Magic System in games

It had been 20 years and no game has even come close to the comfyness of he BG magic system

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>muh buffs
>muh debuffs
you are right. I hate the fireball archers that mages are in most games.

If you have more than 1 arcane caster and 1 divine caster in your party in any Infinity Engine game you're a cuck.

>spells that make you literally immune to damage
>time stop
>instant death spells

None of this shit would ever be allowed in the name of balance. Here, I have some nu-spells for you

>reduce enemy accuracy by 15% (I won't tell you the percent either so you'll have to guess)
>spit a fireball at one enemy for slightly more damage than a sword hit
>make an ally attack 12% faster
>reduce fire damage taken by 25%

Much better, balance is maintained.


Really? Mage battles are the low points of BG2
>whoops did you just break through my defense
>Chain Contingency - Bullshit protection
>Chain Contingency - Bullshit antimagic
>Chain Contingency - Stoneskin

>muh dice roll damage
>either you deal 1 damage or 99999999
It's pure RNG. D&D mechanics are intrinsecally abhorrent.

You can break any magic the game tries to defend itself with though

Yeah user, if you run around naked with the starter sword the RNG will seem unfair

The Materia system from final fantasy 7 is the best magic system in gaming. Fuck off with this shit

It's doable but the process is awful, the tooltip explains very little and the enemy mage has 5+ glowy effect on him at all times making it difficult to comprehend what happened.

The whole gameplay including the magic sucks really.

>Get in battle
>Rest and save
>Get in battle
>Rest and save
>Get in battle
>Whoops! Bad RNG so you all die!
>Load Game
>Get in battle
>Rest and save

And on and on it goes...

Every spell effect has a distinct visual effect, if you played mage and read spells you'd know exactly how to deal with the situation

Not every game needs to spoon-feed because you're not smart enough to grasp a magic system, go play something simple and stop bitching.

If you're saving all the time, youre just bad at the game and brute-forcing your way through it and not adapting and improving.
Resting literally takes half a second.
There is no rng so pivotal that your entire party dies, youre just looking for excuses because you're bad.

Not even him, but no. Just no. At best you have to scroll up the log and find what protections are up among the 200 other messages

>whoops did you just break through my defense
>Chain Contingency - Bullshit protection
>Chain Contingency - Bullshit antimagic
>Chain Contingency - Stoneskin

Arcanum's magic is comfy

I don't see how you can 'improve' when the situations you encounter could be anything. Unless you've played a gorillion times and know it inside and out or something.

>Oh, I just entered a battle. What's this? Multiple party members were just charmed? Welp, I'm dead. I guess I'll reload. Okay, let's try again. Ha! He missed. Now die! Wow, I won. Man I'm good.

Yeah, whatever bro.

>Unless you've played a gorillion times and know it inside and out or something.
Once you are at that point you can see how faulty the system is, how bloated is the total number of spells and how, unless you force yourself, you end using always the same combinations for pure effectiveness and tedium.

Have a Breach :^)

> mfw this and inquisitor's dispel magic are the only spells I know how to use to combat mage protection

>Improved Invisibility
>Spell Immunity: Divination
>Spell Immunity: Abjuration

nothing personnel kid

Breach would be protected against by said >bullshit antimagic

Well, I never got that far to do that sort of thing. I've tried to play the series, but I always get bored after a while. Probably played Baldur's Gate 1 the longest to try and know all the story and that. But this kind of stuff I talked about happened even at the very early stages too. I recall one where you're like a few towns in or something and an assassin attacks you and he's a mage? But yeah, you're Level 4 or something and he can disable one of your members with something and then he can fire magic missiles and instagib them or others (depends on RNG lol).

You're retarded.

>enemy is immune to time stop

Fuck you Throne of Bhaal.

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>If Magic isn't blatantly overpowered it sucks and the game isn't fun :(((((

I fucking hate you faggots.

muh Ruby Ray
muh Warding Whip
muh Pierce Magic

I'm just pissed that I never once got to successfully cast Silence on a mage so they couldn't cast spells. Even Power Word: Silence failed me.

Whoa. You sure showed me.

I got it to work on Beholders a couple of times but there's shit that can go wrong.

>always the same combinations for pure effectiveness and tedium
That's when you start playing with high-level melee spells. Tenser's Transformation, Black Blade of Disaster, and Improved Haste (or better yet Time Stop)

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

>the BG magic system
vancian system

Is there any point to dual classing in BG1?

