/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General


>What are you currently reading?
>How do you feel about it?

Monthly Reading for May: There Are Doors by Gene Wolfe

Monthly Reading books: drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


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Other urls found in this thread:


I know this'll sound weird but what should I read that's got interesting female characters

FELLAS, feast your eyes on this. I have a feeling this one will be closer to book one than to book three.

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Malazan, asoiaf. Not shattered earth

great image honestly, all those chinaman stories are the exact same lol "repays etc etc, stable foundation, muh cultivation muh meridans, muh im 2nd level 3rd stage and he's 3rd level 1st stage"

Sabriel gets thrown around a lot. Really, if anyone hasn't read it by now, you need to reevaluate your decision making skills.

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sanderfag a hack

>no edition
>no charts
>no previously
If you want new charts, make them first before removing the old ones, you utter brainlet.

I like that Cradle allows for difference of strength in between small advancement gaps and doesn't portray the "enemy is my level+1 and I can't do ANYTHING" that something like Coiling Dragon seems to show.

I hope you mean Phillip K Dick, user
(who else couldd PKD mean? seriously asking)

waiting for an Iron to beat an Underlord through brain power

We had an iron beat a gold already, don’t wish for the moon.

I wonder how Sacred Valley is going to handle Lindon's oppressive Underlord dick (aura).

Poison him like they did Yerins master probably.

profoundly knotted (furry) dicks

Traitor Baru Cormorant

Probably freak the fuck out and assume he's some kind of evil demon/god masquerading as their shitty Unsouled Lindon.
Mind you, how much do the Sacred Valley plebs know about what happened in the school that Yerin and Lindon fled from? I know they think Yerin fled with some stranger from that bit with Ling-a-ding's sister, but what do they think about Lindon?
Also, the big one; do you think the rumoured curse that protects Sacred Valley real, or just horseshit?

atleast lindons family will know the story because turtlegramps is actually in sacred valley by the end of the latest novel and runs into his sister.

If you reread the blurb at the end of Unsouled, the whole school marches down the mountain and dismantled the Wei Clan, because Lindon “betrayed” them.

Right, I'm a mouthbreathing retard with the memory of a goldfish, thanks for the reminder, user.

Should I read the stormlight archive?

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read black company instead
far less retardation

captcha ate my pic

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yeah, that's what I meant by "the bit with [Lindon's] sister
considering how dull House of Blades was, Cradle's impressive

Posting this here so we can find it easily when your little tantrum is over.


>What are you currently reading?
>How do you feel about it?

Monthly Reading for May: There Are Doors by Gene Wolfe

Monthly Reading books: drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


yeah, Gardens of the Moon is rough, but it's an autist filter (variant of the pleb filter). Make it through it, and it opens up

Is Malazan even worth reading?
I tried the first book and didn't even end it.
Should I actually put some effort in it?
I don't want to start a big story for it to be shit

Also, I read the first 3 books of Black Company and enjoyed them. Are they worth to continue? Do they get better?

>but it's an autist filter
Not him, but how exactly?
Are you sure it is not a non-autist filter?
Because I am quite the autist and never got the gardens of the moon is bad (or a bad introduction) meme.

If you are willing to invest a bit of time into Malazan at least read up to the end of book 2 (or even 3) and decide after that.

for next thread

Monthly Reading for May: There Are Doors by Gene Wolfe

Monthly Reading Books drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


>Black Cumpenny
they're good, but I wouldn't say they get better, as such. There's just more people and stuff, so there's more shit that's happening, whhich means more metaphorical balls being juggled, which is increasingly more satisfying... but when a ball drops, it hurts more.
There's some fucking amazing books in there (Dreams of Steel, Soldiers Live), and some utter shit (SIlver Spike, which is skippable). I'm not much of a fan of She is the Darkness, but the one that most people are faintly disappointed by is Water Sleeps. In any case, every book post-3 takes place in not-India, which you may find interesting or not.
I recommend it for all the nice stuff, but if you're gonnna stop, now's the time

the first 200 pages are pleb filter, after that you should enjoy but you need to pay attention in a way most fantasy book don't require, the obvious POV gets dropped from the story fast, everyone has about 3 names and it drops you right into the middle of the action in a war with several sides and doesn't spoonfeed anything

fuck theres already one
my bad

honestly if you aren't fairly interested by the end of book 1 and sold after half of book 2 it's not for you

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Yeah guess you are right. The middle of book 2 should by far be enough to make your decision.

