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Other urls found in this thread:


>buy game
>it's a walking simulator
Yeah, I'd be a little lost too.

>don't play dark souls
>"i invented asynchronous multiplayer lmao" - Kojima

> bro just keep playing, it gets good 50 hours in!

Attached: _20190608_194307.jpg (351x321, 16K)

>DUDE i know the first 60 hours are really boring and tedious but that last hour is so fr*ggin epic and makes it all worth it!!

Is this another one of the fucked up the translator did?
Or did Kojimbo legitly said that?
I honestly couldn't tell.

I was struggling to understand why so much of Yea Forums still worships this man and this game after everything he says about it, then I realized it's not him they're worshipping as much as it is the fact that the game is exclusive to PS4.


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but it's not ps4 exclusive??

>Halfway through
Halfway infinity is still infinity

>the game is exclusive to PS4.
Is it?

bruh that girl hot


>Is this another one of the fucked up the translator did?

It's a Kojima game they're all like that

Attached: reggie-splash-1.jpg (1919x1075, 228K)

That's what everything I've read says. And even if it's not you know sonyfags will act like it is until it's outright said that the game is coming out on another platform.

He's talking about artificial fun that most gamers think of when they think about what makes a good game. For true patricians such as myself, it will be fun from the first frame.

Kojima is basically telling you are an idiot while smelling his own farts...go! buy his game.


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>a literal mistranslation from danish to english, something he didn't even get remotely close to saying
Even if he did say that, you faggots are so desperate for a tortanic that you think "really fun" implies that it wasn't fun before. There are hundreds of great games that get funner when you progress further.
The only replies to this post will be strawman arguments or not address anything I say in the first place because there is no argument against it.

God, I just love her jawline.

>i-it's just a mistranslation! that's not what he meant!!

Attached: sonic COPE.png (808x486, 351K)

>a literal mistranslation
prove it

The real translation has him saying that the game is never fun.

>every dev needs to have the same design philosophy, then competition between devs can be erased and itll be like everyone is making the same game

If soulsborne games and mgs games both exist simultaneously will it really kill the industry? Is it really so bad that people can choose what they enjoy, even if people exist that enjoy things you dont?

Tell me one game before Death Stranding where you could build the game's infrastructure? Don't worry, I'll wait

Interesting how the last part of my post was correct. You both ignored everything after the "mistranslation" part.

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>and the same level of enjoyment
That's already fallacious since enjoyment is subjective

Danish is my first language and the english translation is correct.

Prove it, then.

Is it a joke that Yea Forums finds this chick attractive? We've had years of Yea Forums calling everything ugly and manface when it's not and as soon as a horse faced man jawed actual chick shows up, she's hot?

Legit under average appearance. Her face is hideous but it looks intentional.

Is that it?

>You both ignored everything after the "mistranslation" part.
I didn't read anything after that.


Fallout 4 but admittedly only in certain areas, I'm still looking forward to DS just playing devils avocado/being that contrarian douche. Itll be neat if the objects are truly persistent and not based on a timer and your profile name is displayed on it, that means some fag will be credited for being first player to make it to moon and plant their flag on it.

Oh look, another twitter thread with an OP that starts with a tired Yea Forums trope. Will the cancer ever go away?


Something doesn't have to be fun to be enjoyable. I wouldn't call Silent Hill fun, but I still enjoyed it.

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why does he compare learning how the world works and thinks not being good for the first half to alien? Alien is solid beginning to end, and you dont really get that much backstory on the world its in

Then don't try making an argument when you'll look like a retard.

I like Miyazaki's mindset but to be honest, if a game is too hard for me, I use cheat engine or trainers to give me an edge.

Asynchronous multiplayer in video games has been a thing ever since the days of the arcade.
Kojima. Is. A. HACK.

While true Fo4 has this mechanic, it's more meaningful in asynchronous multiplayer than single player. It's cool to build a thing you can interact with for like 5 minutes it's way cooler to build something potentially 100s of players can Interact with and suck you off for being such a bro

Getting scared is fun nigga.

It's just difficulty modes nerd, make games for people who play games, not for people who don't play games and want to watch instead.

He feels the need to put down other people's work to elevate his own. What an asshole.

Where did he say that Alien wasn't good for the first half? Nowhere. Where did he say his game wasn't fun for the first half? Nowhere.

the guy is legitimately trying to cross over into hollywood. I was just fucking joking about this before with the movie credits in phantom pain but its real now.

shiiit taste

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I fucking hate how you fuckers post the same fucking thread every fucking day. not just this one etiher, anytime theres anything remotly controversial theres always multiple threads about it for several days, its tiring,

I'd guess so, knowing Kojimbo he is probally talking about the story.

