Muh morals

>Muh morals
>Muh ethics
Fucking spooks.

People do whatever they feel like doing in the moment, and the rest of society guilt trips them if they go against the system. Not because the system is inherently good, but they live in it, are forced to abide by its rules and it would collapse if they didn't. So to preserve their own comfort and exercise their own resentment towards the perpetrator and their own cowardice, they shame them. Rape is not inherently bad, murder is not inherently bad, stealing is not inherently bad. There are no set in stone rules for life and you shouldn't care about being "good". No one is good, even people who try to be good 24/7 are never good. People are more animal like than we like to admit, we're not purely logical beings and expecting people to behave as if they are is an exercise in futility. Guilt is just the fear of punishment.

The only thing you should aspire to in life is to get away with as much as possible, anything more is vanity and delusion.

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have sex

bend over.

Uh bro I kinda just had tacos...
*glances towards a different posters*
Some people, am I right?

Your opinion is a spook.

didn't read a thing

So profound anime poster.
Droppin truth bombs.
The kind of stuff you believe until they mug you.

>D-Do unto others!
You're just as likely to get mugged as I am retard, there's no cosmic justice. And if I get mugged, I'm not going to sit there crying about how it's not fair and how it's wrong. What are you, a child?

how many hours do you spend in your room daily?

Are you going to stay on topic or insist on being a petty child who wants to call names?

What a dork.
What are gonna do ? Brandish you katana and go on a killing spree ?


>What are gonna do ?
More than your pathetic ass who'd sit there crying until someone felt sorry for you and called the police.

Why woude he dumb faggot. Seriously if your authority is yourself who cares about discussions with you. How is it that hard to grasp.

Self defense is condoned by law you spastic

What's your actual point your trying to make here?

>If you don't play by the rules I play by I'm taking my ball and going home
Bye retard

That you're a clueless cretin living in your lawless fantasy world

Yea what are you gonna do about it cry ? Lol baby is mad coz people don't respect him ohhhh.

You can act like a retard all you like but don't sulk when you're called a retard.

It's reality. The only people who get what they want in life don't do it according to what society defines as "good" actions. Try being "good" your whole life, see where it gets you.

>Babby just found out about that law doesn't apply to people the same way.
Were you born yesterday ?

>dumb animeposters

Wow good postbdid you come up with that by usrself?

Have sex

Why are you so upset? Why can't you have a discussion like an adult?

No thanks, knowledge is all I need to ejaculate

stop using "spooks" to explain a conclusion(a bad one)you alone came up with, it makes stirner look bad

Morals and ethics are spooks

Stirner never said like this

I'm not a Stirner worshipper, he said some things I agreed with and others I didn't.

>shitting up Yea Forums with the exact same trash thread as yesterday

Yes they are by stirner but I don't like how you ramble on on your on conclusions and assumptions it makes it seem like this is how stirner came to his synthesis but its not, no where even close. By using spooks you make Stirner look bad just by association.

Also "spook" has already been discussed as a terrible translation of "spuk" making you not really at-all understandable of Stirner or his meme. You can Keep your edgy logic to yourself but don't use it along-side memes that degrade a philosopher in anyway that you have no understanding of

>muh society peer pressure
your argument assumes the same case by case scenario for each person instead of delving into how every person can possible be effected. Not "muh social pressure" not the case for everybody and maybe not anyone, you dumbed it down to much

>makes it seem like this is how stirner came to his synthesis but its not, no where even close
I never said that, that was you assuming things.

It should be clear to anyone that the rest of that post is my own personal ideology and nothing to do with stirner outside of us both agreeing morals and ethics are spooks.

So why do you tell us about your insights?

Because I felt like doing it in the moment


So what's wrong about acting morally if it makes you feel good?

>because I felt like it
The state of baiting today and people falling for it.

There's no greater meaning behind it, I did it because I felt like doing it.

Well for a start it's delusion. You feel good not because you're doing good but because everyone else is watching you do good or you're patting yourself on the back for doing good. But if you don't mind lying to yourself, then ok. Second, you're limiting yourself. You could reach your goals and get further in life way faster without morals slowing you down, there's some things you can only get if you abandon morals. You'll never feel fully in control of your own life if you abide by arbitrary rules. Finally, other people don't follow your code. They will take advantage of you, they will leave you in the dust and you will have nothing.

>There's no greater meaning behind it, I did it because I felt like doing it.
I'm asking why you felt like doing it.

What if I do all that but you are standing in my way and I crush your life with all of my capabilities. Would you still talk like that or would you go cry to daddy system because that one mean uncle did you wrong?

>hates society
>hates self
Big oof

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>Would you still talk like that
Yes, might makes right.

>Come back tonight at 11 for more shit I pulled out of my ass

>You feel good not because you're doing good but because everyone else is watching you do good or you're patting yourself on the back for doing good.
I'm totally aware of this but that doesn't make me feel less good if I give money to some hobo. Humans aren't rational beings. Also there is something like empathy.
>You could reach your goals and get further in life way faster without morals slowing you down
Evidence? I highly doubt that you talk out of experience.
>You'll never feel fully in control of your own life if you abide by arbitrary rules.
>They will take advantage of you, they will leave you in the dust and you will have nothing.
Where did I say that you should follow consistent moral principles? I asked what's the problem with acting morally in a situation when it makes you feel good.

OP made this thread yesterday and got so btfod he decided to try again lmao

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>Also there is something like empathy.
No, there's not. It's fine to look at another and feel their pain, that's normal. But acting to help that person is pure vanity.
If one person proceeds through life free of restraints and another proceeds governed by a set of rules and restrictions then who do you think will accomplish more and faster? Assume they both want the same things.
> I asked what's the problem with acting morally in a situation when it makes you feel good.
If nothing else it breeds weakness and it's a bad habit to get into.

The thread stopped getting replies and fell off the board, so I made a new one. Why are you acting like a woman?