I mean, as Erikson himself states, gardens of the moon has the unavoidable flaw of dropping you into the middle of a continuous story and you just have to push through it without getting everything.

How is Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone?

>tfw the thread have turned into epic fantasy general
Get over your GoT withdrawal you troglodytes.

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post something you wanna talk about, then?
>watching GoT after season 4

I've never read it, what's good about it?

interesting female characters....?

>watching GoT

>chaotic, dangerous semi-evil, magic of change and unlife vs ordered, dangerous magic of death and control via invoking gods through bells/pipes
>big wall seperating the fantasy world's modern not-England from the magical, medieval lands - magic and post-medieval tech stop working on their respective sides of the wall
>female protags that aren't badly written
>not shit and not really YA despite being labelled as such

>no comma between "dangerous" and "semi-evil"
I hate myself

anyone read Alastair Reynolds here? Opinions?

Thanks for the explanation, going to try it.

Pretty ok if you can handle the snotty princess PoV. Knight is a good character and has the best arc in the first book. Scholasticate boy has a good arc only to get shit on.

Still a pretty solid series, even if the ending is kind of a rushed mess.

OK, let's work on a new recommendation chart.
Pic related is my take on what should be on it.

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What is the worst fantasy novel you've ever read? For me it's pic related.

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Any recent short story recommendations? I read Hell Is the Absence of God recently and liked it and I'd like to read some more.

I wouldn't put Peace in there because Peace is more "magical realism" than fantasy. Someone looking for fantasy recommendations probably isn't looking for Peace.

Selected fantasy is the most recently, and honestly best, chart. If you feel like reworking one do the general fantasy.

Why do we even need new charts? The old ones are fine for the most part, except for that one chart that has Brent Weeks. They cover most of the big works.
What we could do is make new charts for things like self published books, web serials and chinkshit.

Why doesn't my browser like these links?

Security certificate of the host site expired. I'll change the image host next thread. You can still force it through in your browser, look around for the proceed anyway button.

Please recommend a decent epub and mobi reader for pc.

Calibre, you don't need anything else for your reading needs on pc.

What's good about Tigana?

It should be extremely telling that there are only a few e-readers for PC. Nobody even bothers to compete with Calibre.
Calibre is all you need and has all you need.

The NPR chart is not really representative for this general desu.

Thank you, much appreciated

Rec fantasy books with an edgy protagonist. I already know of Broken Empire.

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Not that user but I liked Tigana a lot.

It has stellar prose, some of the best you'll come across and every page is a treat. Ngl, at its core Tigana is a very emo book and deals heavily in themes of love, loss and sacrifice.

The premise; the plot of the book revolves around a group of people from the city of Tigana on a quest to overthrow two wizard kings that have invaded and taken control of their land. One of these wizards puts a curse on the city of Tigana because their armies killed his son in the original invasion. The curse makes it so that the name Tigana is wiped out of existence. Everybody in the land except for natives of Tigana simply forget the name and can't hear the word when it's spoken. In essence the people of Tigana lose their identity and the book is about the group of people trying to put an end to that curse.

Oh and it also has the best incest couple of all time.

As for cons, it's high fantasy and a standalone book so understandably GGK doesn't dwell too long on developing the world, so it all feels a bit 2d as a result. There's also a bit too much sex, I don't mind sex but some of it is just really out of place and doesn't really advance the plot in any meaningful anyway. The writer could have used a wank before writing some of the chapters.

Solid 8.5/10 book, would recommend.

Just play Monster Hunter instead

>Is Malazan even worth reading?
Only if you have a fat fetish

Thanks for the info.

Going to order it and give it a go.

Night Angel Trilogy. You never said it had to be good.

I fapped to the closet sex.

I want to KISS Tattersail

Book of the New Sun

They're mostly repetitions of each other and many books on any chart don't get discussed at all whatsoever.
New charts don't help either when you have inbreds like the dude running the Amazon chart who will only add books he's personally read and ignore everything else. May as well make individual Geocities sites to host our TOTALLY OBJECTIVE BOOK PREFERENCES

Not with his body cultivation technique. Ethan had him get bitten for a reason.

>there are only a few e-readers for PC.
Doesn't pretty much any PDF-Reader Work as well? Even fucking edge *can* do it, although it is absolute shit.

