G-guys, is he right? Are you addicted to videogames because you don't have success in life?

G-guys, is he right? Are you addicted to videogames because you don't have success in life?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm addicted to games because they're fun.

>said no one ever

I'm addicted to buying games that I don't play

I'm such a fucking goomer
I play video gooms all the time

I'm not addicted to anything and it is not possible to be addicted to video games. But yes, he is otherwise correct that this is the reason why men play them.

No. I'm addicted to games because I fucking love cute girls.

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Actually, I hate video games.

Someone post that "I'm a gamer" video

No I hate video games

Just watch porn you fucking idiot.

I don’t even play video games I just hate my life

I don't even play video games. I'm addicted to Yea Forums.

I play video games because everything else is boring and I tried everything else
I did get into working out a bit over the summer and it just made video games more fun
Also there's no need for social interactions if you don't want to and most times I just prefer being by myself, social situations stress me out like nothing else

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I like games for two reasons.

A. Social aspect
B. Doing shit that's unfeasible IRL.

People who are obsessed with games usually are. Its their escape.

Porn doesn't have immersive worlds, character development, interesting gameplay mechanics or decent music. Also
>3d women

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I'm honestly confused at that comment. Sounds like he really likes video games.

Almost all artistic entertainment is a form of escapism in some way. Prove me wrong.

Don't mistake gratification with fun

I might be wrong, but aren't majority of people using entertainment as escapism? Be it TV shows or games?

yeah, let's ignore the fact that game companies are purposely trying to make games as addicting as possible and even doing stuff like hiring psychologists to possibly help with that.

that's part of the reason i like vidya, but another reason is that there's shit in it that gets me excited and gives me goosebumps. it's why i like FFXIV, it's not the grinding or actual progression that i like, it's the story and the cool moments.

based leaf

But I never wanted success in life
Fuck normalfags

I agree. I'm not a neet by any means but I mostly play for the satisfaction of achieving something.

How can I be addicted to video games if I'm barely ever playing them and wasting my time on Yea Forums

Porn is gross fag

Yes, and the hilarious part is that feminists groups fund games to push female protagonists and messaging more and more now so the cubby house men have retreated into is being made into feminists propaganda too lmao

Maybe YOUR porn doesn't.

3D porn is the most disgusting thing on earth

Only on Yea Forums would you see people unironically saying "you aren't REALLY having fun!"

I play vidya mostly because of these 2 reasons

Eh, maybe.
Doesn't change the fact that I don't see either as being meaningful.

I bet you can't give up breathing for a day

I'm literally the most successful person in my peer group by far. I'm "addicted" to video games because I have a shit attention span and can't into reading too long and must movies are retarded

He's not wrong.

Shut up cortez, go back to screeching about orange man on twitter you subhuman

No, video games addiction is a symptom, not the cause. The cause was not succeeding at what you wanted to do, playing video games is how you cope.

who gave this fedoralord 80% of an upvote


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I just don't find other activities as fun. Even ones I love doing like cooking and hiking or biking.

They just arent as fun. And I find sports boring as fuck. I genuinely dont get how people enjoy them. Its more fun to just exercise normally by running or lifting weights.

Fun doesn't lead to addition at the expense of your real life, it complements it. Instant gratification leads to addiction because you can't get the same hits without more effort in the real world.

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No, it's crap. Whenever a video game does attempt to simulate responsibility Yea Forums whines that the game is being mean to them and "penalizing" them for having fun.


Nope. I'm a hero and have success, and I still play video games to unwind.



this. I actually hate playing the hero character, it's so boring.


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If i were in the army already i would not be using my spare time playing video games.

This is the place where fun was declared a buzzword.

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Why are baby boomers so retarded?

yeah, pretty much nails it.

>because you don't have success in life?
Incorrect. It's not because men don't have it, it's because men don't even HAVE a chance at it. There is nothing worth trying for in modern western life. Women are ruined and getting a gf is an objective mistake, while all fields of work are being progressively more discriminatory towards men in favour of empowering women. Good luck getting a promotion when the company pledges to meet a quota of female managers.
Even see here, user turns to videogames because it's the only place left with cute girls.

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Games are just a fun hobby and a distraction, that's it.

Fun games are boring.

>user turns to Eastern videogames

My favourite games are goal-less sandboxes and mystery visual novels, which don't simulate reponsibility at all.

It's been what, 15 years since Farmville?
And people are still claiming everyone is immune to this except "young boys," to whom they can safely condescend.

I sometimes play Runescape with my big titty goth soon to be wife. Sometimes she even sucks me off whilst we watch big fat anime titties.


Hit the nail on the head

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Hit and destroyed!

>heroism and success
I dunno, in the last game I played the MC was failing everything and by the end of the game she was nothing but a cumdumpster. It was pretty addictive I'd say.

Why does shit about how women are addicted to social media, because it fulfills what women absolutely crave (attention), never gets constantly regurgitated around?

Sometimes Western games have cute girls too, just not any mainstream ones.

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Yes, it’s true. Many people waste their lives on video games for a false sense of accomplishment. But it is possible to play games and make strides in real life.


It does simulate accomplishment though.

Kinda yeah. But insted of blaming vidya(or drugs or alco) why dont we look at real world and why it is so shitty we need to escape from it.

Because women good, men bad.

Um, because it goes against the narrative that all women are perfect and desirable sweaty

They're blind to their own faults like the narcissists they are. The don't realize they ruined the golden age they were born into with their greed and still expect us to follow exactly in their footsteps.

so what they are slidding here?
another coomer thread?
smash thread?
other cancer?

Yep, that's a fair assessment. It's most likely my fault too, but whatever.

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>and still expect us to follow exactly in their footsteps.
No you fucking retard, they expect us to pay their pension, healthcare, and change their diapers. Baby boomers always have, and always will care about one thing and one thing only, living the most comfortable life possible at the expense of their parents, children, and grandchildren. They gt handed the most prosperous economy in the world's history, and shat out one of the worst, and they passed the blame on to their children for it.

Women can demand anything they want because you want them to.

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You’ll never have a chance with that horrendous attitude.

Not true, I never finish games I play anymore. I play until it gets boring. Because I play for fun, not for the gratification of beating it. Just yesterday I stopped playing System Shock 2 when I got to the body of the Many

You forgot to call him an incel.

>projecting this hard

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man i love Zun's character designs. For a guy who gets shit on for his artistic ability a lot, so many of his characters have great designs

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This but legitimately unironically.

>those likes
Why the fuck are people all so retarded?...

It all started from childhood as a fun little "hobby" or entertainment purpose, now it's just a fun, quick and easy way to make time pass by quickly when I don't have anything better to do. Not everything had a deeper philosophical meaning about anything you goddamn morons, it's like you're trying to shoe off how you're somehow smarter than others when in reality you just aren't.

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Imagine being such a loser that you can't even find success in video games. Imagine being a gaming journalist.


He is right.
And his wife is probably cheating on him. Unless he is Roosh V. Same mentality, zero success.

i cant fap to regular porn anymore. I just seems so voyeuristic and 3D bimbos are disgusting
doujins are the only fap material for me

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I prefer to play it.

You tell me how I can fight dragons with a sword the size of a car or pilot a giant robot in real life and I'll stop playing video games

I think it depends on the person. I do play alot of my games for escapism like this. I am successful in other aspects of my life. But where in my life can I be a epic Hitman or a hero beating up multiple people, or get a harem where girls are all over you. So yea I don't care if it is childish. That's also why I don't play games with female leads

>3D bimbos are disgusting

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Cucks like that guy are the reason why shit's fucked now

I mean, on a really really abstract level sure
Completing the game or finishing a certain part will generate some level of "accomplishment"
But at that level so does completing anything, from taking a shit to making chocolate milk

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>enable women because thinking kowtowing to a roastie makes you any less of a virgin
>women get out of control
>dude how did this happen
I wouldn't ever use violence on a woman, but I would castrate every single man that enables women while fully aware he has no chance at fucking them. Pay for a twitchthot, with a bf, that is 4000 miles away? Officers burst in your place, drag you to a hospital, castrate you, take you back home.


I'm not fine with that shit, stop smoking.