What argument did I make? All I asked was for you to prove what you said.

What if, and heres a novel concept. We let the market decide what's successful. If you dont like DS kojima isnt going to come to your house personally and put a gun to your head and take your money and hand you a copy. Like previously stated is people enjoying different games from different devs really the most pressing issue in the game industry? Oh I forgot to calm you a faggot, where are my manners.

Alien is pretty boring until they get back to the ship.

>my game is not fun

Gotta admit that's pretty dumb even by Kojima standards.

But I will. Buy my game NOW

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>three (3) fucking movie comparisons in one fucking question
>from software? oh I don’t really play games
God, I know this won’t flop, but I hope the profit doesn’t justify dealing with his bullshit and the investment Sony made and this hack never gets paid again.

What was the dork souls question he was asked?

>Why, yes, I let the market shape my opinions! Couldn't do anything without it

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The original quote was the game changes significantly after the first half. As in, there are roads and shit and things gets more accessible. The translator twisted it as "the game gets more fun halfway in".

NO, He wirr buy buy gameu

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The guy watches a lot of movies and doesn't play a lot of games because he's busy developing them. What exactly is wrong with using things you're familiar with in comparison?

the absolute fucking state of Kojima bootlickers

Unless you have one hand or no one using that is disgusting.

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Plenty of games leave you lost at first and aren't really fun until you git gud. Dark Souls, Stalker, and countless RPG's

You can't actually say anything of substance so you simply point out that i'm a "Kojima bootlicker". Typical of you people.

The discord trannies are going to fuck up Death Stranding with hand holding.

Nice libertarian retard logic

Never interrupt your opponent when they are saying retarded shit

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I'll spell it out for you

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Same. Doesn't matter in the end how you get your enjoyment

Thanks nap, but i'd rather make a clear example out of them.

How do you know the Danish translation isn't the one that is doctored?

>so how exactly is this strand system different from what from software did with the souls games
>what the fuck is from software

Shut up retard commie. The issue is simply that market approval shouldn't be a factor for personal opinion.

No, it's just being distorted by autistic Yea Forumstards and clickbait media
He said all the mechanics could be overwhelming for players and they'll be busy figuring them out for the first half of the game, as opposed to games that you already know how to play before playing them so you can plug and play without learning too many mechanics
In that sense, the game will get "more fun" once you learn all the mechanics and make full use of them throughout the game. The first half is going to be about getting introduced to them. I took it like entry points in hack n slashs. You know how to play them but it takes time to truly master shit and do sick things that are more "fun"

lmao wow, whoever asked him that really stuck it to him. I can kind of see why he gave such a shitty evasive answer now.

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basically kojimas super cut of all the action gameplay and doing everything except walking


The tgs gameplay looked fun for me. Maybe I'm just an alien.this is the only modern game that has me vaguely interested

Same here. Cyberpunk too but Yea Forums has driven me away from it.

>so much of Yea Forums still worships this man
From what I've seen, there's a massive reddit-tier circlejerk about Kojima being a hack, and then tons of people who don't really care about him that much but are interested in some of the games his companies have worked on.

Same but I wish trainers for DS games were more versatile. It's always invulnerability and shit. I just want my character to have a much larger health pool, or the ability to regen HP out of combat so that it plays like a more traditional action RPG and less like a survival, resource management game.

This is literally taking the MGS2 ending to real life. I think Kojima wanted to make a game like Death Stranding for decades.

It does look cool but I can't say that does look fun.
I'll still play it anyway and will probably enjoy it too, but until then, right now I'm just enjoying calling Kojima a hack.
There's something about it that made me feel good.

You're an epic troll user, it's just in your blood.

god captcha is having me identify parking meters now, i really hate training AI robots for free it's fucking bullshit. I deserve money for this.

Hideo HACKjima is GOD

No way he said that unironically, every game dev knows the start is the most important and where you put the biggest effort

Get the fuck out of here.
>I just want my character to have a much larger health pool, or the ability to regen HP out of combat so that it plays like a more traditional action RPG and less like a survival, resource management game.
Go play games that are more like a traditional RPG. I don't get why people want to ruin the intended design of a game.

>Yea Forums has driven me away from it

Yea Forums is right tho. CDPR fucked up

>Go play games that are more like a traditional RPG
But that would be playing a different game. This solution allows me to experience the content, but with the gameplay altered to some extent.

>CDPR fucked up
How so?

Kojima is the Paul W.S Anderson of video game. He makes quirky fun gameplay buy he's a terrible writer. If someone let him make a Hollywood film, it would be fucking disastrous.

