Hideo Kojima, visionary director behind 2019’s “Death Stranding”...

>Hideo Kojima, visionary director behind 2019’s “Death Stranding”, has pioneered a new genre of video games entitled “the Stranding effect”. Taking the gaming and art world by storm, Kojima’s ambitious narrative, cinematic presentation and it’s avant-garde, experimental nature has managed to bridge the gap between art and video games, something many have attempted but none have succeeded...until now.

Heh... Nothin’ personnel Yea Forums

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Hi I made a new name for a shit post.

I call it the shitjima post. It brings a new genre of shit posting classifying of what a fucking hack he is.

WOW I CAN DO IT ALSO! I must be very talented putting a name on something.

Kojiwanking, a new genre of porn involving circlejerking a buffoon spouting nonsense 24/7


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>makes 40 minute long cutscenes in between 15 minute long boring gameplay of just running, covering and shooting.
>calls it art videogames

yeah the shit i took this morning was more interesting than his games. if i want to watch movies i'll download one.

Your company is doomed. Your public image is getting worse every day.

Kojima is FREE now and you have absolutely zero way of controlling him. You're boiling with anger and there's nothing you can do about it. Delicious.

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show us the ICO

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so what do you think are the chances the game actually ends up being nice? i havent lost hope yet especially with the silent hill/mgs connections

It looks like fucking fun.
I honestly can't believe you guys are not looking forward to it.

>the chances
Pretty high. It's definitely not connected to MGS or Silent Hill but that doesn't matter to me.

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Hideo Kojima is a nigger

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Kek. Is that tweet real

Yeah it was a response to J.F. Rey tweeting about their Death Stranding sunglasses of all things, too.

The delivery man game looks fun enough on it's own but I think it's one big ruse or a misdirect about what the game is really like. Having said that, the biggest disappointment would be if the Hades stuff wasn't a game mechanic and it was just one section of the game like a dream sequence.

No. It's MGSV with bigger maps full of even more nothing AND Dark Souls elements which he unironically believes he invented

Dark Souls worked way differently though. I thought all Dark Souls had was messages players left and help in boss fights.

>all the retarded in your face product placement in MGS5 and DS
>"Show us gameplay!" "Press O to wake up" "pissing/shitting, cutscenes and walking"
>There, that's the gameplay
Such a visionary. Games are a meme.

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trying to farm pisshrooms
I'll piss on your shroom if you piss on mine

You can help through the entire level. Plus it also has the opposite, invading player worlds to kick their shit in. So it was not only very similar to what Kojima thinks he invented, it was also better.

>creates a dumbed down version of a MMORPG
>h-h-hey it's a n-new g-genre called "strand" loool

>>silent hill/mgs connections
no, I'm pretty sure it's a hiking game with a neat online system and I'm very excited.

I'll never get over how much based Kojimbo makes Yea Forums seethe and shit their pants.

fifth consecutive year of profit record, celebrated this year the 50th year anniversary of the company LMAO, konami will still be there when the new kojipro will go bankrupt.

Pretty good I'd say. The tiny little effects that play into each other looks solid, the stranding elements actually seem like they'll be a milestone in indirect mmo worlds, the atmosphere looks immersive, the in-game kino is great and the twist looks like it'll be a good one.

uca vs homodemens, one fighting to unite america and the other fighting to oppose the union

You ARE going to side with the Homo Demons, right anons?

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Kojima literally calling confederates homos that love semen, you can't make this shit up LMAO

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how do you think would hollywood react to a kojima movie?

poker machines and pachinko are cheating finacially, taking money from idiots.

t. retard who lost all his money at the slots kek

Wait a second is this game just the build nukes, dismantle nukes part of MGSV made into a full-length game?

If he tones down the cheesiness then quite well.

Same way I could pick sides in MGS4 I bet.

You can build entire highways supposedly, so it could be like that.

I'm hoping that's what he's setting the endgame up for.
IE: The story ends up with Sam discovering the ramifications of total connection/control across America and either accepting or rejecting the chiral network.
Feel like it'd be pretty neat to have an indirect PvP war against the system.

They'll hear
>Video games
and laugh
>b-b-b-but muh actors
they probably don't care about advertisements said actors do for a quick buck either.

You people are actually expecting it to be good at all?
At best it's just going to be mediocre but all the critics and other shitters will just suck his chink dick again and inflate the reviews to score that it shouldn't normally have.