I never had a chance regardless you idiot, this reality is fucked up. There's not a single loli baba.

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Truly, ours is a cruel reality

>normalfags bitching again
That aside, what heroism stimulants are you guys playing right now?
I just got sengoku rance and am having a blast despite some of the weird dialogue changes
i never played the original, first run so no spoiler pls

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Kinda cringe but also unexpected
got a laugh out of me

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No, but I AM addicted to meticulously scanning twitter for random posts that look even slightly controversial enough to screencap fill a thread on Yea Forums with 538 comments and 123 images.

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god why is the fantranslation just so much better than the official one, fuck

the official one has overall better english, plus the fonts are clean and actually fit the boxes. though some guy at mangagamer used sengoku rance as his personal meme playground and fucked around with a lot of the jokes. Give it time and someone will make a patch to switch out the shit, and give us the perfect hybrid translation. Sengoku Rance is only one of the most popular eroge of all time after all, surely someone will do it

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>plus the fonts are clean and actually fit the boxes
I like the fan fonts better, plus the actually translated words.

I have never been able to enjoy porn ever in my life, genitals looks disgusting, it's so fake and not appealing.
And I'm not a self insert fag.

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>treating a YouTube comment like something profound

Fantranslations and fansubs were always better because they have, not even buzzword spouting, soul.
The people translating the shows do so because they care. At least the good ones did, fuck Commie and other memesubs, or kuso ESL subs like TV-Nihon.

If he was such a meme master, he surely knew about this particular dialogue part being a massive iconic meme. Why would you touch a classic, and actively make it worse and less natural English compared to the perfect fan translation?

I like TV-Nihon because they were basically their own parody.

You can like them, they were fun for some memes. They aren't good though.

Porn with likeable characters are few and far between.

Because if they left it as it was they'd be accused of plagiarising the fanwork.

And their answer to this predicament was to make something worse instead of at least something as competent or better? Come on.

It's not actually worse though, people are just making a fuss for the sake of it.
Onmyoji is accurate, all similiar terms were translated similarly like ashigaru and samurai, it would have been worse if they didn't change diviner.

Attitude don't change the fact the whole game is ridged against you, you will never have a chance in life without knowing someone, you might be the best X person in the world, but if you don't have a person in the industry, everyone will ignore you, the same goes for money, people get rich because they have rich friends who help them getting rich.

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It's true in a sense. Real life fucking sucks. There's no heroism, no adventure. Real life is working eight hours per day to be able to afford your "normal" life, which may do it for some men but not for me.

Why is that any of the things in this list will make society look down on you?
>Being comformist
>Wanting a 9-5 job with a decent payment
>Having hobbies that do not require being a huge consumer
>Not buying this whole motivational shit of "Work harder to reach your dreams"

It is as if someone out there want everybody to be a useful fool that overwork himself into an early grave.

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I have a sucessful life and I play a LOT of vidya.

yes, i chase virtual achievements to compensate for my lack of purpose and satisfaction in life

>All these people who don't use video games to keep in touch and hang out with friends they don't live near anymore
Talk about fagtacular

Reminder to report twitter threads.

iffy is cuuuute

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I don't even play video games now, usually.
I just shit post here out of boredom, and when I do play a video game it's arena FPS multiplayer, because all the single player shit has been total garbage since 2014.

It's more about being able to have what you want, when you want, whatever you want, and how you want it, which is absolutely impossible for anyone in the real world regardless of status.

These are the faggots OP's post is on about.

What the fuck are you guys even talking about?

Then get to know people, you stupid fuck. It's how civilization has been working since always.
>It's not worth trying
>It's too hard
That's a shitty attitude that gets you nowhere

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>real people having sex looks fake
>I prefer video game sex

literally the opposite
you never have any responsibilities in video games because you can always turn it off or reload a save. Thats why its appealing, you are 100% in control of this virtual life, free to do and act however you want withing game constraints
normalfags are so dumb

>all similiar terms were translated similarly like ashigaru and samurai
Samurai, I understand, but ashigaru and onmyoji? Come the fuck on. This is some leaving in -kun -chan -senpai, TL note: neko means cat and keikaku means plan tier retardation.
Safe to say I'm skipping this shit.

I think you are reading too far into the word "responsibility"
Games are filled with meaningless accomplishments, they dont really apply at all outside that one game or at best helping you succeed at others in the same genre from experience.
He means it in a way where you feel a sense of responsibility for completing the game which is entirely universal, not games where they force you to be responsible for your choices or anything like that.

I grew up in a dirt poor family. Went to a cheap local college for computer science. I interviewed and got into an internship program. The company im interning at just gave me a full time job offer.

I knew nobody. I was nobody. Nothing about my journey has been luck. Get off your ass put yourself out there.

Yes, I ruined my life back in 1993. I was just a desperate 4 year old trying to find a greater calling.


It is true. All the ex marines I know play pathfinder instead.

Sure, just like I'm addicted to anime because I can't find cute girls in real life and I'm addicted to Japanese superhero shows because I can't find justice in real life.

I know, fucking absurd that they'd use Japanese terms in a game based on feudal Japan.
Enjoy your hamburgers user.

>Then get to know people
How ?

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why is it always video games. there are so many things everyone does every single day that is a pointless waste of time, but video games are the only evil normies and enlightened, bearded incels ever want to talk about.

where did I say that? either way it's way more appealing as your don't have a dick shoved your face 80% of the time and it doesn't look disgusting.

People are just prone to judging others and wanting to push their beliefs onto others, nothing new really.

They just hired you because you are poor and probably an ethnical minority.
Against white men the game is rigged. There is no way you can have success as one

I'm just holding out for the apocalypse when people can start slaughtering each other freely.

Sorry nobody explained this to you before, but we are social animals. Being social is a big part of the human experience.
If you are anti-social, never bother to learn how to be AND enjoy being social, never bothered to look for AND form connections with others, then ofcourse you will feel like the game is rigged against you, but all that is happening is that you suck at being human.
Competition is a big part of life as resources of all kind are limited, and almost everything you want is provided by other humans, including vidya.
If you are not willing to struggle for resources, you won't get any resources. It's not an arcane concept, you need to grind dude.
Sure, some folks have it easy because the family was so well stablished that you just need to keep the machine working, not build a new one on your own. But even on those cases, low tier people can easily tear down all the family efforts by not giving a damn about it.

I'm addicted to video games cause I'm a degenerate weeb pervert and I like playing naughty games/VNs filled with all sorts of awesome shit that normies would find repulsive. That being said I would probably kill myself if all the shit I like ever became public.

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Video game or VN porn are self-insert dependent.

If I wanted to read Japanese terms I would be playing it in Japanese, the setting being in feaudal Japan has nothing to do with anything.
I bet you enjoy TL notes and leaving in honorifics in anime as well, because they take place in Japan.

Talk to other people. Either in your university or work or whatever.
When people notice that you can pull your weight and be somewhat trusted, they are going to work with you when possible

Nothing beats a jelly filled donut!

You sound like a nigger or a jrpg lame boss "the world hated me from the start!"
Git gud.

modern video games are such soulless trash i can not understand how anyone could get addicted to them

I am a short fat nerdy white guy. I told no one I came from a poor family.

>Talk to other people.
Missing some steps before that.

I wish success in life was guaranteed with hard work/skill like it is in video games.

some artistic entertainment is more about dissecting then it is wishing you were in the scenario you're reading about

Its guaranteed just like in vidya. Some people will never be top tier at street fighter no matter how much they grind.
Some people never finish hard games because they get frustrated easily and don't have the emotional resilience to keep improving and learning.
Same shit.
Vidya is part of the real world. It's a skill you do in real life. Whatever you do with vidya, you can do elsewhere.

