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Books #131
Are there any literature on why women are so obssessed with petty social games and social status? Seriously...
The Coming Corporate State by Alexander Raven Thompson - British Fascist Economics
What's the point of writing love poems to women if they can't understand neither poems nor love?
Bible Study
Schopenhauer? Isn't that the guy who makes you depressed if you read his books xD?
I honestly believe civilisation is the worst thing ever to happen to us
Incest is a morally neutral act
Is it true Schopenhauer was just a NEET loser during his lifetime?
Thoughts on Sabato's The Tunnel? I thought it was a pretty compelling read...
Why is the Iliad considered a fundamental part of the canon?
This shit slaps
Publish novel
Is this seriously all the left has to offer...
Shelf thread
What is some essential entry-level doomer philosophy?
I need a philosophy or religion...
Incest theme
You are buying all your books as hardcover like all the classy gentlemen do, right...
Is there any books that is thought-provoking than this when it comes to talk about rural white americans?
Is Gravity's Rainbow really that niche? I thought at least 20 people would have got it...
He thinks you must 'believe in god' to be religious
He subscribes to a political ideology
So are we all in agreement that this lad reached the complete fulfillment of the human aesthetic ambition...
We should have a board dedicated only to Philosophy
When did you realize that Christianity is the truth...
What makes left leaning people so much more well read than their right leaning counterparts?
Notable Christians
Gaytheists and fagnostics are on this board right now
I believe in the one true God our lord and savior
What do you read to understand at what point is it ok to be a faggot...
What's the generational saga of our times...
Walden and Truly Off the grid, self sufficient living
Literal Hack
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
My doctor is trialing me on dexamphetamine (Australian version of Adderall) in order to improve my attempts at studying
I have 250 euros free to spend on books, what should I buy? Would you care to make a list?
Do you think philosophy existed prior to civilisation?
Has any one of you ever purchased one of these LotR pocket editions...
Are women as intellectually capable as men?
Tfw you realise that conservatism is a form of modernism
ITT: opinions that immediately show you someone is a pleb lacking in critical thinking
Fanged Noumena just arrived in the mail
Was he right?
Today I had a school exam on the topic of 'Philosophy and Science'...
/qtddtot/ Questions that don't deserve their own thread
What are the best novels written by women?
Just finished it, great little read
Post childhood lino
Meanwhile, at the local Barnes & Noble
Hedgehog's dilemma
Fun Facts About Authors
Has this any value? I don't know if I want to waste my money on this
Rayuela / Hopscotch
Whats your favorite Houellebecq novel and why?
Infinite Jest
Tfw you have the perfect twink body, but lack the beautiful, soft face to go along with it
Mitchell Heisman
Have children
Bought this what am i in for? Will be my first Pynchon
80 Books No Woman Should Read
Religious "people" are not to be argued with, reasoned with or listened to
Just finished this. It’s not bad, actually pretty good. He references all the great writers and thinkers of the past...
What is some anti-gay literature?
These Two Are Fucking Retarded
Why do leftist writers never write about the issue with materialism from a psyochological well-being perspective...
Favourite book thread? Feel free to make your own image or just create a list to generate discussion...
The "I" is an illusion. How much philosophy has sprung from this incorrect Cartesian assumption?
Post an album, get a book rec
Libido Dominandi
Is this the ultimate matchup?
Thoughts on socially irresponsible librarians?
Freewill Does Not Exist
Anarchism is a terrible idea. Which authors can change my mind?
Are there any good Creepypasta stories?
Why does nobody take philosophy seriously?
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
The true mark of a brainlet is someone incapable of discussing pedophilia, the most taboo of taboo's...
That one author's whose works are more valuable to you then those of all others combined
I love women
Muh God
/slv/ Solve General - Xeno's Paradox Edition
Considering how the Show ended, how do you think ASOIAF will end?
What does lit think about him?
How can we accelerate Landposting?
Oh cool comfy based review on Memethustra
What's the perfect "reading buddy" like?
Favorite Harry Potter Chapter
*single-handedly ruins all western philosophy forever*
/Catholicism/ general
Best funny books
The protagonist of the last book you read is now trying to assrape you. How fucked are you?
Language learning general
Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment is the best book ever written...
How do I add humor to my writing without it being cringey?
*recruits a bunch of big guys to disrupt your lecture by asking you trick questions in an attempt to embarrass you...
