Game has a tutorial

>Game has a tutorial

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>game has an instruction manual

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Yellow fetishists are always pathetic dudes.
How low do you have to be in order to settle for another (lower) race just because you're not good enough for your own?

Stay on topic

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no one cares you brain damaged retard

>Stay on topic
Said the dude that is obviously dumping his fetish/coomer folder of females of another race that wouldn't even be willing to date him.

>game allows 17 equippable items on your face

What is the topic exactly? For reaction images, they're not reactive enough to convey your opinion on tutorials and manuals.

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>wearing a shirt with writing on it
Don't do that.

Asian "men"
You're welcome to take care of my hapa daughter for me tho

>game has working mirrors

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why not?

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White women and white people in general are pretty disgusting

You're creepy for having so many pictures of those women saved on your computer.

Kil yourself you falseflagging nigger

>game lets you have children

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fuck off norman.

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Well, the entire world disagrees with you, but whatever, you can try convincing yourself that you're not settling down because you're insufficient, but you'll suffer cognitive dissonance.

You just described all black men

>game has a fighting game gameplay section

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You'll never have children with someone like that though. Why would she even talk to you?

Imagine how many black cocks she takes daily

Imagine seeing cute girl and first what you think of is black cocks.

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Pictures just piss me off, why bother taking a photo of yourself?

Look at me I'm so quirky with my ice cream, look at my surprised face lol

What's the point?

>game lets you see that mountain and climb it

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It really is not hard to get a white land whale or slut, which is what most mayo women are

>What's the point?
To made pathetic men like OP give her money and cummies in his tissues.

It's more annoying when they're like "what you don't have instagram and.take 100s of photos of you doing nothing?? What do you do then?"

The fuck is wrong with her neck?

I'm not even white but holy shit imagine posting a cope like this, white women hit the wall like a fucking truck and are hopelessly obnoxious liberal cunts.

post your outfit, fag. Probably some cargo shorts wearing incel

If you have to settle down for fat fucks or whores, it's because you're the male equivalent of those pathetic women.

Be a better man, you'll get a better woman.

You can only blame yourself.

>game simulates real life situations so perfectly

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When she hits the wall at 40, she already has your children, so who gives a fuck you retard. You think like a coomer.

Also, only like 60% of women are leaning left. If you need to settle for them, it's because you're the bottom half of the barrel too.

>op doesn't have a computer

asian women are truly peak performance

In Korea? None.

If you die in the game you die in your sleep

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Cringe yellow fever dude.

>game has an underwater level

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Ever seen a white-asian couple IRL where the white dude has a T level of a regular man?
Because I haven't.

Cope /pol/cuck

Does she do porn? Do any of the girls in the thread?


>game is turn based rpg instead of action rpg

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I've seen some war vets that brought an asian wife back to the states.

>not realizing yellow fever is just another jew buzzword so they can make fun of white males with asian gfs
>asian girl bad, white trash good, black girl good

There is no reason in trying to find one good mayo girl in a pool of shit mayo girls when the other pools are so much cleaner and abundant

I'm black and idk why but posts like yours just make me laugh because you probably got cucked out by a white dude, kek

Which direction are you implying the T level goes? Too low or too high?

>game lets your attacks hit or miss

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>all these fake looking dolls with 1 pound of make-up in their face in the op and posts afterwards
Nah.bitches are whores who lie

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>neanderthals thinking they've above anybody

Why did people do this? Can't you just run up to a quest giver and talk to him? I dont play wow or mmos but I imagine its not like him talking to one person would mean another cant. Each players game has a separate instance of him, no?

>game has a winter ball level

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I only fuck thick Asian women. Seethe incels, my white cock is 8 inches and it's going deep regularly in Asian bitchez all over Toronto. Pathetic Asian men cant even compete their women just choose anyone over their own pathetic men. White, black, latino even. But not Asian incels.

They're doing it for reddit. They're all waiting in that line because they can't wait to talk about how they waited in line in a video game when they didn't have to. Just gamer moments, bro.

>ugh where are the true honest maidens deserving of intellectuals like yours truly

>Game has a misleading title

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Imagine being so deluded by western society that you seriously believe white women are attractive in any form whatsoever when compared to their Asian counterparts

The othee instances are packed with lines as well i believe. If you cut in line, you will be blacklisted by major guilds, dungeon groups and others which will make leveling/gear farming hard in the later stages of the game. Its retarded.

But really am I right in how the game functions or what was the actual reason

Let me guess, still waiting for your Aryan queen to show up?

White girls are gross dude.

ugly feet

Maybe I used the word instance wrong.
They actually programmed the game so that more than 1 player can't talk to a single mpc simultaneously? That's stupid.