I'm not sure that bullshit ever comes up in base game, but wouldn't Ruby Ray of Reversal strip the Spell Immunity?
School is Transmutation iirc.

not really

Multi-class is more fun

I think the improved invisibility prevents your character from being targeted by spells like ruby ray. Div immunity keeps you safe from losing invisibility and abjuration immunity keeps you safe from dispell magic.

If Baldur's Gate 2 came out today Yea Forums would hate it because they would watch guides on how to break the game straight away and then say it's too easy. Games need to be balanced these days because too many people are autistic.

Sure. I made a Magic Knight character (melee/mage) by doing it. Apparently, if you want to be an 'optimal' min max fag, you would dual class into mage really far into the game or something. I just did it when I was Level 3 or something which is more fun so you can use spells through the game.

But you can't if you're human.


gaining half xp taking TWICE the amount of time to level up in mid to late BG2, thus making it take TWICE as long to get those juicy HLAs is NOT fun.

Sounds pretty ironclad.
I guess the only way around it is getting a Thief to skill up in Detect Illusions?

You can't cast it through the invisibility, I think SCS fixes this but in vanilla I don't think you can do shit

Except for Jan's detect illusions ability which isn't a spell so mages and even Liches can't do shit to stop it, then just Breach and club to death

Maybe for your party members but for MC it's hardly a problem. It's also a weird thing to complain about when you willingly gimp yourself for a good chunk of the game to regain your first class when dualing. Or planning a whole run around the optimal strategies to mitigate that period.

>best spell in the game has a tortuous non stop clock ticking sound

the world and all that

If you dual class at the beginning of BG2 (level 8). You're pretty much leveled up all the way from 1-8 in your dualed class by the time you're out of the tutorial dungeon. The catch up from dual classing is nothing compared to splitting your xp forever with something like a fighter that gets extremely diminishing returns in late game.

I remember using those spells to make my mage solo the army you fight in throne of baal. So satisfying. I started the first game with only 3 or 4 health or something, and died in the tutorial fight. Now I could solo a army. Baldurs Gate is pretty cool.

What it comes down to is dual-classing is a shorter term commitment of gimping yourself for greater dividends in the long run, such as 7 levels of Fighter to get a more decent attacks-per-round on a Thief or Cleric etc.
The problem is the implementation is bizarre. The character arbitrarily forgets how to do anything for a short while and then is reborn as a god.

This may sound retarded, but would glitterdust not be able to reveal invisibility? Granted they dont have spell deflection or anything?

>near the end of ToB
>enter ancient lich's tomb
>lich goes "oh, it's the fucking bhaalspawn, fuck this" and nopes out

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You're absolutely right however they still need to fail their save vs spell, otherwise no dice.

Man reading shit like this makes me want to give playing through BG another honest try but the first game is so tedious, I crapped out by the time I reached Baldur's gate. I did beat Durlag's tower though.

Fuck off Josh.

>tfw playing assassin in BG1
dear god bros, what a mistake.
I didn't want to start as a fighter and dual into thief because having the class name "assassin" pleases my autism

>having to sleep to recast spells
Nah, that shit sucks.

this wojak expresses what it is like playing assassin in BG1

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BG2 kits in general were not made for a BG1 run. EE should have made some classes balance in early levels but... well, beamdog things.

At that point you were almost done, especially since you already beat Durlag so you would be more than able to finish the game.
BG2 has much more active pacing but I'm the opposite, I kinda missed the no-stress adventuring from 1 at times

Yeah, I dunno who's idea at Bioware it was to title the game Baldur's Gate and then lock it behind 40 hours of like 4 other chapters, but holy shit was a mistake that was.

Yeah and with multiclass you don't have to bother with or think about any of that. You just get two classes in one which continually get stronger. Waiting slightly longer to get HLAs is a trade-off for having HLAs from two classes at the same time, and more importantly it's a non-issue in terms of having fun.

I know I was almost done but the story had just completely failed to grab me and I couldn't level up anymore so I kind of just stopped giving a shit.

I was talking to a friend about these games last week. He told me he uber-buffed before every battle, spent his entire load during it, then rested at the end.

Did lots of people actually play that way? Seems it would make the game boring as fuck if you didn't have to manage your shit. All my casters spent much more time slinging then casting.

Not every encounter surely, many encounters don't require much prep or spell consumption. You don't have to do that so long as you didn't run out of key spells like breach, haste, etc.
Usually I would end up resting after two hastes because everyone was tired as shit

That is very common criticism of BG1 (and I kind of agree).
But the series truly shines starting with BG2. You will understand within the first hour of playing it.

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