Disappointing your Dad with book choice

>reading “Infinite Jest” in my room
>dad walks in and asks “what’re you reading son, Tom Clancy?”
>”Infinite Jest”
>”Is that by Tom Clancy?”
>”no, it’s by David Fos-“
>”Sounds like a poofter to me. If it ain’t Clancy, it ain’t fancy. Get that smut out of my house!”
>Dad slaps the book out of my hands and walks out the room

Why does the eternal boomer love Tom Clancy so much? Are any Tom Clancy books worth reading?

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Things that never happened (again).

Shit quality post

lurk more faggot

Don't listen to them user, I thought that was hilarious. But lose the plaintext at the bottom, you overtag it by trying to segue into making it Yea Forums. The idea of a dad overemphasizing clancy and slapping a shitty novel out of his kids hand is a good heart for a joke.

My dad is a math teacher, and one time I left my copy of IJ nearby and he just flicked through it and found the integral bit in the endnotes and was like "seriously?". Now he lowkey wants to read it to see what it means within the context lol

there are integral signs in GR too

lol ebic

Attached: integral.jpg (710x92, 8K)

Tom Clancy > DFW

>dude im down with the struggle, see im all upset, *wipes tears with stack of money*, yeah sucks that you can't pay rent, or afford food or afford to pay the tuition ransom to continue college but, look dude, im more upset trust me!
>yeah man, my parents were two professors who raked in a modest 300k a year collectively and had millions in savings and paid for my college, paid for a new car for me, paid for everything and their connections allowed me to be able to publish. but dude, depression dude! you don't know how good you have it!
>but dude, i get you because i dress like im down with the struggle but let's be clear, I, DFW, lived a harder life than anyone because woe is me! see, look how street i am, i dress just like a regular joe, look how authentic I am!

Attached: DFW, the most depressed man whomstever lived.jpg (620x775, 51K)

wait, don't americans use "ln" when the base is e and just log when the base is 10?

I dunno I guess Pynchon's just a hack

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I laughed

>Dad sincerely feigns interest in my book
>say what's the story about user?
>I... It doesnt really have a story
>he thinks I'm being shy
>It must have a story user.
>He sits down next to me
>why not tell me what's happening right now in the book
>I can't explain
>he leaves, genuinely upset his effort to reach out and bond with his son was unsuccessful

Attached: U+maek+meh+cri+_79e2c14f7db9bd846e2e85878b75f720.jpg (657x527, 53K)

anglo subhuman detected

>sounds like a poofter
He is not wrong

Is this real? The only thing even more embarrassing than STEMlords is uninformed wannabe stemlord appropriationism. Related concept to 'physics envy' in circles of softer sciences like psychology. My reaction to this is straddling between Maximum cringe and absolutely disgusting.

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he studied engineering for two years

hold my beer

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What would be the female equivalent of Tom Clancy? Ie something feminism laden and prolific?

Fair enough, didn't know about that. The joke, if it is intended as such, is still subpar, a mere play on word 'log', the devising of which takes no understanding of the mathematics displayed here at all. While reading your comment, I came to think that, I guess, you could argue in favor of little stylistic quips like this one, them at least having a part in bringing mathematics into the non-stem literary and intellectual scene. But a world class author who is, at least in part, stem erudite, should be able to come up with better. This is extremely lazy.

Didnt dfw like clancy?

And this is more of the same, disgusting. Yo don't bring new fields into the scope of literature like that. It's like throwing a wild boar carcass at your kid's feet for lunch: maybe in part they will admire you, since what you have done is unfathomable, even admirable for them. However, they will have nothing of it, as it is absolutely impossible to digest in its raw form. As a father and provider, you would have failed utterly. I hope the analogy is clear.

Danielle Steel uwu

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My father berates me for spending too much time on my computer and reading philosophy (math major). The dumb boomer enjoys his chief engineer position and only reads emails, doesn't understand that I have to study. It bugs me, really.

lel what are you reading?

Finnegan's wake

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Engineers use ln, mathematicians use log.

Oh no fucking pseud. It's impossible to read Finnigans wake

OP did you mean
>Dad walked into my room whilst I was reading Infinite Jest
>Rapes Me

No, you’re just a fucking retard

>reading choose-your-own-adventure book in my room
>dad comes in
>you winnin' yet, son?

Literally stop pretending. Finnegan's Wake is, bar none, the ultimate pseud test.

who gives a shit
oh no u cant lie on the internet hurr durr im a fuckingretardhurrrrrrrrrr

DFW is cringe and bluepillled. Your dad sounds based and redpilled.