How are you feeling today user? What video games are you planning on playing this weekend?
How are you feeling today user? What video games are you planning on playing this weekend?
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I couldn't find any time to play the new NG+ Update yet, but this weekend ill surely binge CrossCode
The Army just made me spent 40 days in the desert, I'm going to play the fuck outta some Monster Hunter.
I'm ok. I just finished day 3 of not drinking. I finished the DQXI demo today so this weekend I'm going to dive into Astral Chain and maybe finish Undertale.
Keep it up user! Most I've managed is 2 weeks.
menhera chan makes me so happy.
Bored at work but not particularly suicidal like I am usually. As for games, I might play some TF2 or RS2 when I get home. I started Darkwood and enjoy the atmosphere, but I dunno if the gameplay is for me. We’ll see.
none? lol imagine being mentally capable of enjoying videogames in 2k19
I want to FUCK this girl
between the chipped tooth and the totaled car I'm feeling fucking fantastic
I might play some Astral Chain to unwind over the weekend because lord knows I need it
No lewding!!
>tfw when looking forward to vidya time after work/during the weekend but instead spends the time doing nothing but go down a Youtube rabbit hole
>tfw as well looking forward to art fagging but also do nothing
Im not sure if I did well on my test but I just ate a lot of food and now Im filling the bath up with water so Im happy
I still spend all day drawing anime girls. Barely any time to play games.
I have to finish playing the Doom games I missed before Eternal.
I am feeling okay. I have been relatively productive today. I can't find the willpower to play anything because I'm just desperately waiting for Code Vein to come out.
I haven't had a bath in ages. Now's the time.
I'm pretty shit m8
Feeling okay. Haven't played a video game since i started medical school. I think about playing Persona like all the time. Theres just no time. I'm only on here because I'm waiting for my chicken pot pie to finish.
Get bubble soap for maximum enjoyment
not bad user
not bad at all
better then me by far
Thanks man.
And remember your biggest competitor is yourself
just turn up the heater, user
I want to stop being worthless piece of shit
I can't even enjoy video games anymore
What do I have to do?
I'm buying a Switch with a few games with my neetbux soon so I'm looking forward to that. Currently however I'm going through a lot of old PS2 games I haven't played in years. I only recently realized most of the games I owned I played the shit out of when I was a kid I never actually beat, guess I was never in the mindset that I had to beat a game at that age.
>Experienced coworkers jumping ship
>Future is uncertain
>Bored with vidya
>Ugly as fuck
I just want new Pokemon to come out desu. Everything feels very pointless.
I should be asleep but I feel a bit sick. Having to work since the contracted department is behind. Maybe while I am at work I will play a little FFT or some random roms on my phone.
I want to beat Astral Chain this next week but I know I'm just going to play Monster Hunter 24/7 like every day this month
I'm writing a visual novel!
sounds like tons of work
All life is worthless so there is nothing you can do unless you provide subjective meaning to things and your life yourself, but that's a choice you must make.
Just got these today for a song.
Devil survivor overclocked, yakuza zero, and three houses
Cool what’s it about?
Do you get manicures or something faggot?
people are helping!
death game!
Cool games user
Sounds good man
Been playing borderlands 3 with some bros as of right now. Might play some Iceborne and Links awakening this weekend.
Huh? What makes you say that?
Probably playing the following:
>Kingdom Comes: Deliverance
>League of Legends
>Team Fight Tactics
Those nails do not belong to a man.
stop biting your nails
How's crosscode? I bought it on sale on GOG on a whim, but I haven't seen anything beyond a webm/gif here and there.
>How are you feeling today user?
Broken. I kinda had a depression come back lately. There was a Steam sale on Life is Strange titles. I played the first one but nothing else. I got myself Before the Storm. Played a one episode a day. It's been a real emotional rollercoaster. Then a day after finishing it I played the bonus episode. It destroyed me. You think that's over? No. For the last few days I'm watching people play Before the Storm on youtube...
And today I played The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit.
I kinda want to play Life is Strange 2 but the final episode is coming on like December and I don't want to wait 3 months. Might get in on a Christmas sale or something.
Yeah they're pretty long, I need to trim them. I used to bite them but guess the Zoloft is working.
I don't faggot.
Too much s o y in your diet evidently
Planning on playing the "try not to kill myself after getting another rejection email" game again.
Feeling like I want to die but thats most days. Gonna be finishing up Max Payne 1 and continuing Halo 2
Hang in there user!