I also would guess that Calibre is just a frontend to one of these PDF-Readers (or some HTML renderer), of course plus a million useful features like library managing etc. but if you just care about viewing there are certainly many alternatives.

I know you are trying to bait me bean-plant-open-mouth.jpg user, but I will not take it.

>New charts don't help either when you have inbreds like the dude running the Amazon chart who will only add books he's personally read and ignore everything else
You make a chart then, I put the time in to recommend books I personally read, why would I add books you read? It takes about an hour or two to put together a decent chart, go ahead and stop being lazy.

Just got snow crash, what I am in for?

I picked that book due to being only one, can someone recommend me another good one of fantasy book? Its get kind of expensve with all these trilogies, just picked black company and mistborn so I want something short and sweet.

I doubt you actually read any chinkshit since chinkshit characters fight above their level all the time

so i got a big itch to read some fantasy and scifi

one of the biggest universes i want to get into is warhammer, both fantasy and 40k. i have a pretty good grasp on the fantasy lore but not so much on 40k. what are some decent books to get an introduction?

i also want to read lovecraft as i never read any of his stuff, where would you say i should start and what books(if any) where y'alls personal favorites?

also are any of Tolkien's stuff outside of LotR worth reading?

He had him bitten because that body was best for healing the damage done by blackflame. I doubt poison was even on his mind

Regarding Lovecraft, The Shadow Over Innsmouth is probably his best work. Not sure if you should start with it however, some of his other works come close but most are quite mediocre in comparison.

The Vorrh is bloody good anons, just finished.

Is that real?

Lovecraft doesn't have any novel-length books, all books are collections, you can find his individual stories online.

Children of Hurin is a good Tolkien story.

if i want to read wheel of time series what book do i start with?
from the two rivers, or the eye of the world

Recommend Android epub readers. Nothing I can find has interface as comfy as F-Droid's Cool Reader. The issue is that it's shit at rendering soft breaks.

ReadEra is pretty good.
Lithium is a minimalistic one but only works with epubs.
Both feature zero ads.

Eye of the World is the first book. From the Two Rivers and Into the Blight are just Eye of the World chopped into two pieces.

Anybody else read this? Liked it a lot.

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Forgot some shit:
>left side swipe brightness
>small stylish page and battery AND pics (sometimes reading LNs in public) indicator
>no animations at all
>both press and swipe to change pages
>remembers book when you exit it by hitting back (fucking koreader)
>ability to go from blank line to indent paragraph indicator
Last one could be substituted by easy to use Android e-book converter that can handle paragraph styles.

>What are some decent books to get an introduction?
Gaunt's Ghost and Eisenhorn by Dan Abnett

just imagine doing this in real life

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No but it looks interesting.

Memes have destroyed your worldview, seek help

Mistborn and snowcrash are shit. Sanderson is shit.

And yet he is and forever will be more successful in life and financially than you.

But at least you have the comfort of thinking you are a superior writer (if you'd actually written something).

Some are beyond help, I'm afraid.
He probably greentexts outside of Yea Forums too.

>not liking something is always the result of an unfavorable personal comparison

Have sex

>imagine doing this
Actually reading books? The horror.

What was your favorite book you have read while influenced by drugs?

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Who knows. The guy plays 5D Chess.

Considering Lindon mentions how useful it is for expelling poison damn near every time that ability gets used, I'm sure Eithan knew just how helpful it would be.

The recommend something with thieves, thats why I got mistborn.

God damn I love jorgy boy.

wheel of time cast is ~50% female at least, some real bitches and retards too so its not all 'women are wonderful'. also a 2nd vote for Malazan its great

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Book of the ancestors is some real shit niggas.

You brainlets do realize there's literally a POV chapter of Eithan noticing Lindon and Yerin for the first time right?
It's clear he doesn't know shit about Lindon, where he is from, the Sage being poisoned or Sacred Valley and its truths which is a Monarch level secret and I'm not even sure all the Monarchs know.
And it's very likely it wasn't even the poison that killed the Sage. No poison Irons came up with would even harm a single hair on an Underlord, much less a Sage. Whatever happened to the Sage is heavily linked with what is under Sacred Valley, which is most likely a Dread god tomb.
Everything he did to improve Lindon's body was to create the perfect Blackflame weapon and for no other reason.

