*t is laughing at us... bros
Coffees coming
Oh no! Link stole meats and is running away! How are you going to catch him, Yea Forums?
Anyone else utterly disappointed by this?
Link's Awakening: Remake
Cute girls stuck in subpar games thread
Metal Gear's writing is trash and Kojima is a hack. He can creates the most unfocused and convoluted stories ever
Good evening 47, why don't you head into this Hitman thread and I'll give you the mission details in private
Games where you play as a police officer?
Monster Hunter Iceborne thread
B-but Akyuu said that fairies are evil!
Is there a single Android game (that isn't a port) that doesn't sucks absolute ass?
I'm thinking Travis Touchdown, just to really drive home the sausagefest nature of the pass...
Tired gamer thread
The greatest Walk Animation of all time
Who else equally likes Western games and Japanese games?
Itt games you will preorder in a blink of an eye
He's right, you know
Is this a typical console gamer in America?
Does it count as dying if he just keeps resurrecting and teleporting back to a sculptor's idol?
Since pretty much no one cared about Three Kingdoms...
Pick two of these characters to become playable in Smash
Risk of Rain 2
I think I figured out why games are so infuriating nowadays
Why is this shit praised so much?
So how exactly does a Pact work?
Dragon's Dogma
How about a little joke, Yea Forums?
I present the weakest Sephirah, both emotionally and physically
Metal Gear games can only be made by Kojim---
When the fuck are they going to make a new Advance Wars? Especially after playing Three Houses...
For me it's the XM8
Am I crazy or is the top more comfy??
Why is this board so pro nintendo?
What would their videogame be like?
What's the best enemy from the Doom series? And why is it the Cacodemon?
They finally made the compromises so we can all play together as friends
Game gives you many fun tools and weapons
How will Yea Forums recover from this?
Looks like they got to Chunsoft
Does this game get difficult?
My wife can't be this cute
Why did Wakfu die?
Daily reminder that Yea Forums thinks a piece of hardware that uses components from two year old phones would "Have ten...
The Shenmue 3 refund debacle
Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
Did Michael Jackson have good taste in video games Yea Forums?
Name one way you can make melee weapons in FPSs feel good
Come play some vidya pictionary
Majoras Mask with Path Tracing, SSR, and MXAO
Labyrinth of Refrain
Why haven't Argonians conquered all of Tamriel yet...
Feel old yet Yea Forums?
Why does Nintendo attract the mentally ill?
Who hyped for Dragon Ball Z : Kakarotto?
Where were you when Tim won ?
Rain World
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
This is the most soulless piece of shit ive ever played. All it is a generic Ubisoft-tier boring...
Is it bad that I think that if a game offers me less than 50 hours of entertainment it was a waste of money?
Koikatsu is on sale on Steam
Hesitation is defeat
Temporal Manipulation did nothing wrong
Buy my game!!!!
Smash leak
Its ok when based Japan does it
Playing video games on the toilet
How do you define a game's monetary worth?
Why make clones if you can just recreate Big Boss that easily?
How can we design an RPG that avoids this?
This game should be on more platforms honestly, so more people could play it...
Pitch me your video game, in just 4 words
Twitch and discord are in no no way responsible for the deterioration of our lang-
I still know who it is
Switch Lite
What do you want most in Warframe?
Gamers are peak useless
Is he right? Is gaming a waste of time? I'm 24 and sometimes feel like it is
Only those with kino 1st level/world ost are allowed in here
Most famous & popular person of all time
Daymare 1998 has a 78% approval rating on Steam. That's... honestly a fuckload higher than I'd expected...
Here's your 5th DLC character bro
Game has a tutorial
Since this was planned while FFX was in development, how would you have fixed it Yea Forums?
Rockstar Games Has Released Its Own PC Launcher With a Free Copy of San Andreas
Funbag Friday
What was the deal with this guy?
Why are Gamestop commercials cringe?
Why are Polish people so good/dedicated at making moderate budget FPS games? Within the next two months we have
Tfw you realize you just aren't into video games anymore after spending 1k on a gaming PC
The Nintendo bonus isn't re-
What was Obsidian thinking? Is this the most unappealing setting ever in a game?
Kino games where the rival is the main focus
Did you bought Lola's game?
What's a good way to avoid carpal tunnel?
60 dollars for a 1 hour game
I for one only play dubbed vidya in Castilian Spanish...
Come watch the area 51 raid anons
Wow, user~!
TF2 loadouts. POST EM
Klonoa is a Sonic OC
How you guys liking Call of Duty 16? Does it feel like a return to CoD 4?