I’m addicted to video games because I’m a fairly well adjusted 26 year old man with my own place and car and career but I’m also ugly and women hate me so I cope with the loneliness by playing WoW for 14 hours a day

im not addicted
i just dont want to live and especially not when the average person is a disgusting whore

>What the fuck are you guys even talking about?
I'm sorry for your learning disability. Perhaps r*ddit would be more your speed, oblivious NPC-kun

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Why though?
If they're that beta they wont't have kids so castrating them is utterly pointless
I wouldn't vote for you user, you waste valuable resources and money.

retards like you are the reason we got retarded shit like this

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well at least youre honest about it, eventually youll get over caring if its public too. I used to hide my daki and tiddy mouse pad from my roommates, but eventually didnt care enough to keep it out of site. Not like theyre ever going to touch it anyway

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Actually like multiplier games because i get to play with other humans and nobody can chase me down and beat me up for being an autist over the screen

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It's asocial, actually. Big difference.

I have to argue that's an advantage in some respects in today's world where hypersocial tendencies and associated mental disorders are driving people to slowly kill themselves or simply suicide themselves, in the exact same progression.

Really, too much or too little of anything can be unhealthy, and that's influenced by all sorts of environmental factors in any person's life.
You are not the standard for all other humans to follow. Your life is not the rubric you goddamn faggot.

Women are a meme. If you're really that thirsty just get a whore.

I play video games because much like my other hobbies they're the only way to make time go by in a fun way. Sure I idealize having success in specific things but it's impossible for me to even strive for those goals anyways. Beating a game feels nice but I sure as fuck don't feel the same kind of personal fullfilment associated with success in life. It's just fun.

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Meritocracy should be far more important in the modern system, we don't live in tribes anymore, you don't need to know people to buy food anymore, everything is automated.

That is not how it works, and you know that.

>get assigned project at work
>hard deadline and lots of people will see it
>have responsibility over large portion of it
>it goes off without a hitch
it felt good desu

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I’m 95% sure that’s a JBP video

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I’m a white man. I’ve got a decent job and have been promoted twice this last year because I have actually been putting in the extra effort and take on additional responsibilities. It also helps to have a good attitude because it makes you much easier to work with, so more work actually gets done on time and gets done well the first time.

No one wants to work with the guy bitching about every little thing every day. It drags everyone else down and hampers productivity.

I'm American, how the fuck am I supposed to know what a "rice ball" is?

why do you even care about people like that?

That would make me feel worse

not really. There is a palpable sense of progression that I find engrossing and relaxing in an RPG or strategy game. Kind of like how people have streaks on duolingo, count how many books they have read on good reads, or count how many steps they have walked using a fitbit. Video games are this sense of progression in its purest form. The thing is, I don't think that something like duolingo is very good at teaching a language, but its very good at making you feel good, feel a sense of progress and continue using duolingo. The sense of progression in a video game is more honest. its all contained in the game. Its intensely pleasurable and relaxing to grind for a bit in an rpg, where the progression is always in an upward direction. in life there are many backward steps, false starts and do overs that make personal progress harder to see on a day to day basis.

oh and fuck twitch streamers, and competitive gaming.

use your brain and learn about something that isn't a fucking hamboiga

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Kek same shit here
Too much consumption of glorious 2D revired my brain, I'm unable to enjoy 3DPD features anymore

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>I wouldn't ever use violence on a woman
Violence and misfortune keeps us humble user. They're necessary tools to keep the machine running.

Then you have to change your thinking.


i play a lot of madden, but i play as the lions so i don't have a lot of success in videogames either

Why are the most popular games centered around watching numbers go up and collecting ingame things?

I definitely think OP's pic is right.. Games make progress simple and easy to understand, where as real life progress is confusing and often associated with risk and possibilities of failure.

I think 15-20 years ago career progression was more simple and working hard guaranteed success, but I think that's all gone now and succees is tied to risk now and an infinite number of distracting stimulations has come in to take its place.

Yeah man, ashigaru and onmyoji is totally better than diviner or foot soldier, silly me, how could I forget to curse my non-Japanese heritage, senpaitachi? Could you urusu me?

I agree. Being oversocialized is just another kind of poison.
At the end of the day, we all must try to find a way of living that works and produces good results, and there are many many ways to do that.
But we don't have absolute freedom because as animals, we have some basic needs, that if we ignore for too long, can ruin us from the inside. Maybe you are fine having just 1 or 2 close friends you see sometimes, maybe you need like 20. The point is that the need for conections is as real as hunger or thirst.

you're so retarded and I'm mad at myself that I laughed at that but thanks user, you're alright.

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You mean the constant attention craving dopamine stimulation of social media?
I would actually consider this anti social, it does nothing to foster real connections between people and only a superficial replacement.

>dude, just get lucky lmao
Yeah I know, I'm working on that

> The point is that the need for conections is as real as hunger or thirst.
At some point you learn to live without them.

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>Against white men the game is rigged.
This is a sad amount of coping. Even though the entire world caters to white people, some of them will still find reasons to bitch about it, all because they see some nutjob do some nutjob thing.

This. Whenever I see 3dpd most of them look like men in drag. Women using make up has destroyed humanity because they are all so fucking ugly and manly.

Onmyouji are also exorcists, just calling them diviners could be entirely wrong depending on context.

not him but to be completely honest with you, 95% of the people playing sengoku rance, or really any vn/eroge in general would prefer to have the japanese terms. Everyone that reaches this level of weeb has picked up on at least a decent chunk of japanese language and culture. Worst comes to worse, a quick google search and some reading will teach you more about the game, japanese history, and give you a greater understanding of the true nature of each class.
Rance in general has a specific audience, and not localizing the shit out of it is the best way to appeal to said audience

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Or you're born with a need for no personal connections or meaningful social interactions in the first place.

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He never outright said "it is only who you know" or argues against meritocracy, just that humans are social and that people with a lower social ability or the ones who say it is rigged by who you know.
Would your social ability not be part of your merit?

I have issues actually sitting down and playing them cause they are all shit, so im gonna say no im not addicted.

"Should be" is a wish. You need to deal with how things are, not get lost in wishes and fantasies.
We are totally tribal and if you don't have a tribe, depression is 100% guaranteed. The only way to get out of the human experience and not be miserable is to have a super strong calling in life, like becoming a monk or an artist that is willing to burn his life away working.
Automate all you want, we are still the same old humans.

And regarding hard work and improvement, it's totally like that. I understand if you cannot see it, but I swear I'm not bullshiting you.
You have to believe that improvement is possible (and it is). Otherwise, what is the point of it all?

>12 years old still playing video games
>everyone in class says they play games but they got boring after a while
>19 still playing video games
>most everyone i know only plays call of duty
>23 married still playing video games
>wonder if im ever going to turn out like my dad and find working on the house more interesting than playing games
>26 with a son
>video games are the only thing that keeps the fear of death away when i'm not with him

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You can do whatever you want, but everything has consequences.

Look at all the triggered jizzcranium responses

But do you have a wife?

In certain professions, being a white male is a disadvantage if you are starting off. It's a lot harder to get a first programming job as a white guy than it is as a black woman if the two have equal qualifications. The same when it comes to getting into a good college. Much of the racism that is "institutional" in the US is against whites.


except ur mom

Socializing is not a skill, you don't learn how to be social, it's not like programming, music, or drawing, its a personality trait.


I play video games because it's my only source of dopamine

not really addicted or compensating for some deep problem. I just don't go outside, I like it that way

>It is as if (((someone))) out there
yeah i agree

>Otherwise, what is the point of it all?
What makes you think there's a point at all?

If that's true, then why do I enjoy playing games where I'm a mook in a large team and my contribution matters little to the overall goal

>being addicted to video games
i can't even play for more than 1-2 hours before losing willpower
wish i could relate. the times i was "addicted" were literally my best gaming experiences. and even if i play 24/7 i don't even give a shit anymore because i know for sure that it wont last longer than 2-3 weeks at max.

>having fun

>you don't learn how to be social
Not him, but I don't think that's true.

Where did you get this idea? It's 100% a skill. Just because others have a natural affinity to it, doesn't change the fact that you can learn it and improve it with practice.

There is, because by improving, I invent the point. It's the responsability of each individual to create meaning in life.

Merit is your benefit to others. Your ability to get what you want from people is mostly opposed to it. High social skills means you can get more for less. Final form exploitation.

I'm not addicted to games but I agree with the comment. At least for me, it's the reason why I play games

It's for the best. No one wants creeps like me wondering around outside anyway.

