Koikatsu is on sale on Steam
Worth getting?
Koikatsu is on sale on Steam
Worth getting?
Nah, no merits
>have to install patch
>no steam workshop
>new Illusion game probably next year
Yeah but the next game is ILLUSION going 3D again. Not anime.
>Not anime
Fuck Illusion, AA3 when?
Koikatsu sold more than AA2 did so KK2 will happen before AA3 happens.
It's pretty much a situation comparable to the jump from Artificial Girl to Artificial Academy
What do you guys even want to see in the next ILLUSION game?
This AIgirl thing is obviously going to be another SexyBeachPremium resort thing. Nobody is hyped for it.
Better relationships for example
After the steps down from AA to Koicuts?
Fat chance.
Getting rid of the current system wasn't mistake atleast
Relationships in AA2 were even worse than the ones in AA1. The AI was able to cheat their way into everyones pants on day 1 and sometimes nothing ever happend unless you put rainbow cards into your class.
Relationships need a comeback but with an entire new system.
KK is a lot better than AA2 in most ways though
Anime-style game, more interactivity (patting, holding hands), more positions (at least in form of post-release support) and something to give context in-between sessions.
Also, I hate how easy h-gameplay has become. There should be an option to disable h-interface and guess what the girl likes (which can differ depending on the mood) by watching her reaction.
I don't really care about customisation that much as long as base girls are good enough and there is a wide range for different tastes and their personality goes well with their looks.
You mean AG4 right?
if you just want the game then pirate it
if you want to support illusion get it when its full price
Why would you consider buying this on steam with how limited it is? Would you even want your friends to know that you're fapping? You can have a superior modded version with a few clicks.
>being ashamed of people finding out you do something perfectly normal that everyone does
"normal" is a matter of perspective
>game is selling surprisingly well
>still didn't localize all the DLC or included the pre-order content
>still no subs for the H
I mean if it wasn't even in the top 100 selling games I'd understand that it would be not worth bothering, but it reaches top seller status regularly.
Hard to recommend when the pirated version is superior in literally every single way.
You clearly don't know how relationships in aa1 worked. There is also a reason why the ai cheats, and you said it yourself. Because if it did not, nothing would happen with higher virtue characters. As was the case in Aa1 if you did not rig the chemistry.
Atleast there was some form of chemistry
Better than AA2s "headpat 5 times to fuck" system
That is literally how aa1 worked too, you Muppet. The only difference is that aa1 had rigid setup for personalities whereas aa2 is more ambiguous and less predictable.
>less predictable
Having less customization options is good now?
Nothing stopped you from making girls with the same preferences in AA1 in case you wanted full equality/randomness.
>On Steam
Nigger, /h/ is down the hall, get it from there for free with DLC included with mods included, what the fuck do you mean?
It has literally more options, what are you, retarded? Aa1 just had a lot of options baked into personalities, which you could not change
im the opposite, i spend all my time in customization and make changes every time i boot the game, and i dont want to deal with dumb realistic relationship shit, more positions and more interactions would be nice though
AA2 personalities still have soft preferences just like the AA1 ones
Except AA2 characters can't have any hard preferences - A thing AA1 has
>like/dislike glasses
>like brown/blonde hair
>like tall
>like fat
>like small
That stuff doesn't matter in AA2.
How's COM3D2?
Aa2 personalities do not have anything like that. The ai is pretty much 100% deciphered and controllable. Get your head out of 2014 where it was still a mystery.
Still the same NTR speadsheet simulator
>KK thread
>screeching AA2 autists enter and complain that it's not AA3 even though it was never supposed to be at any point in time
Every time.
Still the biggest in terms of content but somewhat hard to set up properly.
You can also marry your maids now, so there's that.
I hope they realize all the vidya char ports will have to work in the next game or it is fucking dead just like playhome is.
>no steam workshop
what's the point to buy it on steam at all?
Still mad over her losing the dumb youtuber thing?
Not like anything came out of it
Anybody who thought it would was retarded.
I don't think it's worth it.
Like virtually every current Illusion game, the gameplay is poor and unpolished. I personally couldn't play more than 10 minutes and all I do is create and pose the girls in Charastudio.
A decent story. Their last game that tried to tell a story was Playhome but it sucks hard and it develops through an almost intolerable grind where you have to watch sex animations for hours to unlock the next event.
There you go, also has mods.
Honestly just KK chara maker and studio plus AA2 gameplay.
At least we got her out of it
Content and gameplay.
ok what car is she washing
This. The people complaining about muh AA antfarm mechanics don’t want a porn game to fap. They just want to play modded sims 4 and are too dumb to realize.
The Sims 4 doesn't have a video game character get into a fight with an anime character and then later you find the video game character having sex in the open as onlookers furiously masturbate.
Yes it does except for the anime part.
So it's shit.
It has all the garbage you guys want except for the anime aesthetic. Be the change you want to see in the world and make a mod to change the models. You’ll be able to even get cucked by dogs, iirc, which you’ll probably enjoy.
