Does it count as dying if he just keeps resurrecting and teleporting back to a sculptor's idol?

Does it count as dying if he just keeps resurrecting and teleporting back to a sculptor's idol?

Attached: IMG_8204.jpg (659x465, 38K)

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Dunno but she's playing DBD now

I wish I could draw

Why is he playing on PS4 after working so hard to build a cutting edge gaming PC.

Attached: .jpg (1200x846, 140K)

Because he realised his mistake of wasting money on an i9, and doesn't want to even look at it.

did this guy delete all his work off twitter or did he get reported?

Attached: ohisashiburi.png (1487x1298, 1.59M)

practice is the only way to do it user

I’ve beaten the game, and now
I’m coming to beat you, nee-chan

Attached: EB0AF179-8775-41F8-B31F-8FBAD8366001.jpg (663x960, 91K)

>wasting money

Attached: .jpg (676x960, 69K)


Attached: __fujimaru_ritsuka_and_tiamat_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_hews_hack__0d5ae06ed59273ad7a2f902eb (1075x1520, 254K)

What would you do with such skill?

If you reversed the genders, you'd all be singing a different tune.

I can't sing

Make good video games

Singing ain't my thing

I've bee practicing for two years but I'm still fucking garbage.

>women caring about hardware and video games

Yeah, why didn't he buy a cutting edge AMD™ Ryzen 9 3900x Zen2 Processor that's really giving Intel a run for it's money or wait for the Ryzen 9 3950X releasing this month? A very good question user, why wouldn't he wait. he could get his pre-order in the time it takes to read this post!

>not only does the kid not die the whole game, doesn't even get hit once
ara ara's btfo

Look at celeste and rabi ribi
those graphics are the worst I have ever seen in any video game and the play it is still alright enough to play them
You dont need to know how to draw

Singing is gay

My sister was 10 (and I was 9) when she built her first pc with a GT 9800

no thanks im not making low effort tranny games.

Draw lewds and porn of all the vidya characters I love that don't have enough, or any.

>tfw was good at drawing many years ago
>stop doing it because life and shit
>90% of skill is gone
>want to get back into it
>only really want to draw porn so I can never practice because family is always around

I really, really like that delicious brown girl

I'm gonna do it, im gonna make a Yasuomi Umetsu mezzo forte/kite/cool devices inspired game and have lots of gang rapes and cum inside.

Attached: Mezzo forte.png (720x540, 847K)

do your best user

Attached: .jpg (706x520, 105K)

This is an accurate representation of what it would be like if Tiamama ever became summonable in FGO.

You never read a loli mindbreak doujin?

>ywn be a cute shota with dozens of hot onee-chans lusting after your cock
Why even live, Yea Forumsros?

Attached: supermarket sale.png (1283x634, 1.53M)

>wanting to be a mindbroken shota that was raped by his onee-chan and onii-chan

Attached: aaron carter.jpg (720x480, 30K)

No, I don't think I would.

Attached: 1552138264132.png (569x637, 275K)

>and onii-chan
Missing the point entirely. The best shota fantasy starts out as femdom and pseudo-rape but ends up as maledom with a massive harem of cock-loyal sluts.

Attached: Aaron Carter accuses late sister of sexual abuse.png (674x534, 397K)

2 years isnt much
and you need to practice several hours every day

Am I the only one who thinks Celeste's graphics are unironically beautiful? I love pixel art games

Draw some nude sculptures/paintings as practice and tell your family it's art.


That chick always deletes her work off of everything after an arbitrary amount of time.

God I wish that were me.

Man this way I'll never have sex because I'm too good in that game.

which one

well Yea Forums, you can do simple math right

Attached: 1550453312193.png (875x618, 525K)

The shitter dying every 5 minutes.

Im feeling really nice today
Sauce is Boku no [Yuuki Ray] Shota Eater

whoever drew this edit is a massive fag.

or he likes ryona

It's a trick question. He's not going to ever come back home.

Attached: 1563495817023.jpg (1047x608, 213K)

He won't be home that night, right?

No we wouldn't reddit would maybe

He's at the chicks place not his own home

>this will never be you

Attached: 1459711755044.jpg (600x476, 42K)