Warbreaker. snow crash is interesting, over the top nerd pulp before nerds became numales


have sex

Read Bakker

Lies of Locke Lamora is the ultimate heist fantasy. Book 1 is good, book 2 is so so, read it you like casinos and pirates but avoid book 3 like the plague.

Yes but I am sure Eithan was aware of the Bloodforged Iron body's poison-resistive properties.

I've only read the first myself and just never got around to the others. What exactly happened with them?

The thing under sacred valley is some labyrinth not a dreadgod tomb. There is also one in the Jai clan territory that their patriarch stole from so that's not what causes sacred valley to be baby tier. They may have gotten some strong poison from it because the labyrinths are full of strong artifacts.

He should have kept it a one off. The 2nd and 3rd simply didn't hold up to the first.

>gentleman bastard sequence
what an awful name for a series

It is a labyrinth and possibly also a dread god tomb/prison. Albeit that's just a theory atm.

What is confirmed is that Sacred Valley is the "home" of the 4 known dread gods. (See: Li Markuth asking if they came home in book 1) and then there's a reference in Skysworn about one of the 4 dreadgods, something along the lines of "it's biding its time, waiting to sense its lost brother again". Could be referring to one of the other 4 dread gods but I doubt it
As for being just another labyrinth, why is it protected to the extent the others are not? There are other labyrinth's like you said but none of them have Sacred Valley level of protection to the extent nobody over Jade lives anywhere close to it and the one guy that does go close dies mysteriously. It's also said that "powerful people" want Sacred Valley to remain the way it is for reasons.

>time to write a story
>what should I add?
>harems and graphic sex of course!

>tfw no chubby tattersail gf

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Adjunct Lorn for me

hey /sffg/. or at the very least that one user who always recognizes me. I've been gone and off my writing schedule for the past week because I'm looking for a new job. Anything happen in the last week?

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what an awful name for a Yea Forums user

I recognize you too cook user! Although I haven't kept up with your posts in months but I did ask if you were still around once. Give me an update, how's your story looking, I remember you were chopping and changing it a lot.

You haven't missed much around here desu, just a lot of heartbroken GoT newfags coming in asking dumb questions for the past week or so along with the general increase in casuals we get every summer.

In other news, as you can see in the OP, the litrpg/chinkshit brigade is upset their trash isn't included in the charts linked in the OP so they're throwing a fit.

it is though

I haven't either but I think the chick Locke pines over shows up in the 3rd book. She's probably terrible.

Just finished the Alera Codex, looking for something light and fun like Riyria to read. Any suggestions?

Oh hey user, most of the important parts of the story are nailed down and I'm about 25k words in, but I'm going to have to re-write all of it once I get to the end. For some reason, all the character interactions are coming out really badly, but when I try doing short stories with the characters it all comes out on-point. I can't tell whether it's a psychological thing for me or whether the setting just isn't right for these characters. I'm more worried it's the latter, because it took me three years to get to a point where I had a plot

Too bad for the GoT fans. I don't watch the show but I'm a little upset how they ended it too. Knowing what I do about it, I thought for sure they'd beat the white walkers only for every single one of them to die playing politics, since the whole point is humans suck.

I can't say much for the weeb stuff. But I don't see why The Three Body Problem can't be on there. I thought people here agreed that it was good

Name of the Wind
Night Angel

Just choose any one, they're all excellently suited to your tastes.

Already read Mistborn and it sold me on Sanderson. Thanks for the tips user. I appreciate it!

Who is trolling who?

Yea I totally forgot about markuth saying that. The passage you are referring to at the end of skysworn is also confusing because it says brother instead of brothers so maybe there is a fifth dreadgod or the phoenix is related to one of the dreadgods somehow. The only one whose location we don't know is the silent king. The dragon is in the atmosphere and the titan is at the bottom of the ocean

Is the forever war sequel worth reading

fug no

How are you supposed to pronounce "Kruppe"?


Awesome, read all his Cosmere books, they're great fun!

What do you mean trolling? I genuinely like those books :(
Kingkiller Chronicle is the best series and Kvothe is the best character ever written imo. Denna is such a sweetheart too. In fact I love the books so much I've reread them 16 times waiting for book 3 which is being worked on right now. Patrick just gave us an update a month ago. Fingers crossed it will be out within a year, I can't wait.
Btw, does this sub have a discord? Would love to talk with other Kingkiller fans about my theories.
Pic related, my signed copy.