Let's not pretend that the AA2 artstyle doesn't look terrible.
Pirating the Sims 4 is much harder than pirating AA2.
why, did EA put in CIA Nigger levels of security.
Fuck no. The Sims 4 it terrible and besides I never said I liked AA2 more the KK did I? You fucking drooling autist.
Cunts like you are no better than the anons screeching about AA2.
Yes, having the official localization for the base personalities makes it so much more enjoyable when you patch it like crazy to actually play the game.
god i hate aa2fags
Just pirate it you retard
All of you fucking whiners are annoying as fuck.
Obviously pirate it, but the pirated localizer uses google translate to translate any dialogue, so it's less coherent than buying KP for the official localization for the bast personalities.
It has like 100000000 DLC and a lot of the easily available releases have malware in them. The DRM is not that strong. Maybe TSG has a download link that's legit, if that even still exists, but I haven't checked.
AA2 is just one of the easiest to pirate games out there. Even easier than Koikatsu, and Koikatsu is pretty easy too.
>but the pirated localizer uses google translate
Except the steam translation has been ported a very long time ago.
Only stuff that is not in the steam version is MTL'd.
Anti Air 2 was kind of a pain in the ass for me to install. took way longer than i thought setting everything up and the germans still ended up bombing my shit. Koikatsu is probably the easiast porn game i ever downloaded and installed. even added new mods via updates has been made as easy as possible.
Not sure how the current state of AA2 and CM3D2 are but all i remember there was
>download CM3D2
>install it
>install all 100 DLC packs one by one
>install all 2000 mods which are all hosted on different sites under different names and often not compatible with the current game
>fucking up the install can break the game forcing you to do the whole process again
>download AA2
>get the pack which has most stuff
>still not everything so i need to go through the general pastebin in order to get the stuff i want
>jap modder took his mods down and nobody reuploaded them because they don't want to piss off the japs
>running the game in a modded state is like attempting to control a nuclear reactor thanks to the featurebloat on that old massively outdated engine
The current Koikatsu repack doesn't even need to get installed. You only need to unpack it and it has everything with nobody giving a shit about jap modder autism.
>with nobody giving a shit about jap modder autism.
this is what sells it the most for me. god fuck those cunts and their hierarchy of dick sucking you need to do to get their mods.
The irony of it is that they use western made tools/plugins/mods without crediting yet go into an autistic rage if their mods get reuploaded to much better online hosters just for convinience and serving as a mirror basically.
It's not like they get anything from all that. The platforms they use don't give them revenue or exposure.
It's just
Some even started to use passwords which are hidden behind jap riddles no foreigner can get
Probably quite out of date information, I am not sure about CM3D2 since as far as I can tell you still need 10 million DLC and mods but nobody really uses the pastebin when it comes to AA2 anymore.
All I want is gameplay again, at least on the level of School Mate 1-2, Wakeari for the H part, where you had to at least put some semblance of effort into progressing to unlock new stuff, instead of being just a glorified click to coom studio stuff.
It wasn't that much more mind you, but I still miss that over what we usually have now. I wouldn't mind if they expanded on it, instead of throwing that away.
When will we get non machine TLs for the dialogue outside of the boxes?
>Outsold Gears 5 on Steam
>ILLUSION going 3D again
That's actually good news. but I would like for them to have much more poses/stances this time because that was the greatest con of Honey Select.
That, and lack of many rooms
no, go to /h/ and get the repack
>jap modder autism
can you guys tell me more about this topic ?
i knew some retarded shit is going on, but i wasn't sure what was about
Western devs and publishers should take notes.
Plenty of japanese modders don't like it when people use/download/reupload their mods or put them into packs with others mods.
Some are just racist while others feel robbed. Those ususally report /vg/ and /h/ mega folders when they find their mods inside them. One jap modder started to crypto password his cards and mods after one guy from the AA2 general made a pack having all big mods at that point.
Custom dialog/dialog responses, custom events and new animations. Maybe an animation studio too but I feel like that’s a bit too above their pay grade
I trust you do the most vanilla of vanillas things with this holy girl and aim to marry her in the future.
best bear
fellas, where do i find the imageset
i have a Rift
Is this a must have?
I was thinking of getting this, currently mess around with HS mostly. But I was wondering since it’s anime style, are there any decent options for lips? What about the unlocked slider sizes? Is adjusting them alright? Does it look passable in poses if not motion?
i upload some of my captures in lolibooru but is still outdated, maybe later i upload all my 4kuma captures. lolibooru.moe
>clipping through part of the hood
ruined as of triggering my autism.
didn't even know this booru was a thing. thank you based user.
But of course.
Is the next Illusion game going to have actual content or is it going to be another glorified model viewer?
We don't know much about it.
From the looks its a 3DPD Artificial Girl style thing.