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See, my issue with the egotists is that they stop just a few steps too early. They let the ego rule instead of the true self (which is awarenes). They are usually so close to making that final development

For purely philosophical reasons there might not exist objective reality and objective morality. But if you concede that humans are animals, why then do you criticize human organization? The way humans set up laws and norms, from an evolutionary perspective, is used as a survival strategy. Why then would it matter if morality is a spook? Will you criticize wolves for not entering other wolves territory, or that they have an alpha-beta organization?
>but thats genetics
And so are humans by your own definition of humans being animals. What you are doing is not neglecting some morality, you are asserting your own, just like Nietzsche did with his overman and master morality

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Please expand on this

>No, there's not. It's fine to look at another and feel their pain, that's normal. But acting to help that person is pure vanity.
What's wrong about vanity?
>Assume they both want the same things.
But if they have different axioms they obviously don't want to have the same things. Your whole premise is flawed.
>If nothing else it breeds weakness and it's a bad habit to get into.
No it isn't, I talk from experience.


Well, generally egotism is about justifying "my" desires but never explain what constitutes the "my." The true self, which is hidden inside the ego, is awarenes. If they applied their method of finding and destroying external spooks to the very spooks that constitute their ego (internal ones), they would find a much more stable and pleasing existence

OP should read Schopenhauer

I was going to say Plato and then Plotinus, but anything could help him

>why then do you criticize human organization?
Because you can organise into groups and still ultimately be entirely self centered. Yes, we organised for survival because bigger numbers of people meant a greater chance of survival. But I don't see how this contradicts what I'm saying. Stirner's union of egoists proves as much.

>What's wrong about vanity?
It's counterproductive at worst and completely worthless at best to any goal.
>But if they have different axioms they obviously don't want to have the same things.
Not true. They could both want a wife and children for example.

>The true self, which is hidden inside the ego, is awarenes
And what is awareness? What;s the difference between awareness and ego?

I already did

>It's counterproductive at worst and completely worthless at best to any goal.
This whole thread just exists because of your vanity.
>Not true. They could both want a wife and children for example.
Yeah, they also both need to eat. Simple biological imperatives. Why does morality prevent you from having a wife?

Explaiing *what* it is, is probably better left to actual philosopher's who tackle the issue. You might imagine it as the sense that allows "you" to experience existence, although it is "you" that is doing the experiencing. The biggest difference is that distilled awareness has no desires whereas the ego is full to the brim with them

>And what is awareness? What;s the difference between awareness and ego?

Which anime did you base your philosophy on?

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My point is that all organisms are self-centered ultimately, and thus any sort of organization vis-a-vis the will to survive and spread genes comes naturally. I am saying, from an evolutionary perspective, communal organization is a result of egoism, and not like what Egoists try to portray it as. I get the impression from them that morality is a virus that spreads and disturbs the egos, when in fact it was manifested by the egos.

The ego (what Stirner calls the Unique) is not and can not be a spook because it is not an ideal nor is it a category which has any descriptive power. The homosexual and heterosexual man are both egoists, yet their egoism leads them to act in completely antithetical ways. That is why it is not a spook. Read stirners critics.

>This whole thread just exists because of your vanity.
In what way? No one yet has agreed with me.
>Why does morality prevent you from having a wife?
In order to attract a wife you need to be an appealing mate, and you can do this with money, power and social standing. And it's far easier to get all of those when you have nothing holding you back.

What do you mean "Nah"?

None of them were edgy enough for me

Ah, but acting on sexual impulses is a very spooked thing to do. These biological and other internalized and unquestioned beliefs are spooks in my opinion

>Anything I don't like is a spook

> People do whatever they feel like doing in the moment
And what they feel like doing is partly determined by morals and ethics.

But morals and ethics are spooks so checkmate

"Nah" means I don't believe you.

With regards to awareness, anything but awareness is a spook, so you may twist that however you like. I'd criticize the heterosexual as much as the homo

Rick and Morty

>People still replying to bait thread

>With regards to awareness, anything but awareness is a spook

you are living in the context of society, that social is your universal, looking at the stars and widening the context to infinity doesn't justify killing off someone

The mere presence of a "society" also doesn't warrant someone's continued existence

>I am saying, from an evolutionary perspective, communal organization is a result of egoism
Up to a certain point, and then it becomes corrupted. What we have today is not what you're describing.

>I get the impression from them that morality is a virus that spreads and disturbs the egos, when in fact it was manifested by the egos
I believe that current, modern day morality is a virus. It serves nothing but society, at the expense of the individual. What you gain in safety and security (which is more often than not not even true), you lose in freedom and individuality. Don't rape, don't steal, don't kill I will agree was beneficial to survival pre-agriculture, that doesn't mean I'd follow it but I'll accept it as legitimate to enhancing survival. But it's been hijacked and corrupted since then and holds no value in the modern era.

I don't care for my neighbour, my postman, my colleague, these people aren't my tribe and I don't need them for survival so why would I still follow the basic group survival morality of no killing, raping or stealing? And yes, if everyone believed as I did society would collapse. Well then good. Good riddance.


Certainly there are some aspects of sex that are spooks, but sex in itself is not a spook. for example a traditionalist might say you should not be gay because of manliness and biological duty. Here manliness and biological duty become spooks because they are set as ideals and imperatives that are above the individual to which the individual must submit. However being manly is not itself a spook as long as it is not allowed to become a despot over you.
For stirner true egoism is achieved when everything is "brought down" into the individual's possession, and is able to be disposed of whenever he likes.
Stirner's Critics probably sums this up better than I could, and it's a short read.

Yes, sure. I agree that having sex because it is available is permissible as unspooked but one must question the motivation for having sex at all. I suppose if the desire is entirely under the control of the self then it can't be called "spooked" but if something possesses someone to have sex then that is spooked. I'd never call the act of sex a spook, but more so whatever the motivation for it is

shall I bring you the noose then?

Well, societies kill individuals all the time with no repercussions, so sure

The motivation is the satisfaction of a bodily need.