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>What do you mean trolling? I genuinely like those books :(
>Kingkiller Chronicle is the best series and Kvothe is the best character ever written imo. Denna is such a sweetheart too. In fact I love the books so much I've reread them 16 times waiting for book 3 which is being worked on right now. Patrick just gave us an update a month ago. Fingers crossed it will be out within a year, I can't wait.
>Btw, does this sub have a discord? Would love to talk with other Kingkiller fans about my theories.
>Pic related, my signed copy.
youre trying to hard to troll, its becoming obvious

If he's trolling, then do you have a recommendation for something like Riyria or Alera? He already mentioned Mistborn which sort of fits with what I was asking for but I've already read that.

Wtf i love Malazan now?!!

You got me, I went out, met Pat at a convention had a nice conversation with him and got my book signed all for the sake of "trolling" someone on the internet years down the line.

Why do you keep saying trolling as though it's a bad book anyway, what do you read man, why don't you share the books you like, we'll see if YOU'RE trolling.

Stop trying so hard. It was already obviously in the first troll post. Now it's just pathetic.

I appreciated the recommendations. I only drop in this thread when I'm looking for something new to read. I usually get some good tips and have some good reads. The sad thing is that I usually get yelled at for liking one series or another by someone when I do it. For instance, I actually liked the Lightbringer books and came here for new reads when I got to the end of the series. Apparently that isn't a Yea Forums approved book.

i havnt read kingkiller
twilight is teen romance trash
eragon is basically YA star wars meets LOTR with dragons
i havnt read night angel but it sounds kinda fun
mistborn is alright even though it is YA
malazan is great but not anything like alera codex or riyria

Oh, that Twilight. I didn't put it together.

book 2 was only good because burnt face waifu, imo
I feel for the book 3 meme, that shit was sad

Goodreads review of GoK:

*Women* - Where were they? For 400 pages we had one "main" female character, who ended up being treated way too much like a secondary character. The rest of the women were minor characters. And the main female character spent most of her story arc picking herbs, getting pregnant, having babies, encouraging her husband to take a second wife, and then becoming stereotypically jealous of the new woman in her man's life.
We were given one token female warrior character in the latter half of the book who fought in battles alongside the men, but she was hardly an interesting and complex character and she arrived too little too late for me. In all honesty, the ratio of male to female characters in this book is kind of laughable.

*Plot* - ambitious, but ultimately lost in a mass of world building and histories and mythology. World building should enhance and complement plot and characters, but this seemed to bury them under its massive weight. If as much care and planning and dimension were put into the characters as was put into this world, then we might have had something really interesting.

*Characters* - Wooden, predictable, stereotypical, cliched. There really wasn't a single character I felt a connection to.

*Dialogue* - Problematic. At times the dialogue felt appropriate, other times it felt way too modern. I don't mind one style over the other, just have continuity.

*Will I Read On?* - No. I love the influence of ancient Chinese dynasties in this novel, and I might could overlook most of the points that I made, but the representation of women and how little they featured in this book doesn't inspire me to continue the series. And though the end of book one has set up a storyline where a few of the female characters may feature more prominently, it looks like the storyline will focus on jealousy and envy between the two wives of the main character - and I feel I can easily find more complex and better representations of women elsewhere.

That's Grace of Kings, by Ken Liu (damn you, 2k character limit).
It's the most popular review. So, how is Grace of Kings? I checked out it's Goodreads page due to the new chart and it seems interesting.

It's good. The review is dead wrong. Just don't expect book 3

Sounds like it could be worse. It could be a braid tugging dress smoothing estrogen fest like half of the Wheel of Time books.

Rec some sci-fi and or fantasy books that take place in modern times (20th and 21st century)

ignore pic on phone

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Same old shit posting flavours user. Nothing of note happened.

When he says chink stuff, flavours user, he is talking about pill popping webserials with cultivation.

urban fantasy, the whole genre is pretty much an eternal wankfest over "muh magickkk in modern times"
it's mostly terrible, sadly

Here user. I'm thinking of making a good self published chart sometime in the future. There are some great books there.

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Piers Anthony Incarnations of Immortality was pretty good.

A lot of good books on that chart. Not a big fan of Zelazny, but it fits.

Grace of kings is shit. It's Greek Gods that the Chinese counterfeited.

