Yep. True

Yep. True.

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Who the fuck likes Fallout 3 though?


Fallout 3 is good. But I wouldn't put it on the same level as OoT

New vegas has a worse environment, worse expansions, and worse music. Feels more jank too but people circlejerk it because "its janky so it has SOUL"

what OP obviously means is FoNV > Fo3 and MM > OOT

which is objectively true.

May I use this bait for fishing?

I can smell the ocean from here

I actually liked 3 but it’s far more janky than Vegas what are you saying

>people actually believe this


OOT actually lives up to its legacy unlike Fallout 3 which is just a dumbed down "baby's first" Fallout game.

>New vegas has a worse environment, worse expansions, and worse music
I really like FO3 more than new vegas too
the analogy is flawless

Smart people with a lot of money like Elon Musk

nobody like f3

Nope. NV was better than 3 in every possible way. MM is inferior to OoT in everything but sidequests.

>every possible way
Nope, exploring the wastes of DC is much better than mojave desert.

Well at least in 3 you can play after the main quest and see the result of your actions rather than hurr durr load a save before the hoover dam fight.

didn't 3 abruptly end the game?

But New Vegas is actually good.

DLC has some nonsense continuation beyond the nonsesne ending.

idk maybe. I really love Fallout 3 for non RPG reasons so I can entertain this idea. OOT shits on it though so it's not as apt as you think

So is Majora's Mask.

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In the sense that reuse the previous game’s assets

What makes OOT so "good"?
No meme answers pls.

its 3d

it feels immersive
it's LttP in 2D
it's a straightforward fantasy adventure

The pacing of the game is what I believe to be the game's best trait. it doesn't really "slow down" and stays a consistent quality beginning middle and end.

Fact, Majora's Mask is only a 10/10 if you played it when you were in elementary school. Because the entire game's quality relies on it's atmosphere & the story is written around said atmosphere. When you revisit years later it's impossible for it to have the same impact. Whereas OOT is an all around game with equally dark & light hearted elements. Making it accessible to all demographics.

autistic fedora's mask cucks

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are also obsidiots

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>I like walking simulators
fo3 fans exposed

Nah, Bethesda's Fallouts are more like Phillips Zelda's.
Stupid shit that completely misses the point of the series.
Fallout 3 and 4 are like the retarded cousin of the originals.

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>worse music

I'm pretty sure fo3 fans only like it because it was their first fallout game and it probably makes them sad or even mad that people shit all over it. And maybe it makes them feel like people are shitting on them. I feel bad for you guys you're like circumcised people, so defensive so sad.

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based cage man

consider the average age of this board, you are probably right on the money
i played fo1 and 2 first and still enjoy 3 for what it was as a first 3d fall out transition so i give them some slack
but vegas is a much more enjoyable experience, also i hate the fucking endless subway scene of fo3

people who can't enjoy both games are trying too hard, the world is better in FO3, the story is better in NV, they're both good games
FO4 should have been a spinoff, and FO4 should have been made by obsidian

ant eater

Well designed dungeons, decent combat system, polished gameplay mechanics that aged better than a lot of early 3D games.
It's basically a meme at this point to hate on OoT more so than it is to love it.

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I noticed every time, without fail, that whenever somebody craps on a Zelda game they don't like, they usually say "you only thought it was good because you were a kid". It's like the generic boring brainlet go-to "criticism" of Zelda games.

i played it as a kid but didn't even get to Goht. played it again as an adult on P64 and finished it. it's pretty good. i remember watching Jackie Brown for the first time around when i was playing it, so it always makes me think of that movie

>the entire game's quality relies on it's atmosphere & the story
>revisit years later it's impossible for it to have the same impact
>OOT is an all around game with equally dark & light hearted elements. Making it accessible to all demographics.

why do you feel the need to be so offensive
FO3 is simply a good game, especially if you mod.