Eating food is not a spook, neither is having sex. As long as you're not controlled by the need for sex, it's not a spook. Someone who orients their life around getting the most sex possible would be spooked, but someone who just fucks when the opportunity arises isn't.

I think it's possible to have sexual desire that is healthy and egoistic. Really only sex addicts are spooked in this regard.

Bodily needs are spooks. Furthermore, sex isn't a "need" so much as a "desire." I've lived without sex for 22 years and am still alive. I couldn't do that without food or water, though.
See my post here
I already agreed with your last point though, so we're just going in needless circles

>Bodily needs are spooks.
No they're not. You need food or you die, there's nothing spooky about it.
>Furthermore, sex isn't a "need" so much as a "desire."
Masturbation counts as sex, and regular release is a "need" because if you don't do it yourself, your body does it for you.
>I've lived without sex for 22 years and am still alive.
You didn't abstain from ejaculation for 22 years though, did you?

I think this quote by Stirner is pertinent. It's about love but it applies equally to sex.
>Am I perchance to have no lively interest in the person of another, are his joy and his weal not to lie at my heart, is the enjoyment that I furnish him not to be more to me than other enjoyments of my own? On the contrary, I can with joy sacrifice to him numberless enjoyments, I can deny myself numberless things for the enhancement of his pleasure, and I can hazard for him what without him was the dearest to me, my life, my welfare, my freedom. Why, it constitutes my pleasure and my happiness to “refresh myself with his happiness and his pleasure. But myself, my own self, I do not sacrifice to him, but remain an egoist and — enjoy him. If I sacrifice to him everything that but for my love to him I should keep, that is very simple, and even more usual in life than it seems to be; but it proves nothing further than that this one passion is more powerful in me than all the rest. Christianity too teaches us to sacrifice all other passions to this. But, if to one passion I sacrifice others, I do not on that account go so far as to sacrifice myself, nor sacrifice anything of that whereby I truly am myself; I do not sacrifice my peculiar value, my ownness. Where this bad case occurs, love cuts no better figure than any other passion that I obey blindly. The ambitious man, who is carried away by ambition and remains deaf to every warning that a calm moment begets in him, has let this passion grow up into a despot against whom he abandons all power of dissolution: he has given up himself, because he cannot dissolve himself, and consequently cannot absolve himself from the passion: he is possessed.

Ok, since we're still going for some reason
>with regard to awareness, anything but awareness is a spook
You don't need to eat, drink, or ejaculate to be aware. In fact, you are aware of your lack of these, but the only time you're not aware (theoretically) is when you're dead.
I guess what I'm getting at is that the body is a spook. You don't *have* to do any of these things. A basic attachment to life OR simple automated bodily functions compels these things to happen.
I didn't know we were conflating masturbation with sex. Glad to know I'm not a virgin then.
But, night emissions can hardly be considered a choice. You don't consciously choose to pump blood through your body. I wouldn't call either of these two spooks. But masturbation is a spooked activity because there is some drive other than awareness that is the motivation. Pretty much every activity is a spook. But if you can realize and accept that, and be able to curtail them at any point, I'd say that's true freedom and egoism if you want

>Glad to know I'm not a virgin then.
Men can't be virgins, only women.

Oh. That makes sense

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>You don't need to eat, drink, or ejaculate to be aware.
I still don't get what you mean by "aware". People are never free from desires.

I disagree. How do you explain extreme ascetics? I mean, I suppose the desires may still exist, but they can be controlled with enough willpower and reflection to the point where the exert little-to-no influence on the mind.
And again, I should not formulate it this way, but again, I will call awareness the sense of experiencing existencence.

You are an ugly person. You have absolutely no sense of the aesthetic. I bet you have no artistic capabilities, if you do I bet they’re shit. Recap, your a no good person. Morals aren’t calculated, being good isn’t about the reason, it’s a reason in itself. You are so desperate to validate yourself because you doubt yourself, and you always will. Because you are wrong. Because you are ugly. You are restricted from the greatest things in life.

>You have absolutely no sense of the aesthetic
I do. You just confuse moral good as being part of it.

Morals=Customs change but we develop in time, but if you had any proper knowledge of history and philosophy you would know that there are certain customs we can’t do without, and their static role in society has become the bedrock of social stability and for the possibility of freedom in general. You would call the rights of man a spook, because you’re an ugly person. We call them a dream, a dream worth striving for. In this sense the moral good, the good of custom, is absolutely part of an aesthetically pleasing life. You are so wrong, and ugly.

Stop being so emotional

Why is
>someone posts anime
>their opinion is that of a teenager in highschool
So common?

That’s not an argument. Your regurgitation of Stirner does not qualify as a work of art. I read through all your replies, just to make sure you weren’t baiting. You are an ugly person.

Because people with beliefs that repulse the masses aren't afraid of appearing "immature" or "weird" for watching anime as an adult.

Your only argument is "reee this thing exists therefore it's good".

Wow, man, that's like really deep. You want to skip recess tomorrow and go smoke a joint behind the playground?

They should have enough sense to feel repulsion for themselves. We’re not just repulsed by your habits, but by your senseless approval of them

You are wrong, and ugly. I know you can’t deal with it, that’s why your here. You want some sort of validation.
>No one yet has agreed with me.

You are wrong, ugly. and pathetic.

I see you have misinterpreted Egoism. I would recommend you try Ergotism instead.

>I see you have misinterpreted Egoism
Nothing I said contradicts egoism

Not just that this idiot misinterpreted Stirner. He wasn’t not an Egoist at all.

>”for everyone is an ego; and if only this ego has rights, then it is “the ego” (das ich), and not I. But I am not an ego along with other egos, but the sole ego (das alleinige Ich): I am unique (Ich bin einzig). Hence my wants and my needs are also unique; in short, everything about me is unique. And it is only as this unique being that I take everything as my own, as I set myself to work, and develop myself, only as this unique being. I do not develop mankind or man, but as I, I develop- myself (als Ich entwickle Ich-Mich). This is the meaning of the Unique One (Dies ist der sinn des- Einzigen).”