Tinker by Wen Spencer. Ignore the shitty cover.

Beat it nigger

He’s planning 7. I think he could turn it around

Are you memeing, or serious? I thought it was pretty bad, desu

You're not the Amazon self published chart user are you?
This chart seems fine for the most part other than Fimbulwinter and Nightlord. I think that Elliot Kay book is harem too but whatever I liked his one series that isn't harem trash, he's a good writer.
I was going to make a self published chart but you're welcome to make it. I made a long ass post with a bunch of self published shit that I've posted here a few times, I'll paste it once I find it again, you can use it as a resource if you want to.


>planning 7 books
>has written 3 in 13 years

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What is the edgiest fantasy novel you've read?

harry potter

A land fit for heroes

Recently finished The King of Elfland's Daughter, really enjoyed it. What are other books that describe beautiful/surreal places in detail?

Captain Underpants

Does anybody else here have a certain nostalgia for the Redwall series? I'm thinking about rereading them again.

Never read them when I was little, would an adult reading them for the first time find them too childish/silly?

No. These books are perfect really for anybody whose into some good ol adventure.

I loved Salamandastron and Redwall but I never bothered to read any of the others.

I do like me some adventure, might as well check out the first one at least.

Check out Dunsany's other books.

Lovecraft wrote some stories referred to as the "Dream Cycle" directly inspired by Dunsany that are probably exactly what you're looking for.

Jack Vance was also probably influenced Dunsany, though he has a more modern sensibility.

Thanks for the suggestions m8, haven't read much Lovecraft to be honest but the Dream Cycle sounds really interesting, and yeah, I guess if I enjoyed Dunsany then the logical thing would be to read more Dunsany.


Recently black leopard, red wolf.

Prince of thorns

>Frank Herbert's Dune novels
>C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy
>Hyperion series
>Foundation Series

Of these four, which one has better story, prose, and characters

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What standard stuff do you dislike about fantasy and/or sci fi, /sffg/?


The need to group billions of people by extremely specific traits just because they live on the same planet. It feels like a lot of SF authors can't into scaling accurately.

Ancient evils.

Attached: Blue bird of happiness.jpg (600x600, 36K)

hey guys, I'm reading Paradise Lost and it's fucking badass, are there any modern books that take it as an inspiration? Preferably something without angels or demons, since they basically act like humans, and the subject is very human - civil war, revenge, corruption. Yeah ok there's some superpowered shit like zooming through and outside the universe, but that's why I'm posting in /sffg/.

So far I've found His Dark Materials, which takes the story and does its own shit with it, but that's a YA book.

Finished this. Interesting enough, kind of drags a little in the middle, but not too much. Manages to have characters with relatively high power levels, yet make them limited enough that they don't open plotholes. Noticeably short on needless edge which I liked.
Kind of like something written by Sanderson, except less sterile.

Attached: Mark of Kings.jpg (909x1364, 120K)

Should i read dune or book of the new sun first?

Since OP is posting xianxia, I may as well inform them that Chinese internet novels will inevitably degrade due to CCP censorship:

Prologues that take ages to come back into play. 1000 pages filled with padding.

might be the best time to ask. i was reading a great novel by the name of way of choices.
it was completely translated but suddenly completely nuked of the website it was hosted on.
anyone know if there is a backup? the first 3 arcs are in book-from on amazon but those have been there for a while.
sometime two months ago the story was just removed from their site. ironically its 404 but the reference to the story is still in their navigation and there have been no announcements about it nor are there any posts on their forum. i was like 240 chapters in and the story started to ramp up greatly. its miles ahead of the usual wuxia/xanxia stuff. the writing and storytelling where great which probably was also due to an excellent translation.

its on webnovel.com now.
the site has a habit of taking popular webnovels and then putting them behind a paywall.

Here you go user. This site is basically everything relevant webnovel but without a paywall. Updates usually take 3-4 days though.

thanks you so fucking much dude.

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Is Armor good scifi to follow to after reading the Forever War? Would read Forever Free bit everywhere I look people say it's trash

>way of choices

Recomend fantasy kinos, I started with Sanderson's Cosmere but it looks more soft and gay compared to asoiaf

>It looks gay compared to a series full of gay sex

You should probably work on your criticism if that is the best you can come up with after reading Sanderson. Read The Broken Empire and come back when you've had your full of grimdark.

For those who read Malazan, how long did it take you?

2 hours


26 hours and 2 minutes

a few weeks, but only because i read a little bit each time i went to the bathroom

they're terrible. read start ship troopers and moon is a harsh mistress, also mote in god's eye for a reverse 1st contact story

Lucifers Hammer - its about a comet

Prince of Nothing
a child gets raped within ~5 pages and a raven with a human head gives a monster a blowjob. its great

Dune though the first 3 Foundation books are my favorite sci-fi trilogy

Prince of Nothing
Book of the New Sun

for all 10 books most of a year as audiobooks

>a raven with a human head gives a monster a blowjob

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time to give it a second go, desu
seeing raven-monster fellatio in prose sounds hilarious

Asked someone for an opinion about it and they said it's "probably skippable" so about 10 seconds

Yea the cover is absolute shit.

The whole reason I read fantasy is for the power level.

For this year black leopard red wolf. All kinds of fucked up.

what dicks do I have to suck to get my mediocre work published

Where would I be able to find a copy of The Shadow People by Margaret Sinclair? I’m trying to read everything that’s in the “inspirational readings” list in the DM’s Handbook for D&D.

>Is Armor good scifi to follow to after reading the Forever War?

Read Dune first unless you're an experienced reader.

Those are all radically different, but probably Dune. You can't really go wrong with any of them though.

it's CURRENT YEAR user, just self publish

Also, check Yea Forums sticky.

nobody reads self published stuff

why are chink protaganists always evil as fuck and literal rapists?

what does that say about chinese values?

That they have a lot of little dick anger.

Did you think we were joking about calling them bugmen?

communist values and trad chinese values combined make a truly wicked combination, with a good chunk of the positives of the chink ones being superseded by authoritarian ones

Thanks user, you just saved me $100.

When the FUCK is Kingkiller 3 coming out???

Golly gee, he finished it? Lynch actually finished it? He's been delaying it for fucking forever.

Magic as science or magic as mystical force with unclear rules?

Yes. It has some of the best, hair raising, blood pumping sequences in modern literature. Only so yboy snooty lifeless cunts hate it LOL

Not while trump is president. So not for 6 more years.

wtf has that to do with it

Is this the most Reddit book of all time? Stormlight is Shakespeare next to this.

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Trump makes Patrick cry and is largely responsible for his depression. He went on record to say Trump winning killed his productivity and you can often see him explode into manic rants on twitter about it.

It's a boring fucking series though like most epic fantasy.


Are there any books like Golden Age of the Solar Clipper where the MC isn't a big dicked sex god Gary Stu who fixes literally everything?
I loved Quarter Share but book 2 was awful and book 3 is just as bad in a different way.

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Amazing, he placates his sjw fans while excusing himself from his responsibilities at the same time
top tier shit m8

>only fantasy I like is tolkien
>suffer through ASOIAF and GOT
>get depressed
>go back to tolkien
>find out that tolkiens son (not christopher) was molested by one of tolkiens friends and became a pedophile priest
wtf bros im gonna be sick

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>21 hours ago William D. Arand & Randi Darren-Fan Page
>The Audiobook version of Remnant by Andrea has gone live. Post and share as you will and can.

i should stop reading unfinished book series

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China bans pornography and the male/female ratio is skewed due to sex-selective abortions so those teenage boys and manchildren who write them have a lot of unreleased sexual tension.

Read bakker

The Warhound an the World's Pain by Michael Moorcock

Instead of coming up with these elaborate imaginary worlds, someone should just write a fantasy novel set in the ancient world, with the ancient gods and myths all being real real. I know about Latro in the mist but that's about the only book that I know to have tried this.

The guy from the simpsons wrote something like that

The problem with that is that there's only so much we know about the ancient world. Many societies lack any written record, and those that do often offer a perspective that might be entirely alien to the large majority of the population.
In that regard, you'd be left ignoring/inventing much of the experience, and you might be left with something closer to traditional fantasy, like Jason and the Argonauts or Clash of the Titans.

Don't be that way user, have sex.