Post your favorite games
Post Joker Vidya Moments
Uhhh... Wow. I thought Japan was supposed to be based?
It's that time again. Give me your stupid headcanons. The dumber, the better
Almost 2am
ITT: Describe a game with a SpongeBob quote
Looking at upcoming Switch games
Just gonna quickly slide in here and take all these mobs and ruin any resemblance of balance for pve and pvp for the...
Anyone else wonder if Nintendo is planning to make the jump to mobile-only?
Where is vidya as a whole headed?
Play Skyrim!
Has vidya ever gotten you laid?
GGGmanlives Destroys Epic Store Haters
Apparently the ps5 will release along side the ps5 pro
I-It's Not Pay To Win Guys I S-Swear
Code Vein
I know who it is. Get Trips, and I will leak it
Smash babies BTFO
What went wrong?
What is the Jordan Peterson of video games?
Why is he so well liked? He committed mass murder...twice
I'm gonna kick your ass
Bit late but happy birthday Bowsette!
Aahhhh, meester kennedy
Today is Momiji's birthday. Say something nice about her!
$60 for 4 hours long game
What's with all the hate? I think Tina looks great
Classic, home
Get to final boss
Super Kirby Clash just got an update, now the only question is what the fuck actually changed?
Wait, so you're telling me I actually have to adapt in order to beat this thing?
Here's your new Pokemon game, bro
Diversity is our greatest strength
6 (SIX) Batman Games Are Now Free on Epic Store
Hand over your Nintendo Switch Lite and no one gets hurt, incel
Do you spend money on microtransactions?
Gog galaxy is shit
Admit it. You had no idea who they were before smash
What are some of the most garbage games you've played, Yea Forums?
Cube world closed beta starts on september 23rd for those who bought the game 6 years ago
Mods passed out . Morrowind Thread
I love Papyrus!
Just hacked my Switch
How do you feel about female armor in games?
Game has a minigame
Vulpera confirmed as a new alliance allied race
Yea Forumsidya Drawthread
Post animal companions you'd like to have if real life was like an RPG
FFVII and FFVIII double pack
Im playing it and I don't get it. It just feels like bare-bones WoW
Super Metroid Samus vs Zero Mission Samus
Whats your favorite Castlevania game? Which Castlevania game do you think is the best?
I on the fence and need someone to teeter me over the edge just a bit
Rate this body
UNIST Thread
Was this a well-written cast of characters?
He's right, you know
So, i see demo got an update. What changed?
So why is Epic bad?
Tfw that feel when there is no games where you can create you own ability
Terry Bogard will be released on Nov. 4 alongside his demonstration YouTube video by Massahiro Sakurai
This is the best Persona game
Which series do you like best: Danganronpa, 999, or kike lawyer simulator?
How is this game still infinitely replayable
Post gamecube collections. I'll add if thread is big enough
Here's your video game you ordered user
Rivercity girls is a terrible ga
Any Melty Blood players in Winnipeg?
Sup, Yea Forums
What in your opinion is the best video game quote?
Is Final Fantasy VII a good game?
I hate IGN so much
Risk of Rain 2
Claire's so ugly brehs
When will November get here? I'm going to go crazy waiting to use best boy in Smash
Blade Mountain
Animal Crossing Screenshots
Mai Shiranui
I play as a female character because I'd rather look at a chick than a dude. If that's gay...
France will destroy PC Gaming for good
100% OJ
Meanwhile at Yea Forums mansion
Sexy mod outfits
Have huge backlog
Breath of the Wild: No Shrine maker so you can share custom made Shrines with buds online
The game is on sale faggots
Still playing forgotten hat simulator in the age of Meiwatch
What's wrong with video games being political?
Is Silent Hill still one of the best games ever made, or has it aged horribly?
Not playing a dwarf
This game is a masterpiece
What the fuck is this shit?
Holy mother of based
We all loved this game when it first came out, but how do you feel about Twilight Princess in retrospect?
Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer...
>sexualization of ninja girls in video games
From September 20th (JST)...
Dawn of the seventh day
Why didn't she want to leave the painting?
OMG ITS *takes heavy clogged breath* ITS VIDEO GAMES AND *coughs and splutters* ITS MY VIDYA GAMES AND FAST FOOD OMG...
Where is the rest of Deltarune, Toby?
In light of Valve getting owned by France...
That game you play once a year
Game's 10 hours long
Any disabled gamers here? How do you overcome your disability?
6 (SIX) Batman Games Are Now Free on Epic Store
If you could change what Samus wears under her actual armor...