>Rape is not inherently bad, murder is not inherently bad, stealing is not inherently bad.

OP is a fucking moron

Wrong, ugly, pathetic and stupid.

>Not just that this idiot misinterpreted Stirner. He wasn’t not an Egoist at all.
I never said he was.

People are free to agree with some of what a person says and disagree with the rest. I can agree with Stirner on some things without believing everything he ever wrote. Why is this so hard for you people to grasp?

This sounds like one of the villain in Atlas Shrugged. With the collaps of Venezuela, the poverty of Cuba, the nightmarish chinese and the soon collapsing sweden, it seems as if she is being vindicated.

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In my view you can only reach the peak of what you're capable of if you abandon morality.

You should shut the fuck up because you don’t know what you are talking about. Why is this so hard for (You) to grasp?

No one cares about your view you ugly wretched miserable piece of shit

Quite the opposite you irrational mystic. Morality is rationality applied to action. To not hold a moral philosophy is to degrade yourself to a mere infant.

>morals and ethics are bad
yeah ok go let your child do whatever they want and see how that pans out

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I don't understand why you're upset. You're letting emotions control you.

The only mystic here is you, morality is a completely fabricated concept with no basis in reality. You haven't given me a single reason why I should burden myself with restrictions and rules.

Empathy is a core mechanism for human survival. Without it we would fall together as a society and behave like rabid dogs fighting over scraps of meat. Without empathy, teamwork becomes a lot harder. Compassion is a way to build relationship which means building teamwork. Humans have evolved themselves to the point where they own the whole planet mainly due to teamwork.

So fuck off nihilist zoomer.

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Why would I ever have children?

It's cruel and I don't want to sacrifice all that time for nothing in return.

I remember my first hit of weed. Come back when you are older and have read more.

>Empathy is a core mechanism for human survival.
Wrong. The rest of your post is irrelevant.


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Don't talk to me, I don't want to converse with pea brains concerned about appearing "mature" or "grown up".

thanks for improving the genepool, friend

Wish ur parents would have felt the same way OP would have saved all of us a lot of time

I wish they had too, but here I am so the best I can do is not repeat their mistake.

No bitch this if me FUCK YOU
>Rape is not inherently bad, murder is not inherently bad, stealing is not inherently bad.
I would drop kick your goofy ass if you ever said this to me in real life

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what a thread



I consider you all mistakes too, so we're on equal footing

I'll fuck your ass if you keep whining like a woman

>I would drop kick your goofy ass if you ever said this to me in real life
Responding to an opinion with violence, you're so intelligent.

>we should all drink the kool aid


>You haven't given me a single reason why I should burden myself with restrictions and rules
do you need one?

>do you need one?
Do you not? Why would you do anything if there's no good reason?

It’s called emotional intelligence. I got it from belonging to a community who lay out suckers for sucker shit

The highest form of intelligence is moral intelligence you mistake

>Why would you do anything if there's no good reason?
have you ever done anything on a whim in your entire life?
or are you just one of those boring pencil pushers that is ignored by everybody


What would a valid reason to convince you be?
Can you give an example of a line of reasoning that you consider valid?

Please explain in detail because that sounds fucking loony.

>have you ever done anything on a whim in your entire life?
Yes, but I've never submitted myself to a bunch of restrictive rules for my whole life on a whim, retard.

You're seriously doing all this moralfag shit "just cause". Fuck me lol.


>It’s called emotional intelligence
Yes and you clearly have none.

>What would a valid reason to convince you be?
If I knew that I wouldn't be against it, now would I?

I've honestly given morality its fair day in court multiple times in my life and I've failed to come up with any good reasons why I should live according to it.

what did you do?

If you are a critic of morality, and I admire your intelligence, could you o wise OP give me a definition of morality?

>Please explain in detail

Ok. Your a fucking retard. I’m shitting on your face. Something inherently right about that.

I'm sorry o wise op. Can you give me a line of reasoning that you consider valid?

Sadly anime is full of moralfaggotry and collectivism. Truly amoral fiction is not easy to come by.

It's just your ideas aren't very sophisticated or original m8



>what did you do?
I left my house, went to the community college I was enrolled in at the time, felt a strong urge to hop the fence, climb onto the first floor roof and then climb my way up as high as I could. Then security appeared, I hopped down to the ground floor again, they chased me, caught me and I waited with them for the police. Police checked me out, asked me some questions and let me go with a warning.


Dam OP, how does it feel to live like such a lawless badass

Morality is a set of rules, agreed upon by and taught to the population, that are supposed to benefit social cohesion and society at large in the pursuit of a peaceful civilisation. There are some set in stone rules that everyone has to follow and personal rules people have for themselves and people they interact with. It's agreed that anyone who breaks these rules should be punished.

I was 16 at the time and I don't know why I did it, in retrospect it was a stupid decision and I wouldn't do it again.

>It's just your ideas aren't very sophisticated or original m8
So what.

Very good!
Now you said that you aren't convinced by the arguments given to be moral, could you explain what makes an argument valid and unvalid?

Yea nobody cares nigger

You cared enough to post in my thread you cumdump

Oh look, it's the brilliant "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY" anime poster back at it again with his lofty opinions. Might as well put on a trip so we can filter you.

What book is this?

>could you explain what makes an argument valid and unvalid?
To me a valid argument is one that makes logical sense. I reject any form of spirituality, leap of faith or mysticism as proof of anything. An invalid argument would be one that doesn't make logical sense, for example:

>Men should not kill other people
>Because it's bad
>"Who decides the definition of bad?"
>It's just bad shutup

OP being a massive faggot again. If we didnt have rules and standards then we would be nothing but animals submitting to our every desire and whim. Going to assume you are a ‘dude weeed lmao’ and a devout athiest. People like you are beyond naive while larping as some pseudo-intellectual hyper rationalist. Enjoy your meaningless, materialistic life faggot OP

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The story of how I triggered the entire Yea Forums board by being honest about my beliefs

In a society you describe you would be the first to go, maybe that’s why you want it, because you wanna die. I feel for you OP, I want you to die too

We all know how this is going to end.
And if you don't stop, you'll see the results.
Nothing more to say.


>If we didnt have rules and standards then we would be nothing but animals submitting to our every desire and whim.
There's nothing wrong with this. If you're of reasonable intelligence, you don't need a set of rules to tell you why raping women is probably a bad idea. Or why you shouldn't be an alcoholic. Any reasonable man will exercise moderation and care for his own wellbeing. I repeat, you don't need rules to stop your life falling into chaos.

>Going to assume you are a ‘dude weeed lmao’ and a devout athiest.
I've never smoked weed and I'm not religious but I don't care about convincing religious people they're stupid.

>People like you are beyond naive while larping as some pseudo-intellectual hyper rationalist.
It's not a larp.

>Enjoy your meaningless, materialistic life faggot OP
That's all that awaits you if you follow the rules society has laid out for you.

Your totally right OP. (Arm around shoulder) lets go back to Yea Forums and leave these larpers to their books kek

>In a society you describe you would be the first to go
Go where?

Society without morals wouldn't devolve into a chaotic free for all. People with a modicum of intelligence know that large scale killing, raping and stealing is counterproductive to survival. I believe people would by and large get along in their own little groups, and only act out violently if their survival was threatened.

You have the freedom to kick your dog to death without anybody finding out. You could easily do it and dispose of the body without anyone catching you. But you don't. Why? Because you gain nothing from mindless cruelty and murder, you know instinctually it's a pointless act.

Otome stuff in general.

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>you don't need a set of rules to tell you why raping women is probably a bad idea
No. You don’t NEED rules but we have them to hold those accountable who do not abide by societal norms. It’s a deterrent.
>convincing religious people they're stupid
I’m not necessarily religious either. Anyone who takes religion at a kindergarten level of understanding (man in the sky) is a brainlet. So is anyone that dismisses it at that same level. Religion/philosophy is just a means of how to Be, a guide to Being. Not understanding this is your fault due to you sucking your own dick at the fact you think you ‘checkmate’ religious people.
>That's all that awaits you if you follow the rules society has laid out for you
Imagine being this weak-willed and submissive. Stand up for what you believe in. Not giving in to your material desires just because they are presented to you overwhelmingly.

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Cruel Japanese cartoons
I honestly can’t think of a more beta thing

I always thought it was obvious, OP. Only later in life did I realize that the majority of people are a) internalized these made up rules to the point of having negative physiological reaction at the mere thought of breaking the rule (having sex with a child for instance); b) are incapable of independent or unconventional thinking, they can only be taught and led;

tl;dr it's like arguing with believers

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Indeed dear wise user.
Do you think reasoning is an act?

So basically do what thou wilt with regards to policeman around the corner?

Otome media is made for women, not betas.

>Anyone who takes religion at a kindergarten level
I don't respect anything who's followers think "faith" and "But logic isn't the only form of proof" as evidence
>Stand up for what you believe in.
I am
>No. You don’t NEED rules
I'm glad we agree

Do you think that it's better to believe things that can be rationally proven then things that can't?

Pretty much.

If you want to do it because you'll gain something you care about and there's very little or no chance of you getting caught, then do it.


>having sex with a child for instance
It's impossible to discuss this or even play devils advocate because most people have this gag reflex whenever you bring it up. The mere discussion is physically repulsive to them because it's been so ingrained in them that it's the worst thing anyone can do.

For good reason cocksucker

>Do you think reasoning is an act?
Yes, you have to make a conscious effort to reason anything.

Case in point.

And do you think that there are rules for how to reason or is it arbitrary?

Presumably because this imageboard was created by an anime-watching teenager. You'll have to find the cool kids club somewhere else.

You are not getting my point and are incapable of standing your ground in this. I was some materialistic/nihilist faggot once but realized there’s more to life and meaning than what I perceive or think to be true. It’s fine to think this way but look outside yourself for once. I can’t imagine living life impulsively and solely based on a material outlook. One day you may grow up but until then you’re at the fedora-tipping stage. Maybe when you’re an adult you’ll understand something

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I don't understand what you mean.

When I reason, I consider a proposition, any evidence and logic provided and think through it logically myself to see if it all adds up to me.

>I was some materialistic/nihilist faggot
I'm neither

The fact is that there is no such thing as a moral "ought." There is no way to legitimately confer upon an "ought" upon a person. No one is actually bound in any moral capacity and no one ever can be, unless they choose to do it to themselves. As such, there is no external morality that people must abide by. If you're willing to admit that morality is only subjective, then you must also admit that anyone may do anything that they choose for any reason that they choose, including having no reason at all.

But in logic, surely there are rules that you need to follow, like not having contradictions, that the conclusion should follow from the premises and things like that?

You are materialistic, no doubt. Continue not standing your ground and getting BTFO

Oh, then yes. If you're going to say "AHA" next, I never said rules were universally unnecessary, I said they were unnecessary in regards to morality.

>You are materialistic, no doubt.
And you're basing this on?

>then you must also admit that anyone may do anything that they choose for any reason that they choose, including having no reason at all.
Of course, and I'm free to call that person a fucking retard.

meant to quote you in

To be honest the concept of belief is alien to me. I just don't get it. I could say I believed in science but then I realized how complex unfathomable the universe is and how simple and limited human mind in comparison so I don't know anymore. Maybe there is only belief because we're incapable of truly knowing something.

Does a moral system tell you how you should act?


Are you going to get to the point any time soon?

>Of course, and I'm free to call that person a fucking retard.
It's not morally wrong to be retarded (or anything else for that matter) so it doesn't matter whether you call them that or not.

If we are incapable of knowing anything, do you know that or believe that?

What you’ve said so far in original post and responses clearly signals your materialism. You dismiss laws because your naive objectivism as well as ethics and morals. You say we should get away with what we can. That mindset is textbook materialism. That fact you cannot read yourself is proof enough of your naivety

I don't care if someone considers something morally wrong, I don't live by a moral code.

I can show you a picture of my room. It has a bed, a desk and a chair. And that's it. No trinkets or posters or possessions.

And did you say that reasoning is an act?
And didn't you say that there are rules for how to reason, which is an act?
And didn't you say that a moral system tells you how to act?
Isn't then the rules of reason a moral system?

I get it. You think you are special because you can think these thoughts and not necessarily act on them, whereas others are so brainwashed they can’t even think about it. You actually think moral people don’t have immoral thoughts, or they do but feel bad, where’s you don’t and therefore your superior. But what you don’t understand is that moral people train in moral thinking because thoughts are to actions what causes are to effects. You think your fooling us by making this all about a subjective experience, you have a free imagination, but see how your ideas translate into not only bashing the good but validating the bad. Look at our world and see that it’s thinking like yours is the impetus to heinous crimes. Your not part of a shitty world, you embody what’s shitty about the world. Which is why justifying your thoughts is akin to justifying your existence, both, you admitted were a mistake. You’re a fucking retard user

As I said, without knowing there is only believing.

So belif is the only thing we can go by?

Good (not really) for you. Neither do I.

Imagine your whole philosophy being built around being an incel who wants to fuck kids and is seething that he can’t lmao

>And didn't you say that a moral system tells you how to act?
You just made a leap in logic. There are rules for reasoning, which is an act. But morality is not an act, it's telling you HOW NOT to act.

You are materialistic in thought. Physical and thoughtful materialism in not mutually exclusive

You're just proving his point. And you're either too stupid to see that or shitposting.

Sorry for the blunder wise user
Does there exist moral systems that tell you how to act?
Also, are the rules of reason an act?

No he’s pointing out the obvious moron, op is a pedo and trying to intellectualize it

Seems like it. It's just some people are predisposed to "rational" and others to "irrational" believes.

t. brainlet

No, reasoning is the act. The rules themselves are not an act.



>/threading your own post
back to r*eddit


Sorry for my smol brain, but it seems as if you have conceded that
1: Moral systems tells you how to act
2: Reasoning is an act
3: The rules of reason tells you how to reason.
4(2,3): The rules of reason tells you how to act.
5(1,4): The rules of reason contains the element the makes something a moral system, so it can function as one, and arguably is one.
Seems as if you kinda follow a moral system but is to shy to tell anyone about it, it's okay to be a moral realist user : )

>The rules of reason tells you how to act
>The rules of reason contains the element the makes something a moral system


>Rape is not inherently bad


>having sex with a child




Didn't you admit that reason is an act?
And didn't you say that there are rules for how to reason?

But rules are not an act. Rules tell you how to reason. That's all.

Edgelord cunt.

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Doesn't the rules of reason tell you how to act given the facts that:
1: Reason is an act
2: The rules of reasoning tells you how to reason.


I don’t think he’s coming back

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>changing beliefs about the nature of reality because your feelings are hurt
>actually suggesting this is correct reasoning and not just admitting you're a pussy

I dunno, shall you?

Humans evolved lying right after cooperation.

dudee! u almost me cut me there

It's true that humans aren't purely logical beings but that doesn't imply that we don't feel sincere guilt and that we have a natural tendency towards rape, muder, stealing. In fact, with that argument, you are trying to say that human mind is reductible to some simply material needs, you are the one taking humans as purely logical beings.

Oh god kill yourself you fucking weeb

I think there are multiple factors. Most people being dumb is one factor. Just look how many people are making non-arguments like "well if we all thought like you did you'd be less happy. checkmate!". They don't worry about logical implication, they just vaguely feel there's a contradiction in there somewhere. This is the best they can come up with to support their beliefs.

A second is that an average person is much more socially motivated than I am. Maybe they just care about social cohesion more than they do about truth. And they care about stopping other people from disrupting social cohesion more than admitting the truth behind their motivations. (Think about how smart people react to arguments about genetic racial differences. They may not even argue because they know they can't prove what they want to be true, but they'll still condemn bringing up the topic in the first place because objectively hammering out the truth is probably going to be harmful to the collective.)

But there's one last thing I didn't consider until recently. Maybe they legitimately believe their feelings are objective truth because they feel them much more strongly or in a different way than I do. When you see things light isn't occurring in your brain as an abstract concept, it's just something implanted in your brain that your thoughts can't affect. Sensory input seems like objective truth. Maybe to them morality is the same way, implanted in their brain as if they sensed it, like animal instinct. After all animal societies have rules and I question whether they're expressed abstractly through animal language. Maybe their anger and disgust at people disagreeing with the objectivity of their moral feelings is as if someone walked up and started questioning whether light was really informing you of objective truth. Abstractly you might think they technically have a point but in practice it's just so obvious light is a reflection of reality that you'll eventually tell them to fuck off and let you keep using vision to live your life. It could be something similar happening here.

>we have a natural tendency towards rape, murder, stealing
We blatantly do. There have to be rules with threat of retaliatory violence and indoctrination of children that our ethical system is an objective part of reality so those things don't happen as much.

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We are a species that only survives and thrives as a group where murder and deceit among the group hurts chances for survival. Natural selection chose for traits that resist those things. If murder and deceit (within the tribe, local group) was somehow beneficial to survival, we would not have any issue with those things.
Morals are just our instict to resist acts that undermine social cohesion, and thus increase our chance for survival. Theyre not spooks, but theyre not anything that transcends our physical being or exists outside humanity's perception.

>If murder and deceit (within the tribe, local group) was somehow beneficial to survival, we would not have any issue with those things.
They are. Getting beaten to death by another chimp just isn't beneficial to survival either. So we strike a balance (which changes depending on how much we need the other chimp's food and whether he's looking).

>they are
No theyre not. If you live in a hunter gatherer tribe, murdering other members is likely to doom your whole group to starvation.

Just because you don't feel morality doesnt mean other don't as well. Its a force that allowed groups to grow past a few individuals.

>Acting morally good breeds weakness

You might be the dumbest individual on God's green earth

>no see murdering the rest of your hunter gatherer tribe is disadvantageous therefore everyone inherently feels absolute modern morality with no situational variation
Bullshit you intellectually dishonest faggot. It's completely plausible for theft and lying to be advantageous. Modern people lie fucking constantly despite being told not to and you're going to pretend it's absolute inviolable instinct to not deceive each other's in-group? Fuck off.

Most people don't want to randomly murder each other. If you keep catching some other guy raping your wife and killing your children you're probably going to start wanting some murder, though. Even here it's all situational, like I said.

You're such a fucking baby. Get help.

>hating and suppressing your own moral intuitions this much
What a shame. In regards to the good, you aren't wrong about "good people". Such people are not perfectly good and that should be pretty apparent. Still though, they at least somewhat instantiate goodness; hopefully more than badness, to be considered a good person.

>If murder and deceit (within the tribe, local group)
We don't have tribes anymore, people don't even regard their own close family as part of their tribe. You can't keep using the social cohesion argument when there are no more true social groups.

It's true though.

Taking pity on others leads to weakness. When an Eskimo elder gets too old they abandon them because they're dead weight.

Daily reminder that I debunked you op. You have zero arguments against me, and any argumrnt against me would debunk itself as you assume reason. Also read Kant and clean your room

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I'm the baby?

You're the one who needs a fucking babysitter just to get through life.

I never said everyone feels absolute modern morality. I said sabotaging the group you rely on to survive was selected against, so as a group we resist it. Individually we hope to get ahead and spread our genes, but never at the cost of destroying the group we rely on for us and our offspring to survive.
My initial argument was that we are products of natural selection.
And nobody would ever call the killing of someone who is trying to hurt/kill your family as "murder"

>Daily reminder that I debunked you op
No you didn't.

If you're that guy who spent an hour asking me questions, you wasted your time. You just gave up at the end when you realised I wasn't going to say what you wanted me to say and made leaps of logic and just invented random shit.

We are products of natural selection faggot and we evolved as tribal creatures

A truly good man has no weaknesses.
>a good man cannot be harmed either in life or in death

Lol u mad bro. Try to argue against my position and I'll show why you are wrong.
1: Reason is an act.
2: There are rules for reason.
3(2,1): There are rules for acting.
4: Moral systems are rules acting.
5(2,3,4): Any epistomological claim assumes normative rules if said claim is based on reason.
You literaly kant and gave up like a little baby.

>hating and suppressing your own moral intuitions this much
There's no hate or supression, babies aren't born morally minded. I was never moral, not as a child and not as an adult. It's an indoctrination tactic and it didn't work on me.

*moral systems are rules for acting.

>I said sabotaging the group you rely on to survive was selected against, so as a group we resist it
And I said that is not absolutely true hurting your group is disadvantageous so it is not true those rules are psychologically inviolable, they are just situational tendencies. You took issue with this for some reason, despite modern society empirically disagreeing with you.

>And nobody would ever call the killing of someone who is trying to hurt/kill your family as "murder"
Many people would still want to hunt them down after they were done raping and killing your family.

And when there's no actual tribes left people have no reason to stick to tribal morality. You don't owe it to your neighbour not to steal his cow. If he dies your survival chances are not affected in the slightest. Tribal morality existed because if one member died, that was an honest fucking hit to your survival chances. In the 21st century it has no purpose.

Any retard still living by a moral code is going to get taken advantage of by someone like me sooner or later.

>babies aren't born morally minded
I agree. That is because moral intuitions are intuitions of the intellect, which is developed later in life. The implication of this is that you, whether by accident or bad teaching or whatever reason, have not properly grown into your own intellect and thus said intuitions are suppressed. I assumed you hate such intuitions seen in others considering your original post.

Those are nice platitudes but they're not of any use.

If one tribe looks after its elderly, cares for its sick and raises poor quality children to adulthood they're going to get their asses blown out by the spartan like dickheads who chew nails for breakfast. In the modern world this equates to you and any poor retard under your supervision being prey for people with no moral code.

>1: Reason is an act.
>2: There are rules for reason.
>3(2,1): There are rules for acting.
>4: Moral systems are rules acting.

There are no rules for acting. Moral systems are not rules "acting", moral systems are a set of rules. That's all. You choose to act based on those rules, I don't. That's not the rules acting, that's you and me.

>X is a Y
>X has property P
>therefore Y has property P

>That is because moral intuitions are intuitions of the intellect
False. If you dump a child in the woods and let it mature to adulthood, it doesn't suddenly develop morals. Morals are taught, not inherited or "awoken" by intellect. Morality is not a logical conclusion of how to live.
>have not properly grown into your own intellect and thus said intuitions are suppressed
No retard, like I just said morality is learned, not inherited.
>I assumed you hate such intuitions seen in others
I don't hate the concept of morality, I just think in modern times especially it's handicapping yourself for no benefit.

Premise 3 follows from 1 and 2, so you ar e retarded and irrational. You actually offer zero arguments.
Moral systems are rules for acting, and as I have shown you assume morality everytime you reason.
God, I thought that you were an intelligent person but you're just a retarded bad faith actor. I can now safely disregard you and your worldview.

hahaha very funny, i love memes right. Imagine being 15 and wasting your time on Yea Forums lmao.

>Those are nice platitudes but they're not of any use.
Out of context I suppose you'd be right.
You claim being good leads to weakness. What is weakness, besides being vulnerable to bad things? If what is good is most ultimately valuable as an end, and one is already a good person, then the only bad thing which could be afflicted upon them would be the theft of such goodness. Since goodness is something that cannot be taken away from a truly good person, a good person necessarily is not vulnerable to any bad things and thus has no weaknesses. I hope you understand what I am saying.

thanks, OP! just raped your mom, bro! couldn't have summoned up the courage to do it without your sage advice ;)

Cool, didn't like her anyway.

Terrible person, I've got 0 respect for her.

>Premise 3 follows from 1 and 2
Saying things doesn't make them true. Especially when you keep mixing what you believe with what I said.

X is Y
X has property Z
then Y has property Z
if Z then part of set M
X is part of set M

>and as I have shown you assume morality everytime you reason
No retard, just no.

All rules are not morality. Where are you getting this shit?

You did not say X is Y. You said X is a Y. "An act" is not equivalent to "reason".

how the fuck do people become this edgy?

>I hope you understand what I am saying.
Yes, and I hope you understand "good" people do not exist. No matter how hard you try to be good, it will never reach a point where if someone rapes you and your child, you'll just shrug it off.

Moraliry is the regulation of behavior according to abstract rules.
They actually do, but you can't understand it.

It's not edginess.

Do you associate with people you don't like? No. So why is your mother special? Why are blood relatives given special treatment? That's just being a doormat. I don't like my mother as a person, as a human being. I just don't and never have. So I don't associate myself with her, and I don't care about her or what happens to her.

Obviously morals aren't necessary anymore but they are ingrained in our society since we evolved under different circumstances. We dont just get rid of everything that we developed for survival since its not necessary anymore.
With so much food abundance we dont need to store excess fat anymore but since thats how we evolved, it still happens today.
Our biology doesnt give a shit what our society is today, only the conditions we evolved under.

>Moraliry is the regulation of behavior according to abstract rules.
Yes, this does not mean all sets of rules, in this case the rules of reasoning, are morality. How does that make any sense to you?

>why are blood relatives given special treatment
Because we pass on our genes through blood relatives?

All regulations of behavior according to abstract principles are morality.

>but they are ingrained in our society
Solely because we still beat them into the heads of children from as soon as they can talk.
>We dont just get rid of everything that we developed for survival since its not necessary anymore.
Why not?
>With so much food abundance we dont need to store excess fat anymore but since thats how we evolved, it still happens today.
That's biology, morality is an abstract idea.

>If you dump a child in the woods and let it mature to adulthood, it doesn't suddenly develop morals
Right, and neither does it develop an intellect, so the pieces all fit together. A small child dumped in the woods until adulthood would be akin to an animal insofar as it ruled by its body's survival instincts and appetites, not the intellect. The intellect of such a person would very apparently be undeveloped; meaning their moral intuitions would also be very apparently undeveloped and thus miss the good.
I'll clarify a little more since I've been pretty vague. True moral intuitions come form the intellect. An undeveloped intellect still has moral intuitions, it is just that such intuitions are very often not truly good (though still possibly good by accident). In the case of the forest child they would still desire mere survival no matter the cost as to him this is a good thing, but under the scrutiny of the intellect they would realize that they are mistaken about what is really good. Throughout all of this moral intuitions are present, all of which being in reference to the Good, for without such our moral intuitions would never exist in the first place.

You fuck your relatives?

On a serious note, so what? I don't care about my ancestry, my legacy or my genes. None of that shit helps me here and now and it wouldn't gain me anything in the future either.

>"good" people do not exist
Do you also think "red" firetrucks do not exist? Goodness is a property like any other property, and nothing you've said makes me think it is impossible for a person to have this property.

>All regulations of behavior according to abstract principles are morality.
Nope. Not true. Try again.

This leads to very big next question. Why are genes good and thus worth preserving?

>Right, and neither does it develop an intellect, so the pieces all fit together.
Not really. It didn't learn morality because no one taught it morality.

You can respond to the content of my previous post if you want to continue.

My relatives have many of the same genes. My parents having another kid creates another entity with the same expected fraction of my genetics as if I have one with a stranger.

>My parents having another kid creates another entity with the same expected fraction of my genetics as if I have one with a stranger.
And you've still yet to explain why this is matters.

I'm not him. You did not understand why assisting with the reproductive success of relatives would be evolutionary selected for so I explained it.

bad anime, ugly facial features

No, I understood that. What I don't understand is why you place any value at all in reproduction?

Just becuase you say things doesn't make it so lol.

his parents are the reason for him being born ugly, thus defining his entire personality that you see here. you'll never convince a person like him to love them

I didn't realize you were entirely joking. I guess I could have inferred from the 'on a serious note'

I'm just in this conversation because I think evolutionary biology is cool, desu.

It doesnt have any objective value, but everyone who thought it wasnt important didn't have kids, and those who thought it was important had kids. So the next generation of people was made of offspring of people who valued reproduction. There's obviously a genetic component.
Have you ever learned about natural selection?

I know why it happens, but do you have any reason for wanting to do it that isn't "it's in my genes to do it"?

Based Max Stirner poster

Our genes pushing us to do something is obviously powerful enough that it likely doesnt need any justification.
(Why do you eat? If not because our genes make it pleasurable to do so and make avoiding it displeasureable? Its possible to have a genetic abnormality where you dont feel hungry even after days)
But to give you a better answer, it's because our generic code has programes the production of a protein that produces seratonin when we achieve things, such as secure a mate, or produce offspring. Seratonin makes you feel good, and therefore people do those things.
Ultimately every act is hedonistic (avoiding pain and pursuing pleasure)

hurr durr why does anyone feel like doing anything in Yea Forums...

take your fucking meds you depressed faggot

haha great post my reddit friend! You just got upvote!

Fucking kill yourself

>missing the point this much

What the fuck are you going to do about it idiot? The fact of the matter is that you present no threat to society because society has tools to deal with any violence you're capable of committing. Go shoot up a school. Go rape someone. If it even makes it to the news all it will amount to is a sliver of discomfort in someone's twitter feed. Society will never collectively believe what you believe because it has specific mechanisms for installing belief that aren't altered or affected by your resentment of them. Now do something impressive or fuck off forever