Is /fitlit/ a thing? Do you guys work out as well as read?

Is /fitlit/ a thing? Do you guys work out as well as read?
Thought is all good and well but its nothing without action!

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since I was 15, 22 now, no real progress in either

I've been into rock climbing for a while. Indoor rock climbing is one of the best ways to work out

I can do 1//2/3/4 and I read a different book every other month. More of a lifter than a reader, desu.

Yes. I work out about four times a week focusing on strength training and also cardio. I also try to read at least two hours a day. I'm still depressed but it'd have been a lot worse if I didn't work out.

Fuck yeah, I love Lucy Doll. It's a shame she retired.

Probably only needed college money or something
Her fake voice pisses me off though

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How do you guys get motivation?
Also tips on quitting porn?

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Literally just embrace stoicism.

How does one embrace stoicism? Stoics seem to be unique people predisposed to be stoic.

Is this supposed to arouse me because it does the exact opposite.

Don't expose yourself to it (stop coming here and delete that shit from your hard drive. Also Chan-Wook Park's "The Handmaiden" gets at the noxious, voyeuristic mentality of pornography exceptionally well, despite the fact that it, ironically, devolves into pornography and mocks its own insights (a bad habit of his).

I don't read much and I don't do much sport, but at least more than the average person. There was a time when I was very fit. Brought good pussy. Then I found that pussy is a meme. In there reading department, I start to many books now but finish few. I also never read novels.

I used to be a full blown hedonist. Did drugs, had unprotected sex with strangers, played videogames till I fucked up my sleep schedule, etc.

At some point around my early twenties I realized my health was deteriorating quite fast compared to my normie friends who only got drunk once a month. That very moment I realized I can't be a nihilist-hedonist, time is always clocking against you and literally everything matters. If I had thought otherwise I'd have offed myself on the spot from overdose.

Yeah that was always unpleasant. I just watched her trailers. Hope she's doing well these days.

I think I'm too ambitious and restless to be stoic

Why the fuck would you ever think that? Stoicism is perfect for hardworking people who want to achieve ambitious goals.

Thanks user
I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and delete this shit one day
I just cant force myself to do it cos cumbrain
Having just broken up with an ex doesnt help either, my dick is used to being active

I thought stoicism was about accepting your lot in life and trying to simply do your job the best you can

Marc Aurel was such a fucking slacker

Or just keep looking at porn like a normal person you weak faggot

No, it's literally doing what you have to do and not what you want to do. Now go and quit your desires for pleasure.

afaik it's more about knowing your fears and learning how to (not) react when they creep up.
But indeed there's folks who pledge for the "ordinary life". Nonetheless, there's lots of focused people and business-doing type who subscribe to the insights and teachings too

Excuses. There comes a point when you must say, "I will do this," and stop making bargains with yourself. "And many who can command themselves still cannot obey themselves."

>stop making bargains
This unironically. Think about it, you're continuously sabotaging your future self.

But I just love titties and asses so much

Yes. If your %bf is over 10% and you don't do 10+ hours of vigorous exercise per week, your brain (and, by extent, your writing) runs like garbage. You also need to eat 800+gs of greens or low sugar fruit a day. No bread ever, no beer ever, no non-organic meat.

skin bags with fat and glands and skin bags with fat.

alright when i get home i'm doing a hdd purge

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I used to wrestle in high school and had a short boxing phase afterwards. All I do now ride a stationary bike for 45-60 minutes every day and occasionally dick around with some dumbbells.

Yeah. Cutting right now. I just wanna look aesthetic and pure and be all kinds of based. Knowledge and physical fitness are both long, tedious journies, but worth making.
You gotta get your nutrition and program in check if you're not making progress my dude

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>afaik it's more about knowing your fears and learning how to (not) react when they creep up.
That's broicism and it has nothing to do with the stoics.

What greek myth has a man kill a snake with a redbull can?

I read every day and exercise between chapters. For example:
>Chapter 1
>20 curls, 20 presses, 20 lifts
>Chapter 2
>20 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 20 leg raises
>Chapter 3
>20 squats, 20 shrugs, 20 lateral raises

I keep it to sets of 20. Not looking for gains. Not looking to lose weight. Just looking to maintain strength. Been doing this for a long time.

/fitlit/ has been a thing, at least, since the April Fools prank three years ago which combined the forums.

If you have any background with philosophy, start with Yukio Mishima's Sun and Steel. If not, read Aurelius' Meditations, then Hemmingway's Old Man and the Sea, and then some Epictetus. Heck, reading his Enchiridion is probably the best start RIGHT NOW:

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How about you stop posting it you fucking faggot?

Why is Sun and Steel so fucking expensive

PDF is online and free.

apollo killing the python

Also, literally, just read the Greeks. The Illiad and the Odyssey is filled with honourable men. The worse among them would still stand as God amongst us.