Was he the smartest guy who ever lived?
What does Yea Forums think of Toni Morrison?
What's that book you just know, deep in your heart, everybody is only pretending to enjoy?
What would you consider as avant garde literature?
Is this a meme or is it worth my time
}*justifies totalitarian dictatorship*
Just bought this, what am I in for?
Get redpilled
The greatest poet of our generation
ITT: Post basedboy and reddit-repellent
How the fuck do I approach this book, Yea Forums? I can't even understand the commentaries
Describe this face and its features. Use the written word to re-image it for me, as though I'd never seen it before
Thomas Ligotti
I’ve never read a book before, what’s a good one to start with?
"He rose and stood tottering in that cold autistic dark with his arms outheld for balance while the vestibular...
Book is over 400 pages
What are some books that didn't age well? Which books aged like milk?
I’ve never read a history book before, what’s a good one to start with?
The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann
This is a Librivox recording
What does Yea Forums think about him?
Solves Philosophy AND Science
Is it possible to balance a Yea Forums lifestyle while also being a weeb, watching anime and reading manga...
Other cool modern day philosophers in the realm of nick land
Muh morals
Always wanted to write a book, but I have no idea where to start. Should I build a “skeleton” for my story...
How often are you forced to subvocalize, Yea Forums?
Define love from your own philosophical perspective
Utter dogshit
Did he solve philosophy?
How is God 'love'? I don't get what it means when religious writers say that. How is love the 'truth'?
Islamic Esoterism
Books about social engineering (Like cold reading) or unethical techniques to take advantage of society?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Hey Karl, what's up big guy?
Books about how digital technology/the internet is influencing society?
Goddamn this made me hard
The modern view on love and relationships is completely fucked up
Never has there been a board like Yea Forums with so much to say and so little substance to hear
Leave [insert philosopher here] to me
Reading goals 2019 - Q2
This is the writer yall look up to
Stop eating animal products and processed foods
*writes self insert fan fiction
How do you guys deal with the feeling of transience/atrophy?
In what position do you read books? Do you lay down in your bed...
What should I read after Kant's three Critiques before I get into Hegel's Phenomenology of the spirit?
Anti war books
How do you guys deal with the absolute futility of it all?
Literature to transcend the human Race and become a God/Overman?
Just picked up this bad boy from the mail box
What am I in for bros?
Just got this
Will literature ever surpass this?
Fukushima -- er, I mean Kojima, must have read some Baudrillard to produce his masterpiece, right?
Don't be bad, also be good
What are some books that aged like a fine wine?
Why is so difficult to write a poem?
What am I in for?
Is this good? Are his ideas still properly Marxist in the last instance
What are some Yea Forums musicians? In the quality of the lyrics and or literary allusions
Why are there so many shameless nameniggers and tripfags on Yea Forums?
Why does sexual promiscuity among women disgust me?
*Destroys capitalism*
When's he going to read Shakespeare, praise him and piss off all his high school subscribers who hate him?
Ok this shit rocks
Pro monarchy thread
Are comic books Yea Forums?
What does your girlfriend thinks about your Yea Forumsness ?
Tfw he was right
Power-rank the great playwrights of history. Also, rate how garbage my own list is:
This is depressing
What are the most Yea Forums video essays?
That crushing feeling you get when you realize the Trojans were the good guys
Did any western philosopher ever try to mount a serious defense against Guenon's charges or did they pretty much all...
*teleports behind you*
Hi! I saw you checking out that book!
Dungeon Crawling
Whats on his nightstand?
Let's be real, there are underages on every board, including this one. Let's take the opportunity to give them advice...
He didn’t study Maths at Cambridge while reading widely in literature and philosophy
Books that gonna give me hope to continue living
Just bought this
Why do we hate her now again? Is it because she appeals to people with vaginas?
What are Yea Forumss thoughts on Harlan Ellison?
At your opinion, which is the most beautiful language?
Buy on amazon
Daily reminder
Any good books in psychology that discusses how fetishes are a reaction to supressed emotions...
What is the most Yea Forums handwriting to have?
Is this worth reading or is another example of an old book getting memed to "GOAT" status just because it's old?
Do you ever use this?
What is Yea Forumss' opinion on this interesting gentleman?
Atheism and lit
Who was better, Homer or Virgil?
Finish it, Yea Forums
Are there any good books made by black people?