>playing ANY kojima game after 1998 and having fun

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By somehow creating the most lame looking Cyberpunk setting ever made because they wanted to go for "realism".

>night city
>is daylight

just some fun facts:

>the game world itself is virtual reality

>the camera itself is you as sam, in 1st person, watching over norman reedus, who is playing the role of sam bridges.

>there are two sams: the ludens sam (naked sam/camera sam) and the fake sam

>madds "cliff" character never appears outside of cutscenes, except exclusively for one encounter as the second to last boss

>his cutscenes are designed to show an escalation of violence, but they're actually future events revealed in inverted order. the cutscenes slowly get closer to the present time, up to when you finally fight him.

>the final boss is sam

>sam killed his wife

>amelie is a stillmother

>bb is your son

>the camera itself is you as sam, in 1st person, watching over norman reedus, who is playing the role of sam bridges.
>fake sam
so norman is the fake sam?
also this all sounds very plausible and kojima-like

That was the one with the least gameplay, I seriously don't understand you people

No shit, he's not trying to make a movie.

>turns into silent hills at the halfway mark
clever girl

It was translated to Danish first.

>games should be fun!
>games should be riddled with politics

kek, "gamers"

personally the most common cheat I use is to get a shitload of money/credits. If I use something else the game becomes too boring.

If you believe that I've got some hot Smash leaks you make be interested in.

>he's not trying to make a movie
Yes he is, it's the only thing hes ever tried to do

>he's not trying to make a movie
I feel like Kojima himself would probably disagree with you lmao.

Kojima is a genius but the easy mode shit is a bit of a misstep

Kojima himself said he could've made a movie but chose to make a game instead.

Glad to know you hated every MGS before 4.

this game will be an absolute shit show.

He said he has received offers but was too busy making video games at the times to take them up on it.

When this comes out, this could be entirely a walking simulator movie for 100 hours but Yea Forums will praise it because Kojimbo's name is on it and they'll have meme mechanics to joke about like drinking Monster.

This game is looking to be the greatest pleb filter of all time

Fuck that game, I am more thrilled about the Mikkelsen SFMs.

>Look Mom I posted it again

What do you want from this game?

Consider this fighting games only get fun about a 50 hours in unless you're a brainlet who enjoys failing at life.

He verbatim said when he began Kojipro he could've made movies but chose not to. I can't find the exact quote but here's a similar one: uk.ign.com/articles/2015/12/16/hideo-kojima-talks-new-studio-edgy-playstation-game-and-the-future

Remember to never question what journos or anons write, just turn your brain off and consume.

Fine, here is something of substance: Other developers manage to play many games despite developing them all the time. It's amazing how interview most Japanese developers and they will be able to rattle off a list of other games they have played recently and enjoy. But Kojima can't even recognize one of the largest, most celebrated titles to hit the West, despite how much time he has been hanging out here.

Jokes on you, I love walking simulators. Pop in a nice podcast or music album, and it's like you're not even here anymore.

Do you take issue with this too?

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based and sarcasmpilled.

>But Kojima can't even recognize one of the largest, most celebrated titles to hit the West,
Do you get all your info from Yea Forums? Cause he knows Dark Souls. He never said he hasn't heard of it.

Star hawk

>he knows Dark Souls

Attached: proof bird 9.png (675x512, 22K)

Are you fucking retarded

Are you fucking kojima

You want proof that he knows world famous Dark Souls? Ok. The very article this thread is talking about he is asked about Dark Souls. There you go, proof he has heard of it. Really do you assume everyone hasn't heard of Dark Souls unless they go on public record about it?

But the question gives the context of Dark Souls being a video game. It's possible that he doesn't what Dark Souls is, only that it's a video games based off of the question.

SO.....Comfy stops at half game. Shit game tbg. No buy!

Do you have any basis he has never heard of it and not just played it besides your own head?

Is it bad that I still don't know what the game is supposed to be about?

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No, but I never claimed he doesn't know what it is like you claimed that he did. As far as I'm aware, it could still go either way.

That's why we fucking love Kojimbo games. You can only figure it out by playing.

>But Kojima can't even recognize one of the largest, most celebrated titles to hit the West,
>No, but I never claimed he doesn't know what it is
Uh huh. Going to say that that was someone else along the reply chain you just coincedentally appeared in with the goal posts somewhere else?

It's completely made up. Kojima never said that. Stop spreading that garbage, it's been 100% debunked.

See this:

See this:

See this:

See this:

See this:

see above.

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I'm pretty sure he was just saying he doesn't hire people who play games exclusively and don't have other hobbies that can drive creativity and ideas. Influences are important. Kojima, on the other hand, straight up says he doesn't play other games.

