$60 dollars + tip

>$60 dollars + tip

Attached: bait.png (830x415, 740K)

>60fps + dip


Imagine being so poor you can’t afford 60 bucks for an experience you’ll enjoy.


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Huh? Isn't it free?

What time est


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Free? Nintendo? Hahahaha

Just rent the game--or buy it physical, beat it, and sell it on eBay. Fucking Zoomers and their retarded digital downloads. Why would you get digital when you can get physical?


hearty chuckle user, ty

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top lel

>Paying 60 for a gameboy game


based nintendo making poorfags seethe

>Selling games

i love zelda and link's awakening is one of my favourite games of all time, BUT
paying 60 for a 1 to 1 remake of a game boy game reskinned to look like a plastic toy set... that just isn't right

The complaint was that it was too expensive, so there is your solution. Also, why would I keep a game that I'm going to be able to play on an emulator in a few years?

>He doesn't know


more like
>he's pretending not to know so that others who don't know will continue not to know


Oh no no no no no no he doesn't know

My sides


If you're talking about Yuzu. It's been 2 and a half years since Cemu came out, I have an i7 7700k, and BotW still isn't playable on my PC at a steady 60 fps. It's going to be at least a couple years until Yuzu is good for emulation, and I'm going to need a CPU upgrade.

I'm sad that you don't know

Don't know what?

You should know

Know what?


Okay, you're just shitposting. You don't know anything.

It's not the true Link's Awakening experience if every time you accidentally bump into one of those crystals you get that annoying unskippable text window about the Pegasus boots


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