Let's settle the issue right now. Are translations a meme...
Post your routine
What can I read to understand Neo-China?
I'm searching for good hamster books, pls help!
Yes, of course I like the chapters that detail 19th century perceptions of whales and whaling...
Let's all wish this man a happy 84th birthday
Trigger words
How do I talk to girls about books?
What's your go to drink for Saturday night reading?
Who was the most handsome writer
How to BOMB the U.S. Gov't
Racism against African-Americans appalled Nabokov...
I want so badly to lay on top of her on the floor, to trap her under my weight and destroy her insides...
Any Japanese philosopher?
Not going to ask /adv/ so ill ask here, is going to grad school for Philosophy the worst path to go on...
1. Read the classics
Zizek: Labeling BDS ‘anti-Semitic’ desecrates the Holocaust in order to legitimize apartheid
Btfos kant
How good is it...
Hitler Economy?
Be 20 years old
Why are leftists so much more well read than right wingers?
How would it go down Yea Forums?
I’ve never studied any type of economics, should I start with this?
Muh prose
Updated Dark/Disturbing chart! Version 2.9
Had had
What do you think of C.S Lewis? What are his best books?
Describe this image in your best prose
Books with this protagonist
The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
Anselm's theory of atonement is senseless...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Is poetry dead?
Does anyone know how this guy is viewed by other authors? He's kind of difficult to read as a person
It’s Saturday, what are you currently?
Hello fellow book nerds. Of the two pictures, which one makes for a more aesthetic shelf?
Best history books
Is your native language lit? are you glad you can understand books written in it to its fullest?
Is Ulysses truly the ultimate democratic experience?
A genre defying tour de france
What’s your reading schedule like? Do you read a set number of pages or chapters a day?
Can there be objectively bad writing?
Oh, you didn't like Infinite Jest? I thought you were cool, user
Judeo-Christian is a redundant term...
How is Natalie so well read?
What are THE greatest books ever written? I'm not talking about fame, but quality...
Which authors were the most Schizoid?
I just had a thought, what if all of us on here...
What happens after death?
The unabridged version of Moby Dick is terrible unless you want to know about 19th century whaling
I can't bros... I'm crying. I just want to reunite them
Writing as an autist
My pc fucked up
I am the sun (son)
*is right about literally everything he predicted*
When will the memes like Whitehead, Land and Guénon die? They're getting stale
Friday night
How do I get an arthoe egf who has good taste in literature?
The proper way to read Nick Land
Childhood is idolozing hegel
Is there any shame in just admitting I'm an incel who finds reading books safer and easier than attaining what I truly...
Storm of Steel
Please leave this board and never return if you agree with any of the following sentences:
Everytime I pick up a copy of a NYRB Classic I drown in a wave of euphoria...
Does Yea Forums donate books to the less fortunate?
I've never directly read the bible. This shit is so confusing and intimidating - where do I start...
Which ones are about the Lannisters?
Economics is nothing but hyperstition. The "hand of the market" describeds nothing more than the "hand of god"
Internet argument culture
Hodor means hold the door
Has there been a more lucid individual in history? His penetrating insight and genius is remarkable
So, now that the dust has settled, was he write? Should I just have sex instead of studying him or what?
Anti-Oedipus' Own Authors Considered It A Disappointing Failure
Bought this what am i in for?
What book fully encompasses him?
So bro god is a trinity right, like 3 people
What do you think of this poem I wrote?
Here’s all the philosophy you’ll ever need in one book bro
Whats your level Yea Forums?
Freud predicted trans people
Heres your library bro
Meme degrees
Tfw all the greatest writers, and even artists, throughout history have been Catholics
How did we go from a nation despising premarital sex to promoting and glorifying a "sex life"?
What are some books about seeing a GigaStacey and then realising that at the age of 28...
Why is there no female characters in this book if it is supposed to critique society?
What is your favorite Rupi Kaur poem?
Living the literary lifestyle
Christfags can't refute this
Books on how to be less sexualized ?
If atheism isn't a religion, why do so many atheists believe in one or all of the following dogmas?
What would nietzsche's opinion on trannies be?
Muh morals
How did radical feminism become the dominant western ideology in just a few years?
Is this a good book to start (literature)?
Tfw born in modernity
Critique thread
What does he read?
How do you cope with the fact that you will probably never have a single original thought you entire life?
Why do women like erotic literature so much as compared to men who like video pornography more?
New-Age Nonsense
He reads books with women in them
What are some good books?
Serious question here
I need help finding some influencial and original women or POC philosophers
TRANNIES ARE FAILED PROTOTYPES OF THE TRANSHUMAN PLATONIC ANDROGYNE: the incel epidemic isn't about the inaccessibility...
A Confederacy of Dunces
Let's settle this once and for all. Was Mr. Antolini a pedo?
Which one should I get Yea Forums?
Describe this image in your best prose
I'm fucking sad, bros. Moving out of my parents house when I finish college in a year...
Isn't Jesus supposed to be God? Why is he praying to himself?
Shakespeare did the DFW-like meme "and but so" with his "I could not but by her" centuries before it lmao
Which of these is the best and why?
What is the literary equivalent of going out of your bed at 3 am just to drink a couple of beers until you get a bit...
What's your daily routine, Yea Forums?
What makes up the ideal Yea Forums wife?
*singlehandedly BTFOS all other philosophers and proves morality is objective*
Why do people look down on me when I don't speak like an oogabooga...
Books/philosophers that refute this?
Post your summer reading list
Are there any abridged versions of Shakespeare? I don't really care to to read the filler
Why are Christians against antinatalism?
Is homosexuality a prerequisite to enjoying poetry?
Actually fucking kill yourself, Kaufmann
Lord of the Rings
Gravity doesn't fucking exist you morons
100% of the time women revere what I call the philosophers of delirium, that is...
The christcuck trembles at the sight of this man
Tell me more about this man
Im not kidding
Fascism is not far enough right
Just won 100$ from a writing contest
Why did i have to be born a midwit?
Philosophy reading group?
Noticing a spike in racism on Yea Forums
What's the funniest book you ever read ?
This was a good book. I highly recommend it. There is a copy on libgen
Just turned 22. Books to help me get over my sexually frustrated teenagehood?
Leave Jordan Peterson to me
Why isn't Gene Wolfe considered the American Tolkien?
Any books that genuinely changed your life, for better or worse? Inb4 Bible
Epicurus: The senses do not deceive, the mind does
Is this tubby kike the most overrated writer in history?
New Dark/Disturbing chart, Haunted/Babyfucker deletion?
What's the difference between late capitalism and Kali Yuga?
Seemed like we had a good discussion the other day re: literature about the LSAT/law school, general law discussion...
"The Gamer's Lament" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
*dabs on guenon*
Abstain from wanking
This is getting out of hand, something needs to fucking happen
What if God is a petty little cunt who hates humans and refuses to reveal himself because the torture of not knowing is...
Books to be proud of. Show your best books
Why would any rational minded man believe in god?
Where to start with Lenin?
When people at my work start talking about religion
Real talk. Is the series worth reading?
Chapter includes mc having sex
You know what gets my goat? People getting up in arms about Huck Finn being either banned or censored
Buddhism Rec for beginners
What is the ideal life? How should our time on Earth be spent? What have philosophers said on the ideal life?
What are some good books to read with your significant other?
I'm gay and in a long term relationship, we both agreed from the beginning not to cheat or see other people
Things this idiot believes in
Am I a good man?
Any books like this masterpiece
Meaning of life
How do you feel about stories where white guys marry brown chicks ?
So what's the worst possible outcome of capitalism. Any literature on it?
Stack thread
Ted Thread
Longest piece of literature
Are these worth reading?
How rich was pierre bezukhov?
What exactly is the basis for the belief in equality...
Horror fiction
Why is the moon so often associated with writers and other artists?
The greatest writer who ever lived was a woman, how does that make you feel Yea Forums?
Have you read Locke?
What a great writer
Have sex
What are some writers that one would call "warrior-philosophers"?
What are some books that critique pic related?
Is /fitlit/ a thing? Do you guys work out as well as read?
How do I get into The Moomins?
Why is every philosopher in love with the sound of their own voice?
Where should I start with Derrida?
Why did George R.R. Martin add sex into his books?
Tell me about a time you were lit in public
I wish somebody could be this guy for philosophy
This man is the living embodiment of "Shake his hand son and say I'm your new cashier, sir"
Is the fox really in the wrong for thinking that way?
Will reading an entire encyclopedia a good idea?
Write a poem about this guy
To all non-english natives here...
What does he read?
