>parents found self insert anime fanfiction with me having relationship with cute loli
Parents found self insert anime fanfiction with me having relationship with cute loli
post excerpts or didn"t happen
I hope you get what you deserve you fucking savage.
>Mom found Finnegans Wake
>folks found the anime twink erotica novella
Pop-pop found my Vore Treaties
>mom found the cock drawings
>parents found the 350 chapter hentai manga I wrote about them.
Tough thing for a young man of 35 to go through.
>mom found oedipus rex
>dad found the two-volume memoir of my childhood in the suburbs
>mom found suicide note
>grandma found the heartfelt note you wrote about her but she didn't actually because she died 3 years ago and you can't let go
>mom found a notebook where instead of taking down notes, I wrote only swear words
>parents found out a bookmark with purposeful horrible spelling errors, and didn't believe me when I said it was a joke
actual real ones
>mom found the notepad on my phone that I use to bully myself
>mom found my diary desu
>it's in Japanese so she couldn't even read it desu
Later languagelets
>writing in Japanese
>she can just run it through Google
Not having a personal conlang at this point is unforgivable.
>typing an entire diary of Kanji and kana into translator
Doubt it
>google providing an accurate translation of moonrunes
>google deciphering chicken scratches
midwit lol
>what is jisho.org
unusable for this purpose
>what are radicals
oh yes, manually discern written kanji and pick them out one by one
pretty sure cracking a code would be faster
>conlangs are codes
Conlangs have their own grammars. Unless you have access to the creator's documentation or to a community of people exclusively speaking in it so you can infer its usage, it's literally uncrackable.
Kill yourself.
woah, calm down lucifer
hey thats me.
dad found the momcest NTR novellas