What is the Jordan Peterson of video games?

What is the Jordan Peterson of video games?

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Persona 5

me :)

Well, that depends on what you mean by video games, Sam.

I bet Jordan Peterson's glad he has a decent sounding voice and doesn't sound like a bitch manlet like Ben Shapiro

>overly verbose but lacking substance and appealing to insecure manchildren desperately wanting to be taken seriously
any first party sony exclusive

why is ths guy shilled everywhere canadians are so annoying

Post your face.

Ez mode

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Moon: Remix RPG Adventure

I don't get how even incels take Shapiro seriously when he stutters like a bitch and always sounds like he's having a mental breakdown.

Any "game"ade by David Cage

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what the fuck is a video games, Max?


Yugioh Duel links

>quality vidya that presents good but old ideas in a modern form that appeals to an audience who would never have found them otherwise
I'mma say Prey (2017) for basically being System Shock 3.

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Lots of people hate his voice, comparing it to that puppet frog.

I'd much rather listen to Kermit than a guy who sounds like he was hit by a shrink ray

Half Life 3 because it has a ton of mindless fanboys even though they dont exist.

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>saw this guy give a lecture once about how people with low IQ get bad jobs and how this is somehow extremely unfair and something needs to be done, but never proposes any kind of actual change
>"Wow what a fucking retard"
>find out like a year later that he's some kind of minor celebrity and people actually listen to him

Surreal shit.

He started getting real internet fame after the Cathy Newman interview.

I’d say he went mainstream before that when he spoke out against that compelled speech bill in Canada. That’s what got him all those interviews.

why, my peenus weenus of course

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some truths are hard

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Makes sense.

Since I'm just waiting for a Pathologic 2 thread to start and find a lot of the other stuff here terrible, I'll say Pathologic 2

>there are biological differences between genders
>against overly enforcing gender pronouns
>equal opportunity > equal outcome
Hmm pretty red pilled. maybe Deus Ex?

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This is all correct

Jordan Peterson is way to smart to be associated with video games. He would tell you to straighten up and stop playing them.

Like that Mandalore is the thinking mans reviewer while Seth isn't bad, but clearly for the memelords and zoomer audience in direct comparison?

He was supposed to be some kind of a psychologist, right?

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He said vidya are ok as long as you don't live through them.

HE!!!!!!!!11 KEK!! KEK!! KEK!!



H E ' S

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nngghhhhh… ngAAahh!!!…

nnhhHNNGGGHH- THTHHRRPRPTPHHHFFTTTgurgurburubrburburblebublburbububr- plip- plip drip… drip..

huh… Yaagh! jesus… nggggh…















lelleel kek


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>is right about everything
>smeared with lies all the time
>most people on his side hate him except the ones that treat him like a prophet
>people who don't like him REALLY hate him

How is psychoanalysis of groups not part of psychology?

I wonder what Joseph Campbell would say about video games.
Probably something similar

death stranding

nothing here is untrue

ET the extra terrestrial
the video game.

The Jewish Voice.

i was under the impression Undertale was very popular

Not for everyone

Sseth has more patrician taste though.

I think I know the lecture you're talking about. That's not what he said at all, he was talking about actual literal retards, and not about how they only get bad jobs, but how they get no jobs period and that wasn't the point of his speech at all, just something he mused about.

I'm sorry there's no jobs for you, user.

So is Dr Peterson.


>those 2 comments

Holy shit i didn't know he was that based. That 2nd one is spot on.

>Jordan Peterson is way to smart
for people with sub 90 iqs maybe, which happens to be the majority of his viewership

he's universally considered a joke in any vaguely serious academic circles

Baseless claims, a staple of this shithole.

that's ironic since he's heavily published and cited by his peers in their papers


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- user's vaguely serious academic circle.

>smeared with lies

The problem is Peterson says a lot of questionable shit but then leaves it at that without making prescriptive claims. This means he can get away with basically anything because he lets his incel audience connect the dots without him directly saying what he means.

eg, women and men can't work together, makeup on women means they should expect to be sexually assaulted, transgendered people don't deserve legal protection, etc.

Post all of them

>man criticizes academia for being heavily biased
>academics dismiss him as a joke
Gee, it's almost like people are stubborn and don't take criticism well.

>puppet frog
zoomers please leave

>accomplish something as individual
>have even more pride for my people because now i truly feel like a part of them
what do i do, peterson?

god of war 2018

>he's universally considered a joke in any vaguely serious academic circles
What makes you think that, exactly?

Nice smear and nice lies, my fellow antifa.

>The problem is Peterson says a lot of questionable shit

Only if you are retarded and brainwashed.

NGL Shapiro’s sister is fucking hot. Her tits are pretty much perfection.