Nothing should be this goddamned cute
What is your honest opinion on Zelda: Majora's Mask Yea Forums?
Yup, he's back
Is Zelda white? Why is it that Japan likes to blur racial lines so hard...
there are people on this board who unironically believe that Edelgard was justified
Tfw no Nia gf
Why aren't you playing a Naruto Storm game right now?
Monster Hunter Iceborne
Sengoku Rance thread
I have never wanted to jump off of a fucking cliff so much in my damn life
Who is the cutest girl from Final Fantasy 7?
Why does no one ever talk about this game
You can solve this, right Yea Forums?
Is Arkham [series] any good? It's on sale on Steam
What the FUCK was her problem?
Is analyzing the secrets to the universe using Mario 64
You can ignore it all you want but he's in. Say congratulations to the first Gacha rep in Smash
Those SJWs will never influence based Jap-
Games only you played
Game let's you choose the bad ending
Who cares about Sonic? New Nights game when?!
*blocks you’re path*
Deep Rock Galactic General - /drgg/
Imagine being that bikini bottom
Rated M for mature
So how are you liking borderlands 3 so far?
I got SOMETHING in the mail
*blocks your dlc slot*
Which fantasy race is the best, and why is it night elves?
Why is Yea Forums so hypocritical?
Lloyd confirmed
I just want to be taken for another ride
Who are some of Yea Forums's favorite content creators?
After 10 days, 23 hours, and 17 minutes of game time, I finally made it to 5.0. This BETTER be worth it
Ywn relive hotline Miami threads
Terminator game
Do you prefer Classic Sonic (2D) or Modern Sonic (3D)?
Don't you guys have phones?
The absolute state of Yea Forums on Reimu in Smash
ITT: irl final bosses
If I'm making the switch from Steam to consoles what one has the most similar user interface when it comes to activity...
How come we don't have more games set in the Mexican revolution?
PC Gaming in 2019
If Zelda had her own game would you play it?
So whats the deal with this game, is it FUN?
Reminder Fuck Gaben
Hey you guys might wanna be careful on her website
Half-Life Thread in the flesh, or at least, the Hazard Suit
Buy her game
Ah... what else could there be? What do I need...?
Favourite level?
Need a monitor for gaming, any suggestions?
What the fuck was his problem?
What do you drink when playing vidya?
Playing BL
Your everyday american guy
Smash Wii U actually felt like it had passion put into it, so much time and effort into the features and single player...
Now that the dust has settled, and it's finished in overkills eyes or however you see it
Nintendo never made anything good
What do you think is the most iconic boss theme of all time?
Are they right, Yea Forums?
Nioh 2
Damn.... bros...., this is so powerful
Facepunch Studios owner Garry Newman loses to SJWs
Why does the Sonic franchise attract so much autism?
See this, what do?
ITT Yea Forums approved vidya channels
Game makes you racist to Gorons
How are you feeling today user? What video games are you planning on playing this weekend?
When will there be a good realistic zombie game?
Magic System in games
Are there any realistic medieval games?
2019, I am forgotten
Cyberpunk game
That kid that made a presentation on videogames
ITT: The Greatest Male Vidya Characters
You enjoying it?
Lets see em
Will it ever be topped?
So who's getting in?
Peach must have some pretty bad security at her castle. She gets kidnapped like every weekend after mario's visit
Ruining your entire life so classichads cant play classic for a whole 90 minutes
Highly popular character
What is the best Total War game?
What's the best sequel to a game that you've ever played?
This is sonicfox the Mk11 and DBZF champion
Yep. True
What shameful things do you do in vidya?
Why is this rocket launcher so shit?
Im about 3 hours into the first one(just beat the first cyborg ninja fight) and holy fuck the first game is good...
This is the face of the man who would make all other video game protagonists obsolete by not holding back on their...
Last thread reached bump limit
Archeage Unchained
What video game theories are credible enough that you would go as far as to state them as fact?
Tales of
Videogames are dead
$60 dollars + tip
Ni no Kuni
Name a game with a 10/10 story, or else
Is The Witcher 3 game a hit or miss?
Guys check out my GAMER LAPTOP
The future of Xbox
STR beats DEX everytim-
We need more games with WHORES
I'm putting together a team
Tfw can't get heroin any more
MGS Playing order
What the fuck is nintendo doing?
Smash bros request tier list
Thoughts on blasphemous
I play video games for the plot
It's time for a Metal Slug thread
Where does the idea of mana come from and why is it always blue?
Why would an adult have fun pressing buttons?
How do we stop cyber-bullying once and for all?