Here's your Bible bro
Just had sex with a married woman and I honestly feel suicidal from guilt. I need reading to cope, please help with recs
Entertainment has replaced religion?
How "inclusive diversity" is destroying much of publishing industry
Say that Socrates met Max Stirner- how would he try to counter him?
Give me the names of philosophers that were right to I can skip the wrong ones. Thanks
Finnegans Wake
Good German Yea Forums
Well, I have finished reading this and now I have an ache in my chest. Pretty depressing stuff...
Le kill every character man
New Board Order (NBO)
Starts with the greek once
This is a 1944 publication of Homer’s “The Odyssey”. What do you think?
Is it kino?
Was he right about revolution and the social function of art?
>tfw enlightened from studying metaphysics
It's so fucking funny how this guy BTFOs literally every western white male...
It's been funny to watch so many people argue about Guénon and let yourselves get into so many arguments about him...
You are now the protagonist of the last novel you read
Okay lit, who is the greatest American writer? Could be for anything: poetry, novels, essays, etc...
Just finished Don Quichotte. The 3 first dubs will decide my next books...
Would have had to have been
Can I start with the Fountainhead by Rand ?
Hey Yea Forums
Why don't christians offer animal sacrifices, if Jesus said that he didn't came to change the law?
Are the Barnes & Noble Leatherbound books any good...
AI-generated text
Is this the most boring novel ever written? I'm midway through 'The Part About The Crimes'
Tfw too anxious too read books
"Extreme" literature?
Tfw want nothing more than to be an author
Wtf I hate Enlightenment rationalism now
Why haven't your read the best Fantasy lit since Tolkien, Eddings and Erikson?
Looks like our favorite crypto-reactionary Zizek needed some pocket change...
E-book readers thread
Stupidity of Yea Forums
Books about eliminating racism
They're all wrong
>our worth as a person is determined by how much sex you have
Mysticism thread. Post books and give recs
Leave Bergson to me
What should I read before starting with Marx?
Redpill me on this psychopath. What's his endgame?
Where should I start reading The Bible?
*Mortal Kombat music starts playing*
Help me become the king of erotica
Do you think cyberpunk can be rural Yea Forums?
Redpill me on Klages...
Are the Orcs supposed to be an allegory for niggers?
What does Yea Forums think of Thoreau?
Thread #4 - Thomas Merton edition
Does anyone else really hate looking at this picture? Something's wrong with it...
I feel it is a great shame if ordinary sane novels about ordinary sane people doing ordinary sane things can’t find a...
What are some Yea Forums albums?
Smoking a cigarette whilst enjoying a novel y/n?
What podcasts do you guys listen to?
Opinions on audio-books and the book Foundation by Isaac Asimov?
What does Yea Forums think of Carl Schmitt?
Why does nu-Yea Forums hate him so much?
How does one go about making 100k + a year with a non STEM masters degree?
Bought this what am I in for?
ITT: meditation books
Ways to spot a retard/subhuman reader, or as you would call it, a pseud?
Just through a panic attack, but it's gone now. Any comfy short story to relax?
Left = cringe
Best books about Redemption?
What is the most Yea Forums glasses style
Where would i find good erotic literature, lit?
What is the purpose and the appeal of poetry...
Any books that deal with the same level of intelligence?
What is the Yea Forums equivalent to XRA
Is tao lin's shift from hipster fool to psychadellic wiseman the greatest transition in the history of the written word?
The leading cause of death for men under 50 is suicide
Itt: post an image, get a recommendation
Why are there so many angry women on Yea Forums?
Fiction books with no characters except the main character? Like, they are completely alone and intereact with nobody...
I cant read this. Its too accurate
Is Dennet an NPC?
What are some books/materials that will help me get a good LSAT score and do well in law school?
Good albums for reading?
What are some good sci-fi books?
What are some books about why good girls choose bad guys?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Your country
The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism is a book written by Max Weber, a German economist and sociologist
Why is this still considered a "classic"? Show me 1 (one) book of literature who has this as their main influence...
Yea Forums Related Dreams
ITT babys first overrated garbage
"Exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish."
Is it okay to not finish reading a bad book? But then...
'The Left' is the intellectual rationalistic-romantic belief that one can conquer reality by means of abstraction
Disappointing your Dad with book choice
Shakespeare in highschool: how your colleagues reacted?
Who do I need to read before this in order to understand it?
What is the single most important word and why?
Parents found self insert anime fanfiction with me having relationship with cute loli
On the Jews and their Lies by Martin Luthier
Is there anything in this chart that is actually worth reading?
What are some good books with few or no women characters?
Is postmodernism just advanced right-wing self deprecation?
How fast is your reading speed, Yea Forums?
Books about freeing oneself from addictons?
Something that I've noticed is that people who take an interest in Whitehead, Deleuze...
ITT post major authors you have no interest in reading
How does love feels like?
China’s new ‘social credit system’ is a dystopian nightmare
Finally understand that to create complex structures is the purpose of the universe but to what end?
Stack thread
I haven't cried so much for a book as for this one
I’m ready to write a novel. Like RIGHT NOW
We must draw a sharp distinction between the thing and its properties on one side...
The Temple of The Golden Pavilion
Book of the dead
How do I get into my local art/literary scene?
The KJV Bible and 1984 are the only books i need
Did Paul really corrupt Jesus' teachings
Has there been one good fantasy novel written in the last 20 years?
Any of you write the LSAT? What was your score and how long did you prep?
*saves philosophy*
Pic related was considered a battle between two intellectual titans, the equivalent of Chomsky and Foucault
How does a blowjob from ontologicool feel like?
Write my essay for me you fucking nerds
Mother found the manuscripts
Anybody read this? I'm about halfway through
Tfw read 90 pages today
Why is the Yea Forums lifestyle so lonely guys? Why spend all this time reading...
Why havn't black people ever produced anything significant
What are some good inspirational books for a 23 year old neet loser that's had enough and desperately wants to turn his...
/Catholicism/ general
Philosophy that validates losers?
Define art. What is your aesthetic philosophy?
Any books that adequately predicted the future?
”so whats the deal with books? Why are they so heavy? How heavy can words be?
What is the essential schizophrenic literature?
What would be your ideal reading/writing scenario, assuming money was not a problem
Reading introductions
Remember this? Harold Bloom blurbed it. I wonder if he regrets that endorsement
What else should I read if I enjoyed Lolita?
Take the blackpill
E/lit/its, is No Longer Human actually based or just redditcore?
Want to learn
What are some of the most moving posts you've seen on Yea Forums?
What are some books on being sexually repressed?
What would be the Yea Forums alternative to Game of Thrones?
[meta] Porn shills raiding Yea Forums
I wonder what Yea Forums will choose:
... I heard that the jannies were sexually repressed..., so I was wondering... is Yea Forums as well?
Distraction-free word processors
Be me
It's a bad time for me
Godless barbarian babble
What can I read to help me disprove my marxist professor
Yea Forums jannies at it again
Don Quixote as presented by Cervantes is a translation from an Arabic text he chanced upon in the market at Toledo...
What should i expect from this?
You are Crito. What do you say to Socrates to convince him to escape?
How could a smart man like Schopenhauer still be so misogynistic?
Books to handle a hard breakup
What's the most interesting/controversial philosophical question you've ever pondered about?
Hello! Beautiful morning, isn't it? Too bad it's spoiled by these loud, diesel-engine leafblowers and lawnmowers!
Was this book just anti-fascist propaganda?
How to write a female protagonist that both males and females would like, without her being a hotass marry sue?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Is there any practical use for philosophy?
Antinatalism thread
Yea Forums, what is the most thrilling novel you've read?
I roughly have 2 months left to submit a 35.000 words long thesis. Is this feasible and what strategy should I use?
Chart thread?
User, you’ve read the WHOLE Bible? All of it?
Where do I find Yea Forums people or at least people that aren't just the average boring person?
Younger Man, Older Woman Romace Books
How does he feel right now?
Marxism is a bourgeois ideology. Prove me wrong
Are there any far-right authors that are actually worth reading?
Reoccuring characters and stories
Is he a meme?
Does any of you has a degree or are you just shit out whatever you think?
Recently started one punch man. Seems pretty good. Thoughts?
When he was about seventeen years old Aristotle went to Athens for purposes of study and became a member of the Academy...
Are there any major literary work on history written by a woman that isn't talking about her body holes or talking...
I didn't get it. He spends 300 pages going back and forth across the country getting drunk with his deadbeat friend
I just read this nigga and now I want to kill myself. Please God, somebody give me a refusion to this guy...