That just sounds like there is no point and you're deluding yourself into thinking there is one so you don't feel bad about either life or what it is you're doing.

>Be me
>Spend playing vidya all my childhood and adolescence
>28 years old
>I finished college and have a job

I mean, my job is kinda tedious and shitty but I don't think that vidya affected me that much

I only want a gf but sometimes I just think that being alone is better

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I actually found myself trying to play games where I was like everyone else, which is why I really enjoyed dynasty warriors 5 empires as my first taste of that by being able to play as generic officers


risk vs reward.
Games are designed to provide higher reward stimulus for less risk. That's why everyone gets tied to playing games over other choices.

It's a trap of shortterm thinking where you get stuck in a local maximum. Put shitposting here or any "social" media is the same. Few can avoid all pit falls and be 100% productive.

This + cunny.

its not a switch, social or not social. you can certainly learn to enjoy, crave and need social interaction. i think people associate becoming "less" social as symptomatic of some kind of depression, or failure, or shame. A lot of times it is, but its unfortunate because it gives those of us who are motivated to turn inward by spirituality or the desire to master some discipline a bad rep.

>Then get to know people, you stupid fuck.
Not him, but I'm an incel. We aren't allowed to socialize.

Autistically focusing on complex vidya (like Factorio or KSP) gives me a break from regretting my life decisions.

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That's a load of bunc. Social skills come with practice. People with certain personalities may have a greater talent for these skills, but most people can learn them. It is not hard to become social, it just takes some confidence and the right friends. The only people who cant are autistic and they are literally considered disabled.

>discover videogames as a young kid
>was having trouble making friends, girls never gave me any attention, hated school
>they quickly became my favorite activity
>as time goes on my time outside of videogames keeps getting worse and videogames become the only thing I look forward to
>end up 20's with no friends besides online gaming friends, never had a girlfriend, dropped out of school
>at this point entire life revolves around videogames and whenever I'm not on my computer or console I instantly feel completely depressed
>then suddenly videogames aren't enough anymore, depression catches up to me and I hit rock bottom, try to kill myself
>survive because I tried to do it with something painless but fucked up
>forced to go through therapy, get introduced to meme art therapy
>it's retarded but kinda enjoy it
>fast forward 3 years, my entire live revolves around art now, have been featured in exhibitions and sold artworks
>the entire time have tried to get back into vidya but it always felt dull and borring
>watch every new release that would've gotten me excited before pass by me without caring much
>pretty much done with vidya and only browse this board out of nostalgia

I guess he's wrong that it's about craving heroism and responsibility, in my opinion it's about escapism more than anything else, but other than that yes, I think having a fulfilling life makes video-games a lot less appealing to me personally.

I still I have to see someone teaching an asocial person into a social person.

Stop bitching about things and shower. People might actually be able to stand talking to you.

Maybe this is the reason we're addicted to games.

gaming addiction usually gets cured the exact moment when someone can't live with their parents anymore and has to survive in the real world.

There's nothing worth pursuing in the modern age. Yeah sex is good, but If you get committed to a relationship chances are you are going to get divorce-raped randomly because she isn't "feeling it" anymore. That's not a chance worth taking.
Self-improvement is the way to go. Lift, get better at your skills and pursue your hobbies. Stop putting pussy on a pedestal, get fit and start rejecting women.

I tried to be more successful in life so that I could play video games. I’ve got a good career and I’m fiscally responsible but all I actually want to do is play video games.

Because it's not something that you can "see." Change is something that happens gradually over the course of years due to the influence of many things, not just one person. See, you just play too many video games so something that's not instantly digestible is beyond your comprehension.

There are literally millions of training courses for that.No the go to party kind but manager 101 how to shepherd my minions is everywhere.

Who knew that all I had to do to become successful was to try and kill myself.

I shower daily and actively avoid people like you.

Joke's on him, I have no success in life and I can't joy in vidya no more either

I play video games because I want to kick other peoples' asses online after work. My neighborhood is a shithole so I don't want to go outside and get stabbed.

>and the right friends
And we go back to "you need to know someone".

There`s not-zero chance that if you directed the same energy into productive hobbies, general fitness and socialisation, you would be able to get a job that inspires you and either a loyal partner or fuckbuddy, depending on your priorities.

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no one cares


Yeah, I can concede to that. Havent really thought of it that way.

However, that is still an ability that your superiors can exploit, therefore giving it merit. Do you want to hire the manager that knows how to butter up the employees and get them to work extra hard for same pay, or the one who is a total irresponsible lazy asshole that no one likes to do shit for?

Look at that hamster wheel inside your brain turn to justify being a loser

Of course not. We create the point, meaning and objectives. We make our own goalposts.
If you are looking for an attribute of the universe called "meaning" you won't find it. It never existed. But nature itself cannot be a reason for feeling bad. If you feel bad, its because there is a big gap between reality and your ideas.
As I said before, we create meaning. When you play vidya, and get totally inmersed while persuing something in-game, that was created by people. The people that made the game, and you as a player.
For the past 6 years, I have been working on a personal project, that i'm about to complete. This makes me feel happy and realized. But everything was invented by me, the initial desire, working, not letting go and completing it. Everything is made up by humans.
You are playing a sandbox game. You decide what you want to do.

Probably but I'm a lazy fuck

Those are not video games. Any game centered around that is essentially an intentionally addictive dopamine release tool

It is BOTH actually, something you learn and a personality trait. As a matter of fact it's a combination of certain personality traits that will make you more likely to be social, be good at being social, or more inclined to learn how to be social.
The problem is if you have a combination of the opposite spectrum in terms of personality traits, you won't enjoy being social no matter how much you practice and learn it, you won't enjoy learning it, and you will always be one or two steps behind people for whom it's a natural inclination, it will always be an active effort for you.
I'm sure a lot of you here can relate to how UTTERLY EXHAUSTING simply having a short discussion with a random person can be. Now imagine competing with people who actually love that and feel energized by doing it.
Sure, it's something you can learn but personally when it comes to fixing or improving people's lives I think recommending to get into a hobby and becoming really good at it is much more valuable for non-social individuals, because the few people you might meet through your hobby at whatever level of skill you reach won't care much about your social skills for the most part.

Correct, now why do you think they are fun?

>always loved to make shitty doodles as a kid
>even learned to draw with oil paints
>did not practice at all
I wonder if getting a tablet and trying to drawfag on Yea Forums would let me escape vidya addiction.

And to learn guitar you need a guitar. no shit you have to know someone we are talking about social skills.
Which one of those skills is learning how to meet new people and discover common interests.

This is your brain on moeshit
Literally become unable to get it up for normal shit. Weebs are mentally ill.

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Congrats on your new position from which you'll never rise while you make the big fish rich.

>The guy is actually white and an ethnic minority
user btfo

>watching a virtual youtuber
>calling others NPCs

Objectively wrong.
You can have a gaming addiction while having a job that pays for rent and food.
At the very least you have weekends free.

>tfw latino and whites at the workplace bend over backwards for me
I mean. Its good and all but it also makes me feel like people except less from me naturally and everything ive gained is mostly to meet some quota.

Should i just swallow my pride and count my blessings? Should i feel more accomplished and stop overthinking it when i work hard?

Luck favours the prepared. Hard work and sacrifice is what gets you somewhere or you can focus on the very very very small minority who won the lottery and blame everyone else for your own shortcoming. Ie, grow up.

Get home from your dead end desk job and play games. Honestly it's pretty sad.

So every other human being?

Cope roastie you have no power over me anymore, I know it makes you seethe to have less beta orbiters who comment on your instagram and buy your premium snapchat then compete against each other for your ugly 5/10 face on tinder but you will have to deal with it
I hate those guys aswell, seethe harder

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This place is poison for your brain user. Youre probably just a really good worker and nice person. Just do your job and reap the rewards


1.Find a person relevant to what you want to do or knows someone who can assist
2. Talk to them
Don't be a dense cunt who requires handholding through life

>I watched one JBP lecture: the post

I just don't want to live in general and video games distract me from thinking about it.

