Borderlands 3 is a leftist shitshow

>gender-fluid robots
>female characters feel empty, need to be portrayed as strong by making every male character stupid & weak
>lesbian hairdos
>lagging like hell
>co-op is broken af

Why do you keep doing this to me? You already got all the Marvel Movies and Mass Effect. Is this really how you want to crush the last bits of hope left in my heart?

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>you'll get banned on the forums for not using the correct pronouns for fl4k

Well the gameplay sure as hell needs to be godlike for me to buy it now.

isn't, it's a worse version of 2

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You can thank the Jews for this, Goyim

Did i forgot to mention, that they made Sir Hammerlock a faggot?

>playing new AAA releases
holy yikes

unironically this

>is still right wing in 2019

lmao. The right is a dying breed.

i know, i know..

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You know they did that in 2, right?

Multiple lines of dialogue directly say it.

>Multiple lines of dialogue directly say it.
i was too annoyed by the lesbian moon hoe to notice that

Wait, in 2?

how about not giving money to mentally deranged scam artist for starters?

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that fucking face..

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Fake Friending

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It's miles better, gameplay wise than 2

>I am an enlightened, red pilled thinker!
>but I'm still going to use shill terms like "leftist" because I'm retarded
sounds about right

the action-skill is by far the only thing that has improved; aim is fucked up beyond belief & every in-game dialogue is absolutely insufferable

>only realises now that borderlands is leftist trash
How the fuck did you not notice before?
Honestly how completely retarded do you need to be to not notice? Fucking dumbass wise up for fuck sake


3 of my friends bought it and they get upset whenever i make fun of it so I'm enjoying the game a lot