Wait a minute... Is Pynchon still alive?

Wait a minute... Is Pynchon still alive?

Attached: Pynchon Collage.jpg (423x512, 38K)

does it matter

Yeah he had a birthday recently

Attached: 1547512269073.png (639x655, 728K)

I was invited but didn't go

the real question is does he lurk on Yea Forums

i dont

i'm not even joking, but i've heard from trustable sources that the man actually browses /pol/

Not trying to larp, but it’s not that hard to get in touch with him if you can lie to some people in his circle to let you in.

Not been here for a while. What’s this?


Not the guy you replied to - fuck him for posting such a low res pic - but that's supposedly Pynch. I'm too lazy to look for better pics, but someone that knows where he lives (or lived in his building, I forgot) figured out it's him and took a couple of pictures, but they were both from behind, I think.

Some shitty magazine also took pics of the same guy. He looks a lot different from what I imagined: a bit hunchbacked, with a huge beard, walks with a cane.

Attached: rmkkjbajw7cfyizvf6d8bbcak0yhzbfmcror16sazcg[1].png (639x724, 746K)

Yes Grandpa Pynch is

Attached: 859D717C-4546-4C21-B298-0728F90BF702.png (639x724, 753K)

Let the man alone, assholes.

Let the man alone? Did you shit on yourself?, did you make a grammatical error?

looking kinda bad for 81
hope he's doin good

Let him alone, like the fucking bible you idiot.


Damn he looks like shit. Hope he does well.

>implying I am a bother to Thomas Pynchon by posting on an anime board
Kill your fucking self

He looks pretty good for an 80 year old to be honest.

I thought the same thing when I first saw that pic, but I don't know a whole lot of 80-year-olds that look any better.

But yeah, be well, Pynch.

Attached: 1280px-Orrin_Hatch_official_photo,_2015.jpg (1280x1600, 336K)

show some respect lol

>81 years old with a 27 year old son

>Full head of hair at 80
Fuck his literature fame, that is truly something to envy.

Doesn't matter, he's as good as dead if he doesn't write anything new in the short time he has left (how much could that be anyways ? 2-3 years ?)

I wanna meet him. How do i do it?

Why do you envy him? Why envy another man for his achievements, why not work hard to produce your own, even in your shortcomings there is always a way to push forth failure into coherent work.

Yes, I will work hard to produce hair follicles.

Make sure they are the best hair fucking follicles mankind has seen

GODDAMMIT PYNCH DONT BE GREEDY NOW i want you to publish whatever it is you still have lying around ok? no excuses.

Kill yourself