Only plebs disagree. You're not a pleb are you?
Name their band
Hollow Knight thread boys
Is Koikatsu worth buying on Steam?
Only casuals couldn't handle SEWER level
How's your game coming along?
Borderlands 3 is a leftist shitshow
Video games
Which series do you prefer, Yea Forums?
Can we have a minute of silence for the anons who didn't make it? They died waiting for games like Dmc5...
Borderlands 3
Went from the 30th to TBA
Yea Forums the Musical VII - Neromancy Edition
Do you disable bloom in games?
This is the best Persona character
Piss off, wanker
New Dante Sucks
Entire game uses A+D or F to react in QTEs
Yea Forums is now in charge of Sonic Team and must take action with the following rules in mind:
Daily reminder this game is trash
So we agree this has the best music out of any Sonic game right?
Why don't games make me happy anymore?
Will mods fix it?
You WILL by a fucking iPhone for her, right?
Hey, user. What games are you playing right now?
Can we have a cozy digimon thread?
"Hey, how much do you want for this item?"
Risk of Rain 2
How would you realistically fix the gaming industry?
Opinions on Tomb Raider 2013?
Screenshot thread
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that Banjo fans were just a vocal minority?
Doesn't have awful input lag
Is this game any good? I remember Lloyd being my favorite old smash character but i never knew about his game
How do we fix the JRPG genre?
We will never have an adventure mode that takes advantage of the cross over aspect of the series again
Sony buying Japanese games Studios for the Asian market
Sengoku Rance
Luigis Mansion shill thread
Better level design and stripped away all of those really dumb subsections of the game that break the flow of the game...
Play free offline games,use custom themes, download mp3 player, custom apps on hacked system
Joke is party member finally gets stronger
Why are you not playing Masters?
Why does Nintendo lie?
I really think Kasumi would be a perfect addition to Smash Ultimate
Severely dumbed down
No mmbn7
Verdict on official vs fantrans?
We all know what characters we want, but what Mii costumes do you want?
I thought this game was supposed to be super depressing and the ending made people cry...
You're not actually going to buy these tomorrow...a-are you?
What games do girls (male) play?
What did you say? I can't hear you Yea Forums
Who's dick do i have suck for PC-98 level of pixel art (or even better) to be trendy again...
Little Misfortune
The abandoned batman version on steam still has denovo
Here is a based Japanese game for you, bro
Digital Foundry just did a video on why CRTs are """better""" than IPS displays...
What went wrong?
Oblivion is the key to everything
What were your favorite childhood games from 2010?
Youtube BTFOing game reviewers
One year ago on this day
Did you give her a dress Yea Forums?
We're now closing in on Xenoblade Chronicles' X's 5th anniversary
Why don't you play flight simulators, Yea Forums? They're fun and relaxing
With how long the Switch release is taking, is it safe to assume that interest in Skullgirls is gone?
How can he cut in half objects that are wider than the length of his sword?
Will we ever get a remaster / re-release of the metroid prime trilogy on the switch?
Used to be the greatest developers on the planet
ITT: Best girls in their respective series
Every day that passes, her chance of getting in grows greater and greater!
I bet Yea Forums can't name ONE remastered game that actually improved the game
Help Yea Forums im comfy
Is just me or she looks like an uglier zac efron?
Do you own any vidya merch, Yea Forums? Be honest, how many pops do you own?
CRPG renaissance
She's in
Cloud Strife
The World Ends With You thread
Has anyone here had a seizure from a video game? I see seizure warnings in nearly every game I play...
FF7 Remake
Yea Forums the Musical VII - Drama Free Edition
WTF! I bought a PS4 and a PS4 Pro for these types of games! Why is the switch getting all the best exclusives!!!
Wear headset while playing vidya
ITT:Games that wouldn't be released today
Itt: unironic “hire this man” moments
Alright Yea Forums, lay it down on me, why are game launchers on PC bad?
You have 6 seconds
Borderlands 3
Vigilante 8 or Twisted Metal?
Lcds btfo. why aren't you gaming on a crt?
Are there issues with pic related outside of framerate? Not planning on getting it either way...
Warhammer Vermintide
Yea Forums will defend this
I am going to post this everyday until FFVII Demake releases
Do people get banned on steam for changing their store and buying games...
If you could only ever play games from one decade (any 10 year span of time) again, which would it be?
What was his fucking problem?
What were your favorite Disney games as a kid?
DMCbros... we're going home
Is this game good or not?
Played them for Two Weeks
Muh swamp babies
Do you prefer Bungie or 343 weapons/vehicle aesthetics?
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @