Admit it. You had no idea who they were before smash

Admit it. You had no idea who they were before smash.

Attached: 9A1EBB12-83C5-459E-A3C2-33A879FBFFC4.jpg (300x316, 40K)

I was surprised to learn Kazooie was a girl, always assumed she was transgender or something.

I knew her lewds

This post is emblematic of [Current Year].

That's where you're wrong. As an 18 year old zoomer I actually never heard of them before Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. It was when my interest for the bear and bird came in full force when I played the original game on my uncle's N64 two years after during a family trip.

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This is funny to me because I played and beat both games when they were originally released.

How old is the average Yea Forums user? I'm starting to see stuff I don't even think my younger brother would say.

i knew of their platforming games, i just never played any of the games
t. 18 yo

Just because you're a newfag doesn't mean everybody else is, OP.

I heard of them as a kid because I had friends who played it, but I never got around to playing the game myself until just a few days ago. I'm emulating it and it holds up amazingly well. I'm having fun.

there is a cool kids club
and I am in

What are you, a mong 'tard?

I learned about them from JonTron.

Never had a N64 but by the time I had the possibility of emulation I had zero interest in the series.
Nowdays I still don't but have tried the original game out and it was ok. Also I'm convinced people only care about them because of nostalgia because it's nothing special, especially the characters themselves.

>Admit it, you don't know of this highly beloved franchise with a soundtrack that is commonly used on internet videos, with a highly successful Kickstarter that was based on the name recognition of "hey it's the of Devs of B&K and they are making a spiritual successor based off of B&K" because people totally aren't thirsty for another B&K

Ok user, whatever helps you sleep at night

>How old is the average Yea Forums user?
16-19 year olds LARPing as college kids, a tale as old as time. I'd wager most weren't even alive when BK came out.

Long ago, I saw the commercials for their game.
Never played it, just heard 2 was good because you started off with all the powers you earned in 1.

A friend had their games when I was growing up so I absolutwly did.

Yes I did. I played the original Banjo Kazzooie on the N64. I was a Nintendo kid.

Banjo Tooie was one of the earliest games I got. Actually got it before Kazooie, funnily enough. Going backwards made me really confused when Banjo lost even their basic moves they had at the start of Tooie.

i thought they were as wack as conker was in his game until i saw a playthrough of kazooie a year ago
and while i can now understand how much of an attachment people have to them i still think rare was far too cynical in all their games' writing

Holy fuck Yea Forums is actually full Zoomer territory.