What are the best games where you can naruto run into area 51?

What are the best games where you can naruto run into area 51?

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naruto didnt invent that running pose
I fucking hate you zoomers

>facebook meme

>burger tax money goes to this but socialized healthcare is a waste

So what's been going on since the whole "thing" started? Has anyone been shot yet?

Too bad. It's Naruto running now.

Sonic did.

One is a glorified welfare system for the directionless and unemployable, the other ensures the basic freedom to live for all American citizens. It's a no brainer they went with the former.

They should try the run from Devilman Crybaby.


narutorunning is the solution of a lazy animator

Modern people are such subhuman homunculi. Idiocracy predicted all of this shit. America, at the very least, is finished.

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They’re actually doing it?

Holy shit, I thought this was a meme.

Predict the body count.

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Never underestimate the power of memes user.

>release date: 1997
Looks like you are the underage here.

The government would not mow down hundreds of people. If it was just one or two sure they could probably get away with it, especially in the desert, but hundreds of people would get too much attention. They will probably just set up anti riot equipment like teargas or rubber claymores, and then arrest the few remaning who are tenacious enough to keep running through that. If anyone has the balls enough to do it at all

>mfw 1997 was over 30 years ago

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I hope the burgers go for it. Imagine the spurdo memes.

Many will perish to liberate the ayys.

Is the area 51 meme the worst one since kony 2012?

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I wish the army would massacre those useless dweebs

Reminder that B2 Spirit Bomber was reported as UFO until it got classified. that was decades ago now Imagine what kind of contraption they got going in there right now.

following trump's establishment of "United States Space force" to destroy foreign space faring objects. strange hovering craft have been sighted on Dixie states. it moves erratic and makes no noise.


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there will be a big party with like a lot of people standing around talking and some guys playing music

and some food vans

then after like 12 hours everyone will drive home

they cant really get in, the place is walled off right?

If I were the government, I would mow them down with alien tech and blame ayyyys, no one would know what to do.

Nothing's a meme in clown world.

The actual real fun is to convince other gullible people to actually do it and then sit back and watch.

That's why /r9k/ and /pol/ spawn so many public shooters and suicide streamers. It's the ultimate highest level of entertainment to convince another person to take a or multiple lives.

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This except unlike protests, entering this area is federally punishable, so mass arrests are very likelly if they cross into the restricted zone

Imagine not only having such a terrible sense of humor that you think "naruto running so the bullets are too slow to catch us" is funny to begin with, but also so little of a life that you can afford to fly or bus to a desert to hang out with a bunch of other people that unfunny.

The funniest thing is even if 8 million people joined in at once and overwhelmed the security measures, chances are all the shit they don't want anyone to see got relocated already.

>Imagine what kind of contraption they got going in there right now.
Yes, they'd clearly keep all the secret project in one of the most well known and well documented "secret bases". There's nothing there (anymore)

>US government spent millions relocating super secret tech because some retards kept spamming a meme

so many retards are going to get shot

Area 51 already got declassified years ago though. These people are just too lazy to read.

>Implying that sitting back and watching some retards get arrested while enjoying the dessert landscape isn't a good time

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This user is probably mostly right.
I'm sure they're still using it for 'something', but I doubt it's anything of great importance.
Maybe a training ground of something or something.
With how popular it is, it's extremely unlikely they're using it for anything highly confidential.

>implying that didn't happen almost immediately after the roswell incident

Real secret projects are kept in Deep Underground Military Bases.

he's fast

This shitshow was worth it just for this picture holy shit

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>your own citizens want to make your army and government a laughingstock of the world
i pity you, burgers

Not just this, but thinking it was funny enough for an entire two months.

>I'm sure they're still using it for "something"
my guess is it's still semi active just to distract and keep people focused on it rather than whatever other "areas" they have active

>USA sucks at tech
>also USA: Flying saucer spacecrafts
Who the Fuck works there to make this sci-fi shit. How are they so advanced? Did they clone Albert Einstein on a mass production scale to make this shit?

>muh socialized healthcare
Maybe in 20 years when your country is stuffed full of niggers like ours is, you'll understand why you dont want your tax money keeping these leeches alive

Well, my post isn't wrong either way, UFOs are a meme.

Our military is a foreign enemy that possesses things beyond our comprehension. So yes.

Is it still going on? Or did it just end?


what if the army underestimated them and they actually break in and cause an alien breakout or someshit haha

Reminder that dude that started this pulled out and is hosting it in Vegas, he's a fucking weeb who couldn't handle the pressure. He genuinely thinks that people would come into the middle of a fucking DESERT, not realize they were there and die without water.

He's also got an insufferable personality.

>The government would not mow down hundreds of people
Yes they would and you couldn't do a thing about it.

I see you're a pawn manipulator of culture aswell

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Who said he did?

When you get infinite money you can do pretty much anything, if I had the money I would have created so many cool shit that Tesla would look tame, but I'm poor.

don't you have amended weapons to prevent a tranny or someshit

It's not the American government that does the high tech, it's the shadow government.
When Kennedy (it might have been another president) wanted to find out what was actually actually going on in Area 51 he was told that it was none of his business and to stop asking

There's like 25 miles of nothing but desert between the restringed perimeter and the nearest building. No fucking way a bunch of people can traverse that without collapsing.

They wouldn't do it with how much publicity this has, anyway.
Our government has done some absolutely terrible shit to it's own citizens, but pretty much all of it has been behind the curtains.
This has too much attention for them to just mow all of them down.

I expect they'll probably use some anti-riot stuff and make a ton of arrests, though.

I kind of want to go. It looks fun.

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reminder he was killed when he made it clear he was going after the Federal Reserve

you're telling me this isn't shoped?

probably, yeah. maybe a few decoy or low-secrecy projects they're not afraid to let slip out left in there so if someone does find out they won't find much but just enough to sate their hunger

No it wasn't.

It wasnt the military and the air force higher ups got legitimate briefings because of it.
t. in the air force

who are all these people

>Federal Reserve
Have you read about the stuff about how the titanic was sunk to kill the detractors of instituting the Federal Reserve, shits actually scary

1997 + 30 = 2019 retard

What are cars?

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you really think the government is going to keep anything slighy alien there after the all the mass publicity the invade area 51 shit had? They couldve literally moved anything worthwhile to another hidden location. At this point this meme just seems like something the government is controlling themselves so people will think they dont have anything to hide when the gates are opened to area 51 to everyones surprise. But guess what, theres nothing in it.

Hows the air force, user?
I'd never join any kind of military type thing, but I always thought if I did, the air force might be interesting.

There is a real risk that they will get shot. If the army do not enforce the rules this time what's to stop the next thing like this?

that's hilarious

jesus christ it's jason borne

As soon as I gazed upon this post I knew that you were my nigga