Have huge backlog

>have huge backlog
>never have the energy to play them
>try to
>get bored after an hour
How do I push myself guys? How do I force myself to finish shit instead of just putting it to the side

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Once you stop thinking about a backlog or forcing yourself to play games you don't want to play, you'll enjoy them more.

Just play what you want. Don't worry if you finished it or not. If you REALLY WANNA finish a game, you'll just do it without giving it thought.

My problem is I think about shit irl that I'm gonna have to do later and lose energy

Is there some discord tranny hivemind coordinating all these posts with the same 20 cat images?




Go see a doctor

Push for what? If you're not having fun, what's the point?

Make a separate list of games you put on hold. If you're not enjoying a game, you can just move it to that list, so you don't feel like you've given up or whatever. Then move on to the next one you want to try.
Either that, or make a list of only the top 5 games you want to play through and uninstall/hide everything else.
Finally, stop buying more fucking games. Force yourself to finish at least two before you can buy another one.


Sell them and use the money for something you care about. You obviously aren't too moved by them.
I was a video game hoarder also. Selling them off now and it feels great.

you might be built for playing football. go play football and get CTE you impatient jackass

Stop forcing yourself or considering the backlog a real thing. Only play video games when you really feel like it.

Fuck completing games, focus on playing games you havent even touched yet. Get bored? Move on to the next til something hooks you. Get anothet hobby if nothing does.


Forcing yourself to finish something as pointless and time wasting as a video game you don't like is ridiculous.
Play games that you enjoy for as long as you feel like. Do you really need that online "gamer cred" bad enough?

Dont listen to the plebs you have an urge to finish games for a reason. Try writing down all of the games you want to finish in a txt document. Or keep track of games that you start and games that you finish. It will allow you to really see your habits and see what you like and what you dont. Dont listen to people who say "just have fun bro lol", finishing games can be fun by accomplishing something that you set out to do. You can do it user, I belive in you



I picked up streaming for the sole purpose of clearing out my backlog. Already went through 6-7 games since I started. Mostly been long jrpgs so far. It's working out pretty well to motivate me. I also let people vote for what's next. Viewership is low but honestly that doesn't mean much because for some resin I feel obligated to actually play through the whole game so long as it's live.

Do literally anything else but play video games for a while. If you're a NEET, try reading, watching something, or just leaving the house for a bit. Just don't try to force yourself to play. You're not going to get anywhere that way. If you're employed though and still don't feel like playing games, then maybe you need to take a really long break from them.

Basically, I would advise this. Don't throw your games away, but maybe put them in a box somewhere.

I went through this four year period where I just basically didn't even touch a game. Friends would talk about games and I'd just shrug with disinterest.

Then, at the end of that period, I suddenly got an urge to play... I think it was Dragon Quest on the DS? Ever since I basically have been hammering through my collection again. I feel like I may run out of steam sometime in the near future, so I'll just take a break again. But it's definitely worth it. In this "spree" I've played through several entire series and played then at a pace where I feel I've developed a legitimate and substantial opinion on them.

Drop games you dont enjoy.
Cut games you actually have no interest in.
Don't put games you are most interested in, try them first. If the game itself its bad enough to stop but not totally engaging put on podcats, music, lets plays, tv, etc on at the same time.