I can't wait for all the faggots in this thread to waste money on this janky piece of shit with zero content and horrible animation because a few chronic shills from /kkg/ post stills.
>t. mad AAutist2
fuck, i didn't see that clipping.hope this one cure your autism
Its hard to believe there are people dumb enough to actually buy it when its the easiast thing in the world to download and run for free. they must have "fuck you" money or really want to advertise that they play the game on steam.
that's much better.
>Not even trying to hide it
Back to /h/ with you, shill.
>all responses say to just pirate it
AA2 fags are truly braindamaged.
I don't even play AA2 trash you mentally challenged shill, I went into KK with great hopes and I only found endless garbage, and Illusion only twisted the knife later with EC.
Anyone who actually forks money for this piece of trash is a completely retarded riajuu with zero fucking standards.
It's going to be the best game ever, GET HYPE
Or else you can't get properly disappointed.
>I went into KK with great hopes
Get a load of this guy
>gets triggered by use/download/reupload
>feels robbed everytime
>and it's a racist for some reason
Just fucking hell, that rises so many questions.
it feels like looking at literal child.
fuck no
this shit game is not worth $10. Just get the repack if you really want to play it but get ready for disappointment.
>get ready for disappointment.
and a really sore benis
The cracked version of the game is far superior to the Steam one, which is just the vanilla release with none of the DLC or extra content as of yet. Buy it to support the devs if you want, but don't install that version. Just get the repack from /h/ instead.
What's the emotion creator thing they showed off a few months ago?
Garbage. People stopped using it like five days after it came out due to how limited it ended up being.
They fucked up so bad everybody forgot it already.
Literally just a poser without the game part.
The character creator looks promising, as usual.
The gameplay looks like it's going to be even simpler than first Sims, if it was version 0.000001 or some such.
I hate this, I hate that Koikatsu has less gameplay than AA2.
I don't want them to keep making new character creators that you can do less and less with.
never buy porn dumb cum head
Steam is not ideal for your pornography. Go elsewhere.
Lighting and textures look worse than modded Honey Select.
Why the fuck can't illusion learn to make good shaders?
It blows that KK has way less positions (especially non-hetero) and lacks the meme school stuff from 2, but the better character creator and studio.
make me
why are parts of her gloves red. did she pull apart someone's anus?
SBPR 2.0 here we go.
i hate AA2 because it crashes every time i try to H
and the fact that im too fucking STUPID that i cant mod it
>It blows that KK has way less positions (especially non-hetero)
This was what actually disappointed me the most. Not to mention the animations are way worst than their 2 previous games, and couldn't even compare to indie game like Insult Order. Kiss being relegated to VR meme was pretty shit too.
For me AA2 has just aged badly.
The graphics are very dated.
me on the far left
AA2 still holds thanks to mods and built-in breasts/ass physics. All subsequent Illusion games somehow lost that tech.
>All subsequent Illusion games somehow lost that tech
>Updated Koikatsu the other day
>Move mouse over tits/ass
>Nothing happens now
>be repack fag
>be at constant mercy of the brainlets who compose the repacks and miss plugins/mods left and right
Such is life of the lazy.
He's not just moving his mouse over it in the webm he spawned a collider from the Item's menu in the Charastudio and is moving it across the body parts to collide. it obviously won't work with just your mouse as there's nothing for the body to collide with.
That's modded but I'll admit it looks nice. Shame the game is hardly there to play with that ass.
What? It worked like that before. I remember noticed it when I was making my first character and after updating I went to see what new items we had and it didn't work.
>That's modded
How does this even matter if it's in the game right now and you can play it?
You wanna take a look at vanilla AA2?
I have some old screenshots.
Are you certain it worked like that before? i've never seen a webm of it happening.
>when I was making my first character
in the character creator? i don't remember there being colliders there to move around with your mouse. was your game modded and you updated a bunch of mods or just an official version of the game update?
there was a plugin for mouse over collision, boop.dll or something like that
That'll be it, I recognize the name.
I just grabbed the repack and asked /h/ what optional mods to install and that was one. I forgot to do it this time around.
I only noted that AA2 had it from the get go and KK has it modded due to hard work of some people not affiliated with Illusion. I'd rather see the developers including such a nice feature themselves instead of relying on people who may do it or not next time.
Though, combined efforts of KK modding community seem to reach out to other unity games and not necessarily Illusion ones, so there's that.
ah, that makes sense then. he probably lost it in the update.
What are some essential KK cards?
KK had ass physics by default, so did SBPR.
Only the colision with objects and self was modded in.
cards made it by users like [GF], waxreplica, witchanon, E625. you can find their cards in OP from the /h/ thread
do you like making anime girls and dressing them up? that all you do in this
vag's with collision and fully rendered said vags, i know it won't happen cause they censor that shit anyone so no sense in putting in the effort.
I only know of a single 3D game dev who bothers with something like this, miconisomi.
You can thank the retarded censor laws for that.