I would say that we know quite a lot about the ancient civilizations of europe and the near east, and i see no problem with the author filling in the blanks or granting himself creative freedom. Just look at game of thrones. Gods that speak to mortals through trees, a king that sacrifices his daughter to escape contrary weather, savage, primeval gods that were forgotten and replaced by more enlightened ones, these are all things borrowed from greek mythology. I was reading pic related and it fascinated me to no end. The idea that the god we worship today was one that prevailed in a contest among several semitic deities is just the sort of thing to be a template for a fantasy novel. There's just so much potential. Tons of historical fiction get published every year. What would be wrong with throwing some magic into the mix?

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Hey Would you mind if I recommended you this

Everworld kinda sorta

What's the essential Heinlein I need to read?

Everything up through Starship Troopers

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I thought we got rid of you

Adapt a pen name that sounds like you're a black woman.

Is that an effeminate dude or a chick?

It's a moon elf.

Keep an eye out for Mama Mbembe's new novel

How does Soldier of Sidon hold up when compared to Latro in the Mist?

its mary sue

The Burning City which is in the The Magic Goes Away series

Anyone here read pic related? I nabbed it for $2 for Kindle after it was described as Gladiator meets GoT.

Then I found out it's set in Africa or some shit.

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>X meets GoT
Always shit.
The only time i have not been disappointed by that comparison was with Luna by Ian McDonald.

>we wuz dragons n shiet fuck whitey fantasy

No thanks m8

>Then I found out it's set in Africa or some shit.
you couldnt tell by the zulu shield?

Someone recommend a stand alone book, no trilogies or other in universe bs.

I finished the tenth book about an hour ago
I bought them all back in the beginning of January but I was busy and only got around to reading approximately one book per month. After I had finished Midnight Tides (the fifth book) in the middle of April I ended up reading the remaining five in slightly more than a month

Library at mount char
Lucifer's Hammer

Terminal World
Early Riser

For a shorter read: The Smoke of Gold is Glory by Scott Lynch

Alright, which one of you retards memed me into buying Gormenghast? What a boring fucking book, it's 90% descriptions

It's a beautiful book.

Continue to listen to sffg. When I told you it was shit you didn't listen.

>What a boring fucking book, it's 90% descriptions
thats most books my friend

Who woulda fuckin known that most books suck ass?

>Being filtered by Gormenghast

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You didn't even read. stfu.

Just finished Echopraxia from Peter Watts and just picked up pic related from Barnes and Noble. What am I in for?

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Mass Effect
Genuinely though, a good book. I've enjoyed it quite a bit.
I just started on the third book today

Any hard science fiction with a black protagonist?

I mean many protagonists aren't described all that extensively so many protagonists could be any race

Need new amazon self published.

How is lit moving so fast? Why are they so many non lit threads in the op?

I'm making one.

Better off scrolling through the "customers who bought this also bought" and "sponsored products related" than asking here. Just look for 100+ reviews and at least 4 stars. Amazon reviewers are a lot more accurate than faggots on goodread

But the cunts on amazon praised harmon Cooper's shit book after some transformers real doll.

Rely on yourself. The Amazon chart that gets published is only whatever that user has personally read and liked.

Well then what are a few books you have read and what are you looking for

I don't know anything about Chinese literature. What are some works featuring the "Chad Chinaman"?

about some transformers real doll*

>coiling dragon
>desolate era

Coiling Dragon is shit. Desolte Era is based. Cradle is fun.

I see Will Wight put on his blog something with August 11th. I think that is when the next cradle novel is due.

~9 months for the first book
~3 months for the rest

Damn,is the first one that bad?

what's some good, recent (from the last... five years, let's say) military sci fi?

if there is even a hint of truth in your memeing then it has just to the top of my tbr

Poseidon's Children trilogy.

Poor man's fight

...what? The book seems like Mass Effect took several leaves from it
I'm not memeing at all

cool, that is actually what i wanted to hear

Don't, they're all shit. Moreover if you've read one you've read them all, they all have the same themes with only minor differences.

I'm telling you from experience, your brain will literally turn into mush because and I'm not exaggerating when I say that the entire genre is something akin to comfort food for the braindead.

no it's actually about average compared to the rest, it's just confusing and you need to pay attention

Books that focus on a family or families?

I've read pic related, Little, Big and have The Fifth Head of Cerberus on my to read list. Is there anything else I should look for?

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Unironically ASoIaF

...shit, I should have mentioned that in my post.


>it's 90% descriptions
What did you expect? It's always praised for it's prose and imagery.

what do you guys think of Malice by John Gwynne? thinking about reading the series.