what's it on?
Tokifags are the worst subhumans of the SMT fanbase.
But I am.
Already did. Got bored at the egg and switched to ez-mode. Ruined the game.
What, again? Get outta here Toki i finished it.
That's not how you spell Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei II.
I don't have a 3ds, any emulation?
Whatever will be, PC or android.
i dont play smt but toki is the best character design in the history of videogames
Thought this was ported to iOS but I can’t find it on the App Store. Fug, I decided on an iPad for this.
I love Toki.
I don't play games with shit resolution
the only atlus games I've beaten are P3 and TMS#FE
Use emulation.
i can't run the translation patch without it crashing on title
No. I beat smt4 and it was one of the most fucking garbage games I've ever played.
I got mine prepatched from megaten challenge on /t/ and it worked fine
Play MAJIN Tensei
Imagine her warm body sitting on your dick.
>has an orgasm in front of the party
Toki is a slut.
Yes but she's a slut for (you) user.
when did this happen? when they're closing the urns?
Yes. The urn of lust makes Toki horny as fuck. Which is hot as fuck.
>not original very first (non-fAtlus) Megami Tensei by Telenet which is way more closer and faithful to the original book
Already did but now I need to actually commit to my DDS 1&2 playthrough.
>want to start Apocalypse
>but want to finish the bonus dungeon for soul hackers, play NG+ and finish the extra game dungeon
>also want to finish the DLC for 4 despite grind even with those grinding DLCs
>need to also finish Majin tensei 2 as that was started before any of the above games
>and EO1 was started before any of those games
Toki is a better waifu and character than most of persona's waifubait
Digital devil saga remake/remaster when?
she's hardly better than the rest of the IV:A cast, which is to say she's dogshit. not that smt has had great waifu material anyway
the only good megaten waifu is pic related
I already beat it 9 times
When nocturne and P4G does
I'm playing vanilla smt4
lemme beat that first
I wonder how Rei Reiho is in the first soul hackers
*devil summoner
Already done, what do I play now, Nocturne or Strange Journey?
I'm not a subhuman.
Literally the worst game in the franchise
This is true, but that's also not setting the bar very high.
pro tip, if try to go through DDS2 with the 3 same people through the whole game, you WILL suffer. it's absolutely nothing like DDS1, trust me. grind your teammates
I completed it a while ago, it's good up until you go to mikadoand then it jumps between really fucking stupid and decent
gameplay is great though (aside from the bosses mostly being pretty shit in the last half)
Currently at the egg. Neglected to fuse demons for so long that I'm still playing with lvl 75 demons at that point while I'm at lvl 85 fusion limit. I need more macca.
Fuck off. Toki is cute. CUTE!
The book's fucking garbage though
Shh don't tell him that.
Nah, regular 4 was definitely worse in pretty much every way other than lmao friends.
Someone link the orgasm jar.
Why would i play a persona spin off?
Nah, I'm playing Soul Hackers it's still so damn comfy. I'm in the Astro Museum dungeon, does anyone know when I should be a wary about the game-breaking bug? I have a physical copy and those are quite rare so I would rather avoid bricking it.
not even close
Aspect Toki!
play it for based gaston
4 is definitely worse. No dungeons, smirk is shit, art is shit, the heroes are shit, only thing decent is the music, it’s like a shitty Chinese knock-off of SMT.
Toki is so damn cute. I wish she were the only friend character in the game.
>No dungeons
>art is shit
>the heroes are shit
what the fuck are you talking about
4 had the angels which looked cool and they made you WORK for getting certain demons but other than that I agree.
this nigga eyebrow boutta take off
>>art is shit
All the new demons are fucking shit outside Minotaur.
>the heroes are shit
>the angels which looked cool
Man I can't believe I get to dismiss your opinions that easily.
>he can't shoot his eyebrows as projectiles to throws his enemies off
what a loser
how can you think IVA is any better in those regards? what the fuck
I am Toki
I just wait to slaughter you and the rest of the idiots
What don’t you understand 4 babby?
here is your God for eternity.
Try it and see what happens.
Kill yourself
The IV games were never good
Try to do that when I shove my tongue down your little throat.
You arent god in that ending, it's just another bad neutral smt ending where eventually the protag and friends will die, yhwh will come back and everything will return to shit.
>reincarnates you as a god for free
Damn straight
Strange Journey Redux
Not by leaps and bounds, but still better. Cockroach-kun is awful. Also the battle system is a lot better. Also the kill your friends ending is a lot better than any ending in 4.
make me
>but still better
It was, but they abandoned the game so it doesn't work on modern versions of iOS and was removed from the store.
>Nozomi's a bitch despite design
>Dog's boring and fucks everything up
>Gaston and Navarre can be bro tier and Hal's boring but inoffensive yet it's gay to go with them
>who cares about bobo
That said, I never got why they didn't put minotaur in IVA. With all of the Akira wankery, it would've made sense to have allowed for a special fusion dialogue for Minotaur acknowledging his former master in bonds.
