

Attached: MIRU SHIMA.jpg (320x240, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

letmegooglethat.com/?q=Pocket Monsters

faakku oofu

>ch, chance?!

nan imi desu ka


Attached: d2ad4f3de3052682.jpg (118x285, 23K)

America only you jap nigger

this is an english-only board, gooks

You can't even spell fucking names in katakana.

>doesn't know that Japanese love abbreviating things to the first half only of shit
>ゼルダの伝説 becomes ゼル伝
>時のオカリナ becomes トキオカ
>モンスタハンター becomes モンハン
>ポケットモンスター becomes ポケモン

Work harder to pass the N5, brother.

>ポケットモンスター becomes ポケモン

oh no no no no no


The fucking games and shows.

Using any letter that isn't on my god-damn keyboard should result in an ban.

Cry more languagelet

Sounds bullshit.

Attached: chin chong.jpg (223x349, 36K)

His fucking ass. The idea anyone calls it Pokeman is ridiculous.

Do you not have google?


Yeah, I'm gonna need an actual source here user.

letmegooglethat.com/?q=Pocket Monsters

I know the latter two he posted are very common on JP imageboards. The first two, I don't think I've really heard much.

It's okay user. I understood your sarcastic joke.

Don't google this! It's a trick like googling blue waffles or golf course conspiracy.


Don't fucking tell him that! It isn't a trick at all.


Attached: 失われた水着.png (262x238, 41K)

> put my nip learning on hold since school started
>dont know any vocab besidea greetings
>havent touched kanji yet
Feels failure man


Attached: これはセクシーな猫です.png (400x579, 151K)

and this isn't even counting common non gaming shit like the fact that 高校 is short for 高等学校, or that 東京大学 is often abbreviated to 東大.

Attached: japanese abbreviations.png (369x639, 44K)

Chinese was a mistake