What are some of the most garbage games you've played, Yea Forums?

What are some of the most garbage games you've played, Yea Forums?

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3 stooges gba

3 stooges gba

3 stooges gba

Drakkhen on SNES. Fucking awful, but the arcane and completely inchoate composition of the game, the eerie world design, and the absolutely unsettling noises everything makes are somehow compelling enough to keep you going, if you don't just flat out die.

3 stooges gba

3 gba stooges

3 stooges gba

The NES version of Athena, Sailor Moon S on the Gamegear, Chuck Rock, and Magna Carta are what immediately come to mind for me.

3 stooges switch

3 stooges gba

For honour

3 stooges gba

3 stooges gba

bl3 on epic games store

3 stooges gbac

I don't know if it's the worst thing I've played, but Bad Day LA always leaps to mind when I have to think for a bad game


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>Civvie 11

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Blood Will Tell

The Dalmatians for PS1

Dragon Age: Inquisition.

How anyone could enjoy that game is beyond my understanding.

>and she will meet as she descends, a rather different set of friends
This song was so incredibly kino.


The Sims: Bustin' Out

Any CoD game.

Whatever your favorite game is.

Probably operation Racoon city

heres reasons my favorite game isn't shit

dragon's dogma

Most jrpgs, thankfully I haven't played much of that genre.

>I haven't played any
>But it's the worst

Read again.

What ones have you played?

How do you manage to fuck up such a cool concept? everything about this game feels so cheap and shitty, i'm surprised it has kinda decent reviews instead of a barrage of 2/10's

Attached: X-Men_Destiny.jpg (1041x1200, 802K)

Not many, as I said. But I have to admit my criteria hasn't be the best when it come to choosing though.

Counter point: you're a feminist

Post some fucking examples of what you've played jfc

buzzword, buzzword

3 stooges stadia

Aliens Colonial Marines. Such a broken mess that is almost saved by that fan-made patch.

Star Ocean: The Last Hope was one of the latest I played.

It's pretty shit. For action JRPGs try out Ys and Tales of Graces/Xillia.

3 stooges gba


As an indication of how bad it is the devs have publicly disowned the game and claimed they just did what the retarded Konami producer told them to do because they learned quickly when a Jap tells a westerner what he wants he has no interest in hearing any feedback on it.

I played Ys VIII and Graces F and I had a great time with both, especially with Ys VIII.

So why judge the entire genre on a 6/10 example of it, when there's obviously better ones out there?

Can't really think of a 'worst' game at the moment, but Octopath Traveler is pretty fucking awful. Feels like it was designed by someone who doesn't like video games but was told to make a classic Final Fantasy game and completely missed the point of what made them good.

Tomb Raider reboot trilogy

Cause that's what the OP asked and since I play mostly japanese games I have to name those with I had the worst experiences.

Which one? There's two Tomb Raider reboot trilogies. Such is the state of fucking video games.

Naruto mark of the nigga

Quest 64.