>Going to say that that was someone else along the reply chain you just coincedentally appeared in with the goal posts somewhere else?
Sorry, I forgot this thread was just supposed to be a private chat between you and one other user.


Calling out made up bullshit is "cope", right.

>it's ok for me to move goalposts for other people

Literally all I asked for was proof that he knew what Dark Souls was, I didn't touch his dang goalpost.

> 0+0=7 because i say so

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No, he said he doesn't have time to play 'many' other games but he has talked about playing specific games in the past.

>Damage controlling over factually accurate but inconvenient information is "cope", right.
That's right.

I think you have comprehension issues. Things getting -more- fun doesn't mean that they weren't -already- fun to begin with.

Who the fuck doesn't know Dark Souls? Are you some new super zoomer breed to not know about fucking Dark Souls?

>halfway through the game you get to...

there is your mistake again thinking anyone here thinks like you

>Who the fuck doesn't know Dark Souls?
It is possible that Kojima does not know Dark Souls.

Attached: 1377232040326.png (260x285, 116K)

>Itagaki: testers were playing NG, at first it was easy, but then they said "it was difficult", so I made the game even more difficult

Cookie wins

And it's possible I could shit cotton candy starting tomorrow you retarded zoomer. Everyone and their cock knows Dark Souls. It's literally the Dark Souls of video games.

I'm not speaking for you retard.

It's the norm to know Dark Souls in the gaming industry. If you are going to try and argue something against the norm the proof needs to come from you.

>Everyone and their cock knows Dark Souls.
Does this mean you have found the evidence showing that Kojima does indeed know what Dark Souls is???

Attached: proof bird 7.jpg (680x449, 23K)

You're not speaking for anyone other than yourself, retard.

Shhh soulsfags don't want people to know about him and actually difficult games

Do you have evidence you heard of Dark Souls before entering the thread? Fucking retard.


Yeah I'm just speaking for myself that's why MGS was such a successful series, it was just me.

Are the fucking shitty hitboxes, lack of ranged and weapon damage balance and endlessly reused assets part of Miyazakis plan too?
How about the silky smooth 20 fps framerate, will that retarded fuck make a game that runs properly for once?

You are not the sole reason MGS was successful, but the rest is correct.

>strandingcucks thinking they're in a position to talk shit about any other games/devs

No bro shitty hitboxes and 20fps is hardcore you just got #casualfiltered

Enjoy your hacks game. It's gonna be his last.

meant for


Imagine entering a video game board and being bitter that people like video games.

>Imagine entering a video game board and being bitter that people like movies.

Nigga that's VN tier. VNs are the only genre I can give a pass to to take several hours to start shifting gears and that's only because they're usually riddled with slice of life BS and story buildup.

>muv luv
Granted the pay off is worth it, but god Extra and the first half of unlimited are a slog to get through.

I enjoyed pretty much all of it outside of the lacrosse arc, which is weird because I usually hate slice of life and only started because I knew about the sci-fi twist.

See? You see other people enjoying something that affects you in no way and then get mad. It's sad.

>Are the fucking shitty hitboxes, lack of ranged and weapon damage balance and endlessly reused assets part of Miyazakis plan too?
get gud u tranny
>How about the silky smooth 20 fps framerate, will that retarded fuck make a game that runs properly for once?
runs perfect on a non potato pc

That's a fair criticism, just not what you originally said. I fucking hate hollywood movies and don't pretend to not be bitter about it.

>death stranny fags thinking they can talk shit about dark souls

>runs perfect on a non potato pc
>plying souls games on pc
Fuck off retard

Yeah lmao just get gud and the hitboxes will no longer be hot trash and the game will magically fix itself

Shut up Hideo

souls games work fine on consoles you dumb tranny

I'm really open to whatever weird shit this game will be. I'm looking forward to trying to figure out what the fuck it is. I have a bunch of stuff in my backlog, but I will dive into this shit. Plus I may buy one as a gift to a friend who has a new actual baby to take care of. Will probably see how it works asynchronously playing with him.

>buy PS4
bravo sony

All he did was point out a factual error. Pointing out mistakes isn't 'damage control'. Fuck.


>I fucking hate hollywood movies and don't pretend to not be bitter about it.
this is Yea Forums and you‘re in a thread about a video game. stop being retarded

I was talking about movies you fucking retard.

Why this frog midget?

He's been trying to do this shit since fucking MGS3

People really think his games are anything but Hollywood jerkoffs

Best case scenario: Rain World
Worst (=most probable) case scenario: Sunken cost fallacy kick in