Economics is nothing but hyperstition. The "hand of the market" describeds nothing more than the "hand of god"

Economics is nothing but hyperstition. The "hand of the market" describeds nothing more than the "hand of god".
Pic unrelatard

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I like the picture.



You're so cutting edge, user. Tell us more; you're obviously so up-to-date with what's happening right now.

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>markets don't exist

Friendly reminder, not only can accelerationists not meme, they can't even understand them.

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economics exist to hide the fact that the current monetary system has been critiqued and prohibited by 99% of humanity for over 6 thousand years, and somehow, it became the norm. Those who 'study' economics couldn't be bothered to come up with theory of value, the very basis of economics (lmao, imagine this to be the case for any other discipline, it would be ridiculed into oblivion) That's how pathetic economics are.

Usury. Those who oppose usury are killed.

reddit tier post. reformat and try again.

Yes. Congratulations user. The single sentence in Wealth of Nations which mentions "the invisible hand" is a poorly constructed argument and has since been turned into a religious idea by the Austrian (neoliberal) school of economics. It's all basic history. Nice pic tho

capitalism consists of anti-markets

Explain please.

>gabbidull zo bad id gud

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the reason I called that post brainlet is because it expressed the sentiment that Land's writing style is pseudo-intellectual.
Literally never had anything to do with the gay grug meme.
How many times, how many threads, does it take to explain this to you? The only reason I compared you to grug at all is because you are acting like a knuckle dragging moron.
Maybe this is a learning experience however. Grug itself is a hypersition, an by your fascinated emulation, you have conjured him into existence and allowed him to posess your body. No longer are you pretending to be a gay drooling primordial savage, but actually becoming one. It's honestly terrifying. Please stop, before it's too late...

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look up Braudel and DeLanda

have you tried the austrian take on economics?



Economics is predictable because people are predictable and this goes back to the philosophical notion of determinism versus free will, which I'm sure you have an enlightened opinion about

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Whoah Are you saying capitalism requires faith in order to work?
What a daring and ingenious hypotesis

I'm taking a undergrad microecon course right now, and the problems are fun. Like if you have two firms and one of them moves first and the other reacts, you can find what quantity they will each produce given a certain cost function for each firm and certain demand function. I wish I had learned more math in high school so I could do harder stuff though.

You would be credible if you didn't use an image like that defiling childhood characters with a fetish (classically conditioned perversion, mental disorder). You're probably just a cumbrain repeating what you heard on Yea Forums or /sci/


t. cumbrain with missing gray matter

austrian economics was created to demolish the pseudoeconomics that you guys are referring to

the austrians completely bash on adam smith LOL
adam smith is an intellectual fraudster and is liked by other intellectual fraudsters (maxsists, keynesians, etc)

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Praxeology is a pseudoscience that works within a narrow a priori framework.
The whole field is rotten. Only Smith was of any value.

can you refute praxeology?

btw adam smith never wrote anything original, all he did was to steal and distort whatever was previously wrote by other economists or "economists"

I'm really liking these anti accelerationist threads. Its forcing these pseuds to actually defend their arguments rather than jerking each other off with their verbal diarrhea

