Which ones are about the Lannisters?

which ones are about the Lannisters?

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Leave Monsieur Martin to me.

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Are these titles real? lmao

They all are.

I think the first Cersei POV chapters are in feast for crows or dance with dragons though, you might be interested in those in particular

I more have a fascination with Tywin Tyrion and Jamie Lannister after watching a small bit of the show
they're great characters

Tyrion has POV chapters in all of the first 3 books, and his chapters are in either feast for crows or dance with dragons but not the other, I forget which, Tywin is heavily involved in books 2 and 3 especially

Jaime is important in all the books, I forget when his POV chapters start, I’m thinking book 2

so mainly just get the first 3 books for the best parts?

>a game of thrones
>literally about a game of thrones
>a clash of kings
>literally about a clash of kings
>a storm for swords
>literally about a storm of swords
>a feast for crows
>literally about the crow's feast.
>a dance with dragons
>literally about dragons dancing.

Attached: George RR Brainlet.jpg (444x499, 60K)

Most people consider the first 3 books superior to 4&5. But the Lannisters are important to all 5 books for sure, and in my opinion the Cersei POV chapters in books 4&5 are some of the best

>character built from the ground up to be unlikeable with no motivations beyond being a cunt for the sole purpose of perpetuating her unlikeability
no thanks

You do you man, you can come up with a shitty description for anything in the series, if you don’t like it, don’t bother

when is WOW coming out!!

I wouldn't be surprised if the titles of some of the books were inspired by some kenningars.

There is a kenningar which is similar to the title of the third book, "A Storm of Swords" which means "battle"; there is another one. similar to the title of the fourth book, "A Feast for Crows", which means "corpse".

This makes sense, in my opinion, the third book sees any of the highest points in the War of the Five Kings. In the fourth book, the war has come to a point were there aren't many battles, only the corpses from the previous battles.

>Anna Karenina
>literally about Anna Karenina

What kind of retard reads only certain POVs? What's the point, are you going to jerk off to it?

-ar is plural, just to let you know. Just use kennings. no need for kenningars

If you found Cersei unlikable on the first books then you're doomed to continue being an imp loving faggot

>1.7 million words long, with another 800k at least on the way

>equivalent of 25 normal sized novels
>equivalent of 12 moby dicks
>equivalent of 5 infinite jests
>equivalent of 3 bibles
>equivalent of 2x prousts in search of lost time

Fucking why? Imagine writing a trilogy but then the first book becomes 10x long as normal, then you do 7 filler books, and then just fucking take forever doing the last 8-in-two books because your too busy shitting out tv shows


what kind of retard reads bad stories
go back to your Steinbeck pseud thread

and making a dark souls game based on your books

>mein kampf
>literally about muh struggle

>box set of a series that isn't complete
WOW, what a collector's item!

jaime is the best character in the whole series, prove me wrong

so yes the first 3 books?

I can't because your right

>The Iliad
>literally a poem about Ilium

>mein kampf
>the author is not a writer and struggles to finish it

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>the bible
>literally translates as 'the book'

Just read all of them and be done with it.

I like Littlefinger

anyone notice an influx of people suddenly interested in the show/series as soon as the show decreased dramatically in quality?almost like they are trying to LARP

The author was an orator and he dictated it.

I didnt watch the show I just like the clips of the lannister family on the youtube

>The Odyssey
>literally about Odysseus

Nothing wrong with them.


theres everything wrong with them?
I bet youre the one who writes shitty short stories and makes his own threads to whine when they dont get published every single time and gets all fuckin uppity when an user says why theyre trash but you just sink further and further into your little hidey hole of pseudo self rimjobbing until the sound of licking your own asshole snuffs out the sound of all the true criticisms about your god awful short stories that totally arent true they just dont understand how smart you are right?

I don't write at all, faggot. The titles are alright for a fantasy series. Judge within the context.