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Stack thread
I plan on reading through this chart I read the books (more like pamphlets) on Napoleon and Abraham Lincoln online
i like sillitoe a great deal
Read about 50 pages of Bolano so far, definitely liking it
I liked this book, I might read more. I hear his Long Distance Runner book is good. Any others I should check out?
Both good stacks. Mix of
>I've read it and liked it
>Read about it and Want to read it
>I'll check that out
That's a nice little shelf thing
Guess my favourite author
>Not reading the modern philosophical masterpieces of Diary of the Wimpy kid
in México this series is called "Diario de Greg"
What do you like about Dante's inferno user? I personally disliked it.
what is in your books what the fuck
across the continents, across borders, greg remains
The structure, the language, the allusions, the imagery. It's all good.
I’m having SO. MUCH. FUN.
bookmarks and notes.
fair enough
How's Lonesome Dove? Interested in that one, having read a few other western books that are shilled here.
I've done Dante stint two years ago , and am learning Italian ATM , so I've read some of what you have there.
The Prue Shaw book is THE introducing to read but should, i think, come with a warning not to take her scholarly prejudice against translators too seriously. I know that difficulty and sheer scholarly weight is part of the Dante attraction, but having now read 5 or 6 translations (not all in full, i must admit) it's the more poetic translations that i'd recommend to people.
W. S. Merwin, Sean O'Brien and Clive James, Shaw's husband a really unusual and very good translator, are all worth your time - much more then John Ciardi i think. They are all less curate, then say Hollander , but reading in translation is always a process of triangulation and there you have some of that power that can only come from a text - particularly a religious one - when it's read a poetry.
Long rant, i know , but i wish i'd not spent my first month rather thanklessly reading a prose translation.
Really loving the screwtape letters so far
Look, personally I think Dante is the greatest writer that ever lived,; in highschool was one of the few teachings beside math, logic, and natural sciences that I gave value to.
I even went as far as to learn 5 chants by hart (I, II, III, XVIII, and XVII of purgatory). that said, i really think that reading it in translation is a sad persuit, as it is for reading Shakespeare in Italian.
Per piacere, leggete Dante in Italiano cazzo di burgers, sennò siete borderline ritardati.
would it be wise to read Demons as my first Dostoevsky novel?
I have never felt more at risk of schizophrenia than I have this week
Just starting it, lots of people recommended it to me. It's good so far. I just read All the Pretty Horses so I think I'm getting into a western kick now
I don't think so
>reading in spaghetti-speech
>thinks its not a "translation"
Read it in based Latin you pleb
Anybody know what am I getting into?
tu mama succhia il mio grande cazzo
What language?
probably finnish.
>gaming mouse
>minions mouse pad
>upside down image
based zoomer detected!
Finnish. Books in the picture are Concept Political by Carl Schmitt, Introduction to Metaphysics by Martin Heidegger and Sexual Utopia by Robert Devling.
just fucking pick a horse
Sup Finnbro, nice stack
2001 is great, F451 not so much
Asian book. What is it?
Just got into reading about a month ago.
Horus heresey has been fun, as have Murakami's books.
So you were pretty much a subhuman about a month ago
kill yourself faggot
Have you read and enjoyed FH451
That’s not nice, be nice user
Get mad because he's right.
I read quite a bit as a kid, nothing mind blowing, but still.
I only recently started reading again owing to watching Haibane Renmei which has its setting very loosely based on Hardboiled Wonderland and found it interesting. I've probably spent about $200 or so on books over the past month and a half. It's nice to pick up another hobby.
Best reading order (these are ones I've read):
C&P, Karamazov, then Demons
now, user, about those library stickers on the bottom two, are you borrowing them or did you buy them used?
What kind of book shelf is that?
Long Distance is his best also some of his shorter works like The Ragman’s Daughter and Other Stories
Non english: a portuguese grammar, History of Economic Thought, Don Quixote, History of Western Literature, The Divine Comedy and a maths book
A Dream of Red Mansions
>or did you buy them used?
Im afraid so.
I found it kinda disappointing compared to his other books. My favourite was The Idiot.
i didn't buy them all at once, things just tend to accumulate on my kitchen table
Get out of here and never come back, or I'll call the police!
If you end up liking We wish to inform you, you should read Genocide: My Stolen Rwanda by Reverien Rurangwa. I've read many books on the Rwandan Genocide and that one is the most potent.
Stoner's a good one.
Alright, looking forward to getting my hands on it too - I'm also on a western streak right now, having read the Border Trilogy a couple weeks ago, and before that Warlock and Butcher's Crossing. All really great books!
Less a stack and more a random pile of books on my bed. But same idea.
>Henry Hazlitt
i never got around to reading him before and they were only £1 each. they look pretty fun to me, even if they do turn out to be trash
thanks for the rec!
Currently enjoying “through the looking glass” btw.
Yes digital stack fuck off.
reading Kokoro atm
No pics but recently got lately:
Bleak House-Dickens
Nicholas Nickleby-Dickens
The Unbearable Lightness of Being-Kundera
The Glass Bead Game-Herman Hesse
Flowers for Algernon-Keyes
In Search of Lost Time: The Fugitive-Proust
A Canticle for Leibowitz-Miller
Daisy Miller-Henry James
Peace and War-Joe Haldeman
True at First Light-Hemmingway
Also The Aeneid by Virgil(Fagles translation)
Good stack
I hate stack threads, you are all faggots.
Kill yourself
today's haul
Based, I post in these but fuck people who seethe at you saying this
Dangerously based
>want to read
>can't read
>collected a ton of books over the years
Looking to get some add medication soon. Hoping it helps with the attention span.
Recommend books/stacks to someone who hasn't read.
books suck
that napoleon bio is an excellent addition to any library
american high school core
you don't need recommendations, just read the books you have
you don’t need medications, just read the books you have
Billy budd, sailor??? Ain't it foretopman?
Posting my shelf
Am I an absolute pleb for dreading that long, long section in the middle where he's just lazing about at home while nothing happens? It was the first time I ever actually got bored while reading, seemed like he was just pondering the same things over and over with the same conclusions each time.
Not if you're impatient. Demons takes several hundred pages to get good. Honestly any work is a good starting point if you're patient and likely to reread things in the future
reading Erickson right now
I stopped reading Arcadia (Stoppard) - maybe I should read another play of him, I don't know
*snap* that’s gonna be a cringe from me dog lmao
Patrician, I'm pretty jealous of that hardcover Mishima and the Löns book. How did you like Jünger's Gläserne Bienen? Also, whats the deal with your bookmark?