*blocks your dlc slot*
*blocks your dlc slot*
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doesn't even make me pissed, i just want pic related ffs if we're talking about nintendo ips
We all know who the next first party ip rep will be, user. Stop fooling yourself.
I would actually be okay with that cause 3H is so good
A Fire Emblem isn't going to be the 5th fighter. We're getting third party only.
*blocks YOUR dlc slot*
Yeah, we all know it's gonna be Rex & Pyra.
at this point I'd prefer edelgard over some of the garbage people are seriously hoping for just because it would serve as a wake up call
She's in, and there's nothing you can do about it.
joe mama
Absolutely fucking based
>spirited away
Nah. He wasn't going to get one no matter what.
Don’t get to hot headed Bernie Bear :)
>it's a "user thinks that there's an infinite amount of time to work on smash and they just arbitrarily stop" episode.
Good. Those fags need to realize their game only shone because there was no competition in the GBA at that time.
I wouldn't even be mad
Not that user, but the extension of fighter's pass proved that they can extend them if they enjoyed it.
Also the assumption that "the slot is being taken" is retarded - you imply that character not getting in makes yours plausible.
Let's be honest here Fire Emblem doesn't need nearly as many fighters as it has
Be honest Yea Forums
>Not that user, but the extension of fighter's pass proved that they can extend them if they enjoyed it.
It's going to end sooner or later, and there's still a limited amount of characters they can feasibly add.
>Also the assumption that "the slot is being taken" is retarded
It isn't because it's objectively true. They have to spend time and resources making every character in the game.
>you imply that character not getting in makes yours plausible.
Is this the part where you pick some random popular character and accuse me of liking them as if that debunks my argument?
Light-Heavyweight Axe user would at least be something mildly different gameplay-wise
We also desperately need a female villain in the cast imo. Or at least some female that isn't some kind of do-gooder, princess, or goddess thing.
Pls no. I'll have to play Smash if they add Bernie.
I want a Pokemon Trainer style Byleth
An invitation? Dear sister, you shouldn’t have!
>Makes patternfags and rosterfags commit fucking sudoku
get ready
No. Like, "oh Terry got in Doomguy's slot is taken" is a retarded argument because it implies Doomguy was considered to begin with.
If Terry didn't make it in then another character would have taken his slot. Just because an impossible choice wouldn't have made it either way doesn't make this untrue.
*guard crushes*
But the argument literally is "x character took my favorite character's slot", with a focus on their favored character. And that characters are "considered" one at a time rather than a single list much like how base characters were considered.
*blocks your path*
god I cant take my eyes off his biceps
>But the argument literally is "x character took my favorite character's slot", with a focus on their favored character
Nobody is saying this.
>And that characters are "considered" one at a time rather than a single list much like how base characters were considered.
Either way a character getting in is chosen over other potential characters.
Nah, Golden Sun is legitimately great and doubtless better than (you)r favorite JRPG. Zoomers love to hate on it because it's not Earthbound, though.
Reminder that Nintendo never once said Bosses deconfirm, in fact, sometimes bosses become friends.
Wasn't that the opening post?
>Either way a character getting in is chosen over other potential characters
The thing is "potential characters" is so nebulous, and that it implies they have a wider pool to pick. The whole Nintendo to Sakurai thing makes me think Nintendo suggests a franchise then Sakurai picks a contender from the franchise.
>muh zoomers
I'm older than Golden Sun (and most likely you). FFIV is untouched by that Camelot RPG. If you want actual superior Camelot RPG you go play Shining Force.
You didn't even choose one of the good FF games. Even VI, overrated though it may be, is still miles ahead of IV.
>shit game
taste of isaacsuckers
>golden sun is bommer
news fucking flash, golden sun was made in 2001
Not him but 5>3>6>4>1>2 the rest are shit
>Wasn't that the opening post?
I could see how it could be interpreted that way but I don't think OP ment "the character you wanted" instead of just a slot in general.
The thing is "potential characters" is so nebulous, and that it implies they have a wider pool to pick. The whole Nintendo to Sakurai thing makes me think Nintendo suggests a franchise then Sakurai picks a contender from the franchise.
>In Masahiro Sakurai's latest column, he informed readers that Nintendo was once again responsible for creating a list of characters for DLC. Like before, Sakurai would have the final say in regards to who would ultimately be chosen.
Even if the list was only 6 characters then there were characters that were chosen over others.
Yes, a game where you can't even choose your party composition, and gameplay is basically auto, is kind of weak, yes.
That's about on point.
I thought that was an interpretation of the column, since I saw another that doesn't mention a list.