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>game scores higher than I want
>game scores lower than I want
review bombed

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aka they're saying the same shit about this game that they say about literally every other game, who gives a fuck? journo threads should be b& on sight.

This is funny because not even Kojima considers his games as art.

that sounds too good to be true user and you know it, however if this does happen it could be pretty good.

And? quit stating the obvious smug dog, my view is the only truth.

I'm thinking it'll be either build and partake in the network or destroy other peoples creations and that will be it, don't think it'll have soulslike invasions or anything worthwhile it is kojima after all remember how disapointing mgsv was?

Death Stranding is P.T.

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yeah it's unlikely but hopefully kojimbo learned from the nuke shittery

What a pretentious lot of fucking horseshit


Wish I could be optimistic like you are, one day you'll be like me and view the world as it truly is but I'd be lying if I didn't want to go back in time as a child living under the veil of fantasy and delusions again


filtered brainlet, kojimas masterpiece is too good for the likes of you

kek get a load of this fedora twirler

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He still refuses to explain what about the game makes it a new genre. In fact in some TGS interview this week he admitted he doesnt even play videogames and is unaware if the "unique" aspects of DS have been done before. He also claimed to invent the stealth genre because he's a delusional egomaniac being enabled by cult of dopes

Cringing is an internal reaction best analyse your own life if the truth is making you cringe, ignorant scum some introspection could do you good.


What exactly did he do that no one else did before?

Dark Souls.. Death Stranding... DS in the coffee

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You are just like me only too ashamed to admit it. face facts brother and stop living a lie, embrace reality.

>has pioneered a new genre of video games entitled “the Stranding effect”
But what is it exactly
I keep reading he created a new genre but what is IT? As far as I'm concerned it's basically the same thing as a tps

Is souls game a genre? Much like splatformer, roguelike, metroidvania etc?


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You do realize where you are right?


stealth genre


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Deadly Premonition unironically has more soul than any game made by Kojima.

>In fact in some TGS interview this week he admitted he doesnt even play videogames and is unaware if the "unique" aspects of DS have been done before.

yep at this point souls-like aka rouge-like is the nomenclature

check the dates pal, you're wrong

Metal gear is 87 i believe Wolf 3D is 81 so you're wrong "pal".


>wolfenstein 3d

Hey, you're entitled to your opinion, but I think you're a soulless husk of a human.

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will buy it when it's 14.99

yeah how the fuck is wolfenstein a stealth game? kojima is the inventor of the stealth genre however his trying to pass of soulslike games as his "strand" genre is pathetic.

Dude you can stealth in wolf 3d the knife is a intsa-kill backstab, it pioneered everyting s m h

I read all that in Diana's voice.

Good luck, 47

>sam is ocelot
>cliff is the sorrow
>ww2 imagery references operation overlord
>scar on sams chest symbolizes the boss' c-section scar
>hand prints on sam are the sorrows
>paranormal elements are explained as the sorrows powers interfering with the birth
>destroyed america is what they subconsciously believe the world would look like if the operation isn't a success thus the boss' vision never happening
>ds takes place within ocelots pre-conscious brain while he's birthed
>6 locks represent the cobra members, ocelots keepers
>4 soliders+ mads is the cobras, boss isn't there since she's being operated on
>death stranding is a reference to cetacean stranding
>where marine life beaches themselves when near death
>boss is currently beached, shot in the gut during the raid. near death
>mother whales
>mother wails
>breach babies are still connected to those on the other side
>ocelot is still connected to the boss
>ww2 solider shown in the same pose as the sorrow/mantis
>cliff eventually catches up with same and askes him to come home. the screen goes black then blurred light fills the players vision. a blurred image of a man looking down on you smiling. an overhead view of the cobras on normandy is shown. the camera changes views pulling back from the beach. in the distance you see a bts shimmering. the screen slowly fades to blade. you hear a voice speaking over a radio saying how operation overlord was a success and that they must continue onto their next objective. this voice is none other than major zero. the text metal gear solid zero comes over the screen.

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their gambling division and gaming division are separate entities and its gaming division that saw raise in profits

unless the game specifically that its silent hills/mgs/pt then it's just the reused ideas and is objectively not any of those.

In other words just another pretentious cinematic crap.

That kind of games are the FMVs games of this era.

What you are doing is correct, artistically, mathematically, autistically, sexually, militarily, and logically.


He made a game, all you can do daily is shit (literally)

not always the case.


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