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white people really don't want to be considered racist so they try extra hard to show that they aren't. its just a weird quirk


Christ this post reeks of cope. Ecen cringer when the faggot thought he was somehow cool for using thr election tourist frog. Im embarassed for you. How long can you look in a mirror before you have to break eye contact

This, beta and roasties whore BTFO

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>being sad
No shit, sherlock.
It`s not like genuine alcoholics and crack addicts are the life of the party.

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You can buy a guitar in a store, you can't buy a person into helping you learning how to be social, if a person is alone, he won't be able to meet new people and learn how to be social, and to be social he needs people, it's chicken and egg.

>fledgling dickgirls

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Humans are flexible and maleable. It's your mind, while growing old, that gets petrified into thinking that change isn't possible.
The key is "desire". You won't get far if you try to do something without desire.
And yes, some people will never be top tier socially, but you don't need to be. You only need to be as social as it's required to be happy having the lifestyle you want.
Your hobby recomendation is on point btw.

It is a buzzword. "Fun" doesn't actually mean anything. It conveys no additional information about why you enjoy something. It's like saying a steak is "delicious". It doesn't actually tell me anything about say, the texture of the meat, the tenderness, the incited flavors, possible spicing etc. It just tells me you like it but gives me no clues as to why it's "delicious".

tone done on the seething, roastie. your anger makes you type so fast that you can't even hit the right keys

>can't buy a person into helping you learning how to be social
What are therapists?

But how is that "Better" than doing nothing?

not like im going to chop my dick off
Just got tired of real women

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>tone done
So seething you cant even spell right


I'm and I'm happy for you man, genuinely. As a spiritual man I have long learned to let go of desires, expectations, and attachments.
I just think everyone would be a lot happier if life had a scoring system that was directly based on things we can control (for the lack of a better word) and not on stuff like what family you were born into, or who you know, or just random chance. It would be nice if people were happier.

>start rejecting women.
What a fag. You're supposed to fuck them first, then reject.

You can get tired of something youve never had

that's a writing mistake not a typo retard

I wouldn't be addicted to video games if the world was better. There's no way I'll be able to leave my dead end job. The deck is stacked.

frog posters are based for once

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Have you ever considered WHY you think they're fun? You realise there are underlying reasons for why people enjoy things, right?
I don't necessarily agree with the OP but to handwave any analysis by saying "it's just fun" is brainlet tier.

yeah probably pretty true, its that feeling of victory that keeps people playing. not that successful people never play games, but if you play 8 hours a day consistently youre probably lacking in other parts of your life. seems pretty obvious now that ive written it out.

Worthless. Every therapist I've ever had was a stacey that had zero perspective or compassion.

Absolutely true
Your words not mine kek

Chicken and egg situations are solved by raw willpower. Just like any other adiction.
For example: get anxious > smoke > stop smoking > get anxious > smoke.
However, we know for a fact that it's totally possible to stop smoking. Even if a lot of people never manage to do it, it's possible by thoughing it up at the start with raw will power.
There is always a first step that is nothing more than your intellectual will smashing your emotions, feelings AND opinions into submition to achieve something.
Nobody can help you with that, except by showing you with examples that it's possible.

>cute girls
>in porn
maybe 5? 6 at best.

Therapists won't take you out to meet new people, and depending on the type of the therapy, it may worse the condition of the patient, putting him in a worse position than before, and if he is alone without external support, things will just get worse.

>just watch something mindless with no with no writing
>or worse, awful writing

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>Good luck getting a promotion when the company pledges to meet a quota of female managers
Did you try not being so shit at your job that putting a woman above you isn't a contingency? You're literally mad that someone just as mediocre as you is getting promoted when all you have to do is not be mediocre.
Because being a man is not settling at being mediocre. If I were in charge of promotions and had to choose between a woman working her ass off to be shit at her job vs some incel who barely tries but gets as much done, I'm always promoting the female, because the incel doesn't deserve more pay if he's not going to even try to look like he'll do more work.

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Pseudo scientists who ripped me off

i play video games because i want to waste time until i die because there is nothing special in this life besides the things we imagine

Not him, but it's honestly better to do something (1) than nothing (0). There are a lot of people at my local gym who are essentially asocial loners, but you'd never be able to guess that since they bench 140kg and squat 200kg. They found something to do that they find fun.

I'm just autistic and the world around me sucks and I want it to burn. Video games and anime are the only things keeping me from killing someone.

Cope retard.
>point out error

>make one yourself
Maximum seethe spic

No, I play video games because my successes in life have afforded me time to play video games, and money to buy them.
How do I get on autismbux I hate working so much

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>destroy all incentives for young men to work hard
>wonder why they stop working hard

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That be funny if it were true. In order to support my hobby (and myself of course), I've had to step up in my career. This has lead to promotions thanks to tackling on more responsibilities, managing my social skills with co-workers, superiors, and business clients. Managing these people and their various personality quirks is like a shitty game of Persona social links since a lot of them are boring and not fun.

I'm making 6 figures now, but sometimes I wonder if I would be content at working at a McJob, move into a cheaper place and stop collecting physical media of older consoles and just buy flash carts and the new FGPA clones, or worse, sink down to emulation. That would save me a lot of money, especially with SEGA Saturn bullshit, but this si what my hobby means to me and I like having a lot of extra money outside of my obligations and investments on hand to spend on a new item every week. Gone are the days where I had to hope something cheap popped up on eBay or some sucker didn't know what he was selling on Craiglist. Now I just hit Buy It Now and don't give a fuck. It's nice.

To play vidya in the way that I want to play and in my own private comfort forced me to be a better person by society's standards. At the end of the day, I personally nust want to be a useless piece of shit and not go out to bars to drink to socialize. That all sounds so boring to me.

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Getting real sick of you armchair psychologist faggots thinking you know a goddamn thing about mental health issues. If you said this dumb shit to my face I would try to kill you, you arrogant piece of shit.

He's damn right, I wouldn't ever touch a smelly nintendo console if I peach could kiss me on the nose just once

Is calling me a woman the only thing you can do to cope, while you masturbate to men in drag?

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Reality is lame.

Yer a good lad, user.

>Retard doesn't know the difference between a typo when you write so fast because you're SEETHING and you hit the wrong keys and a spelling one because you're ETL

Big shocker here: the first step is to get outside of your fucking bedroom where other people are and do something.
Most of my friends are people I worked with at various other jobs and people I met through them. People do not magically come to you, just like you had to go purchase that guitar.

bet this armchair psychologist felt real good about himself after writing that comment

What are you talking about, I hate 3DPD, that goes for trannys aswell
if anything you're the one most likely to masturbate to shemale here

Seeing as you're a touhou autist, I'm going to assume you never really interacted with women to be even making that statement.

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It produces better practical results in day to day life. Different chemichals are released based on perception and brain activity that alter your feelings.
It's like the difference between exercising and being sedentary. Life is objectively better when you do it. It's a concrete biological fact that applies to all of us on virtue of being mammals, whether you believe it or not.


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Except not every person has the raw will power to improve by themselves, they normally go to support groups and ask their help, social isolated individuals don't have a support group, because they are isolated, there is no AA for them, and even if they try to by themselves, their will is squashed by events out of their control.
You can't improve without people around you, and if people around don't care about you, you won't improve, it's complicated situation that normalfags tend to avoid, because for them, not being social is strange, out of this world.

I don't watch porn. If I must fap, I do so using my own imagination since porn and anything of the sort damages your mind.
I have literally never encountered someone who says this and isn't fucked in the head.

Partly that, partly not wanting to do boring mundene bullshit that this life is so full of.

This thread really highlights behavioral sink in a nutshell.
We're supposedly fundamentally social creatures at our core, to the extent where it's been theorized (through the wild child experiments) that we wouldn't even be able to reproduce without a form of implicit "teaching" (from family, tribes, society etc), meaning that something as basic as instructions on how to have sex wouldn't even be necessarily a question of instinct or contained in our dna, but entirely obtained through social context.

And YET there are more and more individuals who struggle at being social, willfully isolate themselves, actively dislike being social, or for whom it takes tremendous resources and energy to do so. Think about it, we're definitely the "pretty ones" here.

>I do so using my own imagination
good for you, try lucid dreaming aswell
I've never encountered someone triggered by the 3DPD word that wasn't a roastie or a beta orbiter who buys bathwater.

it can be very liberating to realize how little most people actually care about your small fuck ups, just walking outside where some people are without even interacting with them can help you feel less isolated

I don't play video games so no I'm not addicted.

>Except not every person has the raw will power to improve by themselves,

Then these people, who lack willpower, can TRAIN their willpower until it CAN do the job they've set for them.

That's what I decided to do -- five years ago.

Five years ago I was broke, out of a job, ready to lose my flat.

Today I'm working, I got my shit together.

It's a whole different world.

Look... I know its hard. The world is fulla things you cant control -- other people, force majeure, studios, your emotions. But you can ALWAYS choose your response.

And you can always fix SOMETHING. Tiny things. Start today.

>the first step is to get outside of your fucking bedroom where other people are and do something

It is, but it also requires a good build, just like in video games. If you have no valuable skills, you will have no success. You need to develop useful skills that people will pay you for.

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the virgin twitter screencap thread vs the chad youtube comment screencap thread

>I don't watch porn.
I have literally never encountered someone who says this and isn't fucked in the head.

>he saw something in me

basically admitting she has no idea what he saw in her

which means she either already has no respect for him whatsoever or will lose the last bits of respect immediately after marriage

she is just riding the emotional high of being engaged at the moment, once that fades ... pay up motherfucker

>no one wants creeps like me
You're fooling yourself, user.

Nobody cares that much about you. Nobody cares if you change. And you CAN change.

The world fucking SUCKS. Only normies want to deal with that shit because they don't know any better. Everyone else wants out.

I guess so. But you know, a lot of vidya is multiplayer online and it has scores, leagues, rankings and all of that. Have you seen the lower tiers of any multiplayer online game? its full of unhappy people that continually rage at the screen.
And thank you. I also agree that it would be nice if people were happier.

This is your average beta orbiter shitposting here taking the side of 3DPD roastie
fucking cuck king

I'm not a woman. Nor am I a whiteknight beta cuckold. I'm just stating what I see. Denying your biology is a mental illness.

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literally what is wrong with this though? Only Jews are allowed to know what success is like now?

now that's what I call projection

Like I said all my friends were coworkers at some point. I did not go out of my way to be around other people. I had to be around them to earn my paycheck and there are plenty of people I worked with that I would not even bother to give the time of day if I ran into them again.
The only ways to not interact with people is to be a NEET shut in, and speaking from experience, I spent quite a few years like that as well.
Any other situation you will have other people around you to interact with.

Got ourselves a junior detective over here
But actually i wasnt into touhou until i was an adult. I never had great luck with women but had my share of invitations and school dances and the like. Then i started wrestling freestyle in high school and got fit, then the roasties piled on and i realized i didnt want anything to have to do with them. The brotherly bonding of two sweaty men in spandex was the only companionship i needed.
seriously though for fat weebs trying to get /fit/, combat sports are great. you can secretly pretend to be Kamina or whichever manly man you look up to

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Lmfao bans don't do shit retard, you can just dodge.

live action porn is truly fucking vile especially when it contains sex, it's offensive on a primal level.

I just coomed thanks user

You would try, but fail. I would kick your ass into submission faggot.
You think a person that gets triggered by the idea of willpower can beat anyone? Sad!

I'm a wizard, user. I can safely say nothing will change and no one will ever tolerate my presence.

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Reality is all there is, so it's beyond adjectives.


it's painfully obvious that an asshurt woman drew this

Im guessing this is a thread to talk about our social issues and other incel-matters but the most fun part of a game for me are always physics, I had a permanent boner playing control and spent half of the game throwing shit at desks and seeing how it broke, same with GTA IV when it came out, I used to walk into people so they fell from the stairs, or throw myself to moving cars because the ragdolls were so much fun to see, I dont see where is the addiction to success there.

After seeing a documentary on rat utopia, the effects of behavioral sink on society seemed so plainly obvious despite its naysayers
Shit is weird man, the world is whack

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Pure cute girl doesn't exist in real life
Feminist ruined 3dpd

yep. sounds right. whenever I have a true purpose in life I don't give a shit about video games.

>got /fit/
Admirable stuff honestly. I take what I said back. Being disciplined enough to make changes like that is always a good thing.
What you go through is really common though. A man gets big and strong and suddenly these things start happening around him and makes him disillusioned with women. There are good ones around but they're super rare, honestly.

I play video games because social media is shit, malls are shit, going and drinking all weekend is shit, people are shit, games are shit. Fuck you

If you believe anyone who is not in that position is a normalfag, then you have already accepted defeat. But I guess that is to be expected. Just like in vidya, if you give up on a difficult section, the game is over.
There is no unsolvable problem, but people give up all the time anyway. And that is also part of life. If you decided that you are unable to fight, then you are part of a statistic.
Another one bites the dust.

and this is why women dont play video games
they cant handle responsibility, even simulated

I like you said AND YET but my interpretation is that the things listed in the bottom paragraph prove the above. If mammal social behavior were entirely hard coded in our genes then why would we have the pretty ones at all?

Personality is mostly learned behavior and we are molded by our environment. Some tendencies might be genetic, but it is overwhelmingly our experiences that make us who we are.

But the world is all there is. The only real way out is death.

Fun is instant gratification by definition you fucking moron, what the fuck are you talking about

Any fun activity you do stimulates dopamine release. God damn it kid

mein negro
ever since i saw some stuff on marble madness 2, ive been playing tons of marble physics games and just physic games in general
From triple A titles with ragdolls to those physics based flash games
Such seemingly simple humor but i love it

So be it. I will take out as many as you as possible.

because the world revolves around pussy

>always been interested in drawing
>legit try for a week
>lose all discipline and repeat the cycle in the next 6 months
I love vidya, but man I wish I was able to engage in other tasks as well as I do with fighting games and shit like that.

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I unironically know a lot of people like that

Well until the elites grow some balls and start WW3 how else can I commit war-crimes?

We were never made for life like this. The cracks are showing. It’s only a matter of time before it breaks completely

so is the modern behavioral sink Yea Forums

Look at that hamster wheel inside your brain turn to justify all the things you have to do in real life.

>those physics based flash games
Torture game and line rider were the shit.

>finding love in fiction rather than reality

Nice job being a race killer.

You can be a defeatist all you want as long as you can acknowledge that it is entirely on you and your responsibility to make things better for yourself.

As someone who has browsed this shithole for 15 years and pulled himself out of the gutter and into a happy life I just want people here to recognize their potential.

Real life is straight up garbage. I live in the land of the free and will get arrested for doing anything. All I can do is walk in the designated walking areas and spend money in the designated areas. Thats all life is.

It's the equivalent of breaking the TV after loosing to many times at vidya. No respect for rage quitters.


The same could be said about sports,social justice and shitposting.

>I just want people here to recognize their potential
And I want people like you to realize that some of us just have nothing to offer at all.

>All I can do is walk in the designated walking areas and spend money in the designated areas. Thats all life is.

Are you quoting somebody? If not: good job of putting the bullshit we live in into words.

People like you have made me absolutely thrilled that I'm not reproducing.

so it's way too simplistic

video games are fun and pump dopamine and feel pleasurable, that's it

c*mbrains are the most pathetic people on this site



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Everyone else is inputing cheats and smugly telling you to deal with it.


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As someone who can't pull himself out of the gutter I wish you normies would stop acting high and mighty and spouting motovational meme tier shit just because you think everyone had the same manageable limitations you had. There are literal subreddits for people who like to ask for this kind of talk to why not just move there?

No way, fag.

>name cut out

Nice try.

Yes, he pretty much said that because those are the kinds of people who come here.

You still bring up a good point though. A lot of people who cant function in normal social areas latch onto a "secret" social group to help them cope with their loneliness. Neckbeards, incels, weeb autists, all stereotypes exist for a reason after all. Just nowadays being a unicorn in a stable of horses isnt just the norm, its expected. And these sekrit clubs become filled with people trying to be weird to fit in, the weird people who dont fit in anywhere, and the small percentage of actual hobbyists
Fucking hell, Yea Forums(nel) is a great example of this

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>see no purpose in life
>have no will to create one

Best conditions to put a child into the world and be its parent.

So, you are that kid that yells "cheater" when an MVP shows up?

This is correct. However, everybody has a different concept of what 'heroism' is. Some people get a kick out of working 9 to 5 jobs and enduring an unhappy marriage, and that's a hero to some.

I actually do have some moderate success, but nothing too fancy and most of it is really just grinding money and xp. I have a mediocre office job. A wife and kid, a median house. All of those are big grinds that get a bit daunting and tiresome after a while, so then playing Morrowind and being able to actually impact the world within a span of a few hours is rewarding. Playing 50 minutes of LoL gives me the idea of overcoming people, while being pretty stuck with my boss being... Well... The boss. Unlike when I'm playing an RTS and I'm in control.
The list goes on. I get the psychological reward of small successes and feeling in control. And thats fine. I just need to make sure I dont stop having real successes like nailing date night or teaching my daughter how to throw a ball or painting the windowsills before winter.

I live in America. If anything, we should stop having sex down here

No problem. No one is forcing you to anything. You have a right to give up and accept defeat.

Yes, moreover, the simulation outdoes the real thing.

>line rider
maybe if i had payed more attention in algebra 1 instead of playing line rider in the library i wouldnt be here, but fuck those are great memories

I cant wait till all your faggot little children die in the climate wars and or become refugees or the victims of refugees.

Yeah and sadly I operated on that stereotype to assume shit about you. You sound like a very well rounded person and I apologise. It's just the way things work online.

Same goes for every single form of storytelling throughout the ages. Most are wish fulfillment.

Stop shilling your twitter account here


Yep, literally everyone has some form of escape they use, from generic entertainment to obsessive focus on career. At least in the states, things are just too shitty to deal with unfiltered.

Because it's just your headcanon and has no actual evidence?

I hope im around for the climate wars. I don't want to be an old fart when it happens so hopefully it happens sooner rather than later.
If I am old though at least I can teach my son/grandson stuff to help them.

You'll just be dead probably and no one will know you existed loser lol

Escapism is part of a larger motivation which is coping. Pretty much all motivation stems from coping. Thing hurts -> How do I mitigate and prevent thing from hurting -> literally everything you'll ever do.
Agitation obviously comes in a million forms simultaneously and the mitigation logic is usually complex and often even wrong, but this is the general idea.

Has anyone here had fun playing games as of late? Everything I try ends up being boring as shit and just play them to pass time

What game?

I'm not really trying to be motivational. If you accept responsibility then power to you. Maybe some day you will pull yourself up, but I dont really care.
What I am sick of is people here blaming the world for their inability to cope. The world has always sucked and everyone has been dealing with it for millenia.
This shit has pervaded to every strata of society so that no one ever admits they are at fault. Blame the Mexicans, blame the Jews, blame the sjws, blame the muslims, blame the bigots, blame trump, blame obama, blame the chads and the stacies and most of all the normalfags REEEEEEE

Oh and fuck jannies and mods they are the only ones who deserve all the shit they get.

What are you gonna teach them? How to stop a hundred million South, Central, and North Americans from taking his land? LMAO
If you live in Europe, enjoy the the 500 million strong african and west asia invasion. Though Yurope will probably become unlivable if the recent heatwaves are anything to go buy. Russia is gonna be the prime real estate.

I'm having a good time with greedfall and before it, I played EDF 5 for about 3 months.
I want to play blashphemous next, but I'm about to be a father, so I won't have much time for vidya for a couple of months.

Yeah, no need to be apologetic. Just do me a favor and give some noogies to some of the other weebs here, and tell them to read an actual book for once. Personally ive always been a fan of a little tough love
im glad we had our little lover's squabble, now kiss me you big oaf

Is it wrong to be content? I've never really understood the need to dominate, i'm most at peace with nature and don't really care about becoming rich or "successful"

You realize a ton of companies do hire gender/race minorities that are less qualified than other candidates, right?

socializing is absolutely a skill you can pick up and even fake

do you honestly expect it to go down like that with no push back? Its probably that defeatist cuck attitude that means you wont breed.

But yeah I guess ill tell them to go east to help this new Russian empire then if your theories correct. better than just being dead with no one to mourn you and maintain your families existence.

its just as toxic to think that everything is your fault and in your control, as it is to think that its all out of your control. if you blame yourself for everything, in many ways you are doing the same thing as completely externalizing blame

Yea, luckily I got a pc so I can use it for other things.

That sounds like true success to me.

Yeah theres probably truth to that tbqh

You have to wonder what has to be wrong with a person mentally to think that japanese cartoon porn is a model to base your life around.
Is it just a creepier version of the kid who wore naruto headbands?
Is it a last resort, thinking that maybe someone will find him attractive if he becomes a tranny?
Objectively hot women can only make the IRL anime aesthetic work with heavy makeup and lighting, how delusional do you have to be to think you can with HRT?

In all honesty, I don't hate them when they stay in their lane, but it still disturbs me greatly.

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they have half and quarter likes now?

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>As someone who has browsed this shithole for 15 years and pulled himself out of the gutter and into a happy life I just want people here to recognize their potential.
Boo fucking hoo. You turned your shit life around to its peak "potential", whatever the fuck that means, Sigma. Some of us will never rise above and others are content with where they are. You dumb fucks coming into social groups trying to be helpful are only doing it to get a high. You want to help people get better? Stop shitposting on a Taiwanese Electronics Image Board and go out to a shelter or an orphanage and make a direct impact.

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>have permanent health, social and financial problems and limitations in my life since I was born thanks to my family and third world country tier lawmaking
>i should blame myself
Classic, like I said, stick to reddit

mostly older stuff, as braindead as it sounds, ill never turn down a few hours of doom, with a podcast or tv show on in the background. It mostly comes in spurts for me, normally changes with the season. I had a blast with morrowind, legend of grimrock 2, the original fallout, and lots of other stuff during summer. But as winter approaches and i await my annual 120 inches of white shit, i dont feel like playing vidya much

Of course there will be pushback, theres already massive butthurt over 7 mil refugees worldwide 90% of which are caused by USA's endless wars. The butthurt over hundreds of millions of refugees worldwide will be beyond words. I am sad that I will most likely be dead, but I'm happy right now knowing it will without question happen.
Every scientist on earth has been warning about it for decades. Humans deserve whats coming.

Shit happens and you can't always magically solve it just because you happen to be capable of minor conscious action.

I'm guessing the stop playing vidya and get a job and/or married you manchildren angle.

Many aspects could be solved if we started to working as a collective rather than just group of people, this thread is the best example, if you display signs of weakness, you will be shunned away, and considered a pathetic individual, forcing people towards solitude. Our society should proactively try to improve the lives of other people, not just our own lives, we should support system the weak, not turn them into outcasts.
I think modern people hate the idea of helping others, they believe that everyone is created equally, it's like a mentally healthy person telling a mentally ill just to be himself, every problem will magically disappear.


Everyone here needs to read some Nietzsche
You can hate him, doesnt change the fact that he was right about everything

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Thing is, I want weebs to have other hobbies, or even invest in themselves. Go to the gym for 2-3 years and they'd be amazed at their bodies they worked hard for. Everything in moderation is okay. But if you go all in on ONE THING, it's guaranteed depression and existential crises.
Fuck you faggot fight me for a kiss

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>. Being social is a big part of the human experience
just isn't though

He was the original society poster

You've won. If you are happy with where you are and can maintain yourself, then don't change anything unless you gain some new ambition. A lot of people put themselves into a mental hole because they always want more or prove to others that they can achieve more than they're honestly able to commit or achieve.
Live life the way you feel is best, not just your Asian mother wants.

you are wrong
it may not be part of your experience to the same degree, but other humans (as a whole) easily form the most important aspect of people's lives

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I won't speak for others, but I play video games to find a challenge I can learn and soon overcome throughout the context of the game. Real life provides you with challenges but not usually with a retry. In having to retry lots of resources are spent and time is used to learn them and it could be that you don't end up enjoying that challenge i.e. a new job/profession. The thing is that with games you can pick up throw out and get invested in new games very quickly. The same doesn't apply to real life and the barrier to entry to new things IRL can be very intimidating if you haven't had years of experience.

>3D is P-

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Give us a society worth living in first you old cocksuckers.
No way I'd force a kid to live in the shit storm that's about to come.

Fix the economy and remove feminism. Only then will men be allowed to become real men and will no longer be addicted to video games, despite the fact they have more money to spend on them.
The reason why we have this problem is because it's pretty much impossible to sustainably do anything without luck or high debt that defeats the purpose of even trying.

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There is a big difference though. If things are your fault, then change and improvement is possible.
The moment you think its not your fault, then you are already accepting it as unchangeable.
The game is what it is. Either you complain about it, or you study it, learn it and develop strategies to overcome it. It's the same with hardcore vidya.
Thinking about unfairness is a waste of time. You either git gud enough, or you quit.
And for every dude that gives up, there is another one who doesn't, like brolylegs.
You have thousands of retards saying things like you can't play with a joystick due to the advante a fighting stick has, then this dude comes, not only with a joystic, but playing with his face only, and becomes a pro.

I never said it was all or nothing, I dont need to hear all your exceptions or whatever. I can take you at your word. Some things are not your fault or nobody's fault, especially if you have a disability. In the context of the thread we are strictly talking about a complete inability to get off your ass and try to interact with others. The majority of posters on Yea Forums are delusional and do not have a disability unless you count stupidity and ignorance. People in this thread literally said "the world is rigged against white males" and not "the world is rigged against autistic white males"

They can't see beyond their own nose, they just want to feel better about themselves, spilling their stupid motivational shit as if it would improve someone existence, they would never lift a finger to help someone.

Fun is a buzzword people use when they can't reliable explain why they like something without it sounding stupid and childish as fuck.

As for me, I play to forget that I don't have friends, I don't have a social life, a job or even any thing worth living for.

>Why are the most popular games centered around watching numbers go up and collecting ingame things?
Because of plebs and dumb kids

What is curving?

huge truth, but everyone will ignore it because they don't like hearing it

my experience with life is shit, why would I want to put that on someone else
Ill either fuck the kid up by projecting my shortcomings on it or by being a shit influence

distaff equivalent of "no way fag"
more subtle though, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings in the short term

Where did I say that you dumb shit? I don't need to change, I'm at a stable point in my life where I can afford my vidya and support my family. Not everyone wants this life and no one wants some faggot in a high horse coming into their life and telling them to "do better".
Do better? For what? Your standards? Fuck off mate.

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lol actually mulling on your idea of the future I can see it in my mind right now:


>You:whilst fucking around naked in your expensive rented Neet basement, finding porn on the new cyber net, masturbating to the robo-girls you cant afford with an increasing limper dick due to age and poor diet, Ali and his forty cyber-jihad thieves raid your town for food and white women and rape and murder you. you are then thrown in a ditch whilst they occupy your small neet kingdom and hot-glue your vintage waifu figures.

>me: after successfully helping to defend my town from the forigen hordes, due to socializing and making preperations with like minded people, I was fatally wounded by an arrow by some savage. perimeter secured, they take me to my home to die peacefully surrounded by my friends and children. there fueling up the plane to escape to the Russian-Euro- Alliance forces and are sad I wont make the trip with them. I am buried in the garden with a nice headstone and some flowers laid, content knowing my children will be safe and that hope still exists in the world. my grave may be desicrated by the foreign hordes when they leave or maybe it will stay there until my race reconqures it and my grave becomes a nice park with a memorial to the Climate Wars of 20XX

other people liking something doesn't making it big part of the human experience. only their lives

>It's a lot harder to get a first programming job
Harder than what? Getting up in the morning? It's harder not to have a job with a compsci degree. Recruiters wouldn't let me get a decent morning's rest after I put my empty fucking CV online.

>look it up
You learn something new everyday

sorry this was for you my friend x

Your headstone will become a toilet for some malnourished person with life threatening diarrhea.

Fun things arent fun
a classic

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Except not everything is under your control, you don't control other people's behavior and you can't change their behavior, and you don't control your brain if you have a mental illness.

Less likely that you will get a job compared to a black woman with equal skills and qualifications.

I only have fun with simulation games or physics based games like sub rosa, reassembly, assault squad 2, and warband. the ability to customise is paramount.

But the chance of both getting a job is 100%

You're the one who is actually fucked in the head but you think it's normal. Get help, freak.

well I did concede it would probably get desecrated in this universe you created but also my great grandchild hears the stoies and when the seventh reich happens with the genetic super soldiers, he goes back to the location and mentions to his subordinate "do you know, my great great grandfather tried to hold a valliant defense right here.

Best neet user gets is his waifu figure on future ebay covered in jamal cum

no, it isnt

I dont even know what youre saying.

>I'm not going to promote you because you're efficient at your job, but you look lazy. I'm going to promote this busy body woman that is shit, gets on everyone's nerves, and will probably cause at least one major fallout with a coworker or actively damage the company with fuckups.
This is the boomer mentality and half of why everything in the West is falling apart. The " Incel who barely tries" has way more potential and doesn't cause problems, he's smart enough to not break his back bending over.

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Really love it when we go from "it's all about willpower, stop blaming others" to "FUCK GAMERS AND FUCK INCELS", listen man I can only tell you goback 2reddit so many times so I'll just be happy that you're willing to accept you're spouting shit

I made beans in the crock pot last night, does anybody want some?

Beans beans the magical fruit the more you eat the more you toot

He does not speak for me
Neither does the guy replying to you

Congrats something is not your fault, you have an actual disability, or you are already content with your life? My post is not for you and you can move on.

My post was for everyone on Yea Forums who wants to do better socially, but blames other people for their lack of social skills, the people I was replying to earlier in the thread if you cared enough to pay attention. Unless you are actually diagnosed with a mental disability I do not want to hear it, if you want to make friends you need to go out and just do it.

Why are you assuming on this situation that the woman works her ass off and that the guy is a lazy incel? Details out of nowhere the fuck

You don't control other people, but you can influence them, choose to be with them, or leave them behind. You have enough control as to be responsible of the outcome of almost all social relationship.
And if you can't control your brain due to illness, there is control in weather you fight for a cure or just surrender to the illness.
Only accidents are out of your control. And then again, how you react to the accident is something that can be modified.

Its highly dependent on where you are located, but its not. at all. tech companies are very hungry to hire groups that are under represented in tech (women, African Americans), and they probably should be. But it definitely translates into groups who are OVER represented being less likely to be hired if they have equal qualifications.

Why does he have 11.8 likes?

At this point you are just baiting.

only men who are ignorant of the horrors of war find honor in partaking in it
When you enlist you feel ecstatic, expecting the danger and toil of all those glorified war stories youve seen on tv. You cant wait for the glory, the honor, the stories youll have yourself. Then you get deployed, and you tell yourself this is for your country, that youre fighting because youre protecting everyone back home. But once youre in the back of that humvee, with the sound of dull gunfire in the distance and the radio chatter, you will realize youre no longer fighting for honor or your country. Youre fighting just to live, the only thing on your mind is getting out of this alive, and you hope to the higher powers you never cared for before that the brother youve trained with next to you makes it out too. Its always so odd how real dead people seem so unreal

Honestly, he's not wrong in my case.
I do like the feel of being strong heroic figure that other people depend on and some others look up to, but that kind of feel is only really graspable a fictional world.
I'm just too wimpy and low-charisma to be anything like that in real life.

People with no problems or horse in the race see a comment with big or many words and upbote because mindless metooism is Internet culture.

fuck yes i love beans
my old man used to make cowboy beans, the best crockpot bean the world has to offer. With huge chunks of bacon simmered in the most savory sauce known to man

I find it funny that some annons here get triggered because they percieve what some of us are saying as helping efforts.
Personally, I don't give a shit about faggots trapped in prisions of their own making. I stopped trying to help people that don't want help a long time ago.
This is about the truth of things. Some of you are saying bullshit and we are just calling you out on that because you are bad influence to young people that are strugling, but still have hope.