Sengoku Rance

Are you enjoying it? My only real gripe is the uncensored art looks really off.

Attached: hyper weapon.jpg (796x596, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Rance has droopy tits


Fuck off

What's your problem

>fighting the riflemen dudes
>ninja assassinates one of my important backliners
>yuzu bypasses two foot soldiers with 50% guard each and shoots rance down to 20 units
>tanegashima himself guns one of my foot soliders down to half health and has one action remaining
yay it's the savescum faction

I haven't played any of these but I just want to ask what the diviner girl looks like (the one that always gets posted in the image where it says "the diviner girl fell")

The japs don't usually bother with going into a lot of detail on the genitals since it's just going to be mosaic'd anyway. Same thing happened with Evenicle when it got localized.

I’ve seen this game talked about frequently but have yet to talk to anyone that’s played it. What do you like about it?

It's fun.

where the fuck do you buy it

Seems like there are multiple titles, what would you recommend

Where can I play Rance?

Either SR or VI first then go back to play III then IV, 02, I. Just skip 5D or watch a walkthrough on YT for the story.
People might say to just play the digest of I and 02 but those people are cowards. Just play the games.

Getting into Rance at this point seems like a chore. Aren't some of the older games like really old and fairly unplayable?

Based ty

Most nipponese games don't have any detail in the nether regions because they know a mosaic will be covering it. Pretty normal.

i just made my whole frontline footsoldiers and threw in some strong backline units like natori and yamamoto

>getting wrekted by riflemen
bro just blast them with ninja's and arrows ezy

Yeah, I am, the fantranslation that is. The same fantranslation I've been playing for the past 10 years.

The same one with game-breaking bugs and mistranslations because you're a stupid nigger

It is honestly the best version of the game. Mangagamer can't translate for shit.

Nice bait

And what are these game breaking bugs?

>uncensored art looks really off.
That's a shame. I guess I'll skip it

dyel spotted

Attached: 1492904857994.jpg (1024x768, 171K)

That version was translated by a person with a poor grasp on both Japanese and English though. I know you're desperately trying to shitpost but at least know what you're talking about.

Fuck off shill

There are none.

I don't know the fact that it can lock out of playing entire game modes and sometimes things don't respond at all.

But you do you and play the inferior version

>by a person
>but at least know what you're talking about
Oh the fucking irony. Get the fuck out, Mangagamer. You have ruined yet another novel with your worse than Google Translate localization.

>it can lock you out
But it doesn't.
>and sometimes things don't respond at all.
Never happened to me, it is also a minor inconvenience that wouldn't faze me at all. I would choose that over dealing with Mangagamer's localization and shit art.

I've seen this exact same vague fearmongering in another thread. Never had any issues with it myself.

Because it's literally the same sperg who has been bitching in every single Rance thread today. Apparently MangaGamer cucked him or something so now he has some sort of eternal vendetta against them.

?? He is talking about the mangagamer shill fearmongering and saying you shouldn't use the fan translation, calling it shit, and then begging people to use the Mangagamer one.

Learn to read.

Factually untrue. The only problem with the fan translation is that a few grunt names were untranslatable due causing to bugs.

FFA mode is broken in the takajun translation.

Thanks to whoever namedropped 'Arunaru' last thread, it was very enlightening but I regret looking at his twitter. I'm still dumbfounded as to how these faggots find each other on twitter, it's a carbon copy of those faggots, Herkz and Xythar. Then they have the gall to complain about censorship when it affects games they like, bit off-topic but they got assblasted by the Netflix EVA translation concerning Kaworu's confession to Shinji.

Fuck Mangagamer's lead translator.
>complains about netflix using "like" instead of "love"
>continues to do shit like "fiends" and "nippon"
epic, simply epic

FFA mode is the most boring way you could possibly spend your time on. There is nothing to do there. "Broken" or not, its a garbage mode that nobody uses it.

it's copypaste from other thread

multiple lines were mistranslated you dumb fuck

The guy who translated admitted some lines are completely wrong and don't give proper subtext or context.

>implying the mangamer version doesn't have just as many fucked up lines

Take you own advice sperg.

I've never encountered that. Is it only for certain factions?

We have several mistranslated lines now too you dumb fuck.

at least the previous translation nothing sounded out of place. So get the fuck out, Broski. We are not paying for your inferior version.

He is probably a dumb retard that didn't even install the English patch correctly, or didn't change his locale system, or didn't use AppLocale. Whatever the case, he got issues because he is retarded.

The previous translation had cero problems, no amount of MangaGamer shills are gonna erase our experience with the previous translation. Fuck off.

>The previous translation had cero problems
Jesus you're fucking stupid. Are you him? You've been speeding the entire day shilling the old garbage version that I'm inclined to believe you are.

>For a FREE game

This is literally the first thread where anyone is comparing both translations, so stop this
>you've "SPEEDING" (LMAO) the entire day shilling
Narrative you're trying to pull here, when it has been you that have been trying to throw dissent to anyone saying they are not buying your stupid translation.

Fuck off, Mangagamer. You do this shit everytime you release a new game, not just with Rance.