Walter and Jonathan is bette than everyone in Apoc. You're a huge mong dude
God I love this picture
If I didn’t have to spend so much money moving I would’ve gotten this commissioned to look nicer.
Walter and Jonathan are gay as shit.
Because they’re not as shit, duh.
This. If V is going to be more of the same it can stay vaporware.
are you a persona faggot?
Dagda’s ending is the closest to a happy ending you'll get with an SMT title
>massively improved gameplay, maybe the best in the series and probably how press turn was meant to be all along
>people pretending it was shit compared to 4 where the combat was gimped with broken smirk and a literally useless stat because it has a few bad characters
What are you even playing games for?
I'm still waiting for some autist to blow $1k in Toki comms like some reviewer did for god hand
My stupid haram of retards finally take a hint and fuck off forever while I become the new creator god
What more could you want?
a game that has more than just the ending to it
Why did the series fail in the west?
IV is garbage but Apoc is even worse because of the nonsensical story
Yeah but only 1 and 2 :^)
Because who cares about edgy occult shit outside of the 90s-2000s
Even when they threw so many spinoffs on the PS2, we all know which one caught people's attention in the west
cute girl!
based sseth the absolute madlad
I mean yeah but dude this ending is extremely satisfying
there are tons of games with dumber plot like MT1 and IVA is vastly superior in terms of gameplay
I made Gaston my goddess, no regrets
This is game is so fucking sad while trying so hard to be a Persona lmao
now thats what I call based
Why are kanekofags the most obnoxious and elitist "fans"?
IV was just so much better than IV:A
why not
>says she loves me
>betrays me any way
you had your chance bitch. asashi is my goddess now.
because his arts good and after fatlus stopped emulating his style the art of smt/persona turned to dogshit
the cutest. sad she had too go.
why did you guys tell me to call her sexy?did that change something in game?
? his art is some of the best in the entire company if not the best. he has "elitist" fans for a reason
I have to finish Strange Journey first.
I just beat that fucker Jack
>can't get her final skill in the anarchy ending
The writes had a hate boner for the non-friendship route. You can just see it in the way they try to make it seem extra edgy even when it's objectively the best solution.
It changes what kind of spells she will get. Sexy gives you Zio and later Almighty iirc.
you can in NG+ if you did the friendship route first.
oh shit. nemisa was a fucking nuke with zio so losing that would have been a huge blow. what other spells would she have gotten if i picked something else?
Ice and curse or fire and expel.
Both learn all healing spells
You learn medigo later than on elec but that's all
Fire and Expel for upbeat and Ice and Death for Calm. Its kinda stupid how unbalanced the options for Nemissa are, everything but sexy is just gimping yourself immensely.
it's just newfags trying too hard to fit in
Nah. She's hardly an actual character in my eyes. The actual characters in Apocalypse were Gaston, Halleluyah, Asahi, Navarre, and based fucking Dagda
>Toki had her first orgasm in front of everyone
I think Bonds ending is pretty happy all things considered.
The embarrassment she must have felt makes me diamonds.
Reminds of that vn developer that apologized for the romance in his game being bad because he never experienced love himself, I felt so bad for him
that was actually depressing
I'd sell my immortal soul for an exhibitionism doujin by Nanashi(774) featuring her.
I always found that apology not only horrible PR skills, but also a lowkey cheap attempt to gather sympathy to a situation that was extremely easy to handle. The only thing he had to say was "This is a work of fiction so I took some liberties to try and make the story more interesting. Sorry if I failed at it."
Did anyone ever rip the battle voice lines from IV/Apoc?
I swear the one they had on the megaten general got every voiceline but the battle ones
It could also have been genuine.
probably not
I am not saying it was fake, all I am saying is he deliberately tried to come across as weak to for people to feel sorry for him. And it worked with the people who empatize, of course.
I've gone over and over and over them. It's not the only thing that's missing. Every line of dialogue from the Massacre route, outside of battle conversations, is also missing. And I really wanted to make a notification sound out of Flynn saying "You stand in the presence of a god. Clear a Path."
3DS, emulates in a stable speed on Citra
>All the beta designs are better than what we got
Is there any SMT games with gameplay as polished as SMT4A?
far right is garbage
and it only gets better as it goes to the left
Release it on PC.
no, it's the most recent (non-rerelease) smt game
Depends in terms of what, but Digital Devil Saga 2 is great.
Toki may well be the most blatant waifubait I've ever seen in my life. I typically have a high tolerance for that kind of thing, but she really pushed it.
She's a worse character and also more waifubait than any character in any Persona.
Eyebrows don’t work like that
Because they played something MegaTen related beyond P3-5 and it gives them delusions of having sophisticated tastes.
WTF is their problem?!
Why are all SMT games so ugly? I think that's part of the reason why they got overshadowed by Persona, P3-4-5 just look way more appealing
Edgy factor with very little feel of hope if they're not talking about it