How do you define a game's monetary worth?
How do you define a game's monetary worth?
$1 = 1 hour. This is why JRPGs are the only good games.
If I don't get an hour of entertainment per dollar it's a scam
I don't, I just pirate everything.
By its sale price.
How much I've replayed them over the years. It's difficult to see that day one.
It's entertainment value, charm and timelessness in it's medium.
Gut feeling trained over many years.
It can basically be summarized with: never pay more than 20 bucks for a video game.
1$/€ = 1 hour minimum id´d say. for example: a game is 30/40 hours long and entertains me well. if i can only play it once 40 bucks are fine, if it has decent replayability i´d be willing to pay a bit more. With Live service games it get´s a bit tricky. if they don´t milk you i´m willing to pay full price and get the occasional dlc (no mtx). this is puerly about pricing not about the genre mind you.
Circumstances surrounding this remake really don't work in its favor.
The first entry of the franchise in this console redefined what to expect of the series and offers more content than ever before, to where it's not usual some folks hit 100 hours of playtime or beyond.
Cue this game, an almost 1:1 remake of a GB title that, however beloved it originally was and even with brand new graphics and QOL improvements, it's still a very breezy experience, much more so coming off BOTW.
It's also not widely-agreed to be one of the all time greats, like, say, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Chrono Trigger, etc, where they COULD have gotten away with selling it as is with just a coat of paint and some minor QOL improvements. The way Nintendo's treating this remake would be much more fitting if it belonged to said league, but it's being forced to punch above its weight.
However, instead of accounting for these discrepancies, Nintendo is selling it for the exact same price as the game with immensely more to do. Both newcomers who met the series through BOTW and old-timers are bound to find the disproportionate value proposition confusing, perhaps even feeling cheated after the most recent entry set expectations so high.
It'd have been an easier sell at $40 and a no brainer at $30 and below. At the same price as the game that redefined what to expect of the IP...It'll sell, for sure, but Nintendo could have handled this much better.
why did they do that to his eyes
many such cases
Leaving THIS game almost 1:1...Yet messing and consequently fucking up Majora's Mask...Oh Ninty
what a company is willing to sell it for
if there is a certain price it can be obtained for
that is how much the game is worth
if the price is ever higher than this
then the game isn't worth that
Yeah but completion time isnt the only thing that matters when purchasing a game.
$40 for remasters or remakes that just change the graphics and not really anything else.
By how much people scream about it on Yea Forums. How the hell should I? Do you have a better idea?
The main story line of a game should take at least 30-50 hours to complete; 30 if its excellent, 50+ if its average.
For me since I work so much and am busy 40+ hour games are much harder to sink time into so 20-35 is the sweet spot for me to validate $60 especially if it has replayability
For 60 dollar game that is.
>the quality of gameplay
>to a lesser extent but also important, graphics
>if it's multiplayer, make sure servers aren't laggy as fuck and that hackers are in check (looking at you nintendo)
the story shouldn't really matter if the game doesn't focus too heavily on it, and even if it is, it's still excusable if you can skip cutscenes/press a button 1000 times to skip dialogue
Rhythm games=$5
Adventure games=$25
Anyone who spends more than $50 on a game is a sap
Is it something I'd kill to play? Priceless. Hell I'd pay $200 to play Castlevania Harmony of Despair on PC if there was good mod support or at least a few new levels. I doubt people who put hours into their post are very honest. They may have games that lasted 30 hours that they were fine with paying $60 for while they may have other games that gave them 200 hours of gameplay that they wish they only paid $30 for.
>Rhythm games=$5
Excuse you, Elite Beat Agents is worth at least eight times that
>tfw you put the worst genre as the most expensive, but it's the only reasonable price you handed out
If you get to play as a cute girl I pretend I want to fuck but secretly want to cosplay as, take all my money. Otherwise is bargain bin trash.
Nobody should ever charge $60 for a sub-20 hour game.
>Rhythm games=$5
If you have not put AT LEAST 100 hours into a Project Diva you need to get off Yea Forums.
You can get much longer times out of sandbox games and 4X games than JRPGs.
Therefore they are the superior games.
It depends. 40+ hours of meh or average is not worth it but 15-30 of fantastic gameplay is worth it
The $=Hour idea is literally a marketing campaign by companies like Activision and EA to try to get rid of single player games since games like Call of Duty and Anthem are designed to never end
I'm happy to pay around $10 to see a 2 hour movie in theaters. I try to keep that in mind with games. $60 should be worth 10 hours of premium enjoyment. With JRPGs that gets tough because while I think grind is necessary, it doesn't count as "premium" enjoyment. A good JRPG probably has at least 50% necessary waste so at least 20 hours. Now if I can enjoy every minute of the game or the game has extremely high replayability, it can get back down to 10 or possibly even less hours. Of course, if I can beat something in 8 hours and resell it for $50, then $15 isn't too hard to justify.
MMO is right, for the most part. Expansions should be the charge.
VN should easily be 15 bucks. Unless its short then its 10, long its 20.
Platformers are twenty, racing games 30 if theyre good sim. 20 if arcadey.
Sports sure. Tps/fps should be 25 if its not got DLC jewry.
Fighting, sure.
Adventure games, no. 20. Unless its huge then 30.
Rpgs should be 25-30. Same with jrpgs.
20 to 30 is ideal for a videogame. Anything more screams "we are inflating cost because we wasted resources making this bigger than necessary"
Triple A games are for retards.