>calls accademia gay
>no you

why do you ridiculous faggots jump to your e-daddy's defence at the drop of a hat

he's not even against trannies and politically he showed his true colors during the kavanaugh trainwreck, how much of a cûck do you have to be to think he's a serious right wing thinker

He's very articulate. It is a nice skill to have. I mean you can tell he does a lot of thinking and introspection from what he says. You can disagree with what he says, but you can't say he's dumb.



Because we call that sociology, not psychology. Psychology is focused on the individual. Sociology focuses on the group. It's a completely separate field because there's not a lot of crossover.

see? sub 90, and that's generous

That depends, what do you mean by "video and what do mean by "game"? Its an attempt to box him in I say

I've never understood this term. Isn't any guy who isn't having sex involuntarily celibate at the time?
Are you trying to tell me to go force people to have sex with me simply so I can say I've had sex within a particular timeframe, I don't understand how this is an insult. Please explain.
It also seems like only a particular group of people with very particular views seem to ever use it

Please explain where the lies are, incel.
The Peterson defenders are the ones who are brainwashed. He's one step away from leading a cult.

I love it when they try to sound like humans.

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Stop being an insecure bitch that derives the value of your own accomplishments based on the possibility that they might be your gateway to being part of a group.

>my people
Spoken like a true nigger.

he literally teaches psychology at university you moron

not him maybe the fact than an half asleep senile Lacanian just had to ask him who were the Cabal of marxist academics he droned about for him to be at loss.
Or maybe the "nature doesn't exist in marxism" when the first fucking sentence in the Gotha program critique start with a "nature is the source of all wealth"
like maybe he is good at evo-psy (you know the shit Epstein funded to justify to himself and his victims that he wasn't a fucking monster ?) But he started talking about shit he didn't know and got called out for it

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>Isn't any guy who isn't having sex involuntarily celibate at the time?
You're clearly an incel. Normal men who get laid aren't quite as obsessed with sex as you are.

I don't know, is there a game that never seems to definitively state anything while speaking endlessly?

not everyone who hasn't had sex is an incel, it's a term created by angry men (usually ex-feminists) who have realized that playing the nice guy won't get them any pussy, so they spend all their energy raging about how unfair it is that women want chads, instead of actually doing something useful with their lives.

I don't know really.
What are some radical Zionist simulators?

>Jordan Peterson is way to smart
this is the type of person who thinks jordan peterson is "way to smart" lol

Sorry, retard, wrong number. Seems to me you wanted to talk to /pol, but I gotta warn you, they never liked Jordan Peterson and I doubt anyone else minds that he doesn't live to your image of a proper saturday cartoon villain.

>how much of a cûck do you have to be to think he's a serious right wing thinker
>right wing thinker

I don't think anyone thinks of him on those terms, except leftist faggot snowflakes that feel attacked by opposite ideas.


>Listens to Jordan "rescue your father" Peterson talk about low 80 iq people
>Don't understand basic concept on how dumb people are not good at multi step problem solving for their job
user, I hope you wash your balls

>he lets his incel audience connect the dots
>he never said anything wrong but it's all a super secret dogwhistle to the incel nazis who decode his messages


Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land

Don't know about the first one but the second one is painfully true. Every "muh racial pride" faggot that I've known is a parasite who has never actually done anything in their lives to be proud of and just flaunts the fact that they're extremely tangentially related to someone who actually succeeded in their life.

Peterson only appeals to people too stupid and/or lazy to read books themselves. He's a YouTube video in human form, so I'd say some YouTube Let's Player is the video game's equivalent of Jordan Peterson

this, and also the fact he endlessly pontificates about religion and especially the western Christian tradition while he blatantly knows fuck all about aristotle, aquinas and the traditional understanding of God (his attempt to define God was simply embarassing)

he's read Jung decades ago and he's basically regurgitating his new age mumbo jumbo with very little new ideas, he's a fraud and his success is very similar to the new atheists wave 15 years ago, pop pseudo philosophy for the illiterate rick and morty crowd

this, he's a RINO at best. he has some good advice and can explain complex ideas very well, but he's still a boomer at heart who thinks young men's problems can be solved with "just go marry a girl! just start saving some money! stand up to the feminazis! it's easy bro just do it!"

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The issue is that he DOES says things that are wrong. He just doesn't take the next step and tell us what we should be doing about it.

It would be like me saying "blacks commit 40% of the crimes, whites commit far less."
What I'm saying here is meant to give you the impression that blacks are a problem. And if someone calls me out on that I can just use the classic Peterson defense of denying all implications of what I said.

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>pronouncing sniffs
0/10. Not even a 1 for trying.

>Please explain where the lies are, incel
That's one lie. I'm married, I have kids, and the closest you'll ever come to having real sex is being sodomized by your boyfriend, fag.