Why there's not a single major female philosopher in history?
Ethics Dillema
Does Writings 1997-2003 (CCRU) have anything that isn't in Fanged Noumena...
Please help us settle a debate:
What's a book that can make you really appreciate the fact that anything exists at all?
Thanks, Reddit. You killed Yea Forums
Just bought a Barnes & Noble classics edition of Moby-Dick. Should I read the intro? Will it spoil it?
Why don’t modern “Philosophers” work?
Don't kid yourselves, the books' end will be just as shitty
Has a book series ever been destroyed by an on-screen adaptation before the books were even finished before?
At Barnes & Noble
Ok this shit slaps
I've been struggling with my belief in Christianity for a while now and I've realized what the central issue is...
Who is he?
Your bogart, your patronus, and what you'd see in the mirror of erised
Is fine art considered Yea Forums? Can we have an art thread?
Wtf is a rupi kaur, /lit?
I was drinking in park with three girls ( I didn't know them, it was embarassing) and accidentally quoted Tao Te Zhing...
What are some books that celebrate evil as an essence that is magnificent, divine, glorious, etc...
Why is western philosophy so shit nowadays? What killed it? Was it Marx? Was it analytic philosophy...
Is this book any good
Is being a bull and fucking weaker males wife/gf considered good under the master morality?
Language Learning Thread
How to convince my zoomer niece to read?
What are the merits of his philosophy?
Wait a minute... Is Pynchon still alive?
Are there more right wing spinozian or deleuzean philosophers than Lick Nand and the guy from Buzzfeed?
Will reading dense literature/poetry out loud, either from text or memory...
Is this worth a read?
What are the most devastating words ever written in any language...
What kind of books do girls like this read?
For how long have you browsed Yea Forums?
Stop reading Proust
A new philosophy of life - "Hemingnietzsche" conceptualizaiton
Are you excited?
This is your brain in larping metaphysics
Books about degeneracy in modern society?
Why is Lolita considered one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century?
Love him or hate him he's our generations Noam Chomsky
/ourguy/ Scaruffi just posted a list of his favorite philosophy texts on his website a few hours ago. Thoughts?
If you believe good boy Teddy is correct...
How do I phrase this without looking like an absolute tool?
What are some genuine works of literary merit for overcoming this? I.e. go from being a submissive, effeminate...
I want to embrace absurdist nihilism. Where do I start?
Post more of these ridicilous covers, they always gives me good laughs
Is rap poetry for niggers?
It seems there is a common belief on this board that sex is bad for you and lowers motivation
Bloom and the "stretch his legs" idiom
Did I just waste my money?
Books women will never EVER understand
Top 5 books to change one’s life
Shut up, faggot, I'm gonna read your mind
ITT Ugliest writer
Is it true that alpha men find reading emasculating? My father is an alpha and I never seen him with a book in his hand...
What is the single most KINO book you've read that's not set in europe or north america...
The history of all hitherto existing society(2) is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave...
Is there any other way to overthrow a certain societal/political value except through ressentiment...
Sieg Heil Butterfly!
What books do I need to read to understand Black Mirror?
Thoughts on ancient Anglo philosopher Nick Land?
A Per Day Reading Minimum For Adequacy
I want to learn how to manipulate people
How do I start with the norsemen?
Atman is Brahman
If you don't read 250-500+ pages per day, then you aren't making it
Rank them
Any Anti-Tech people here?
Why does Islam prize modesty? Oppressive, much?
Why can't real life be like this
I can spend literally hours world building but for the fucking life of me I can’t stick to a story I’d like to tell
I think, therefore I am
Actually pick up infinitejest and finish it
This feel like a direct attack on us
Book ORG
Butterfly, light of my life, precious sight to my eyes. My death, my life...
Post a picture, get a book rec
Where does the S.W.E.A.T. pledge rank among other such important documents like the Magna Carta, US Constitution...
Stream of consciousness
Why are left wingers so much more well read than right wingers?
Proust thread
I can't gather the energy to open a page and read a single sentence from a book...
When do these bad boys go on sale?
What are some manly books? i'm tired of this meek, pathetic, contemplative perspective that this board takes...
Is nihilism immaturity of the mind or rather the true wisdom...
What's the moral argument against taking another person's life?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Ethical Egoism on abortion?
Which is superior? Which way does Yea Forums lean?
