Cyberpunk game

>Cyberpunk game
>Bright and sunny

Yeah, Nah.

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First post?

my dog died bros

Best post.

Just one man speaking the truth

how does that make you feel

Post more dogs

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Rip doggo, don't worry man it's hard but you have to let him rest now, my dog passed away almost 4 years now, still wish he was here. But he's in doggo heaven now.

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Bright and sunny is retarded.
Sun should be hazy and moody.

It not only goes against the cyber punk aesthetic, it heavilly goes against the themes and narrative.
If cyber punk isn't dystopian, its not cyberpunk.

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>what is a day/night cycle

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F. Me too mine passed last sunday.

The sun still comes out in the future, dingus.

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>implying you'll see the sun in the future

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>Flying cars, robotic waifus, sword arm implants
>WTF complete night time is unrealistic

>It's Okay when Japan Does It.

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weak bait.

This was the only time megaman was close to cyberpunk

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Japs need another nuke though

Dogs are a shit tier pet, I'm glad he died.

t. cat owner

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Fucking BASED

all pets are shit

The sun isn't the main problem, the main problem is that the atmosphere doesn't fit at all.
Here's a cyberpunk pic with the sun in it and compare it with everything we've seen from this game so far.

Attached: 92w2z6qglec21.png (1920x1080, 3.58M)

Literally thousands of years have made them the perfect human companion

Your mom was shit in bed last night LOL

>cant play as futa

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Then why do I, a human, hate them? Checkmate, dogfags.

>Cyberpunk game
>your cutie punk girl can't fuck big lovable doggos
Yeah, nah.

my ex took my dog
but dont worry, dogs go to heaven user

the fact its set in GTA land is retarded

>thinking dogs are the best pet
How sad

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>my ex took my dog
And you didn't track her down, beat her into a coma and get your dog back?

Dogs are lovable, fun, and girls enjoy fucking them. Pretty much the opposite of you. Is that why you hate them?

I'm a transgirl.

Your kind disgusts me. Faggot.

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>dog hating mudslime
pick one and only one

>the environment can't just be all skyscrapers and buildings packed together!
>Tokyo exists

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