>women and men can't work together
> makeup on women means they should expect to be sexually assaulted
>transgendered people don't deserve legal protection, etc.
Literally never said any of those. Prove your own claims you subhuman SJW.

I've become guilty of hating the opposite sex.

They want us to be so strong for them, but they don't want to be a WOman and help us be strong.

At least thats how it feels.

we are the neets and we are never ever cleaning our fucking rooms

Your new is showing.

This is like asking what is the George Washington of Tennis

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is this the thread where we celebrate this nazi being forced into rehab?

So, let me get this straight, you're trying to mock me on the basis of not having regular sex, this makes me an "incel", but you're saying I shouldn't actually want to have sex...
And if someone I wanted to have sex with asked me if I would like to, I'm supposed to say no in order to prove that I don't want to even though the crux of your insult is that I'm not having sex regularly.

Okay well that guy flung it at me for simply questioning the term at all so he clearly has a different idea about it.
But, your explanation makes a bit more sense, guys who have a grudge against women for not sleeping with them, got it.

/pol/ used to love him for the pronoun shit until he had to tell them to their face that facism is in fact bad because they hadn't seen anything he'd said before that so now they either pretend they never liked him or call him "controlled opposition" or something similar

Well, he's successful in using actual psychological manipulation to sell his shit to manchildren who've never heard of Jung before and think making arguments from nature are sound and that Joseph Campbell is really deep.

Just pick any game that's overall pretty good, if a tad unoriginal, but with a few major flaws which ruin its reputation and credibility.

Peterson is a reasonably smart person with some valuable things to say. I can't deny that, but he's also very eccentric. To get anything out of his material, you have to know when he's saying something truthful/insightful and when he's doing his signature indulgent, theoretical rambling. I'm also not a fan of how he's been acting as of the past ~2 years, it seems like the fame is really getting to his head and he's gained an unnecessary sense of self-importance.

Talking heads, pundits, youtubers, politicians, and other such personalities are always critically flawed in some way. If you're into JP, acknowledge and internalize the useful parts of his teachings, but find your own voice instead of following someone else. You gotta be your own hero.

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What's your gripe with Joseph Campbell? Do we just take shots at anyone now to prove how smart we are?

>questionable shit
Peterson is basically designated "fringe radical dangerous thinker" you retard. He says no real questionable shit but mainstream media constantly pushes him as a next Hitler for everyone to see, so that potentially non-compliant people who aren't sharp enough to see through this flock to him and be fed slightly different brand of ZOG brainwashing and remain within the framework for good. You don't get more pro-establishment than that.
But of course man who literally worked for UN is new right reactionary #1 because he didn't showed enough respect to some tranny freak lmao.

>dude he says blacks cause crime that means he's literally telling you to genocide all blacks what a fucking nazi

As a NEET, this faggot does not speak for all of us.

>/pol/ agreed with him once
>that means everyone who agrees with him on anything is a drumpfy nazi incel evil right winger
It bothers me more than it should that somewhere out there there's some grown ass man with this childish level of thinking. Do me a favor and jump off a bridge.

>Real men
>Not obessed with sex all the time
It's been a while since you chopped your dick off so you forgot what we usually think about

>Don't group up goyim, only the chosen people are allowed to do that and feel proud of it
>You're much easier to subvert when you only think of yourself as an individual and not part of a bigger picture

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There was a video of his I saw that really just made my skin crawl for how cultish it felt like. It wasn't even anything bad, it was even agreeable in its content but it began to dawn on me how there was the feeling of "Trust no one but me. Put your faith in me. Follow me. Abide by me." to it.

The first two are in the Vice interview and the last one is from him protesting Bill C-16.

And I highly doubt you're married. From the angry way you type you strike me as a 17 year old European white male who hasn't had sex yet.

I use to like him a lot, he can open your eyes to a lot of things.
I can't stand him anymore though, I guess he's just a really good stepping stone.

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>Stories are based around a conflict that gets resolved, let me elaborate for several hundred pages

he made a point about how waiting to find the right "star to follow" dooms people. That instead you should pick any path at all and start walking, then change your path accordingly. That helped me out a lot.

That's not even close to what I typed, please learn to read. /pol/ used to love him for the pronoun stuff and when he took pictures with dumb frogposters and their kek flag, and thought he was one of them but when he was forced to start making it painfully obvious that he wasn't they 180'd completely like a bitter ex

If I give you stats like that without giving a good justification for it, it's just repeating alt-right propaganda. It's meant to fearmonger, not to problem solve. That's exactly Peterson's (and many other right-wing figureheads like Sargon, Dave Rubin, Stefan Molyneux, James Allsup etc) problem.

You are a complete liar, I was on /pol/ back before he was starting to blow up and /pol/ didn't give a single shit, by then they started to notice his ties to the UN and how he loves jews and that's when they started to hate him.

