Classic, home

Classic, home...

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>Spellcleaving from 1 to 60
Just like I remember it, bros.
We're home

Just don't roll a mage or warlock, problem solved.

>Solo from 1 to 60
Just like I remember it, bros.
We're home

You do realize that you can join sub-optimal groups, right?

> Accepts trades
> Takes every streamer perk he can
> Loot dictatorship in raids

The fucken gaul of asmon, I want to beat the shit out of him

I don't have a horse in this race bu you sound jealous as fuck buddy

Dan and MoonMoon seem to be having fun with it at least

he did this on purpose to generate buzz

I saw his videos, he's starting giant PvP fights in Orgomar. I don't get why you guys hate him so much, he's a streamer so he's aimed at teens. Stop being fags.

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Why does he always have that retarded look on his face? He a mouth breather?

>watching streamers
Ooof Eef Uh-ah-ah


based MRE stream

>didn't level out in contested zones like a beta bitch

>tfw botulism

>"this is all that I could manage to get while living"

so that was a suicide letter in WoW? and he just accepts the gold and moves on?

Why do you keep posting that guy?

>maga hat in the back
>eternal look like he is shitting himself

While lvling, literally all the gold he got grinding the game.

If you're willing to scream in a cleave-flooded global chat literally for days just to get a run going, yeah. Just gotta get lucky and be very, very patient with nothing else to do.


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people with integrity will always hate people without it, pal

how does asmon make Yea Forums seethe so hard? Just an image of him puts Yea Forums in a raging flurry

asmon layer...home.

>grind multiple characters 1-60, do raids, give all the items and gold away to a streamer
>this takes days, or even weeks
>best you'll ever receive is a three second thank you on stream
I'm so embarrassed, I wish everybody else was dead.

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I saw this fucking slob pick his nose for a solid two minutes yesterday when he thought his stream had ended.

all his fans are 20-30+ from Norway and Sweden

idk man, maybe because he's famous, rich, gets to bang a twitch thot on a regular and he gets to play vidya all day? everything that a sperg aspires to have. even im jealous and i don't even watch the guy.

I keep seeing it everywhere but I still don't know what spellcleave is and I don't want to know.

Because he is literally living the dream and the embodiment of everything anons want. He is an ugly neet living at home and just plays WoW/games all day. He is now very rich and successful with a well known name and has gold digging thots crawling at the door.
He doesn't even need to play the games anymore, his army of fans will just carry him through everything and give him all the loot at the same time.

Anons who seethe over asmon are just jealous they don't have his life.

Imagine this Christian Bale in the Machinist looking motherfucker crawling on top of you at night, making a fuckin' o-face while his ribs practically pop out at you.

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the fuck is wrong with you?

Why would you even imagine that, faggot?

Exactly. You know as much as I do that this girl isn't there for his shining personality or his Adonis-esque physique.

Why is she there? Money?
She is a trust fund baby, 3 times wealthier than he is.
Try imagining some more, faggot.

>pinksparkles mentions "fucking zach so hard at the pool" one time on stream
>beta male orbiters seeth and wished the idiot death

>>Why is she there? Money?
That and clout, yeah.

big true, ngl I wish I had could do what he does, like fuck that IS the life, jealous people are jealous.

I am a level 47 mage atm and I haven't veen able to join a single spellcleave group. There are hardly any of these grps compared to normal ones

I haven't had an issue. Go make friends or join a guild if you're having problems, but I have had no need to do the latter.

>Go make friends
This meme is stupid.

>people playing video games is video games

Classicfags in this threads acts like an actual faggots. When asked about what's the appeal of classic server they say that tou can do whatever you want, just have fun with the game. And players now do that they want and classicfags mad as fuck because everyone do what they want, not what classicfags want.

sup yall

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I don't browse twitch, but according to Yea Forums, he is the most famous streamer. She's literally a status whore. She's become more(?) famous just for dating him.

That's almost my leg when they take away the cast. Looking forward to the gym after I'm able to walk again.

Classic = Morrowind
Wotlk = Oblivion
Mop = Skyrim

for the fame and attention you stupid fuck

And Cataclysm = Daggerfall, objectively the high water mark for anyone that actually played the game.

>that item is not on the bis list I'm following so it's shit
Why can't people think for themselves? I guess I shouldn't complain since I have less competition for a lot of items.

Fun things are fun

meleecleave then?
Couldnt give less fucks, im doing it anyways

That's just warriors.

his fucking onions face is literally in every single wow vid of 2019. once you watch or even click on one single of these once, he will forever be cluttering your recommended videos tab. If I was an american I would have driven over to his cuck shed and blasted his fucking bald head off, on stream of course. so people can make a "x reacts to basedmongoy getting his faggot head blown off"

Just make friends, incel.

>friend sends me a link of asmonshit's stream telling me that I have to watch it
>theyre attacking some town with like 500 people
>everything is lagging
>he loses some health
>immediately runs back as far as he can until he's out of the bulk
Jesus christ I have no idea why people worship this faggot. He is the lowest of the low

I don't get why every zoomer worships him so much. The guy honestly sucks ass at the game. Heard he also bought his gladiator

In 2004 hitting more than one target with an ability was such a novel concept that someone invented a term for it.

can't believe people give this degenerate loser money
the cia probably donates once in a while to keep neets docile, they too can rise out of virgin slobriety by pouring their precious lifehours into a cartoon number clicker