Blade Mountain.
Blade Mountain
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the volcano is where i got stuck as a kid. this was a great platformer though, would love to play it again
Banshee Boardwalk was the level I could never beat.
What's that percussion at the very beginning? Timpani?
Idk but the strings give me a fucking hard on.
Im happy I never knew of Pac Man World 3 as a child because I wouldve been extremely let down.
This game was way too fucking hard for me, I wonder if I'd be able to 100% it now tho
That soundtrack though.
Anyone remember the NGC game Pac Man Vs. where you used the GBA-NGC link cable which lets you play Pac Man in classic 2D on the GBA and the other 3 players control the ghosts on the TV with 3D graphics?
Best footage I could quickly find
>Pac-Man gets announced for Smash 4
>No Pac-Man World 2 moves
It's been five years, and I'm STILL mad.
Game was pure Kino. 3 fucked up bad
im more upset at the autistic shit grab they gave him. "dude, tether grabs are already the most worthless shit in the game, why not give pac man a half tether that is even slower!"
>doesnt stop vertical momentum like in Pac-Man World 2
wow thanks im cured
he has the line, its his side b
i'm sad that they made him more of a "namco references" character instead of giving him moves from the pac man world series
>down air isn't his butt bounce
>up b could have been a reference to that thing he did with eating a line of pellets instead of his side b that just turns him 8-bit for some reason
even ganondorf was more faithful than this
>could've finally had a Pac-Man Vs. that didn't require extra hardware on the Wii U
>they don't do it
>they put it on the Switch right after the Wii U dies, but you need two fucking Switches to play it for real
anyone else play kino?
I love this song it's one of my favorite vidya songs
That's shitty. You think they would at least find a way to let you choose either another Switch or even stream it to a phone or something.
People shit on the NGC a lot but it had some cool peripherals. Or they seemed cool to me at least as a kid.
Wii U would have been ideal though, it's basically designed for something with that set up.
OP here, Super Mario World was my first game, but Pac Man World 2 was my first 3D game. I never knew of the N64's existence and I went from Super Nintendo --> Gamecube and that was a trip.
I have it, but never played it.
you can't.
I brought it up because it came in one of those double pack games with Pac-Man World 2.
Played it at a friend's house once. It seemed cool. Does it play nice with modern operating systems?
I'm well aware, I have that exact case and games in the next room over.
Was my first true PC game
I saw someone streaming it, i think its compatible with modern operating systems
You're not alone in skipping that gen unknowingly. I went from Genesis to Gamecube.
People complain about Pac-Man not having moves from the World series in Smash, but the real crime is no music from World.
the moment i heard him announced i thought his neutral-B was going to be the running start up into roll type shit lol
This game has such well composed music that it’s practically unbelievable. Just listen to the first level’s song
Even though it’s heavily centered around using the leitmotif throughout the track, they keep it from becoming stale by repeating notes, changing the tempo, breaking it into parts that harmonizes with different instruments and so much more. On top of that, they add even more texture by having a ton of different instruments while at the same time not having them step all over each other. All the parts tie in and unify so well that it’s like I’m listening to a live orchestral concert. I thought that it was just nostalgia talking, but listening to the ost now I can without a doubt say that this game’s soundtrack is objectively amazing. It’s a damn crime that not many people have heard any of it before
>does this shitty kicks instead of the Butt-Bounce
>a move he could do in every World game
>doesn't even have one fucking song from any of the games