>reading online

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Good! Deleting all of it will be the first step to a better life! There is no time better than now to improve yourself.

>reading online vs. not reading the book you want.
Shut up, and go better yourself.

Should I get an e-reader then?

My life currently is pretty much just buying & reading books, exercise (running, yoga, lifting), meditating, working full time, making art (primarily electronic music but I am trying to write & draw more). My mental anxiety has gone down significantly in the few years I've been applying myself to this. But I basically have no social life because I'm always off working on myself, haven't gotten laid since 2017 despite women frequently telling me I look good & sometimes explicitly saying they'd be down to fuck. Ideally I'd like to find a way to balance this all out before I turn 30.

No need to waste your money. Just get a PDF viewer, like Sumatra PDF, or an EPUB reader, like EPUB File Reader, and read it on that. If your eyes hurt from reading a computer screen 1) take breaks 2) download a program like f.lux to reduce eyestrain.

yeah, i take full responsibility for my shortcomings, giving it another attempt this summer

Not the previous user, but limit your sugar and alcohol, and increase your sleep. If you do too much of the former too and too little of the latter, you'll rob yourself of all those gains.

that's a boomer with a monster zero ultra can, the zoomer he is attacking has been so affected by reptilian jewish trends that he has transformed into a literal snake. the boomer is repulsed by this bloodshed, but there's nothing else that can be done

I need to get back on top of my food game. I work evening shifts in a restaurant & eat there a lot - mostly good quality organic meat so it's not so bad, but definitely too much bread, too close to bed, not counting calories or macros closely enough, drinking alcohol at the end of the shift. I still look pretty good because I'm always active & I have a decent amount of muscle, but my insides don't feel as good as they did this time last year when I was being really autistic about maintaining a strict fasting routine & tracking every single ingredient. That lifestyle took more work to maintain, but ultimately it felt more satisfying than the current "I'm just going to eat whatever & exercise a lot to balance it out" mentality.

I read a book every week, usually about 500 pages. I work 75 hours a week as a pest control man. I just ate asparagus and fish with brown rice, FUCK WITH ME.

thanks, i appreciate the help and ill review my diet and sleep when i begin again but my main issues are, one, i just cant handle large workloads, eg study, work, gym etc or more specifically havent been able to optimize myself yet, and secondly my cuts dont go as expected and the rest of my life suffers while I try, might get some blood work done to see whats up

Download Cronometer and figure out what micronutrients your diet is lacking in, then find a way to add them (supplement as a last resort)
It may be worth looking into supplementation of D3 and K2, as most modern people are deficient in both and there aren't many ways to get them from food.

Doesn't help.

Get a better job


I do work out, I don't read though.


What if I'm an insomniac who can only sleep with pills or alcohol? And how much sugar is too much? I usually drink a pound of fruit in the morning (that's probably why I'm gaining fat so fast). What should I make a whey protein drink out of that isn't fruit?

10% is way too high. Anything over 6 is obese.

Fruit can make you fat? Chugging apple juice makes me lose weight.

I can't see anything arousing in her stretch by itself. More likely, it's her humiliation from taking poses for the viewer, in addition to the fact that she would still need to open her pussy.

A high blood sugar level increases fat retention. Chugging anything other than Dr. Pepper might help you lose weight because it fills your belly, but it won't help you gain muscle while losing weight.

I go hiking with about 20 lbs on my back.

You have to figure out all these small things yourself. For the most part, you want to try to ween yourself off pills or alcohol.

Look for good sleep hygiene tips.

Ideally, if you want a good night's sleep you want to 1) sleep at regular and consistent times 2) get at least 7 hours of sleep per night 3) don't consume tobacco, nicotine, alcohol or any drug within 4 hours of going to bed 4) avoid eat 1-2 hours before going to sleep 5) make the room as quiet and as dark as possible 6) make sure your comfortable 7) don't use your bed for anything other than sleeping or sex 8) don't have any 'screens' in bed (tv, computers, phone.etc) 9) get rid of a tv if you have one in bed.

If you reduce your sugar intake, and increase your daily physical exercise, and ensure the above as best you can, you could probably fix or improve aspects of your insomnia within a month.

Aim for the upward spiral.

Oh, I didn't answer all of your questions! Reduce as much sugar as you can, esp. refined sugars. Simple sugars found in fruits are much better for you. So eating an apple, or blending an apple, is better than apple juice. Avoid all pop/sodas, candies, pastries.etc The more you reduce for your diet the better.

Things taste good because of sugar, salt, and fat. The latter two are better for you.

As for what to make your whey protien drink out of, I just put my scoops in my shaker, and add water -- nothing fancy. Otherwise, you can do things like add milk, and blend in apple, banana, avocados.etc I know some people who will also blend in oats or spinach.

Water is your best friend though. Just drink more water.

You're just gay. Don't worry, nowadays people are more accepting of your kind. Be proud of who you are.