Parents found self insert anime fanfiction with me having relationship with cute loli

>parents found self insert anime fanfiction with me having relationship with cute loli

Attached: 772DDE45BA9342588484F5BF5B65D48D.png (527x487, 35K)

post excerpts or didn"t happen

I hope you get what you deserve you fucking savage.

Attached: 1534689365024.png (798x700, 739K)

>Mom found Finnegans Wake

Attached: 1531855841252.jpg (1012x1012, 73K)

>folks found the anime twink erotica novella

Attached: 8f0066c3476180b40980cd150b3f80b9.png (500x322, 326K)

Pop-pop found my Vore Treaties

Attached: F3A728E6-C052-4905-88B4-2825CAFC1054.jpg (246x205, 10K)

>mom found the cock drawings

Attached: 1511618708529.jpg (495x362, 17K)

>parents found the 350 chapter hentai manga I wrote about them.


Tough thing for a young man of 35 to go through.

>mom found oedipus rex

Attached: 1557372973306.png (808x805, 593K)


>dad found the two-volume memoir of my childhood in the suburbs

>mom found suicide note

Attached: 1558373662165.png (882x758, 16K)

>grandma found the heartfelt note you wrote about her but she didn't actually because she died 3 years ago and you can't let go

Attached: 1494031222335.png (655x509, 28K)

>mom found a notebook where instead of taking down notes, I wrote only swear words
>parents found out a bookmark with purposeful horrible spelling errors, and didn't believe me when I said it was a joke

actual real ones

Attached: 1529282468549.jpg (212x212, 16K)

>mom found the notepad on my phone that I use to bully myself

>mom found my diary desu
>it's in Japanese so she couldn't even read it desu
Later languagelets

>writing in Japanese
>she can just run it through Google
Not having a personal conlang at this point is unforgivable.

>typing an entire diary of Kanji and kana into translator
Doubt it

>google providing an accurate translation of moonrunes
>google deciphering chicken scratches

midwit lol

>what is

unusable for this purpose

>what are radicals

oh yes, manually discern written kanji and pick them out one by one
pretty sure cracking a code would be faster

>conlangs are codes
Conlangs have their own grammars. Unless you have access to the creator's documentation or to a community of people exclusively speaking in it so you can infer its usage, it's literally uncrackable.

Attached: IMG_20190413_000123.jpg (1080x1330, 557K)

Kill yourself.

woah, calm down lucifer


hey thats me.

dad found the momcest NTR novellas

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