Metal Gear's writing is trash and Kojima is a hack. He can creates the most unfocused and convoluted stories ever

Metal Gear's writing is trash and Kojima is a hack. He can creates the most unfocused and convoluted stories ever.

>everyone betrays everyone
>character design is hit or miss (see fatman)
>characters can come back to life at any moment
>every character is related to each other like a shitty soap opera
>villain's goal is A
>no it was actually B all along!
>no it was actually C all along!
>no it was actually D all along! (revealed 40 minutes before the end)
>no it was actually E all along! (revealed 10 minutes before the end)

Also for a game that's supposedly about stealth, most bosses don't make use of the stealth mechanics at all.

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big fucking news
its just dumb boomers that are nostalgic over being 10 yrs old again shit this board up

thank you for the blogpost
I feel truly enlightened now that I read OP's post, truly a literature gem of our times.

op has an agenda

I just came into this thread to let you know that because of your sperg out, I'm not only buying a copy of ds I'm going to buy an extra one on your behalf.

Jesus, dude, try to be a little less obvious with your seething

Can someone explain why they wanted Big Boss' body and not Ocelot when he was the son of The Boss and the spoopy nigga? Seems like his genes would be better

To be fair you need a high IQ to appreciate Kojima -san his stories are deep and not everyone can comprehend them

OP, did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, you're not smart enough to understand the stories? Or maybe you never bothered to try to understand the story because your adhd littered brain won't let you focus on something longer than 5 minutes?

>Beat Ocelot
>Beat the boss
>Became Big Boss
Big Boss was the best soldier to ever live.

>Metal Gear's writing is trash and Kojima is a hack
Yeah but its a lot of fun

Big Bosses bio signature was the key to unlocking the patriots. They needed his body specifically to gain access to the system. Solidus's body worked, though, even if it was mostly destroyed and in a vegetative state.

>character design is hit or miss (see fatman)
Are you saying fat man was a hit or miss


>His name is fatman, so retsu make him riterarry fat! and give him some rorrerburrades and grass of wine.

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>t. wrote a butthurt essay
your levels of irony are too stupid to be amusing.

>Ocelot was aiding Snake all along so he wouldn't want to kill him
>The Boss' mission was literally to die so anyone could've killed her
>given thatname to by a bunch of suits looking for money
You're not making compelling
arguments user

I'm talking about the terrible children project

>Metal Gear's writing is trash
Based. Fuck those constant exposition dumps.

didju rike it?

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He has a good and unique vision

Wow, it's almost like the series is about global conspiracy and secrets and people have different goals and plans that can't be deduced instantly

>Wow, it's almost like
>maybe, just maybe

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OP is right, he justify the poor script with nonsense and retcons, as a writer is shit

>he cares about story in a video game

Why dont you read a book you faggot games should be about gameplay like my mario games
now excuse me while i go film my wife

Ah, well then...

No one knew that Ocelot was the son of the boss and the fear. It was a well hidden secret even for the various nations Ocelot worked under, since he was delivered on the battlefield and wisked away to, if I remember right, a russian orphanage. He was raised to be a russian agent, but at some point learned of his heritage and started to work as a triple agent.

By the time the les infant terribles program (fuck if I remember how to spell it right now) was being developed, Zero had such a hard-on for big boss that even if he knew Ocelot was who he was, he probably wouldn't had changed his plans. Ironically, this along with Ocelot purposely keeping a low profile for so long is what gave Ocelot the ability to fight against the patriot systems years later. The patriots simply didn't see him as a threat, even when he did the whole "liquid Ocelot" show and dance. The patriots simply assumed that the superior genes of liquid came to be in charge of Ocelot.

>games about spies have double and triple crossing
fucking shocking

Lol op fucking nailed it and faggots here are in full shill move. If you jeed to bring back characters to life to proceed with your spastic nonsense script chances are you are an autistic retard shitty writer with an ego 800000X times the size of your onions filled asian dick


Are you having a stroke?

>colonel gives you a long codec call at the start of the 2nd mission in MGS2 telling you you can't use any weapon that was previously used by someone else
>10 minutes later you fire an m4 snake gives you that came from a dead SEAL

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Watch the kojifaggot circlejerk call it subverting expectations

If you played the game you would know the colonel is AI and not telling the truth

you were supposed to catch on to that, though. It was a weird thing that shouldn't have worked, but it did. Raiden didn't notice because he's a brainwashed psycho, but the player was supposed to notice and think," wait a second..."

>Watch the kojifaggot circlejerk call it subverting expectations
You were being lied to in MGS2 on the codec
LMAO actually retarded answer

To be fair, most people who hate it have never even finished the game.

>make a whole thread about how much you're seething, completely unprovoked, and say that someone else is seething
One day you'll be self-aware and it'll be great

Ignoring all that he just outed himself as a hack for admitting to not even play video games and decides that something he implemented into his latest cinematic ""game"" is a new invention when it already existed for like 10 fucking years at the least.

You just don't even know Strand games.
In fact name three (3) strand games that you've played before.

>He can creates the most unfocused and convoluted stories ever.
Why do they keep coming true then?

Dark Souls 1-3

Is it just me or do people hate Kojima because of him being overpraised all the time and not really his actual critique over his development of video games? They just trash him just to spite Kojimadrones.

Kojima didn't invent third person walking simulators.
Ending e of neir
Dark souls.

>admitting to not even play video games
You're so braindead holy shit

>why is modern MGS writing so bad

Today I will remind them.

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>the newfags will never know

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It's literally what he said

Not playing games is one thing but not even trying to keep up with gaming news as a fucking game dev is another thing entirely.

You're right. Freaking newfags.

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>>character design is hit or miss (see fatman)
Fatman is based and Patriotpilled

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LOL the codec calls where the best written parts of the game though

thanks for proving that kojima is indeed a hack

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He probably keeps up more with 'gaming news' than anyone on this board.

SOME of the codec calls you retard i.e. not the major plot related ones.

Well obviously not

Do you also go to Metallica concerts and tell them the volume is too loud?

When will the ruse cruise end?

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Within every mind is the same dream of greed. All full of a selfish idea; the preservation of seeds. It's sickening.
Every lifeform on Earth lives to create descendants. That's by design. It results in conflict.
But you are different... rather, just like us. There is no past and future. To live in this moment is our only reason of existence.
Man is not created to make people happy. From the time they were born into this world, they were destined to make people unhappy.
The first person I infiltrated into the heart of was my real father. In my father's mind, there was a murderous will to kill me. My mother died because of my birth.
I thought my father was going to kill me. At that moment, my future disappeared.
I lost my past, as well. When I noticed, my village was in flames.

ohhhh so now its SOME of the codec calls, nice goalpost move

this amount of fucking cope seriously

>we're building a secret rogue military base in the middle of the ocean that was somehow missed by every ship, plane and satellite

Plot armor.

That's what the quote says moron.

benido gayme real lyfe

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That's why they disguise it as an oil rig.

so blind with anti-kojima rage he can't even read the quote properly


Kojima's games are among few best ever. Especially MGSV.

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The bases weren't secret, they just got up to some secret shit within them.


they knew it was there dumbass they just didn't know about the nukes

That was OH

>unskippable 1 minute chopper ride every mission
>the camera floats into the character's head to immerse you and show that you're now in control
>immediately takes away control and moves behind the shoulder

Defend this.

that's what makes them fun

rent free

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Cuckjima a shit