You WILL by a fucking iPhone for her, right?

You WILL by a fucking iPhone for her, right?

Attached: fuck2.jpg (850x1200, 106K)

If the phone is the same size as her dick

I'm not buying a Crapple phone for part 1 of a game.

I didn't buy her overpriced first game or a repro, think again.

What is all this mysterios nontransparent bullshit Wayforward is on about this game? They tell us almost nothing except what we already see, and the only thing we know is that there isn't an Android version on the way.

It's literally on everything else too.

>only on Apple Arcade right now
shut the fuck up onsokumaru

They have something to hide and they know we won't like it so they're just stalling pretending everything's fine while they collect Apple's money

Well then here's a spoiler for them: Shantae is not ever gonna be in Smash.

Shantae 5 is out right now?

Yes, on Apple Arcade

Part 1 is on Apple Arcade. And ONLY Apple Arcade. Did you not realize that was the point of this thread?

i would honestly buy an apple arcade subscription if they had something like a small console with a controller

im NOT playing any game using fucking touch controls

wait where are the fucking reviews then

That's one expensive slut.

On Twitter, I guess. GameXplain also has a video up.

Wow really? Nobody is playing it or talking about that. Interesting. Well either way, its on other stuff too so just wait a bit. Not even I, who donated $150 to HGH, would play Shantae 5 with touch controls.

You can desktop it too. Doesn't have to be a phone.

You can use s controller but I'm not sure how good the games look on a big screen

If they just came out and told us what was going on, sure, people would be angry, but the sooner you got it over to us, the sooner the anger washes out. But all this secrecy just makes it more pentup, and the longer and more esoteric it all is, the more longlasting the anger is going to be, and the greater the damage is to credibility.

God DAMN shut the fuck up!
If you wanna suck a dick, then gtfo. No one wants to hear it!

This series is generic and boring. Every game has a lower budget than the last and they never have a clear vision of what each game will be, so we get Franken-games sewed from prior half-assed ideas. If this didn't have hentai bait for the coombrains no one would fucking care.

It's just a lame Wonder Boy.

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru, you little piece of shit. Also you're mom is gay.

Attached: dog 12.png (480x360, 123K)

>Nobody is playing it or talking about that. Interesting.
Most iphone users aren't even really using their iphones for Apple Arcade, they're using instagram or whatever that chat thing is. Bottomline is most iphone users aren't gamers, they're pretentious selfie/social media faggots who are more concerned about posting their only good angle on their picture sharing website.

>Nobody is playing it or talking about that.
I wonder why.

Attached: shanty.jpg (850x1073, 155K)

Well yeah that much is obvious, but you would think that even diehard fans would be talking about it. Or youtube people or something. Or even some Yea Forums rich kids. I literally didn't known it was out until this thread.

Though it is "part 1" as you guys said so that's probably nothing.

iToddlers begone.

kill yourself, stupid android cuck

Is it another exclusive phone game like that gungeon thing?

People don't actually buy phones, do they? They're free with contracts and upgrades.

The only people I know who buy phones are poorfag neets I know who buy chinese androids (filled to the brim with spyware)

Someone recommend me a good onahole for 50 or less.

Attached: bd535181c678a47fdc1b483782855956.jpg (1101x1742, 527K)

It's dead, Jim

Attached: rip.jpg (1080x473, 108K)

So apple footed the bill for this one. Okay.

>Console and Windows PC versions will receive a single release.
So all we have to do is wait and we'll eventually get the full game? Eh, I'm fine with waiting.

So what's the issue? Until the console release comes out, might as well just pretend the game isn't out yet.

You guys making it sound like it was only ever gonna be Apple exclusive or somethin.

Someone post the fucking webm of her dance cutscene.

Yeah it just sucks but like isn’t an end worthy thing and I’m guess Apple funded them too a bit since this seems like a slightly higher budget thing

Shantae is not gonna sleep with you man

Attached: F157FCE5-6336-4003-9012-6A41F66A6CD4.jpg (1242x963, 455K)

If this is it I don't really see a problem.

Attached: nwsy0vPzU51soy3odo1_400.gif (342x264, 965K)

But will she poop on my chest?

Attached: 1480658264208.png (596x656, 194K)

There are too many faggots on this board already. We don't need any more of them, specially those who deny being gay despite them futa, which is just another fetish for fags.

Attached: fags-in-denial.jpg (1277x3197, 801K)

I fucking hate that image so much. It reminds me of the "memes" bronies make.



Tenga spinners although they're a little small for me. I thought it would break but it can take months of use from me so far.

>Buying Apple products
I can wait.

I really don't understand why people go so mad int he first place desu.

There were people aside from Yea Forums who were mad?

Yes actually, most of the reactions on twitter are negative

Unsurprisingly Twitter just took the announcement at face value instead of catching on quickly that this is just done for the Apple Arcade version. Basically they wanted to start fake outrage.