Is that what you could glean from a quick rundown of his wikipedia page? If you think it's shallow to analyze how cultures understand the world around them and how people can understand their themselves and those around them, then I don't have anything for you. Go on thinking that cause I can't help you.

>If I give you real, objective data without chewing it first for you so you can know exactly what you need to think, it's just repeating alt-right propaganda.

Yes, context matters. It's called being responsible. What you don't want is more racists to be created.

And don't you fucking care tell me that giving people out of context crime stats won't create racists. Let's stay intellectually honest here (if it's even possible for you).

The first one is true, second one is garbage. I'm a reasonably successful married dude, happy family, but of course I'm proud of my nation, why wouldn't I be? Everyone is proud of their country, their family, their people. Anyone who isn't is basically a sadist. Literally only white people dislike their own race.

I'm Mexican, 28, have a degree in engineering and I have two children. From the way you type, you sound exactly like the person you described, just very guilty about it. Classic SJW.

>The first two are in the Vice interview
Check this out and never be this retarded ever again:

>and the last one is from him protesting Bill C-16.
Dishonest framing as usual. Don't you little shits ever get tired of being this fucking evil and dishonest ALL the time? Serious question. He opposes Bill C-16 on the grounds of it being a compelled speech law by the government. Nothing to do with trans rights at all, he's said it many times before. Transgender people deserve and already have ALL of the legal protection that everyone else has. Please stop being a fucking evil lying subhuman SJW.

Haven't you heard? Empirical truth is nazi.
Read Culture of Critique.

>It would be like me saying "blacks commit 40% of the crimes, whites commit far less."
>What I'm saying here is meant to give you the impression that blacks are a problem.
No. The first statement is a mere fact. The logical progression from it should be nothing more than "Why?", not "Blacks must be inherently criminals then." To accuse someone of underhandedly making the latter declaration merely from the initial statement of fact says more about YOUR train of thought than theirs.

>It's meant to fearmonger, not to problem solve

So you think discussion about a subject only needs to take place if a clear proposal of a solution is presented? All analysis of a problem without clear instructions on how to solve scares you?

What a fucking servile faggot you are.

I've had to read the fucking thing before. It's an over-explanation of a convention of story-telling and pretending that there's some deeper meaning behind it because otherwise comparative mythology would be a stupid field, and a work in comparative mythology would consequently be a silly endeavor.

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wow mate carefull there, you're making sense, the left doesnt work like that, try to cater to his feelings since he's still a child, you've left his ego is shatters is what

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The uncut Vice interview makes him look even worse than the cut version. There's no more context to his comments about makeup leading to sexual harassment or women not working with men. The statements he made are troubling.

>Transgender people deserve and already have-
Oh, so you don't even know what C-16 was. Alright. You're a dishonest hack.

>That's not even close to what I typed
But it's very close to the logic you are trying to establish. Why else would you bring any of this up?

You need like 100 more IQ points to sneak that past me, don't even think about trying that again.

>"We don't know the rules to working together with females. We've only been doing this majorly for what ... Maybe 40 years. We are still developing the rules and it's not easy" is what he said.
>Why do females wear make up? There's a large reason that the want to attract male attention. Should they wear make up at work? I don't know, but they might attract unwanted attention

>What you don't want is more racists to be created.

So you are not worrying about the issues discussed but the effect that thinking about them will have on people?
Of course, let us not discuss complicated matters, or worse yet: leave people to muse about them independently, lest they start having ideas I dislike!

If the information creates radicals then yes, you need to contextualize it. What you want is a more dangerous and deranged society. Imagine if everywhere worked like Yea Forums. What a fucking hellhole that would be.

>who were the Cabal of marxist academics he droned about for him to be at loss
All conflict theories scholars, you retard. It's not like the cabal is not open about who they are and what they are after.

>Or maybe the "nature doesn't exist in marxism"
If you actually had any idea what the fuck was being discussed about, you'd know he speaks about nature in the nature vs. nurture sense: that is that Marxism rejects biological determinism in human individual. Which is undisputably correct, and the core of both the rejection of traditional genetics in soviet union (see Basedfer, "Red biology"), or later on in critical theory and it's social constructivis (rejection of sex as a relevant factor, left-wing attacks on any and all forms of psychometry).

Seems like it's you who has no fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about.

Also, he is not evolutionary psychologist at all, and evolutionary psychology has not been established by Epstein (yet another completely ungrounded bullshit and yet another proof that left people have an inherent bias against any form of study of human nature).

So... yeah. You just proved how literally every single attack on him is done by people who actually DO NOT have proper academic background, or know his claims at all.

what game is actually pretty decent but ruined by it's incel fanbase?