>Isaac once reached the end of the rabbit hole and stayed in the land he found there for months more than weeks.
months more than weeks?
>Isaac, she
Isaac is a male name.
>and then it changes back to he
>It was the plane where one’s muscles stiffen and she goes sleepless; where she believes others conspire against, follow and monitor her, and she thinks of this obsessively; where she see connections, relationships between numbers and words and items and so on, and she sees them everywhere and in everything, and they have profound sense to her, and coincidences no longer seem coincidental; where she reads a passage out of a novel and finds it has hidden meaning, as though it was written in a secret language she’s able to interpret, perhaps speaking to her directly, sharing esoteric knowledge; where she thinks she’s receiving messages from a god or a dead person and looks for a way to write back; where life is a theatre that grows tense, and she expects a twist or revelation, but it never comes, and every moment is an anticlimax—a play on her anticipation; and where she feels greatly enlightened.
holy run on sentence
>he heard and considered and whom he looked to for guidance, his parents and siblings and friends and doctors, his professors, employers, leaders and peers, were not in truth ‘real’ or sentient but were rather hollow and unfeeling, did not think or craft opinions, and were simply complex inventions of his psyche, dolls more than people and fictions of themselves. And he despaired, for there was no one whom he could confess or weep to or hug or bring to laughter, for in everyone there was only himself,
"whose words he heard and considered and whom he looked to for guidance, his parents and siblings and friends and doctors, his professors, employers, leaders and peers, "
that entire bit should be cut out
"And he despaired, for there was no one whom he could confess or weep to or hug or bring to laughter"
too long, I know that's the point but this technique is nearly always cringe
yeah this is bad, took me halfway through the story before I realised it was a metaphorical rabbit hole and the MC was just some weedo. Also where the fuck are the paragraphs? I seriously suggest you write a basic short story with a simple plot. Too many words in this that are totally unneeded