Yes the Jews must be shivering at the thought of the white race eradicating itself willfully by turning their offspring into asians. This is truly against their will!

Notice how white women are adopting so much Korea and Japanese looks with makeup and clothes? Hm wonder why lmao...

They're waiting in line to kill an NPC, not talk to a quest giver. NPCs that die die for everyone in that server and they need to wait for it to respawn.

K-pop rotting their brain. That BTS band is ridiculously popular among American girls.

lmao people actually play that shit

Too bad

>Be below average white guy
>People tell you to stop whining and get GF
>white girls reject you
>go for asians instead and actually succede
why are normans so against WMAF?

no but its not dumbing down the masses which makes them harder to fool and control in the long run. making 56% mutts is better than half asians.

>>go for asians instead and actually succede
u wish loser

Not just American girls. This shit is in every country. White girls are suffering from the same yellow fever as white men. Literally everyone is going to be a Hapa in 100 years. I'm not saying the Jews are behind this, but this sounds awfully close to something a certain group of people would want...

>going after white girls in the first place

seethe more norman

Normally you just fight for it or move on to another area if there's too many people. It takes a real spineless retard to actually wait potentially hours for a single quest target to spawn. By the time the person in the back of the line gets his chance to kill the quest target, you could have gained at least two levels from killing regular mobs and finished the first few quests in the next zone.

Mexican here, how get asian gf?

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Stubbed my toe this morning and I know exactly (((who))) was behind it


Leaving mexico would be the first rational step


im in south California actually

WM paired with anything is bad.

Are you rich? Asians don't go after shitskins unless you're rich.

this is written in a similar fashion to the way my white ex writes shit

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I've had tons of white girls, Asian girls just suck better dick. Not even ugly myself I can pull women

Then I dunno man, I am EE so I am probably in worse spot then you.

No one likes Asian men

Side A is going to hate you for objectifying a race and downplaying an entire human being into a sexual object solely made up of her race.
Side B is going to hate you for destroying millenniums of genetic purity just to get your dick wet.

If only. Every young white girl wants a gook effeminate k-pop bf nowadays.


>white people
>genetically """"""""""pure"""""""""""
Yeah ok retard

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You mean black male.

weeb and koreaboos girls do

Then explain how I'm fucking white women every other week?

White girls arent in Korea, I'm talking about Asian faggots in Western countries. They are a genetic dead end.

Fucking this
Dammit katya

>Japs are objectively the cutest women on Earth
>they suck at sex
It's not fair bros, they're so fucking gentle I always start falling asleep because they love putting you on your back as they suck you off. It feels like a goldfish nibbling my balls.

By lying on the internet and creating a huge cope.

But I'm friends with Asian men

all you have to do is pretend to be korean or japanese its not like theyll actually be able to tell youre vietnamese or thai or whatever

i love video games.

No matter who you fuck, your kid is only 50% your genetics.

Your point of view is brought about by the fact that you're a worthless piece of shit who will never create a legacy outside of progeny, and have hitched your own legacy to the legacy of "the white race" (even though there's a fuck ton of different kinds of white people) just so you can feel less bad about having no personal accomplishments.

>It feels like a goldfish nibbling my balls
Why am I incel bros?

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Talk to them? It's really simple. If there's any Japanese in your city either as a tourist or as an exchange student. Then chances are they like Mexican guys. Japanese women are pretty huge sluts believe it or not. They sleep around like crazy. There's a cheating epedimec in Japan. I fucked so many girls with boyfriends and husbands when i went to Japan. Literally fucked all walks of life. Everything from 18 all the way to 50+. Japanese women are fucking sluts. Don't be tricked by their stupid cutesy act. There's literally hotels made specifically for fucking someone you just met on like every street corner. And all the men in Japan are fucking escorts or cheating with coworkers all the time. This shit is rampant.

Take it from a Mexican weeb with yellow fever.

And your argument against Side A?

>White girls are suffering from the same yellow fever as white men
in your dreams chang, white woman are the group with the smallest rates of race mixing while asian woman have some of the highest (44%) and almost exclusively with white man too.

White girls dating Asian men good
White men dating Asian women bad

All these Asian INCELS literally COPING with this, they love white girls but hate when it happens to them lmao that's how you know they arent smashing any pussy. None of you Asian ""men"" who are from Vietnam and The Philippines are on par with a plastic dude from Korea either

Where did I say it was good? I'm clearly saying it's bad you illiterate monkey.

>No matter who you fuck, your kid is only 50% your genetics.

What if someone bangs their own kid?

I'm too seething with incel rage to be able to comprehend and properly read simple sentences please understand

Alright, you're technically correct, but that causes other problems.


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Even white women are yellow fever incels. I fucking hate them I dont know how white guys deal with their bullshit.