At Barnes & Noble

>at Barnes & Noble
>grandmother gave me $200 in gift cards
>spend an hour trying to find one goddamn book that meets my patrician standards
>employee approaches me
>"Can I help you find something?"
>"Do you have anything, other than classics, that's written for non-retards?"
>"No, sir. I'm afraid we don't."
>"Oh. Thanks."
>buy a fuckton of jigsaw puzzles

Secondhand shops are the only good brick-and-mortar bookstores. Everyone else refuses to sell good books that aren't the standard high school/college texts.

Attached: barnes-and-noble-booksellers.jpg (459x362, 37K)

They have a decent philosophy/religion section most times, for a chain bookstore anyways. I've gotten stuff there.

all the ones I've ever been in were all just "*pop culture bullshit* and Philosophy," plus some basic bitch stuff like Locke, Sartre, and Hume.

>basic bitch stuff
god this board had gone to shit

Nah, they've got shit like Plato's complete works, Descartes, Spinoza, pretty much all of Nietzsche's major works, lots of 20th century, some Stoics, and so on, with religious stuff being collections of sutras like In The Buddha's Words or the Gita. Not anything special you know, but still pretty good. They also have manga if you really lack stuff to blow money on.

it's all entry-level, and shitty translations (for non-English stuff) anyway
not hating on those philosophers
just stating that the stuff these places sell is just pleb-tier translations of the biggest names in the field, at best

>he can't find Mein Kampf in print
>has an autistic fit and buys $200.00 worth of jigsaw puzzles to quell his autism
Yea Forums is dead

>B&N apologists
Yea Forums is dead

>looking for one specific book...which is patrician btw ;)
Name the book asshat

You could genuinely get a modest education on the Western philosophical canon just by reading what they carry, user. You're nitpicking. I've spoken to others about the versions of Plato they carry, and they're well-respected. Yeah, I wouldn't be so certain about their more modern, in-house translations, but unless you can prove otherwise I don't see why they wouldn't be at least usable.

>having a Grandmother


work on your reading comprehension, asshat

Yes. A modest one. Not the detailed one of a non-retard.

Name a book you were looking for, asshat. Surely you had something in mind, asshat.

I was trying to be decent, but you really have an annoying personality. Pity on your grandmother.

Music's Mask and Measure

here's another one:
Vita d'un uomo

>Locke, Hume, Sartre, Descartes, Spinoza, Buddhist suttas, Bhagavad Gita Stoics, Plato, Nietzsche
>Entry level
God, you sound so fucking pretentious. I agree with you on Sartre and the last three. You should be relieved that people are reading those philosophers in the first place. The things I would give to have a discussion with a Buddhist on suttas, instead of whatever they learned at their mindful meditation seminar, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, or whatever secular Buddhist self-help book or books written by the Dalai Lama they've read.

I just have standards.

>any of those
>not Phil101

>the OP walked into B&N at all
by your standards, Yea Forums died before I posted

They’re the only bookstore near me

any port in a storm, brother
any port in a storm

>implying anybody other than Deleuze really matters

the sheer Yea Forumsacity of this thread

>all these triggered B&N cucks
>on MY Yea Forums

okay hivemind-kun

Attached: 1552982240375.jpg (233x216, 11K)

Yea Forums is dead idk what you expected

What is "Thing that never happened?"

You could have utilized that gift card to special-order an item that the store would never normally carry, but which is still available through their supply system user. When birthday and Christmas roll around I nicely ask/provide mum an ISBN/link for a single book, which is readily ordered, whiz-bang done. I've gotten both volumes of the Oxford Aristotle and Gauss' Disquisitiones Arithmeticae in this way.

Attached: eCwMAkG.jpg (385x256, 31K)

>reads philosophy instead of something worthwhile like the classics


>Plato's complete works
The last time I went to a Barnes & Nobles actually was to buy some of Plato's works. Not only did the employees not even know who Plato was, they only had a couple commentaries on Plato and not any of his actual work.

heh heh heh

The BN version of Plato's Republic is the Jowett translation. The Jowett translation isnt some reinterpretive modernist paraphrase (Jowett died in 1890s for God's sake), it was the standard Plato for quite a while, and still probably is, but hipsters get their skinny pants in a twist when something isn't perfectly balanced between obscure, accurate, and new.
With what you find at BN, it seems really foindational and obvious philosophers (and I'm talking just Plato+Aristotle level)have the standard translations, but if it's someone like Epictetus, its a tin of spoiled mystery meat. I've got the Lebell """translation""" of Epictetus and it's one of the worst I've seen. It's to Epictetus what the Message paraphrase is to the Bible.

It’s disturbing that I immediately recognized this.

“Border's, now THAT was a bookstore"


Do they really shoot fetish and bondage porn there?

The best translation of Epictetus is by Robin Hard.

Attached: epictetus.jpg (192x293, 15K)

I got my Hackett Complete Plato at one of B&N's major stores; the draw was that I was still a member at the time, when it made sense, so they gave me a mail coupon for whatever. The kid didn't want to take the coupon because special-publishing doesn't apply, which is a completely stupid reason, but I wasn't really trying to sell the kid on that. I just let him know that he was going to lose the sale and that he really should just take the coupon and he wouldn't get fired for doing it, and it'd all be okay. He took the coupon without further fuss and I saved like 10bux or so.

I unironically miss them. Got lots of manga there in my weeaboo days, art books, was just thinking of the chain over the past 48 hours tbqh. I literally got my KJV Bible there when it occurred to me that I should just have one for general reference.

So you’ve read all of Locke and Hume?
