>ara ara you don't mind an old oni like me?
Nioh 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>christmas cake
>looks 18
where's the fucking countdown
That's 4-5 years past her prime.
Where do you see 18 year olds that look like that? She looks 26-28 or so, which is way better
You need to kill yourself like right now, I’m serious that’s the only kindness the world can offer your diseased corpse of an existence at this point
Where do YOU see 28 year olds like that?
Not like you can even tell with Asians
big fat cat tats
>tfw I have a fetish for "older" women
>tfw I'm 30 and this is now just liking women around my age
it's an abstract kind of feel
I want to make a flat-chested girl
was there a breast slider?
how long until it releases?
Tamaki is that you
I had that when I was younger, now I find people my age so weird. I can understand what getting old means and it doesn't turn me on anymore.
Looks 20
agreed this woman is almost 40
40 hours of photoshop?
dilate and go back
oh god... OH GOD HHHGN FUCK....
Needed more than 40 to be acceptable
>Those jaggies on the hair shadows.
I'll wait for the PC version thank you.
whens this game coming out? i cant wait.
at least itll be better than sekiro.
literally soulless
shut up MGTOW faggot
whenever I see a reference to MGTOW I just think of that Fleetwood Mac song and I doubt that is the intention
oh is this what the new meme is a bunch of redpill losers who got played by women? kek
that's essentialy the same garbage.
Post asian milfs please
thats not what you want
it's literally Lindsey Buckingham telling Stevie Nicks to fuck off and that's hilarious
Fucking slut
V-vros?! I think....I think i'm gona CUUUUUUUUUUUM
What about a gamer Asian milf?
what is this
character creator?
what a cutie
Are you guys fucking telling m that NiOh 2 will let us make ara aras MC?
Fill me in on the latest Nioh 2 news. I've had Nioh sitting in my closet for a while collecting dust. It's probably gonna be the next game I start up after Iceborne, but I need some motivation to keep it at the forefront of my mind.
>tfw Nioh's characters become mystical version of Sengoku Basara and Samurai Warriors
>used to be attracted to late 20's people
>get there myself
>understand why being old fucking sucks
>now attracted to 20-25 year olds
Sidenote, am I the only person here that almost feels like a fucking pedo talking to people that are 18 or 19? Even 20 feels young. Now I get why 28 year olds would get uncomfortable when I was 18/19 and flirted with them. They just seem so immature, like the world hasn't completely fucking stamped out their hope. It makes me sad realizing that used to be me.
You're just a fag, reddit boomer.
can't be a boomer on reddit retard.
Boomer redditor cope
>can't be a boomer on reddit retard.
>being a pedo is trannyshit now
Dilate with a drill and hang yourself
user...do you not know the characters in Sengoku Basara and Samurai Warriors were real people?
Ara...? Are you sure you want an old lady like me?
>posing like dumb thots
that just ruins it
Disgusting haglover.
jav code pls
Imagine being this huge of a faggot
>regular non-degenerate human being
this it needs to be classy
She looks like she shit herself
imagine not having any taste
PC release when? The first was a lot of fun.
Le Donald doesn't count as reddit.
I mean in fictional sense.
Probably once all the DLC is out on PS4, like with the first game.
I'm surprised I finished it. Really was engaging from start to finish, I never finished a souls as fast before.
ok nioh shills... cute asian girls are enough to get me to try the first game
first game doesn't have character creation, but you can transform into some of the female npcs
By the time you get to any you will have quit from frustration.
>reddit isn't reddit
braindead boomer
Ultra kek.
Lets hope they fix the loot system.
Why would they fix what isn't broken? They just need to make inventory management better.
dont oni have horns?
in the post game you can get Ryu's outfit form ninja gaiden
Can you adjust tit size? Are there tit physics?
The main character is half-oni; they can transform into a seperate yokai form. Pic related. I think their human form also gains horns, but only while inside the yokai realm.
oh cool
Who /axe/ here
/odachi/ bros, UNITE
im going to give that a try first run in 2
might go back and play 1 with an axe before 2 drops just to try them out
1 kat niggas rise up all we need is a strong veristile blade
That's me what up. Crazy fun. Did the last three playthroughs with axe. Not a fucking moment did I regret it. Thinking about going Katana next. Want that classic Kurosawa vibe
So wait? We can make our own character in Nioh 2, or what? HOLY SHIT
yes, it also has three person multiplayer now
open beta starts November 1st
I love Anri!
>three person multiplayer
Christ settle that autism little zoomie
That's only 18 if you're white.
>Can co-op with two other players
>Can make your own character
triple female oni
>Expecting Nioh 2 discussion and speculation
>It's just coomers jacking off
I don't know what I should expect in this board anymore
Ah, you're the offspring of Ken-sama and moth girl
This is suppose to be a prequel, or so I was told. We get to meet Ieyasu though and see his raise to godhood and fame. Also you get to see young Nobunaga, so that'll be fun. His cameo in the first Nioh game was alright, but we didn't learn much about him or get a lot of interaction and dialogue with him.
ten seconds in google
>waaah porn bad
Why did they ever call themselves pedes? All I can think about is pediatrics or pedophiles when I see that name.
I swear I thought Lubu was gonna be the final boss of NIOH 2
Guess will take discount Lubu
I swear bottom right was Samnosuke/Takeshi Kaneshiro.
>woman in her prime
Be glad she's hot at all. If this were Capcom she'd look like a goblin.
Okay this is based
I picked up this game again and doing WotS but I'm getting nothing but shitty loot. Should I just rush through to DLC?
It's like they reused the models from Nobunaga's Ambition.
lmao, being this much of a mad cuck
*blocks your path*
took me an hour to beat those cunts
I wish they'd given Nobunaga a different haori jacket. Something like pic related. The one he has just blends into his armor too much. Either that, or just give him that red shoulder cape, without the haori.
I have more trouble with mothman alone than I do with those two together.
when does this come out on steam? wait it's ps4 only first right?
This was among the easier fights for me. These too are pretty tame and fight rather leisurely instead of stay on your ass like many other bosses.
M-me too.
I'm 29 and still get weird looks at the liquor store.
Good to see they aren't holding back on the tits, unlike a certain other TN franchise
>asuka is almost 40 and is married with children
Anybody else find that weird?
>unlike a certain other TN franchise
Whatever could you possibly mean?
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3?
>posts that women and othernoids cant understand
>hands mottled and discolored from circulation issues
I can't fap to this.
What about porn games?
>playing offline
enjoy not being able to grave rob and be stuck with shit equipment for a while
Is there a demon out? I bet it's just one user posting christmas cake onis
>Ieyasu rise
Dude was a chronic failure who lucked out in bring the only person who didn't get sick and die in his 50s.
Really? Than who am I thinking of? I though Ieyasu was very successful. At least in all my japanese animu games he seems to be very popular and powerful.
He spends 40 years sitting around as a mid tier Lord under Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, everyone starts having spontaneous early deaths so he ends up being the only competent person left with power. He spent most of his time getting btfo by the Takeda and Sanada whenever he was fighting alone.
Why would design a White woman for a game set in the Medieval Japan?
Christianity and guns had made it to Japan for about 10-20 years by then.