Is the chess the most Yea Forums game?
What types of anarchy is there and what are their flags?
ITT: Philosophers BTFOing other philosophers
China will overtake the west, meaning that the western philosophical project has failed...
What does Yea Forums think of the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe?
Powerfully told from an all-female perspective, A Thousand Ships gives voices to the women, girls and goddesses who...
Evolution is not a scientific theory - problem of falsifiability (Catch 22)
Ted kaczynski
Thoughts on ancient Arab philosopher Nassim Nicholas Taleb?
You guys memed me into reading Pessoa, and this is the kind of stuff i find in him:
I just smoked some weed and read something
I have been really engrossed by the idea of Human Instrumentality presented in Evangelion for a few years and am glad...
What do the great philosophers say about being a NEET?
Literature can never be as emotionally moving as music
And they rode on and the bloody sunrise crept in over the flat plains and The Judge killed and murdered and raped...
What are some good books that a kissless handholdless 28 year old virgin can escape the crushing reality of his...
. . . damn
We did lit we beat sci on their own game
Did he seriously hate women or is this cherry picked?
What happened to manly books? What’s the best of chad literature? Pic very related
Yea Forums I need some help
Wake up
Harry Potter bad
Implying this isn't what the peak of female beauty looks like
We need Romanticism to return
Your age
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul...
What's your favorite book?
What are some books about falling from grace?
Tfw finally gave up my faith in god and jesus
Is there a book that can refute him?
You now remember your 12 year old traditionalism phase
Love him or hate him he's our generation's Noam Chomsky
ITT: we post one star reviews of great books and others try to guess the book. Pic related
Doomer or /r9k/ Literature
How do I avoid gross shipping from my characters?
What are some other books that would help me to know if I am gay?
Good, high-quality content gets deleted
Sum up his philosophical views
How hard is this book to read for a newbie reader...
What are some books similar to pic related?
Self-help books
I have decided that I am going consume lots of African literature. Do you guys have any recommendations...
Two Nobel prizes in literature this year. Any ideas?
What quotes, maxims, platitudes, sayings, and so-called words of wisdom do you find to be empty, shallow...
Uncle Ted BTFO
Books to combat asceticism?
Dude my gaijin millennial version of Buddhism is based because it supports my secular and hedonistic lifestyle but...
Any literature on how to handle fear...
Post prose moments so beautiful you think like "damn i wanna write like that!!"
Love him or hate him he's our generation's Noam Chomsky
Hermes Trismegistus Appreciation Thread
Is this actually worth reading or is it just a meme?
Novel of the Decade
Is western or eastern philosophy better for physics majors?
How can we make bookstores great again?
Writer uses "coffin nails" or "cowboy killers" in place of cigarettes in a pathetic effort to glamorize their writing
Is this accurate?
Nietzschean Chad here
Have I understood the difference between Left and Right Accelerationism correctly?
Reminder that this is Yea Forums's 50 favourite short stories
Post your age, a picture of what you're currently reading, and tell us what you think of it
Only the blind may truly see. Take the blindpill, friends...
Want to study a little bit of French and read a little bit of Kierkegaard
How to into philosophy?
Sad reality of society today
One of these threads
Thoughts on ancient arab philosopher Averroè?
What are you going planning to read this summer, Yea Forums? That classic you always wanted to read...
Ironically better than Asimov Foundation Series
Post modernists are often marxists or were very much influenced by him to say the least
Kant for dummies
Questions for Yea Forums
Should i even bother reading English-language works in English...
If you don't understand postmodernism, don't feel bad because there's really nothing to get...
Why yes, I do enjoy anal fisting 14 year old French boys, how could you tell?
I've decided that I'm ready for a relationship. What books can help me find true love?
This has more soul than anything you'll ever write
Don key-ho-tay
T>hat one scene of pedophilia in every Houllebecq's novel
What does she read?
/write/ - Writing General
NEETzsche absolutely btfo
Why didn't he crush Walker's skull like the little deformed insect that he is?
ITT Protagonist is hungry for power and achieves it by any means necessary
What's the worst book you've received as a gift from someone?
I read this a few months ago and I loved it. I'm friends with a Mexican guy at work who can speak English well enough...
What's the next step after Chomsky in the same vein?
How did German Idealism rise from Kant when he expressly critiqued idealist principles?????
What the FUCK is going on with books these days?
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @