Is there any practical use for philosophy?

Is there any practical use for philosophy?

Besides some vague "it makes me worry less" waffle.

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No. You read and write philosophy because it is in your nature to be inquisitive. If you don't possess this curiosity then you should not study philosophy. Read pic related.

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No. It's an unnatural path, it's for psueds to look and sound intelligent

You can conceive other values than practical use.

Try harder next time

It's far more interesting to me to look into the heads of people more intelligent than me than it is to worry about making more money and what to spend said money on. I would like to travel, and reading philosophy doesn't really help with that but oh well

Philosophy ended slavery, philosophy ended the apartheid

Too late, I've been reading it for years already.

My question was whether it had practical value, I don't care about what personal value it has for you if it's unrelated to practical value.

At least on Yea Forums that's been my experience. I've read a fair amount, I don't claim to be knowledgeable, but it's painfully obvious how many pseuds desperate to be seen as better than other people for reading philosophy there are. Any questioning of what they say and they sperg out and throw a tantrum. It's pathetic.

>I've been reading it for years already.
It's like a 450 page book. What's wrong with you?

>desperate to be seen as better than other people
So it's indeed reddit, hm?

Wtf I hate philosophy now

Should go around so other boards instead of /pol/, you know?

>Philosophy ended slavery, philosophy ended the apartheid
Sounds like philosophy has done more harm than good

Culture itself is more or less philosophy. Without pseuding to "explain" any given particular ideological driver, there's only law of the jungle. While its true that only law of the jungle is eternal, it's not particularly efficient compared to pseuded-up self-confirming equlibria of cooperation.

ha ha, philosophy in general I meant

Do religion, arts and music has any practical value?

Do videogames has any practical value?
Do listening to clasical music has any practical value?

you're still using a philosophical school (utilitarianism) to make a claims that philosophy is useless.

I go to pol mostly to troll. Same with adv. I'm not interested in looking at porn

>Do religion, arts and music has any practical value?
>Do videogames has any practical value?
>Do listening to clasical music has any practical value?
No, none.

>you're still using a philosophical school
I could base my life around murdering people who shortchange me and I bet you'd find a philosopher somewhere who came up with that first. So piss off with that train of logic.

If you don't find racism jokes funny you should leave Yea Forums, everything can be funny, even racism

Everything *is* funny.
Embrace the absurd

Do peacock trains have practical value? It's no coincidence seemingly pointless pursuits such as "math" are male dominated.

Reductionist fallacies of utilitarianism flies in face of how (either abstract or even physical) evolution works. You need to make something random pointless and useless, at first, for it to become (more or less by chance) stepping stone to something useful later.

Read the catalog dumbass.

Nvm, I confused Yea Forums for /his/

Point and laugh at the dumbass everyone

its like in math

Philosophy, or maybe this is psychology, tells you why you may value practicality. Metaphysics especially.

>practical use
>what is pragmatism

Nobody consults the categorical imperative before performing an action. It has no practical value except maybe for legitimately autistic people who do that.

>he doesn't use the goblin's imperative
Let me guess, you mindlessly consume and act on whatever comes your way?

What's the use of practical value?

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>the goblin's imperative

All those things men ordinarily strive for, not only provide no remedy to preserve our being, but in fact hinder that preser- vation, often cause the destruction of those who possess them, and always cause the destruction of those who are possessed by them.
These evils seemed to have arisen from the fact that all happiness or unhappiness is placed in the quality of the object to which we cling with love
But love toward the eternal and infinite thing feeds the mind with a joy entirely exempt from sadness.

I saw this, however: that so long as the mind was turned toward these thoughts, it was turned away from those things, and was thinking seriously about the new goal. That was a great comfort to me. For I saw that those evils would not refuse to yield to remedies. And al- though in the beginning these intervals were rare, and lasted a very short time, nevertheless, after the true good became more and more lrnown to me, the intervals became more frequent and longer-especially after I saw that the acquisition of money, sensual pleasure, and esteem are only obstacles so long as they are sought for their own sakes, and not as means to other things. But if they are sought as means, then they will have a limit, and will not be obstacles at all. On the contrary, they will be of great use in attaining the end on account of which they are sought, as we shall show in its place.

Yes. Humans are emotional animals. If I see some lady being raped in the street and I save her I don't do it because of the golden rule or the categorical imperative or whatever. I do it because it hurts me emotionally to let that happen. If I was a sadistic fuck with no empathy I might walk on without intervening.

Thanks for confirming my doubts. Oh wait, I didn't have any

Heightists have taken to calling Kant a "goblin" because he was a "manlet" aka shorter than them. It's just a cope, like every other insult they toss around

Epistemology lead to science, ethics will always be important, metaphysics soothes the pain of my soul
And philosophy is like physical exercise for the brain, only a brain dyel won't understand Kant

Name one thing that has practical use, and why you consider it practical.


I can eat ice cream with it

You can use your hands. Also, ice cream is a luxury and non-essential. Try again

Did it! It took a war, for us

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Not being essential doesn't mean it lacks a practical use moron

Its just for vrainlets who cant into real thinking(science)


You can still use your hands, bub. Now, if you said hands are practical, then maybe I'd agree. A spoon is stupid

Theology >>> Larphosophy

>handing over responsibility of thinking to some all powerful being because thinking is hard

>handing over responsibility to yourself because you're a big boy wearing big pants when you secretly just want to blow your head off or blow the heads off of every human being alive


lol, I don't listen to mutts

Wow, now THAT'S a nice comeback


How much do I have to pay you for a vocaroo and where can i contact u

>Actually being mentally handicapped to even be open to believing in a magical being

its fun
thats it dont tell me you niggas actually want to find meaning or some other gay shit


uh so u an anime hating piece of shit
fuk u i thought you were based ive listened to all your vocaroos and shit was a huge fan
unbased and bluepilled

King Fedora, sing us another!



you are both retards

no u

Imagine typing this

Indeed. I am extremely disappointed with vocaroo user. I expected more. I expected culture. I expect good taste.

Practical use doesn't exist, as an absolute universal. Indoor plumbing only has value if you prefer shitting in porcelain over a dirt whole in the ground.
>But most people would prefer shitting in toilets!
I hear you say, as it's the only logical measure of practicality, according to you. That shows why, with such a worldview, you will never be a true philosopher, or understand philosophy. You measure by what is "practical," which you can only define by what is popularly decided. You are a slave to trends and to the world. Philosophy frees one from this. And the irony is, the conversation here is only philisophical in nature, despite your needless disdain for it.

i agree

vocaroo user i have literally downloaded all your vocaroos searched for them in the archives looking through fineggans wake reading therads

i was a huge fan but

i won't be clicking your links anymore
unless you start liking anime


whats your issue sure hes not perfect are any of us perfect thats right no

hes still the same artist we fell in love with

this is an ANIME WEBSITE
those who dont like anime need to get


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dude i understandyour reasoning but like culture chages you know
go to desuchan or some shit

fuck you this shits why im gonna stop coming here fuck this shit 5ch is much better screw this shithole fuck you

You sound like a giant pompous twat

guys it doesnt matter lets not have this discussion again its retarded Yea Forums is Yea Forums you know its not an anime website but its completely divorced from eastern culture either

vocaroo user is still cool as fuck and my idol and honestly fucking based even if he doesnt like anime thats just like his opinion man every one deserves an opinion
if you disagree you were never a true fan bet you started folllowing him last month or someshit fuck you


Yea Forums is and always will be 2chan western edition
I don't care how many invaders come
I don't care how much normalfaggotry is tolerated
I don't care if we got accounts or some shit
Yea Forums
remains the same, and i shall meet my comrades in the afterlife and shitpost for eternity

>he says, on Yea Forums

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Yes and?

I'm under no delusions about being average. I read philosophy and practice introspection but I don't delude myself into thinking this means I'm intelligent. Actual intelligent people are rare, less than 1%, but most of this board is in love with smelling their own farts.

Nobody here is under that illusion either. You're probably stupider than you think if you haven't realized that yet. Might as well test yourself for autism.

>Nobody here is under that illusion either.
Nice joke


Reply to me again and you’ll be shitting out your navel.